Jurnal Informatika Ekonomi Bisnis
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Published By Rektorat Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang


2021 ◽  
pp. 128-135
M Mursal ◽  
S Sipuldi ◽  
Muhammad Fauzi ◽  
Topan Alparedi ◽  
Defiar Syarif

Excellent service is the main thing that must always innovate in meeting customer needs. In the competitive banking world, direct contact with service is very important because customer satisfaction is a reflection of the quality of service. This study describes excellent service to the elderly who have several obstacles such as hearing loss, low education levels, communication barriers, which must receive special attention in service. The method in this study uses a descriptive qualitative type, then the results of the study show that excellent service has been implemented for the elderly with various strategies that have been implemented such as using regional languages for elderly customers who have problems understanding banking terms in transactions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 155-160
Nelisa ◽  
Syahid Hakam Abdul Halim

Dalam mengelola sekumpulan Database yang sangat besar dibutuhkan suatu metode atau teknik yang dapat mengubah segunung data menjadi suatu informasi, salah satu data yang bisa diolah adalah data penjualan. Mini Market Ulfamart merupakan salah satu Mini Market yang berperan memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen dengan baik sehinga perlu metode yang baik untuk mengelola barang agar dapat memnuhi kebutuhan konsumen, data yang dapat diolah salah satunya adalah data transaksi penjualan pada Mini Market Ulfamart. Dimana nantinya akan menjadi sebuah informasi penting untuk meningkatkan penjualan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pola pembelian barang untuk memprediksi tingkat ketersediaan stock barang sehingga dapat meningkatkan penjualan. Data yang diolah pada penelitian ini menggunakan data transaksi penjualan barang yang didapat dari Mini Market Ulfamart. Data transaksi tersebut akan diteliti menggunakan salah satu teknik Data Mining secara assosiasi dengan algoritma Fp-Growth dengan nilai confidence 70% dan minimum support 30%. Sehingga didapatkan pola pembelian produk yang dijadikan informasi untuk memprediksi tingkat ketersedian stock barang. Hasil dari proses pengolahan data penjualan adalah association rule. Association Rule yang didapat berupa hubungan suatu barang yang terjual bersamaan dengan barang lain dalam suatu transaksi yang sama atau lebih dari nilai confidance dan nantinya akan menjadi sebuah pengetahuan bagi pemilik Mini Market. Dari pola tersebut dapat direkomendasikan kepada pemilik Mini Mrket sebagai informasi untuk menyiapkan stock barang untuk meningkatkan hasil penjualan. Penelitian ini sangat tepat digunakan oleh pihak Mini Market agar dapat menyampaikan informasi lebih cepat dan akurat sehingga tingkat penjualan menjadi meningkat dan terkontrol dengan baik.      

2021 ◽  
pp. 83-88
Ewif Frinosta ◽  
Sarjon Defit ◽  

Higher education has an obligation to carry out education, research, and community service based on the tridarma of higher education. Adi Karya Technical Academy (ATAK) is one of the private universities in Kerinci Regency, and also has a vision and mission that is in line with tridharma. To support the tridharma process of education in ATAK, it use of the budget needs to be optimized. Optimize the use of the budget, one processes that possible to do predictions budget's utilization. The data processed is the use of the 2017, 2018 and 2019 budgets at ATAK Universities. The result predections use budget's get it from simulation process the monte carlo are 89.79% for predictions in 2018, 84.73% for predictions for 2019 and 85.52% for 2020. In this case the monte carlo that possible apply to do predictions budget's utilization the following year.

2021 ◽  
pp. 121-128
Ersan Özgür

With the implementation of free market economy in Turkey starting from 1980, restrictions on foreign capital flows began to be abolished. Within the scope of international expansion in financial aspects, steps for integration with global financial markets were taken, and regulations were made. Accordingly, the number of foreign banks in Turkish banking system have increased since 1980, and reached an important scale in the sector. The share of foreign deposit banks’ total assets in the entire banking sector is at 22,8% level as of 2019. In this study, panel data analysis was performed to identify the factors affecting the Turkish currency assets of foreign deposit banks. The 11-year data for the 2009-2019 period were utilized in the study. Turkish Currency Assets / Total Assets was determined as the dependent variable in the analysis. The factors affecting the Turkish currency assets of foreign deposit banks were identified as Turkish Currency Liability / Total Liability [TPYUK], Turkish Currency Deposits / Total Deposits [TPMEV], and Turkish Currency Loans / Total Loans [TPKREDI]. Based on the study results the model formed was significant, and the ratio of independent variables for explaining the dependent variable in the model was approximately 48%. The independent variables TPYUK and TPKREDI were revealed to have a statistically significant positive effect on the dependent variable at 5% significance level. A 1-unit raise in TPYUK increased the dependent variable by 0,436 unit, and a 1-unit raise in TPKREDI by 0,033 unit. No statistically significant effect of TPMEV as the other independent variable was identified on the dependent variable.

2021 ◽  
pp. 142-147
M Muliyono ◽  
S Sumijan

Chatbot is a software with artificial intelligence that can imitate human conversations through text messages or voice messages. This chatbot can convey information, according to the knowledge that has been given previously. Helping the limitations of the academic section in answering questions posed by students. The method in this study was sourced from a questionnaire distributed to students at the Muhammadiyah University of West Sumatra. Based on the analysis of the questionnaire, there are 40 questions that are often asked by students to the academic section. Then it is processed using Natural Language Processing (NLP). Natural Language Processing is a branch of science from artificial intelligence that is able to study communication between humans and computers through natural language. The processing stage is to identify the intent, process the input and display the results according to the input. The results of the test using a questionnaire addressed to 227 students got a score of 3,55 with a very good predicate. Then do the test using 40 question and answer data. So, obtained 37 appropriate answers and 3 answers that are not in accordance with the percentage of answer accuracy generated from the chatbot is 92.5 percent. The results of this test have been able to respond to the questions asked by students. This chatbot can make it easier for students to get information with a very good level of accuracy

2021 ◽  
pp. 148-154
Yuni Indah Lestari ◽  
Sarjon Defit ◽  
Y Yuhandri

Online service is a service that uses the help of the internet. This service can solve various types of business without having to meet directly with employees. This can be done quickly and on time. Especially when we are currently experiencing the Covid-19 pandemic, all existing services are carried out online and this is increasingly being done by many parties, because they can maximize in helping people's affairs online. This service makes it easier for the public to register which will be done online during this pandemic. The data that will be processed in this online service from 2019 to 2020 is about data about people who do not understand online services, negative community responses, positive community expectations. The method used in this study is the method with the C4.5 algorithm where this is one of the algorithms that will be used to determine a classification or group of data and will be predictive. The advantage of this algorithm is that it can produce a decision tree which will make it easier to implement and will have an acceptable level of accuracy. The results of this study are able to predict a value or determine the level of community satisfaction in 2021 appropriately. Therefore, this study can be used as a reference to determine the level of satisfaction at the Padang City Population and Civil Registration Office. The method used in this study is the prediction method using the C4.5 algorithm by using as many as 14 attributes. The data used in this study is sourced from data from online questionnaires and stored in the Disdukcapil database which has as many as 50 community data which have been presented in a CSV file. The analysis in this study uses the help of tools in the form of rapid miner software version 5.3,000. The results of this study are that there are 3 rules from the data processing process using the C4.5 algorithm where the rule is the final result of the decision tree form.

2021 ◽  
pp. 136-141
Fikri Algifari ◽  
S Sumijan

Pemenuhan kebutuhan konsumen merupakan tujuan dari setiap usaha. Modal usaha yang dimiliki akan mempengaruhi kesiapan dalam melayani permintaan konsumen. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk memperkirakan pendapatan penjualan handphone di Atha Cell. Sehingga, memudahkan pihak pimpinan perusahaan untuk memutuskan strategi bisnis dengan cepat dan optimal. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu data pendapatan 2018 sampai 2020 yang diolah dengan menggunakan metode monte carlo. Perkiraan pendapatan akan dilakukan setiap tahun. Hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan menggunakan simulasi Monte Carlo dengan tingkat akurasi 97,18% untuk prediksi tahun 2019 dengan pendapatan Rp.77.150.000,-, 94,62% untuk prediksi tahun 2020 dengan pendapatan Rp.83.260.000,-, 95,76% untuk prediksi tahun 2021 dengan pendapatan Rp.90.170.000,-. Dengan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi, penerapan metode monte carlo dianggap dapat melakukan perkiraan pendapatan tiap tahunnya.

Yuli Hartati ◽  
Sarjon Defit ◽  
Gunadi Widi Nurcahyo

UD.Tiara Bersaudara merupakan toko yang menjual bibit dan keperluan pertanian. Untuk menjaga stok bibit yang diminati oleh petani, penjual harus dapat menganalisa data penjualan bibit. Proses tersebut sulit dilakukan karena UD memiliki banyak data penjualan. Permasalahan yang ada bisa diselesaikan dengan cara klasterisasi data penjualan bibit. Klasterisasi merupakan pengelompokan data menjadi beberapa cluster berdasarkan tingkat kemiripan data. Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk pengelompokan data bibit terlaris di UD.Tiara Bersaudara  dalam  meningkatkan penjualan. Data pejualan bibit dari Januari sampai dengan April 2019 adalah data yang akan diolah pada penelitian ini. Metode  klasterisasi menggunakan  algoritma K-Means  dengan   mempartisikan data kedalam bentuk cluster berdasarkan centroid terdekat dengan data. Selanjutnya apengujian dengan membandingkan hasil perhitungan dengan software RapidMiner studio 9.7 . Clustering  diuji berdasarkan banyak data dan banyak  cluster. Data yang diuji adalah sebanyak 42 data bibit dengan memperoleh 2 cluster, 4 data  yang merupakan bibit laris sebagi cluster satu (C1), dan 38 data yang merupakan bibit tidak laris  sebagai cluster dua (C2). Bibit laris merupakan bibit terbaik yang dapat meningkatkan penjualan yang terdiri dari Bibit Jagung NK 212, Bibit Jagung NK 7328, bibit Jagung Pioneer 32, Bibit Jagung NK 617232. Hasil dari Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan tolak ukur untuk penunjang keputusan oleh pihak UD.Tiara Berasaudara untuk mengatur strategi pemasaran dalam meningkatkan Penjualan.

Muhammad Ihksan ◽  
Sarjon Defit ◽  
Yuhandri Yunus

Radja Minas is one of the culinary places located in the city of Padang with more than 30 employees. With the development of Radja Minas, of course, a good management strategy is needed. One way to do a revenue simulation, sales revenue simulation is a process of drawing or predicting sales. This study aims to predict the average sales revenue, so that it becomes a recommendation for use in making management strategies. The data processed in this research is sales data from 2017 to 2019 which comes from Radja Minas. This data will be processed using the monte Carlo method. The results of the tests that have been done have an accuracy rate of 92.66%. The high level of accuracy from the results of predictive data processing, this research is very precise and suitable for optimizing sales revenue. So that this research becomes a recommendation to be used in making a management strategy at Radja Minas in the future.

Satra Murka ◽  
S Sumijan

Pemberian kredit kepada nasabah merupakan bagian yang sangat penting bagi PT.BPR LPN Tarantang dalam meningkatkan suatu laba. Kredit merupakan pemberian pemakaian pemakaian suatu uang atau barang kepada orang lain dalam jangka waktu yang ditentukan dengan jaminan atau tanpa jaminan, dengan pemberian jasa bunga atau tanpa bunga.. Dalam manajemen perbankan sangat perlu untuk menentukan besaran pinjaman kredit, sehingga jumlah besaran pinjaman nasabah kredit dapat terpenuhi. Penelitian ini melakukan data pinjman kredit tahun 2017 sampai 2019. Untuk mempercepat pengolahan data Besaran Pinjaman Kredit, diaplikasikan program berbasis Web dengan Bahasa pemrograman PHP. Hasil dari pengujian adalah untuk mendapatkan hasil prediksi besaran pinjaman dengan tingkat akurasinya sebesar 92%. Sehingga hasil yang diperoleh dapat membantu perusahaan PT.BPR LPN Tarantang dalam memprediksi besaran kredit ditahun yang akan datang.

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