morphometric character
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Suryani S.A.M.Putri ◽  
I Wayan Arya ◽  
A.A.Sg.Putri Risa Andriani

Puntius binotatus is a local fish whose population continues to decline because there is not much in cultivation.   The introduction of this fish has a negative impact and affects species diversity. Introduced fish in common waters can threaten the presence of native fish due to the phenomenon of hybridization with endemic fish, habitat destruction, predation, and parasites. Invasive fish in rivers have the potential to urge endemic fish habitats so efforts are needed so that invasive fish do not cause local fish to go extinct. The purpose of this study was to study the Morphometric Character of Puntius binotatus (Pisces: Cyprinidae upstream, middle, and downstream of the river due to the process of adaptation to changes in the environment so that local species do not experience extinction because their habitat is disturbed.  The difference in morphometric character in upstream, middle, and downstream is due to the adaptation process to environmental changes, namely water quality parameters that have exceeded the standard of quality standards upstream are temperature, ammonia pH, phosphate, and BOD5. In the middle of the parameters that exceed the standard of quality standards are temperature, pH, Ammonia, Phosphate, BOD5, and TSS and downstream,  namely temperature, pH, Ammonia, phosphate, BOD5, COD, and TSS have exceeded the standard quality distribution of characters upstream, middle and downstream has a similarity of 75.6% which has similar shapes at all stations and has a close kinship by the form of four morphometric character clusters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 41-56
Muhammad Rizwan ◽  
Rana Manzoor Ahmad ◽  
Abdul Majid Khan ◽  
Misbah Khalid ◽  
Muhammad Wajid

The family Liproidae expresses the significant variation of morphometric features at species level. In already available literature on the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) the idea is proposed that there can be variation in the morphometric character of different breeds of Oryctolagus cuniculus but there are negligible scientific research base evidences for it. So in this study interbreed craniometric comparison of the European rabbit is carried out to trace out their intergender and intraspecific morphometric variations. The study material consists of 32 sexually mature rabbits belong to two breeds of European rabbit that are New Zealand rabbit (eight males and eight females) and American Dutch rabbit (eight males and eight females) collected from different districts of the Punjab, Pakistan. There were 29 different measurements taken from the skull and mandible of both breeds by using digital and manual verniar calipers. The results of this study have revealed that there is significant interbreed variation in the nasal length measurement of the New Zealand and American Dutch rabbit. This significant interbreed difference in nasal length is observed in both female as well as male rabbits (p=0.0059 and 0.0069 respectively). The current study also depicts that inter gender craniometric variations exist in the New Zealand as well as American Dutch rabbit. The standard deviation of the foramen magnum index of the both included breeds is comparatively higher than all the other included morphometric features. This study provides the baseline data on interbreed craniometric variations in the Oryctolagus cuniculus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 74
Lutfi Arifin ◽  
Siwi Indarti ◽  
Arif Wibowo

Garlic bulb rot disease was found from garlics (Allium sativum L.) cultivated from 2017 to 2019 by farmers in Central Java Province, Indonesia. The initial symptoms of the disease were stunted, leaf yellowing, and necrotizing to rotten bulbs. This research was conducted to determine the major causal agent of garlic bulb rot disease in Central Java. A survey was carried out in five regencies across Central Java that were major garlic-producing areas. Nematodes were isolated using water immersion methode and pathogenic fungi were isolated on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). Nematode identification was carried out based on the Ditylenchus dipsaci morphological and morphometric character. Seven isolates of Fusarium species were obtained from infected garlic. Identification of four chosen isolates were performed by sequencing the TEF-1α gene. The TEF sequence of isolate TB3, KK1, and KK4 showed 99% similarity with several F. oxysporum, BT3 sequences showed 98% identity with several F. solani, and all were deposited in the NCBI GenBank. Three locations were positively infected by the interaction between D. dipsaci and Fusarium sp. Based on the results of the morphological identification, parasitic nematode was identified as D. dipsaci, while based on the morphological and molecular identification isolates Fusarium were identified as F. oxysporum and F. solani, respectively, as first report causal agents of garlic bulbs rot in Central Java.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 368
Nuraini Nuraini ◽  
Hari Purwanto

Systematics of honey bees has developed rapidly. Several studies have attempted to infer the kinship between each group of honey bees.  One approach is the use identification and phylogenetic analysis using combination of morphology, morphometric, and molecular characteristics data. There are three species of honey bees found in the Central Sulawesi, namely Apis dorsata, A. cerana and A. nigrocincta. The last two species mentioned have similar biological properties, so they present some difficulties to identify especially with morphological characters only. The results showed that the two Apis bee species analyzed in this study, had similar morphological features compared to specimens of the same species from the other regions, whereas the morphometry of the two had variations in size compared to the same species that have been reported in other regions. The variations in the size or morphometric character of worker bees, both those with a larger or smaller size, possibly being a form of morphological adaptation to different environmental conditions. The CO1 and 16S Mitochondrial DNA sequencesof A. cerana and A. nigrocincta from this studywere similarto thesequences of the same species in the GeneBank’s database. This study provide preliminary data contributing to the preservation and utilization of one of Indonesia’s important biodiversity resources.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-94
Habib Bal ◽  
Telat Yanik ◽  
Dilek Türker

The population structure of the bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus, 1766), in Turkish waters is scarcely described in the literature. To identify any distinct population units of bluefish, and reaffirm the findings of a previous study, four areas were selected: the Aegean Sea, western Black Sea, eastern Black Sea, and the Sea of Marmara. In this study, truss network morphometrics, meristics, and otolith shape analyses were successfully applied for different population identification of the bluefish. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) revealed no differences for truss network morphometrics, meristic, and otolith shape characters between males and females. Hence, both sexes were combined for the discriminant function (DFA) and the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Using univariate ANOVA based on the stepwise method revealed a highly significant difference among different locations for each truss-morphometrics and otolith shape characters. Furthermore, six out of seven meristic characters also showed significant differences between different areas. Based on PCA, 25 out of 27 truss-morphometric characters had a loading value above 0.70, which was considered significant in this study. The results of DFA show clear patterns of truss-morphometric character variations, forming four distinct clusters that were well separated from each other, indicating the existence of four morphologically differentiated populations of the bluefish. The proportion of the correctly classified Aegean Sea, western Black Sea, and eastern Black Sea bluefish samples to their original groups were 100%, demonstrating clear separation of these stocks from each other. Whereas up to 5% of the total samples of the Sea of Marmara were incorrectly classified, assigning to the eastern Black Sea. These findings were supported by meristic and otolith shape characters that also indicated four morphologically differentiated populations of the bluefish. However, their overall proportion of correct classification was relatively lower than the truss-morphometric traits method. The findings suggest the requirement of strategic assessment and management of each bluefish stock separately to use them sustainably in the future.

F1000Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 915
Muhammad Afrisal ◽  
Yukio Iwatsuki ◽  
Andi Iqbal Burhanuddin

Background: The Lethrinidae (emperors) include many important food fish species. Accurate determination of species and stocks is important for fisheries management. The taxonomy of the genus Lethrinus is problematic, for example with regards to the identification of the thumbprint emperor Lethrinus harak. Little research has been done on L. harak diversity in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. This study aimed to evaluate the morphometric and genetic characters of the thumbprint emperor, L. harak (Forsskål, 1775) in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Methods: This research was conducted in the Marine Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, and Division of Fisheries Science, University of Miyazaki. Morphometric character measurements were based on holotype character data, while genetic analysis was performed on cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) sequence data. Morphometric data were analysed using principal component analysis (PCA) statistical tests in MINITAB, and genetic data were analysed in MEGA 6. Results: Statistical test results based on morphometric characters revealed groupings largely representative of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The Seychelles was separated from other Indian Ocean sites and Australian populations were closer to the Pacific than the Indian Ocean group. The genetic distance between the groups was in the low category (0.000 - 0.042). The phylogenetic topology reconstruction accorded well with the morphometric character analysis, with two main L. harak clades representing Indian and Pacific Ocean, and Australia in the Pacific Ocean clade. Conclusions: These results indicate that the morphological character size of L. harak from Makassar and the holotype from Saudi Arabia have changed. Genetic distance and phylogeny reconstruction are closely related to low genetic distance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 267-274
İsmail Burak Daban ◽  
Mukadder Arslan İhsanoglu ◽  
Ali İsmen

The total length-otolith length (TL-OL), total length-otolith width (TL-OWi), total length-otolith weight (TL-OW) and total weight-otolith weight (TW-OW) relationships of seven fishes in the Marmara Sea, Turkey were calculated. Measurements of sagittal otoliths (length, width and weight) and individuals (total length and total weight) from these species (Gaidropsarus biscayensis, Mediterranean bigeye rockling; Arnoglossus kessleri, Scaldback; Solea solea, Common sole; Uranoscopus scaber, Stargazer; Lophius budegassa, Blackbellied angler, Lepidorhombus boscii, The four-spot megrim and Lesueurigobius friesii, Fries's goby) were given. Linear regression analysis (y = bx + a) was used to determine the relationship between each morphometric character and the coefficient of determination (r2) were calculated. Highest determination coefficient were determined for L. budegassa and A. kessleri to TW-OW, for S. solea, and U. scaber to TL-OL, for G. biscayensis and L. boscii to TL-OWi, for L. friesii to TL-OW. The relatively lower determination coefficients were found for G. biscayensis, compared with others. These relationships provide vital information on species identification and size estimation of fish in predator-prey studies, we believe these results will be useful in future studies of stomach contents.

F1000Research ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 915
Muhammad Afrisal ◽  
Yukio Iwatsuki ◽  
Andi Iqbal Burhanuddin

Background: The Lethrinidae (emperors) include many important food fish species. Accurate determination of species and stocks is important for fisheries management. The taxonomy of the genus Lethrinus is problematic, for example with regards to the identification of the thumbprint emperor Lethrinus harak. Little research has been done on L. harak diversity in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. This study aimed to evaluate the morphometric and genetic characters of the thumbprint emperor, L. harak (Forsskål, 1775) in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Methods: This research was conducted in the Marine Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, and Division of Fisheries Science, University of Miyazaki. Morphometric character measurements were based on holotype character data, while genetic analysis was performed on cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) sequence data. Morphometric data were analysed using principal component analysis (PCA) statistical tests in MINITAB, and genetic data were analysed in MEGA 6. Results: Statistical test results based on morphometric characters revealed groupings largely representative of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The Seychelles was separated from other Indian Ocean sites and Australian populations were closer to the Pacific than the Indian Ocean group. The genetic distance between the groups was in the low category (0.000 - 0.042). The phylogenetic topology reconstruction accorded well with the morphometric character analysis, with two main L. harak clades representing Indian and Pacific Ocean, and Australia in the Pacific Ocean clade. Conclusions: These results indicate that geographical and environmental factors can affect the morphometric and genetic characteristics of L. harak.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-18
Sang Ayu Made Putri Suryani ◽  
I Gede Putu Wirawan ◽  
Rindang Dwiyani ◽  
Made Sritamin

Rasbora lateristriata is an alternative source of protein for the people around the river and fish consumption in Indonesia. Rasbora lateristriata also an economically fish in the streams so that people make it a prime target of the catch. Rasbora lateristriata, Bleeker called yellow Rasbora is a genus of freshwater fish from the family of Cyprinidae and is often found living in groups based on small rivers with a temperature range between 22-24 ° C, pH 6.0 -6.5. The purpose of this study was to determine the method Truss morphometric variation in the upstream, branch, middle and downstream and analyze the effects of water quality to morphometric character of Rasbora lateristriata population as scientific information in the conservation of fish. Morphometric variation of R. lateristriata based on Truss morphometric characters found their closeness between the four populations character of R lateristriata with the degree of similarity that upstream populations with 100% similarity, branch with 60% similarity, middle and downstream with 75%. Morphometric similarity value of R. lateristriata in the Sungi river area of ??77.5%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Jusuf Manueke ◽  
Jefry Sembiring ◽  
Dantje Tarore

<p><em> Hypsiphyla</em> sp. include the Order Lepidoptera, Family Pyralidae. These insects is one of the important pests on mahogany plants (<em>Swietenia macrophylla </em>King.).  This pest has been found to attack <em>S. macrophylla</em> plants in North Sulawesi, especially in the area of mahogany plant centers namely North Minahasa Regency and Tomohon City. The aim of the study was to determine the CO1 gen profile of mahogany shoots borer (<em>Hypsipyla</em> sp.) on mahogany plant (<em>Swietenia macrophylla</em>) in Minahasa Regency and Tomohon City, North Sulawersi Province. The method used is descriptive method, consists of extraction or purification of total double strands DNA (dsDNA), amplification of CO1 gene by PCR method, visualization of PCR results with atomatic electrophoresis qiagen, and sequencing. The sequenced data that is the construction of the phylogeny tree are described according to clusters which give the morphometric character of each sample. The results of the analysis of genetic differences between <em>Hypsipyla</em> sp. origin of North Minahasa and Tomohon namely 3.8%–4.4%. <em>Hypsipyla</em> sp. origin of North Minahasa and Tomohon with <em>H. grandella</em> namely 9.0%–9.3%. Based on the results of this analysis it can be seen that the kinship of <em>Hypsipyla</em> sp. in North Minahasa Regency and Tomohon City it is closer to <em>H. robusta </em>than <em>H. grandella</em>. Results of cluster analysis of <em>Hypsipyla</em> sp. in North Minahasa Regency and Tomohon City, North Sulawesi Province compared to <em>H. robusta</em> and <em>H. grandella</em> in the Gen Bank mapped in the phylogeny tree construction indicate that <em>Hypsipyla</em> sp. in North Mihasa Regency and Tomohon City, North Sulawesi Province already exists or forms a separate clade with <em>H. robusta</em> and <em>H. grandella</em> clades in Bank Gen.</p>

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