Morphometrics and paleoecology of Catenipora (Tabulata) from the Xiazhen Formation (Upper Ordovician), Zhuzhai, South China

2016 ◽  
Vol 90 (6) ◽  
pp. 1027-1048 ◽  
Kun Liang ◽  
Robert J. Elias ◽  
Suk-Joo Choh ◽  
Dong-Chan Lee ◽  
Dong-Jin Lee

AbstractCatenipora is one of the most common tabulate coral genera occurring in various lithofacies in the Upper Ordovician Xiazhen Formation at Zhuzhai in South China. A combination of traditional multivariate analysis and geometric morphometrics is applied to a large number of specimens to distinguish and identify species. Based on three major principal components extracted from 11 morphological characters, three major groups as determined by the cluster-analysis dendrogram are considered to be morphospecies. Their validity and distinctiveness are confirmed by discriminant analysis, descriptive statistics, and bivariate plots. Tabularium area and common wall thickness are the most meaningful characters to distinguish the three morphospecies. Geometric morphometrics is adopted to compare the morphospecies with types and/or figured specimens of species previously reported from the vicinity of Zhuzhai. Despite discrepancies in corallite size, principal component analysis and discriminant analysis, as well as consideration of overall morphological characteristics, indicate that the morphospecies represent C. zhejiangensis Yu in Yu et al., 1963, C. shiyangensis Lin and Chow, 1977, and C. dianbiancunensis Lin and Chow, 1977.Catenipora occurs in seven stratigraphic intervals in the Xiazhen Formation at Zhuzhai, representing a variety of heterogeneous environments. The coralla preservation is variable due to differential compaction; coralla preserved in limestones are commonly intact and in growth position, whereas those in shales are mostly crushed or fragmentary. The size and shape of corallites are considered primarily to be species-specific characters, but are also related to the depositional environments. In all species, morphological characters, including corallite size, septal development, and shape and size of lacunae, show high variability in accordance with lithofacies and stratigraphic position. The intraspecific differences in corallite size at various localities in the Zhuzhai area may indicate responses to local environmental factors, but may also reflect genetic differences if there was limited connection among populations.

2008 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 57-61 ◽  
Ximena Páez-Colasante ◽  
Elis Aldana

Resumen. La taxonomía y sistemática de la subfamilia Triatominae (Heteroptera, Reduviidae) se basan principalmente en caracteres biométricos y morfológicos de las formas adultas y, en algunos casos, de las ninfas. La Morfometría Geométrica es capaz de descomponer la forma en sus componentes tamaño isométrico y conformación. En el presente trabajo se utilizó la Morfometría Geométrica como herramienta de análisis de la configuración geométrica que resulta de la unión de los extremos del borde corial y del collar (configuración borde corial-collar) de los huevos eclosionados de cinco especies del género Rhodnius Stal. Los huevos se observaron por Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido y las imágenes digitalizadas fueron analizadas morfogeométricamente. Estudiando el tamaño geométrico de la configuración borde corial-collar, se halló que no existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las cinco especies de Triatominos. En cuanto a la conformación, se determinaron diferencias entre las especies al ser sometidas a un análisis discriminante. Se encontró además que la variación del tamaño contribuye a la variación en la conformación, es decir, efecto alométrico. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la conformación de la configuración geométrica “borde corial-collar” de los huevos de Rhodnius podría ser utilizada como herramienta taxonómica para este grupo.   Morfometria geométrica da borda corial e colarinho de ovos de cinco espécies do Gênero Rhodnius (Heteroptera Reduviidae, Triatominae). Resumo. A taxonomia e sistemática da subfamília Triatominae (Heteroptera Reduviidae) esta baseada principalmente em caracteres biométricos e morfológicos das formas adultas, e em alguns casos, das ninfas. A morfometria geométrica é capaz de descompor a forma em seus componentes, tamanho isométrico e conformação. No presente trabalho utilizou-se a morfometria geométrica como ferramenta de análise da configuração geométrica que resulta da união dos extremos da borda corial e “colarinho” (configuração borda corial-colarinho) dos ovos eclodidos de cinco espécies do gênero Rhodnius. Os ovos observaram-se por meio de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e as imagens digitais foram analisadas morfogeometricamente. Estudando o tamanho geométrico da configuração borda corial-colarinho, consiguiu-se que não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as cinco espécies de Triatomineos. Quanto à conformação, determinaram-se diferenças entre as espécies ao ser submetidas a uma análise discriminante. Além de isso encontrou-se que a variação do tamanho contribui à variação na conformação, ou seja, efeito alométrico. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a morfogeometria da borda corial e do “colarinho” dos ovos de Rhodnius poderia ser utilizada como uma ferramenta taxonômica para este grupo.   Geometric morphometrics of the chorial rim and the collar of the eggs of five species of the Rhodnius genus (Heteroptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae). Abstract. The taxonomy and systematics of the Triatominae subfamily are based primarily on the biometric and morphological characters of the adult forms, and in some cases of the nymphs. Geometric Morphometrics are capable of separating the form in its components size and shape. In this work Geometric Morphometrics were used as a tool for the analysis of the chorial rim and the collar of hatched eggs of five species of the Rhodnius genus. Collected eggs were observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy and the digitalized images were analyzed by Generalized Procrustes Analysis. By studying the isometric size of the chorial rim and the collar, no statistical significant differences were found among the five species of Rhodnius genus. A discriminant analysis showed statistical differences among the shapes of the chorial rim and the collar, indicating that the shape is a species specific character. An allometric effect was found. The results obtained indicate that the geometric morphometrics of the chorial rim and the collar of hatched Rhodnius eggs can be used as a taxonomic tool for this group.    

Genetika ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 963-977 ◽  
Jasmin Grahic ◽  
Fuad Gasi ◽  
Mirsad Kurtovic ◽  
Lutvija Karic ◽  
Mirha Djikic ◽  

In order to analyze morphological characteristics of locally cultivated common bean landraces from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), thirteen quantitative and qualitative traits of 40 P. vulgaris accessions, collected from four geographical regions (Northwest B&H, Northeast B&H, Central B&H and Sarajevo) and maintained at the Gene bank of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences in Sarajevo, were examined. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the proportion of variance retained in the first two principal components was 54.35%. The first principal component had high contributing factor loadings from seed width, seed height and seed weight, whilst the second principal component had high contributing factor loadings from the analyzed traits seed per pod and pod length. PCA plot, based on the first two principal components, displayed a high level of variability among the analyzed material. The discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) created 3 discriminant functions (DF), whereby the first two discriminant functions accounted for 90.4% of the variance retained. Based on the retained DFs, DAPC provided group membership probabilities which showed that 70% of the accessions examined were correctly classified between the geographically defined groups. Based on the taxonomic distance, 40 common bean accessions analyzed in this study formed two major clusters, whereas two accessions Acc304 and Acc307 didn?t group in any of those. Acc360 and Acc362, as well as Acc324 and Acc371 displayed a high level of similarity and are probably the same landrace. The present diversity of Bosnia and Herzegovina?s common been landraces could be useful in future breeding programs.

2015 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 293-299 ◽  
Y Bakis ◽  
MT Babaç

Morphological variations of acorn among and within the groups of Quercus species were studied. A total of 617 acorns belonging to 14 species representing all 3 sections of Quercus L. (Fagaceae) in Turkey were examined in this study. Specimens were collected from 47 different populations over both Anatolian and Thrace part of Turkey. Principal component analysis was used to analyze the morphological characteristics of acorns. Results obtained from this study demonstrate the use of morphological characters in differentiating the taxa of Quercus and Cerris sections studied. Another important finding is the introgression among the acorns of species within Quercus section DOI: Bangladesh J. Bot. 43(3): 293-299, 2014 (December)

2003 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 70 ◽  
C. Waters ◽  
G. Melville ◽  
A. Grice

Eleven species of native grass were collected from 51 sites throughout western New South Wales and south-west Queensland. Approximately 10 whole plants of each species were collected from a site but not all species were collected from each site. Plants were grown in a common environment at Trangie in central western New South Wales and plant morphological and floristic characteristics measured. Data reported here are for observations made in the third year, by which time differences between populations were likely to be more genetic than environmental. Principal component and discriminant analyses revealed a strong relationship between site of origin and plant morphological characteristics, which explained between 61% and 93% of the variation within species. For all but one species, site was significantly correlated with these morphological characteristics. Site could be predicted from morphological characters with a success rate usually greater than 80%. These morphological characteristics must reflect genotypic differences among the collection from the different sites. We were unable to relate this variation to any of a range of site characteristics. Distance between sites could not be used as an indicator of morphological differences between populations. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of providing strong evidence for the existence of ecotypes and for obtaining appropriate seed sources for revegetation/restoration programs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Purnomo Purnomo ◽  
Nurul Khotimah

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a food commodity that is widely cultivated in Indonesia. At present there has been no analysis of the relationship between peanut cultivars with phenetic methods based on the morphological properties of the plants. Four cultivars of Arachis hypogaea L. Tuban, Talam 1, Talam 2, and Talam 3 used in this research. Morphological characters data was analyzed by description to construct identification key. Similarity index was counted by Simple Matching Coefficient (SSm) formula based on morphological scoring. Cluster analysis was conducted by UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Methods using Arithmetic Averages) method to construct dendrogram. PCA (Principal Component Analysis) were performed to defined role of each morphological character in grouping of accessions with MVSP (Multivariate Statistical Program) v. 3.1 software.  The dendrogram showed that four cultivars of Arachis hypogaea L. divided into two main clusters, 4 sub-clusters. The similarity index of clusters is 0.85%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-284
Syamsul Bachry ◽  
Dedy Duryadi Solihin ◽  
Rudhy Gustiano ◽  
Kadarwan Soewardi ◽  
Nurlisa A. Butet

The standard of measurement of abalone is very important because it can help to identify accurately abalone shellfish based on shell morphology. This research was aimed to examine the truss morphometric and morphologycal characters of Haliotis squamata intraspecies in the southern coastal Java and Bali. The research was conducted from December 2014 to August 2016. Abalone was collected based on the purposive sampling method, it was then identified. The shellfish of abalone was measured and analyzed by using principal component analysis (PCA), canonical discriminant analysis and cluster analysis. The results showed that PCA was able to separate Haliotis squamata populations from Java and Bali using combination of PCIII and PCIV based on the factor coefficient values. The key characters that separated Haliotis squamata from the population of Java and Bali were the combination of characters BF (0.535) for PCIII and characters CH (0.522) for PCIV. Canonical discriminant analysis showed that Bali was the highest sharing component value (100%) of intra population and also the lowest sharing component of inter population (0%). The highest percentage of similarity was 99.91% that indicated the population of Binuangeun and Pangandaran, while the lowest was 99.31% for the population of Banyuwangi and Bali. The morphological characteristics of Haliotis squamata species in several locations showed specific characters such as color patterns, textures and shapes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 509-533
Ali Gaafar ◽  
Monier Abd El-Ghani ◽  
Azza El Hadidy ◽  
Ethar Hussein ◽  

This study aims at examining and confirming the patterns of phenetic relationships and the levels of variations within and among the species of Lotus L., 1753 in Egypt by using morphometric analysis techniques. We have evaluated 24 morphological characters from about 300 herbarium specimens representing 19 species of Lotus that are currently recognized. Based on numerical analyses of macromorphological characters (cluster analysis, principal coordinate analysis and principal component analysis), 19 species of Lotus were recognized from Egypt. These species were clustered in six species-specific groups: (I) Lotus halophilus Boiss. & Spruner, L. angustissimus L., L. glinoides Delile and L. schimperi Steud. ex Boiss., (II) Lotus glaber Mill. and L. palustris Willd., (III) Lotus polyphyllos E.D. Clarke, L. creticus L. and L. cytisoides L., (IV) Lotus gebelia Vent., L. lanuginosus Vent. and L. arenarius Brot., (V) Lotus edulis L., L. tetragonolobus L. and L. conjugatus L. and (VI) Lotus ornithopodioides L., L. peregrinus L., L. arabicus L. and L. hebranicus Hochst. ex Brand. As a result of this study, we proposed that some characters, not previously examined in detail, showed significant characters in species delimitation: pod length, seed dimensions, features of upper and lower leaflets, calyx, length of corolla, length of style, numbers of flowers and ovules.

2017 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Huayang Guo ◽  
Dianchang Zhang ◽  
Shigui Jiang ◽  
Youning Li ◽  
Nan Zhang ◽  

The present study was undertaken to evaluate the morphological variations of Pteria penguin (Roding, 1798) in wild as well as cultured populations from South China Sea. A total of 307 samples were collected from five different geographic locations comprising three wild (Pop. 1, 2 and 4) and two cultured (Pop. 3 and 5) populations and 10 measured traits were analysed. Principal component analysis (PCA), discriminant analysis and cluster analysis were used to evaluate the morphological variations in the collected samples. Results showed a low intra-population variation within the five sampled populations. Multivariate analyses indicated that the five populations were more or less differentiated on the basis of body characters, particularly those related to major dimensions of the shell outline and their ratios. Discriminant analysis revealed that the overall random assignment of individuals into their original groups was high (81.8%), indicating that these populations are highly divergent from each other. The proportion of individuals correctly classified into their original groups was 96.9, 76.7, 75.0, 78.0 and 82.0% for populations 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Cluster analysis showed highest morphological variation between Pop.1 and Pop. 2. All other populations (Pop.3, Pop.4 and Pop.5) were found to be morphologically similar and consistent with the respective geographical location. Results of the present study will be of use in resource assessment and management of P. penguin in the South China Sea.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 434 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-64

73 taxa of the genus Scrophularia (Scrophulariaceae) from Turkey have been investigated using light stereomicroscope (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in order to describe their seed morphological characteristics and to evaluate the diagnostic value of these features as a contribution to the genus systematics. The seeds are oblong, ellipsoid, ovoid or obovoid in shape and light or dark brown, blackish-brown to black in colour. The seed length ranges from 0.41 to 2.04 mm and seed width from 0.24 to 1.33 mm. All investigated taxa have bireticulate-alveolate ornamentation with vesicles on the corners of secondary reticulum cells except of S. zuvandica. The alveoli are oblong, orbicular and linear with a size of 7.63–143.1 × 21.62–314.2 µm. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis have been used to determine the contribution of seed morphological characters to the taxa relationships. Numerical analysis has revealed that the seed size and the secondary reticulum properties have significant importance in taxonomy of the genus for distinguishing taxa from each other.

Animals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 675
Ana María Echeverry ◽  
Edgardo Londoño-Cruz ◽  
Hugo A. Benítez

The increasing activity in morphological studies has provided new tools to analyses the shape quantitatively, these quantitative measurements allow the researcher to examine the variation in shape and perform analysis to examine the quantitative differences among the species shapes, where geometric morphometrics has rendered great results in the last years. This study was focused on assessing the morphometric variation between populations of Lottia mesoleuca of the family Lottidae, an abundant group of gastropods in the rocky ecosystems of Bahía Málaga and Isla Gorgona (Colombian Pacific). This family has a high morphological diversity, making the identification of some morphotypes problematic work. Geometric morphometrics methods were applied on the shell using dorsal, lateral and ventral views. Different multivariate analyses were performed to differentiate the groups of species and populations (principal component analysis, morphological distances comparisons and grouping analysis by means of the Ward method). The results indicate that individuals of the species Lottia mesoleuca have key geometric characteristics associated to the different populations (depth intertidal zones) for classification, being the geometric shape of the shell enough to determine morphotypes between the different populations studied. Aspects associated with the combination of ecological variables with morphometric ones are necessary to be able to visualize with a higher resolution the structural complexity of populations and their adaptation processes. Furthermore, it is obvious that there is a strong need to conduct more explorations of environmental and ecological processes that provide some insight on why the morphological characteristics are so variable in the same species.

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