scholarly journals From digital literacy to digital competence: the teacher digital competency (TDC) framework

2020 ◽  
Vol 68 (5) ◽  
pp. 2449-2472 ◽  
Garry Falloon

Abstract Over the years, a variety of frameworks, models and literacies have been developed to guide teacher educators in their efforts to build digital capabilities in their students, that will support them to use new and emerging technologies in their future classrooms. Generally, these focus on advancing students’ skills in using ‘educational’ applications and digitally-sourced information, or understanding effective blends of pedagogical, content and technological knowledge seen as supporting the integration of digital resources into teaching, to enhance subject learning outcomes. Within teacher education institutions courses developing these capabilities are commonly delivered as standalone entities, or there is an assumption that they will be generated by technology’s integration in other disciplines or through mandated assessment. However, significant research exists suggesting the current narrow focus on subject-related technical and information skills does not prepare students adequately with the breadth of knowledge and capabilities needed in today’s classrooms, and beyond. This article presents a conceptual framework introducing an expanded view of teacher digital competence (TDC). It moves beyond prevailing technical and literacies conceptualisations, arguing for more holistic and broader-based understandings that recognise the increasingly complex knowledge and skills young people need to function ethically, safely and productively in diverse, digitally-mediated environments. The implications of the framework are discussed, with specific reference to its interdisciplinary nature and the requirement of all faculty to engage purposefully and deliberately in delivering its objectives. Practical suggestions on how the framework might be used by faculty, are presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 12077
Konstantin Zakharov ◽  
Aleksandra Komarova ◽  
Tatiana Baranova ◽  
Elena Gulk

The study discusses the specifics of digital literacy and digital competence of a big community of teachers in one of the regions of St. Petersburg. It contains the calculations of digital literacy indices and digital competency index of the teachers that were made using the range of diagnostic tools of NAFI research center. It was found that today teachers are most advanced in content and assessment, while digital resource technology and management is the least developed field of pedagogical activity where digital technologies are applied. Two levels of digital transformation are introduced in the teaching and learning process - replacement and improvement, to ensure that the zone of traditional teaching is operative. For teachers to be able to transfer successfully to the zone of pedagogical engineering, programs have to be developed to provide psychological and pedagogical support as they improve their ICT competence.

Ahmad A. S. Tabieh ◽  
Mohammad Hamzeh ◽  
Basel Kh. S. Abu-Foudeh ◽  
Niveen Jarrar ◽  
Sahar Al-Manaseer ◽  

This study investigates the digital literacy skills among workers in the educational workplace in Jordon. A convenience sample of 139 teachers and 73 administrators spread over 173 public schools and 39 private schools was selected. The study followed mixed quantitative and qualitative methods. Data were collected using two instruments: a semi structured interview to investigate and monitor the digital literacy skills; a questionnaire to measure the availability degree of the digital literacy skills and the significant differences in the availability degree due to the job title and the workplace. In this study, four areas represent digital literacy skills: functional skills, information skills, digital competency in the educational process and digital competency in empowering learners. The availability degree of digital skills is medium in general and statistically significantly higher in administrators than in teachers. The results showed that private sector workers have better digital literacy skills than their public sector peers. Finally, the study concluded that functional and information skills increase digital competency in the educational learning process and empower learners.

2021 ◽  
Galina Bannykh ◽  
Svetlana Kostina

In the context of public administration digitalization the importance of human resources and their quality increases, which requires state employees to possess new digital competencies (knowledge and skills), and often to master new professional functions that enable them to function effectively in the new digital environment. However, under these conditions, in the process of their professional socialization, a number of problems emerge. The purpose of the research is to determine the conditions and factors affecting the digital competency formation required in the transition to digital public administration of the civil servants digital competencies, as well as to identify contradictions that emerge in their formation process. The study was conducted on the basis of the information society concept, E-Government and the paradigm of the new public administration. The main research methods were documents analysis and statistical data analysis. The study has fixed that one of the factors hindering successful professional socialization in the context of public administration digitalisation is the uncertainty in the content of servants’ digital competencies they need, including taking into account future development prospects. The existing vocational education system cannot form digital competencies at the required level for several reasons (closed access to basic digital services and platforms, a variety of departmental digital services and workflow systems available in only one department, etc.). Civil servants are forced to master digital technology is more on its own. The main contradiction emerges in the process of creating digital competencies is the lack of officially fixed requirements for the availability of state and municipal employees’ digital competencies and the lack of mechanisms for their assessment in the selection or certification process. Moreover, the need to master the relevant digital competencies follows from regulatory documents. Keywords: digital competency of civil servants, digital competencies, digital literacy, professional socialization, digitalisation of public administration

Iryna Hrebenyk

The article deals with the peculiarities of digital competence of managers, the principles of the formation of digital competence, and the same: the principle of system city, continuity, activity, self-development. To expose the concept of digital literacy of the head of the educational institution. The main functions are distinguished: cognitive, developing, evaluative and adaptive. The most acceptable system is postgraduate pedagogical education, which, by its very nature and purpose, is capable of rapidly adapting to social changes and ensuring the process of teaching modern pedagogical technologies with the help of current INSTRUMENTS, which include Internet services. The listed and substantiated needs for the formation of the digital competency of the heads of institutions of general secondary education are listed. The essence of the concept of digital competence is revealed. The main aspects of digital competence are highlighted, namely: the existence of a fairly high level of functional literacy in the field of ICT, effective, well-founded application of digital technologies in educational activities and for solving professional tasks, understanding of digital technologies as the basis of a new paradigm in education aimed at the development of students as sub information society objects. And also, that the digital competence of the manager can be formed on three levels: general user, general pedagogical and subject-oriented. The analysis of domestic and foreign scientific sources concerning the formation of digital competence of heads of institutions of general secondary education has been conducted. The components of digital competence of heads of institutions of general secondary education are formulated. The main ways of forming the digital competence of the head of educational institutions are identified, namely the method of teaching outside the workplace, in the workplace, mixed teaching methods. The analysis of the essence of non-formal education, as well as the feasibility of the use of the andragogical principles of adult education, is made possible to clarify and correct the filling of the main blocks of the methodology of forming the digital competency of the heads of educational institutions. The structural model of the method of forming the digital competence of the heads of educational institutions is developed.

Anna Sánchez-Caballé ◽  
Mercè Gisbert-Cervera ◽  
Francesc Esteve-Mon

Digital competence is a pressing need for students in the 21st century. The present study is a systematic review of the literature on university students’ digital abilities. The methodology consisted of selecting documents (n=126) from three different databases (Scopus, Web of Science and ERIC) via peer review. The documents were selected for inclusion following predefined criteria and then analysed using a qualitative analysis software (ATLAS.ti). Digital competence is made up of several elements (information skills, content creation, communication, ethical skills, problem solving, technical skills/use and strategic skills). We identified that the most frequently-used terms in the literature are digital literacy and digital competence. However, the terminology used varies among authors. We also found that most authors do not believe that young people actually have the digital abilities that they are assumed to have. In other words, students do not have a high level of digital competence. Educational institutions therefore need to help them to develop this competence, which is so necessary in the context of 21st century education.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-20
Maria Lindfors ◽  
Fanny Pettersson ◽  
Anders D. Olofsson

Зоя Гаркавенко

У статті презентовані результати емпіричного вивчення проблеми адаптації професійної освіти до онлайн-режиму в ситуації вимушеного карантину. Мета дослідження полягала в створенні моделі компетенцій викладача / тренера для забезпечення освітньої діяльності онлайн. Обставини гостро актуалізували нагальну потребу забезпечення безперервності освітньої діяльності в нових умовах, показали реальний стан психологічної готовності фахівців освітянської галузі до діяльності в умовах невизначеності. Ключовими ознаками цього стану можна вважати певну фахову та психологічну дезорієнтацію, яка поставила під загрозу якість і сталість результатів освітньої діяльності. Фахівці формальної й неформальної освіти були змушені швидко адаптуватися до нових умов, в основі яких – цифрова трансформація. Фокус уваги нашого дослідження зосереджено на фахівцях, які працюють у сфері післядипломної освіти. Важливим аспектом досліджуваного питання є певна плутанина щодо сутності онлайн-навчання. Це стосується різнотлумачення у середовищі фахівців поняття «дистанційне навчання», зокрема розрізнення синхронного (в режимі реального часу) і асинхронного (у відкладеному часі) режимів освітнього процесу. Принципові відмінності у підходах до методів та психологічних технологій їх застосування вимагають особливої підготовки відповідних фахівців. Результати презентованого дослідження розкривають ряд психологічних труднощів, з якими зіткнулись фахівці післядипломної освіти в ситуації необхідності переведення діяльності в онлайн-режим. В першу чергу, це навчальна діяльність із питань підвищення кваліфікації, проведення навчальних курсів для дорослої аудиторії. Важливим завданням для викладачів / тренерів постало збереження сутнісних ознак і результатів такого навчання: інформація, інструментарій і досвід, які наявні в офлайн-режимі навчання. Основним результатом дослідження можна вважати визначення ключових напрямів психологічної підготовки фахівців до роботи в онлайн: психологічна готовність до управління груповою динамікою та обмеженими комунікаційними інструментами, цифрова компетентність – володіння специфічними цифровими навичками (платформи, програми, окремі інструменти роботи в онлайн), методична компетентність – здатність добирати та поєднувати прийоми й техніки роботи з інформацією, адаптовані до онлайн-середовища. Література Василенко, О.В. (2014). Розвиток системи неформальної освіти дорослих в умовах соціально-економічної кризи. Актуальні проблеми професійної орієнтації та професійного навчання в умовах соціально-економічної нестабільності, 2(2), 138– Ващенко, Л.І. (2019). Підготовка фахівців для роботи з дорослими у сфері неформальної освіти. Імідж сучасного педагога, 4(187), 24– Корбут, О.Г. (2017). Дистанційне навчання: моделі, технології, перспективи. Режим доступу: http://confesp. fl. kpi. ua/ru/node/1123. Плинокос, Д.Д., & Коваленко, М.О. (2016). Неформальна освіта: теоретичні аспекти і наукові підходи. Наукові праці Кіровоградського національного технічного університету. Економічні науки, 29, 53–60. Сисоєва, С.О., & Осадча, К.П. (2019). Стан, технології та перспективи дистанційного навчання у вищій освіті України. Інформаційні технології і засоби навчання: електронне наукове фахове видання, 70(2), 271– Harasim, L. (2000). Shift happens: Online education as a new paradigm in learning. The Internet and higher education, 3(1-2), 41– Iordache, C., Mariën, I., & Baelden, D. (2017). Developing digital skills and competences: A quick-scan analysis of 13 digital literacy models. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 9(1), 6– Kebritchi, M., Lipschuetz, A., & Santiague, L. (2017). Issues and challenges for teaching successful online courses in higher education: A literature review. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 46(1), 4– Latchem, C. (2014). Informal learning and non-formal education for development. Journal of Learning for Development, 1(1). Sun, A., & Chen, X. (2016). Online education and its effective practice: A research review. Journal of Information Technology Education, 15, 157– Lischewski, J., Seeber, S., Wuttke, E., & Rosemann, T. (2020). What influences participation in non-formal and informal modes of Continuous Vocational Education and Training? An analysis of individual and institutional influencing factors. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 2821. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.534485 Rodríguez, M.U., Cantabrana, J.L.L., & Cervera, M.G. (2020). Validation of a tool for self-evaluating teacher digital competence. Educación XX1, 24(1), 353–373. doi: 10.5944/educXX1.27080 Perez-Lopez, E., Atochero, A.V., & Rivero, S.C. (2020). Distance Education in COVID-19: An Analysis from the perspective of university students. Ried-revista iberoamericana de educacion a distancia, 24(1), 331–350. doi: 10.5944/ried.24.1.27855

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Martha Vanessa Agila-Palacios ◽  
Ana García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso ◽  
María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of two active methodologies on digital competences development using mobile devices. The first methodology is project-oriented learning (POL); the second one is case-based learning (CBL). The analyzed digital competences belong to the communication and collaboration area of framework DIGCOMP.Design/methodology/approachThis article shows the results of the quantitative stage with a design pre-experimental pre-test–post-test. A questionnaire was designed and applied to an intentional sample from two different courses. In total, 178 students completed the questionnaire in the pre-test, and after five months, 38 students completed the questionnaire in the post-test.FindingsThe results show that students to whom POL was applied increase by 7% competence of interaction with mobile technology. The results also show that the students to whom CBL was applied to increase all four competencies (interaction +8%, share +6%, collaboration +5%, netiquette +4%).Research limitations/implicationsSelf-perception for the evaluation of digital competence and the short study time are limitations to generalize the results, so a longitudinal study is necessary and complemented with qualitative analysis, to present a better validation of the contribution of active methodologies to the development of digital competences.Originality/valueThe rapid advance of technology and the results of various investigations make evident the need of digital competences development. The most common process is digital literacy through techno-functional training. However, these research results confirm that it is possible to promote these digital competences from a practical view and implicitly in active methodologies educational practices.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1519143 ◽  
Maria Spante ◽  
Sylvana Sofkova Hashemi ◽  
Mona Lundin ◽  
Anne Algers ◽  
Shuyan Wang

2019 ◽  
pp. 246-253
Svetlana Shabas

In modern conditions of overall informatization, the majorities of children of older pre-school age actively use gadgets and have access to the Internet. However, just one-fourth of parents demonstrate concerns about digital security. That is why the issues associated with cybersecurity training in preschool education, legislative regulation in ensuring the security and development of children in a digital environment are relevant for present-day pre-school education. The study was based on the activities carried out by teachers and psychologists of the methodology association of the Leninsky district of Yekaterinburg. The methods used in the study involved observations, the analysis of information obtained through counseling and psychological checks, interviews, surveys of instructors and specialists dealing with parents in kindergarten. As a result, we revealed the problems with digital competence among all the participants of the process of upbringing and education and defined the impact of parents on the formation of digital literacy. Of special interest is a new position when the modern parent is given a “relief” from a child with the help of gadgets, which calls for family psychological support on pre-schoolers’ secure use of digital technologies. The main task of working with parents is to shape perceptions of the problems associated with free contacts of the child with information technologies and the necessity to control digital information received by the child.

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