Enhancement of the Cd phytoremediation efficiency of Festuca arundinacea by sonic seed treatment

Chemosphere ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 287 ◽  
pp. 132158
Xiaowen Gu ◽  
Qinghua Zhang ◽  
Yifan Jia ◽  
Min Cao ◽  
Wei Zhang ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 160-168
I. Senyk

Botanical composition of grasses is one of the most important indicators the biological value and quality of the obtained hay and pasture forage, the longevity of hayfi elds and pastures depend on. The issue of changing the botanical composition of agrophytocenoses is especially important in the context of global climate change, which in recent decades is also manifested in the territory of Ukraine, as it is possible to establish the most adapted species of legumes and cereals to adverse weather conditions and to identify eff ective technological methods of managing these processes for maximum conservation economically valuable species in the herbage. The purpose of the research is to establish the infl uence of diff erent ways of sowing of clover and alfalfa cereal crops agrophytocenoses on the formation of their botanical composition. Field studies have established diff erent eff ects of conventional in-line, cross-section and cross-sectional methods of sowing on the formation of botanical composition of grass mixtures of clover meadow (Trifolium pratense) varieties Sparta and Pavlyna with timothy meadow (Phleum pratense) and fenugreek multifl oral (Lolium multifl orum) and of agrophytocenoses of alfalfa of Sinyukha and Seraphima sowing varieties with reed fire (Festuca arundinacea Schreb) and middle wheatgrass (Elytrigia intermedia). For the average of four years of life of clover and alfalfa cereal crops agrophytocenoses, the highest proportion of legume component was observed with split-cross sowing – 51.6 % for Sparta, 53.1 % for Pavlyna, 60.3 % for Seraphima and 61.6 % for the Sinyukha variety. In the fourth year of life (the third year of use) of sowed leguminous-cereals agrophytocenoses, the preservation of the legume component was 14.6–15.5 % in clover-cereals grass mixtures with the Sparta variety and 16.0–16.8 % with the Pavlyna variety. In alfalfa grasslands, these indicators were 54.0–55.1 % with Seraphim and 55.0–56.2 % with Sinyukha. Among the studied varieties of clover meadow and alfalfa sowing proved better in the conditions of the Forest Steppe of western Pavlyna and Sinyukha. Cross-sectional and divided cross-sectional sowing of legumes and cereals mixtures proved to be better compared to conventional row crops in terms of conservation of economically valuable grass species. Key words: agrophytocenosis, botanical composition, clover meadow, alfalfa sowing, sowing methods.

2013 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-70 ◽  
SMA Hossain ◽  
MA Baque ◽  
MR Amin

The Imidacloprid insecticide, Gaucho 70 WS at 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 and 5.5 g/kg seed was used as seed treatment and monocrotophos 40 WSC at 1120 ml/ha was applied as foliar spray on CB9 cotton cultivar to suppress aphid, whitefly and thrips, and impact on their natural enemies during 2008-2011 at the Regional Cotton Research Station, Dinajpur, Bangladesh. The activity of natural enemies, such as ladybird beetle, lacewing, syrphid, and spider population on the sucking pests attacking cotton cultivar CB9 and yield of cotton were recorded. Imidacloprid significantly reduced aphid, whitefly, and thrips population on cotton crops compared to untreated control or foliar spray of monocrotophos 40 WSC at 1120 ml/ha. Ladybird beetles, lacewings, syrphids, and spiders were abundant in the field but their population decreased in the treated plots compared to untreated control. The CB9 cotton cultivar produced significantly higher yield (1.73 t/ha) with a benefit cost ratio 12.47 when seeds were treated with Imidacloprid at 5.5 g/kg fuzzy seed. This study indicated that Imidacloprid (Gaucho 70 WS) used as a seed treatment may be suggested to the cotton growers for controlling sucking pests. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 38(1): 61-70, March 2013 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/bjar.v38i1.15190

J. Monk ◽  
E. Gerard ◽  
S. Young ◽  
K. Widdup ◽  
M. O'Callaghan

Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) is a useful alternative to ryegrass in New Zealand pasture but it is slow to establish. Naturally occurring beneficial bacteria in the rhizosphere can improve plant growth and health through a variety of direct and indirect mechanisms. Keywords: rhizosphere, endorhiza, auxin, siderophore, P-solubilisation

B.R. Watkin

AN Aberystwyth selection of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), known as S170, was sown with certified New Zealand white clover (Trifolium repens) and re' clover (T. pratense) and compared under sheep grazing with other grass/clover pastures at the Grasslands Division Regional Station at Lincoln (Watkin, 1975) .

2010 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 295-314 ◽  
Imre Kádár

Egy műtrágyázási tartamkísérlet 32. évében, 2005-ben vizsgáltuk az eltérő N-, P- és K-ellátottsági szintek és kombinációik hatását a réti csenkesz (Festuca pratensis) vezérnövényű, nyolckomponensű, pillangós nélküli gyepkeverék termésére, fejlődésére és elemtartalmára. A termőhely mészlepedékes csernozjom talaja a szántott rétegben mintegy 3% humuszt, 3–5% CaCO3-ot és 20–22% agyagot tartalmazott, N és K elemekben közepesen, P és Zn elemekben gyengén ellátottnak minősült. A kísérlet 4N×4P×4K = 64 kezelést×2 ismétlést = 128 parcellát foglalt magában. A talajvíz 13–15 m mélyen helyezkedik el, a terület aszályérzékeny. A vizsgált 2005. évben azonban kielégítő mennyiségű (649 mm) csapadék hullott és annak eloszlása is kedvező volt. A gyep telepítése spenót elővetemény után 2000. szeptember 20-án történt gabona sortávra 60 kg·ha–1 vetőmaggal, amelynek 25%-át (15 kg) a réti csenkesz (Festuca pratensis); 21–21%-át (12,6 kg) a nádképű csenkesz (Festuca arundinacea) és az angol perje (Lolium perenne); 9%-át (5,4 kg) a taréjos búzafű (Agropyron cristatum), valamint 6–6%-át (3,6 kg) a vörös csenkesz (Festuca rubra), a réti komócsin (Phleum pratense), a zöld pántlikafű (Phalaris arundinacea) és a csomós ebír (Dactylis glomerata) tette ki. Főbb eredményeink: – A meghatározó N-trágyázás nyomán a szénatermés 5-szörösére emelkedett a két kaszálással a N-kontrollhoz viszonyítva. A maximális 10 t·ha–1 körüli légszáraz szénahozamokat a 300 kg N·ha–1·év–1 N-adag, valamint a 150 mg·kg–1 körüli AL-P2O5-, illetve 150 mg·kg–1 feletti AL-K2O-tartalom biztosította. Növénydiagnosztikai szempontból a nagy terméshez kötődő optimális elemtartalom 2% körüli N- és K-, illetve 0,2–0,3% P-koncentráció volt a szénában. – A két kaszálással felvett minimum (a 2 t·ha–1 körüli szénatermést adó N-kontroll) és maximum (a 10 t·ha–1 körüli szénahozamú, nitrogénnel és PK-vel jól ellátott talajok) elemmennyiségek a következőképpen alakultak: N 21–196 kg, K 39–188 kg, Ca 9–48 kg, Mg 4–22 kg, P 6–21 kg. – Az N×P és N×K kölcsönhatások kifejezettebbé váltak a 2. kaszálás idején. A P 0,18–0,55%, a NO3-N 86–1582 mg·kg–1, a Cu 4,7–7,4 mg·kg–1, a Mo 0,7–4,1 mg·kg–1 extrém értékeket jelzett az N×P kezelések függvényében. Az N×K kezelésekben a K 1,44–2,73%, a Mg 0,26–0,39%, a Na 71–2178 mg·kg–1, a Ba 4,1–9,6 mg·kg–1, a Cd 15–44 µg·kg–1 szélsőértékekkel volt jellemezhető. A Sr a 10–26 mg·kg–1 koncentrációtartományban módosult a P×K-ellátottság nyomán. Élettani, takarmányozástani szempontból az indukált kölcsönhatások nyomon követése elengedhetetlen, amennyiben olyan mérvű tápelemhiányok, illetve aránytalanságok jöhetnek létre, melyek anyagcserezavarokat okozhatnak a növényt fogyasztó állatban.

A.V. Konstantinovich ◽  
A.S. Kuracheva ◽  
E.D. Binkevich

In conditions of climate change, when temperature and precipitation fluctuations occur more and more frequently during the growing season, it is necessary to obtain high quality seedlings with "immunity" to various stress factors, including high weediness, the damage from which is associated with a decrease in yield (by 25 -35%) and with a deterioration in the quality of agricultural products. Due to the imbalance in production technology, seedlings are often weakened, overgrown, with a low yield per unit area and survival rate in the field. One of the solutions to this problem is the use of PP for pre-sowing seed treatment to increase the competitiveness of seedlings in the field.

Jim Fawcett ◽  
Zack Koopman ◽  
Lance Miller ◽  
Wayne Roush ◽  
Josh Sievers

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