Interactive Multimedia Publishing Systems

James Ford ◽  
Fillia Makedon ◽  
Charles B. Owen ◽  
Samuel A. Rebelsky
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Ronni Lirahman ◽  
Yusnizar Heniwaty Heniwaty

ABSTRACT This research produced a product of the development of Lenggok Mak Inang dance learning through interactive multimedia which included appreciation learning material (Basic Competence 3) and expression (Basic Competence 4) in class X of SMK / SMA. The appreciation material contains the definition of dance, accompaniment music, clothing, patterns, while the expression material contains terms, variety and arrangement of motion in the Lenggok Mak Inang dance. From the test media experts got a score of 4,42 (Very Good), media experts got a score of 4 (Good), user trials which included an initial field trial of 4,08 (Good), main field trial 4,22 ( Very Good) and an operational field trial of 4,53 (Very Good). The results obtained indicate that the development of interactive multimedia learning Lenggok Mak Inang dance is very feasible to use or be used as a learning media for dance.                                                                                    Keywords: Interactive Multimedia, E-Learning, Lenggok Mak Inang Dance.  ABSTRAKPenelitian ini menghasilkan produk pengembangan pembelajaran tari Lenggok Mak Inang melalui multimedia interaktif yang didalamnya terdapat materi pembelajaran apresiasi (Kompetensi Dasar 3) dan ekspresi (Kompetensi Dasar 4) kelas X SMK/SMA. Materi apresiasi berisikan definisi tari, musik pengiring, busana, pola/ garis, sedangkan materi ekspresi berisikan istilah, ragam dan susunan gerak pada tari Lenggok Mak Inang. Dari uji ahli media mendapatkan skor 4,42 (Sangat Baik), ahli media mendapatkan skor 4 (Baik), uji coba pengguna yang meliputi uji coba lapangan awal 4,08 (Baik), uji coba lapangan utama 4,22 (Sangat Baik) dan uji coba lapangan operasional 4,53 (Sangat Baik). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan multimedia interaktif pembelajaran tari Lenggok Mak Inang ini Sangat Layak digunakan atau dijadikan media pembelajaran tari. Kata kunci: Multimedia Interaktif, E-Learning, Tari Lenggok Mak Inang.

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Harun Sitompul ◽  
Reni Astuti

Abstract: The Effect Of Instructional Media And Multiple Intelligences On Student’s Learning Achievement On Information And Comunication Technology (ICT) Of Primary Teacher Education,  State University Of Medan. The objectives of  this quasi – experimental research were to discover: 1) whether the students learning achievement of Primary Teacher Education (PTE) in ICT taught by using CD interactive multimedia interactive instructional media was higher than learning achievement of  PTE taught by using module instructional media, 2) whether the students learning achievement of  PTE in ICT with spasial visual multiple intelligences was higher than student’s with verbal linguistic multiple intelligences, and 3) the interaction between instructional media and multiple intelligences in affecting the student’s learning achievement in ICT. The population of the study was 180 students of PTE who took the ICT from 6 classes namely 2 regular classes, 3 extension classes from the city government Academic year 2010/2011.Based on cluster random sampling technique 4 clasess taken from 2 reguler classes and 2 extention classes. The A regular class and A extension class using CD interactive multimedia instructional media and module was used in B regular class and B extention class. The research findings showed that : (1) the students’ learning  achievement in ICT taught by using CD interactive multimedia instructional media was higher than the students’ taught by using module instructional media with Fcount = 11.65 > Ftables = 4.00 at the level of  significance α = 0.05; (2) the students’ learning achievement in ICT with multiple intelligences spatial visual was higher than students’learning achievement with multiple intelligences verbal linguistic with Fcount = 11.65 > Ftables = 4.00 at the level of  significance α = 0.05, and (3) there was an interaction between instructional media and multiple intelligences on students’ learning achievement in ICT where Fcount =  8,85  > Ftable =  4.00 at the level of  significance α = 0.05.         The conclusion of research is that application of the instructional media in the instructional process can improve the student’s learning achievement especially for PTE. Therefore, the implication is lecturers should be trained in order they can apply a more variative instructional process. So, it is the suggested that the lecturers should able use a variety of media for the success of the instructional process. Keywords : instructional media, multiple intelligences, interactive multimedia, module, spatial visual, verbal linguistic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 63
Muhammad Kharis Syarifuddin ◽  
Kusumawati Dwiningsih

This research is aims to describe the validity of interactive multimedia based on Android in the ion bonding sub material. This research uses Thiagarajan's 4-D development research consisting of Define; Design; Development and Disseminate. However, this research is limited to the Development stage of Thiagarajan in Ibrahim (2014). Multimedia validity is reviewed from the aspect of content validity and construct validity. This multimedia was validated by 2 Unesa chemistry lecturers and 1 chemistry teacher with the research instrument used in the form of a multimedia validation sheet then the results of the validation resulted in a validation score. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that android-based interactive multimedia on the ion bond sub-material is valid for use with percentage content validation and construct validity respectively 91.85% and 89.61% with highly valid criteria.

10.28945/2207 ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 021-035 ◽  
Yan Lu ◽  
Joseph T. Chao ◽  
Kevin R. Parker

This project shows a creative approach to the familiar scavenger hunt game. It involved the implementation of an iPhone application, HUNT, with Augmented Reality (AR) capability for the users to play the game as well as an administrative website that game organizers can use to create and make available games for users to play. Using the HUNT mobile app, users will first make a selection from a list of games, and they will then be shown a list of objects that they must seek. Once the user finds a correct object and scans it with the built-in camera on the smartphone, the application will attempt to verify if it is the correct object and then display associated multi-media AR content that may include images and videos overlaid on top of real world views. HUNT not only provides entertaining activities within an environment that players can explore, but the AR contents can serve as an educational tool. The project is designed to increase user involvement by using a familiar and enjoyable game as a basis and adding an educational dimension by incorporating AR technology and engaging and interactive multimedia to provide users with facts about the objects that they have located

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 290-298 ◽  
Dinar Mahdalena Leksana

Vocational High School (SMK) is a period of employment. Therefore students are required to understand and master the concept of career maturity. The problem of this study is how the interactive multimedia -based career guidance module is considerably effective in increasing students' career maturity? The aim of this study is to develop an effective interactive multimedia-based counseling career module to increase the SMKN 2 Lamongan students' career maturity. The products have been formulated by the researchers tested and validated by expert judgments and practitioners. The results showed that the ready-to-test product was implemented at school for their effectiveness. Based on the empirical test, it showed different score between before (79.39%) and after (89.62%) the career counseling service which Increased 10.2%. It can be concluded that career counseling through interactive multimedia based modules effectively Increased students' career maturity.

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