Polymorphism of prealbumins and transferring in blood serum of pigs of Polish Large white breed

1974 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-63 ◽  
A. M. Kawecki ◽  
A. Klemke ◽  
T. Przytulski
Віктор Халак

The results of studies of fattening and meat qualities of young pigs of large white breed, some biochemical parameters of blood serum (urea content, aspartate aminotransferase (AsAT) activity, alanine aminotransferase (AlAT) activity are presented), as well as the economic efficiency of research results is calculated. The study was conducted in LLC "Druzhba-Kaznacheyivka"of Dnipropetrovsk region, in the Research center of biosafety and ecological control of agricultural resources of Dnipropetrovsk state agrarian and economic university, meat processing plant «Jazz» and Laborator Livestock y of the State institution Institute of grain crops of NAAS of Ukraine. The work was performed according to the research program of NAAS of Ukraine №30 "Innovative technologies of breeding, industrial and organic production of pig products" ("Pig breeding"), state registration number 0116U001247. The object of the study was young pigs of large white breed. Evaluation of animals for fattening and meat qualities was carried out taking into account the following indicators: average daily live weight gain during the control period of fattening, g, age of live weight 100 kg, days, fat thickness at the level of 6-7 thoracic vertebrae, mm, length of chilled carcass , cm, the length of the bacon half of the cooled half-carcass, cm (M.D. Berezovsky, I.V. Kha’tko, 2005). A comprehensive assessment of young pigs for fattening and meat qualities was calculated according to the B. Tailer index (P.A. Vashchenko, 2019), biometric indicators - according to the methods of G.F. Lakin (1990). Economic efficiency of research results was calculated according to the generally accepted technique (Methodology for determining the economic ..., 1983). It was found that the urea content, activity of aspartate aminotransferase (AsAT) and alanine aminotransferase (AlAT) in the serum of young pigs of the experimental group corresponds to the physiological norm of clinically healthy animals and amount to 4.77±0.576 mol/l, 68.11±6.445 units/l, and 4.22±3.209 units/l, respectively. According to the age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg (days), the thickness of the fat at the level of 6-7 thoracic vertebrae (mm) and the length of the chilled carcass (cm) of the specified production group and breed correspond to class I and class "elite". The maximum values of "average daily gain of live weight during the period of control fattening, kg", "length of chilled carcass, cm", "length of bacon half of chilled carcass, cm" and minimum values of "age of live weight 100 kg, days" and "fat thickness per levels of 6-7 thoracic vertebrae, mm "are characterized by animals in which the complex index of fattening and meat qualities (B. Tailer's index) ranges from 157.68 to 182.36 points. The number of reliable relationships between the biochemical parameters of blood serum, fattening and meat qualities of young white pigs is 26.67 %. The cost of additional products obtained from young pigs with B. Tailer index of 157.68 – 182.36 points is equal to +1732.04 UAH/head.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 372-377
V. I. Khalak ◽  
S. Ye. Cherniavs’kiy ◽  
P. T. Chegorka

The article presents the results of studies of the physicochemical properties of the muscle tissue of young pigs of the large white breed, taking into account their intrabreed differentiation by some biochemical parameters of blood serum, and the correlation links between the signs are determined. The control fattening of young pigs of large white breed was carried out in the conditions of the farm according to the "Methodology for assessing boars and sows for the yield of offspring in the minds of breeding plants and breeding reproducers". In the blood serum of 5-month-old animals, the cholesterol content (mmol/l) and the concentration of total lipoproteins (mg%) were determined. The physicochemical properties of the longest back muscle (m. Longissimus dorsi) were studied taking into account the following indicators: "water-holding capacity, %", "active acidity 24 hours after slaughter (pH), acidity units", "color intensity, units extract х 1000", "tenderness, s "and" losses during heat treatment, %". Biometric processing of the obtained data was carried out according to generally accepted methods using the Data Analysis software module in Microsoft Excel. It was found that the biochemical parameters of blood serum (cholesterol content (mmol/l) and the concentration of total lipoproteins (mg %) in young pigs of the Large White breed correspond to the physiological norm of clinically healthy animals. The number of samples of the longissimus dorsi muscle (m. Longissimus dorsi) of the category "high quality "according to the indicators" tenderness, s "and" water-holding capacity, % "is 9.09 %, according to the" color intensity, units. х 1000" – 18.18 %. Reliable coef-ficients of pair correlation are established between the following pairs of signs: concentration of total lipoproteins х active acidity 24 hours after slaughter (pH) (+0.618), concentration of total lipoproteins х water-holding capacity (+0.712), cholesterol content х tenderness (+0.726), cholesterol content х losses during heat treatment (+0.784). Key words: muscle, tissue, young pigs, blood, biochemical parameters, serum.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 42-48
V. Balatsky ◽  
I. Bankovska ◽  
A. Saienko

Leptin receptor is one of the components of the system of regulating energy homeostasis of the organism. Leptin receptor gene (LEPR) polymorphism is associated with pig carcass index of the content of intramus- cular fat in its valuable parts, which is particularly important when assessing the quality of their carcasses for processing. Intramuscular fat is associated with meat fl avor characteristics and partly determines its tenderness, juiciness, and other parameters. Aim. To analyze LEPR gene (SNP NM001024587.1, p. 1987 C > T) polymor- phism in populations of various pig breeds and to establish its relationship with the quality of both meat and fat of pigs of Large White breed of Ukrainian breeding. Methods. Genetic-population analysis of nine pig breeds, associative analysis on the search connection of LEPR gene polymorphism with quality of both meat and fat of pigs of Large White breed of Ukrainian breeding. LEPR locus genotyping was performed by High Resolution Melting (HRM). Results. All the studied breeds are characterized by polymorphism of the leptin receptor gene (SNP NM001024587.1, p. 1987 C > T), signifi cant breed specifi city in the distribution of frequencies of alleles was established. Statistically confi rmed effect (p < 0.05) of genotypes LEPR on the content of intramuscular fat, total dry matter and moisture in the meat, as well as the moisture content in the back fat of pigs of Ukrainian Large White breed was revealed. Higher content of intramuscular fat was found in the animals with genotype TT, while a smaller amount of intramuscular fat and more moisture in fat was revealed in heterozygotes. Conclusions. Genetic marker LEPR SNP NM001024587.1, p. 1987 C > T can be used in the marker-assisted selection to predict and improve the performance quality of the meat of pigs of Large White breed of the Ukrainian breeding. These results suggest that porcine leptin receptor gene controls the quality of fat comp- lex – inside muscles and in the dorsal part of the carcass.

Viktor Khalak ◽  
Vasyl Voloshchuk ◽  
Konstiantyn Pochernyaev ◽  
Serhii Smyslov ◽  
Maria Ilchenko

The results of studies of the reproductive ability of sows of different genotypes are given taking into account the polymorphism g.1426G> A of the MC4R gene, the factor of repeatability of characters is determined, and the economic efficiency of the research results is calculated. The experimental part of the research was carried out in the conditions of the «Druzhba-Kaznacheevka» LTD in Dnipropetrovsk region. The objects of research were sows of the Large White breed. It was determined that sows of the main herd, according to signs of reproductive ability, belong to class I and class elite. The experiment showed that sows of genotype AG exceeded their peers of others (GG and AA) in terms of “born piglets total, heads” by 1.6 and 0.7 heads, “Live piglets born (multiple births), heads - by 1 6 and 0.9 heads, “the mass of the litter at the time of birth, kg” - by 2.7 - 1.3 kg., “the mass of the litter at the time of weaning at the age of 28-35 days, kg” - by 5, 1 - 3.9 kg. The difference between animals of the indicated genotypes is: for large-foetus - 0.06-0.01 kg, the index "evenness of the sow’s litter in live weight of piglets at birth, points" - 1.05-1.84 points, index of N. D. Berezovsky - 3.75 -2.36 points. The index of the safety of piglets before weaning ranged from 84.4 to 93.0 %. It was proved that the minimum value of the index “evenness of the sow’s littar in live weight of piglets at the time of birth, points (7.76 ± 1,082 points) are characterized by sows of genotype AA, in which the rate of multiple pregnancy ranged from 8 to 14 pigs, and the value of the sign“ large-foetus, kg "equaled 1.37 kg. The repeatability coefficient for sows of the main herd and sows of the Large White breed of different genotypes for the melanocortin 4 (MC4R) receptor gene ranges from -0.916 ± 0.1418 (І-IV farrow, genotype - GG, sign - “piglet safety before weaning, %) to 0.978 ± 0.0738 (I-V farrow, genotype - GG, sign - “large foetus”, kg ”). The maximum value of the phenotypic consolidation coefficient was found in sows of genotype AA according to the following quantitative characteristics: “live piglets (multiple births), heads.”, “litter weight at the time of birth, kg”, “litter weight at weaning age of 28-35 days, kg "," the safety of piglets before weaning ,% ". The sows of the genotype GG belong to the unconsolidated group according to the signs of reproductive qualities. The use of sows of the genotype for the melanocortin 4 (MC4R) AG receptor gene provides additional products at the level of 5.15 %, and its cost is 165.41 UAH /head. Keywords: sow, breed, reproductive ability, MC4R gene, genotypic consolidation coefficient, variability, correlation, repeatability.

B. P. Kovalenko ◽  
O. B. Shevchenko ◽  

Studies were carried out on the main indicators of the chemical composition and physical properties of muskulus longissimus dorsi of pigs of different genotypes during hybridization. The indicators of the chemical composition and physical properties of muskulus longissimus dorsi were determined by conventional methods. The materials of experimental studies were processed using methods of variation statistics. According to the amount of moisture, no significant difference between the control and experimental groups was established. According to the amount of protein in meat, a tendency to a slight decrease, compared with the control group by 1.4 (group III) … 1.9 % (group II) was established. The use of boars of Poltava meat breed led to a decrease in intramuscular fat in descendants by 0.25 % compared with peers of a large white breed (P <0.95), and precocious meat - to a real increase of this indicator by 0.43 % at P> 0 , 95. A tendency towards an increase in the amount of tryptophan (by 0.04 ... 0.05) and oxyproline (by 0.004 ... 0.005) in the muscles of hybrid animals was revealed in comparison with peers of pure breed of large white breed. In terms of the biological usefulness of meat proteins, animals of group III were the best - in terms of the quality of the protein of the longest muscle of the back, their advantage over peers of group II was 0.07, and compared with purebred peers. Group I - 0.12 (p <0.95). It was found that with the same area of the meat spot both in purebred large white breeds of animals and hydrides of different genotypes, there is a tendency to increase the latter compared to the control in a humid place: with a «share» of «blood» ½ pm by 2.2 %, and with a «share» of blood ½ cm - 1.4 %. A tendency has been established to increase the pH value of the longest back muscle in animals with a «share» of blood of specialized meat breeds compared with a large white breed. In hybrid animals with a «share» of blood of Poltava meat and precocious meat breeds, there is a tendency to increase the pH value in comparison with the large white breed by 0.15 (2.8 %) and by 0.17 (3.1 %), i.e. the meat of hybrid pigs, the pH of which has a shift towards alkalinity due to less accumulation of lactic acid, has a worse preservation.

К. Ф. Почерняєв ◽  
В. М. Балацький ◽  
І. К. Лядський

Викладені результати досліджень зв’язку гена ctslіз відгодівельними і м’ясними якостями свиней вели-кої білої породи України. Проаналізовано особливостіалелофонду гена ctsl у різних популяціях свиней ВБпороди; проведено аналіз частот і розповсюдженнярізних генотипів; вивчено зв'язок g.143C>T полімор-фізму цього гена з товщиною відкладення сала посередині спини та в ділянці 6–7-го ребер, а також ізсередньодобовими приростами,товщиною найдовшо-го м’яза спини й виходом м’яса. Визначено силу впли-ву g.143C>T поліморфізму гена ctsl на ці ознаки.Встановлено достовірні відмінності (P<0,05) за де-якими з вищезгаданих ознак у свиней із різними гено-типами гена ctsl. На підставі проведених дослідженьзроблені висновки та подані пропозиції виробництву. The results of researches of the association of gene ctsl   with the formation of fattening and meat qualities in pigs of the Large White breed of Ukraine are given. It has been analysed the features of gene ctsl alelofund in different populations of pigs of LW breed, it was carried out the analysis of frequencies and distribution of different genotypes. The association g.143C>T polymorphism of this gene with thick deposits of fat in the middle of the back and in area of 6-7 ribs, as well as average daily gains , thickness of the longest muscles and meat yield was studied. It has been determined the impact force g.143C>T polymorphism of gene ctsl on these traits. It was found out significant differences (P <0.05) for some of the above traits in pigs with different genotypes of gene ctsl. On the basis of the researches it was made conclusions and advanced proposals to producers.

2017 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. 254-259
V. O. Melnik ◽  
O. O. Kravchenko ◽  
О. S. Kohut

Improving of fertility indicators and reproductive qualities of sows during artificial insemination in farms of different specializations is very topical issue. The introduction of artificial insemination of sows on breeding farms by the spermdoses of optimum volume, by the frozen-thawed and sex sperm requires the introduction of innovative reproductive technologies. The use of economical methods of artificial insemination of sows using a minimum number of sperm in a small volume of spermdose in order to achieve high rates of fertility and prolificacy was proven in numerous experiments of the authors. Significantly reduced spermdose may be sufficient if the sperm enters deep enough into the uterus. Vitality of sperm does not depend on the size of spermdose, but the best place for sperm to survive one oviducts where they keep the fertilizing capacity from 9 to 27 hours. So deep intrauterine insemination of sows improves conditions for sperm survival The aim was to study the feasibility and justification for widespread implementation in to production on breeding farms of intrauterine insemination of sows morder to increase their fertilization and prolificacy and  to save the boar sperm with the highest index of breeding values. Experiments were conducted in terms of selection and genetic center of Agrofirm "Mig-Service-Agro" in Mykolaiv region. In the experiment used 65 sows of live weight of 280-320 kg wiht 2-4 farrowing were. Sows in sexual hunting were showed once daily in the morning using a boar-prober. Artificial insemination was performed twice: the first time - in the afternoon and at 14-16 p.m. The second time – in the morning of the next day at 9-10 am. For artificial insemination of sows were ed using experimental spermodes with volume of 40 ml which contained 1.5 billion of a Active sperm. For the dilution of sperm was used Durasperm - KRUUSE (Denmark) the period of sperm perpetuation is 5-7 days. To enter the were semen used catheters Magaplus S, (Spain) for intrauterine insemination of sows. Analysis shows that the period from weaning to insemination has significant difference comparing sows of large White breed with Landrace breed (p <0.001), with genotype sows F1 (p <0.01) and sows of the Duroc breed (p <0.05). For all selected 65 sows duration of suckling period, was estimated which averaged 32.2 days and the average time from weaning of pigs to their sexual inclination and the first intrauterine insemination 6.8 days that meets the physiological norm. After intrauterine insemination of sows of then 48 farrowed, which wich made for 73.9%. іncluding live 5 emergency farrow  were obtained, representing 10.4% of all amount. Percentage of farrow is considered physiologically normal – 80%, or more of total insemined sows. The very low percentage of farrow 53.3% had of sows F1, and the highest percentage was found by sows of the Duroc breed – 85.7%. Pregnency of sows were received just 17, which made 26.1% and highest percentage – 46.7% was set by sows F1. Analysis of the pregnancy sows shows that on average it is 116.2 days was the longest – 117.1 days was set in Landrace breed sows and the short est 115.5 days in Large White breed, but the difference is not significant. 571 pigs were received, іncluding live 451 head, which is 78.9%. The largest percentage of іncluding live piglets obtained from sows F1 – 82.5%, and the lowest in Landrace breeds – 77.0% and Large White – 77.3%. Exit of all piglets per sow without emergency farrowings is 12.2, іncluding live – 9,8. The highest yield were obtained piglets from sows F1 – 13.1, іncluding live – 10.9, the lowest yield of sows of the Duroc breed – 10.6, іncluding live 9.1, which has significant difference compared with the control (IDPs) and other breeds.  After intrauterine insemination 8 sows showed cyclic deregulation in 20-25 days, ie repeated sexual hunt took place on average 22.3 days. These sows were inseminated by not fractional way, they farrowed and an average litter just 13.1 piglets per sow, іncluding live - 11.3 was obtained. Repeating after intrauterine insemination on 45-48-49 day in the sexual hunt came about three sows for artificial insemination by not fractional method 3 farrowed and was obtained output – 13.3 piglets, іncluding live – 11.7. It should be noted that the best sow Large White breed №12 after intrauterine insemination bore 16 pigs, іncluding live 11, sow of Landrace breed №1556 – 18 pigs, іncluding live 12, Duroc №5888 – 13 pigs, іncluding live 11, sow F1 №167 – 20 pigs, іncluding live 14 pigs. Breeding requires more careful handling with major sows taking into account their breeding value and cost, that’s why we believe that there is no need to risk causing injury genitals with intrauterine insemination if a sufficient number of spermdoses of boars-sires exist.

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