The influence of a bio-active feed supplement (hormonexa) on the performance of beef cattle

1972 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-170
R. Laird ◽  
J. Walker-Love ◽  
I. A. Dickson

SUMMARY1. Hormonexa, a bio-active feed supplement, was included at the rate of 3·1 kg per 1000 kg of the concentrate ration for finishing Hereford · Ayrshire steers.2. Live-weight gain and food conversion were unaffected by the addition of Hormonexa.3. The killing-out percentage of the supplemented animals was significantly lower and their carcass quality was slightly, but not significantly, lower than that of the control animals.

1973 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-177 ◽  
A. R. Renton ◽  
T. J. Forbes

SUMMARYAn experiment was carried out in which a cereal supplement was given to beef cattle, either in suspension in water or as a dry supplement. There were no significant differences between treatments in live-weight gain, food intake or food conversion ratios. Although there was a tendency for the digestibility coefficients of all constituents to be lower on the diet containing the liquid supplement, the differences were not statistically significant. It is concluded that giving a supplement in suspension has no adverse effect on the utilization of the overall diet and could facilitate mechanization of the feeding operation.

1970 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
D. J. A. Cole ◽  
G. W. Dean ◽  
J. R. Luscombe

SUMMARYBarley which had been stored after treatment with 0·8 % propionic acid was incorporated into pig diets in either the milled or the rolled form and its feeding value compared with that of barley stored dry and then ground, and of moist barley stored anaerobically and then rolled. The pigs were fed from 50 to 200 lb live weight on the four diets. Their performance was not affected by the method of storage of the barley, but those given rolled barley required 11% more dry matter per unit of live-weight gain than those given milled barley. There were no significant differences between the treatments in carcass measurements, or in apparent digestibility coefficients as measured by the chromic-oxide method.

1980 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 243-250 ◽  
K. Aston ◽  
J. C. Tayler

ABSTRACT1. Experiment 1. Six treatment groups of one British Friesian and four South Devon × British Friesian bulls, initially 432 kg mean live weight and aged 491 days, were offered individually maize or grass silage ad libitum plus 0, 5 or 10g barley dry matter per kg live weight daily for 80 days. The silages had similar digestible dry matter and estimated metabolizable energy contents but the grass silage contained more ammonia and acetic, propionic and butyric acids. Mean values for groups receiving respectively maize and grass silage diets were for dry-matter intake 17·7, 20·3, 20·4 and 13·0, 16·6, 18·7 g/kg live weight and for live-weight gain 1·00, 1·32, 1·46 and 0·65, 0·98, 1·22kg/day. Significantly more maize than grass silage dry matter was eaten when the silages were given alone and dry-matter intakes, live-weight and carcass gains were greater for maize silage diets. Dry-matter intake, live-weight and carcass gains, efficiency of feed use and carcass quality significantly improved when barley was given.2. Experiment 2. Six groups of five British Friesian bulls, initially 418 kg mean live weight and aged 474 days, were offered individually maize silage ad libitum with either urea or one of two quantities of aqueous ammonia mixed in at the time of feeding, plus 0 or 5 g barley dry matter per kg live weight daily for 90 days. The urea and ammonia-treated silages contained 125, 124 and 148 g crude protein per kg dry matter respectively, with pH values of 3·8, 3·9 and 4·3, and when given alone or with barley mean daily intakes (g dry matter per kg live weight) were 17·1, 18·6 for urea-treated silage diets, and 17·8, 18·8 and 16·9, 19·1 respectively for ammoniatreated silage diets. Live-weight gains were 0·69, 0·94, 0·63, 1·09, 0·64 and 1·07 kg/day. Ammonia treatment had no effect on intake or live-weight gain. Live-weight and carcass gains and carcass quality improved when barley was given.3. The maize silage offered in Experiment 1 contained similar metabolizable energy but more starch than that in Experiment 2 and was used more efficiently for live-weight gain.

2006 ◽  
Vol 82 (5) ◽  
pp. 683-689 ◽  
G. D. Rosen

AbstractThis exploratory holo-analysis of the efficacy of Bio-Mos®, (BM), an outer cell wall derivative of a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is part of an empirical modelling research programme comparing the efficacies of potential replacements for veterinary prescription-free pronutrient antibiotics in pig production. The data resource was mined from 128 saccharide publications of which 31/97 on BM (1997 to 2003) provided 69 negatively controlled start-to-finish tests from 10 countries (USA 71%) using 3778 pigs(30·5 per treatment). Respective food intake, live-weight gain and food conversion responses of 0·0075 kg/day (0·99%), 0·0145 kg/day (3·58%) and −0·0526 (3·07%) have coefficients of variation of 511, 163 and 229% and beneficial gain and conversion frequencies of 73 and 68%, 54% jointly. Holo-analytical multiple regression models of BM food intake, live-weight gain and food conversion effects using conventional and less stringent probabilities contain significant independent variables for negative control performances, dosage, discontinuous dosage, test duration, year of test, non-USA test, male, grower-finisher, slatted floor, processed food, antibacterial foods, animal protein food, main vegetable protein not soya bean, added oil/fat food and factorial data, which account for 11 to 68% of variations in response. The models quantify differences in research and praxis and indicate areas for future modelling research on BM dose-response relations, effects of ration ingredient and nutrient contents, other saccharide efficacy comparisons, including lactose, and BM comparisons and interactions with other proposed antibiotic replacements.

1969 ◽  
Vol 73 (3) ◽  
pp. 355-363 ◽  
A. M. Raven ◽  
T. J. Forbes ◽  
J. H. D. Irwin

Summary1. An experiment consisting of two separate trials was carried out to study the utilization by beef cattle of high concentrate diets containing different amounts of milled barley straw and of protein. For each trial twenty-four Friesian steers, initially weighing about 270 kg, were divided into three groups and the animals within each group then allocated at random to eight dietary treatments. The treatments were based on an all-concentrate diet and three others containing 10, 20 and 30% of milled (1 in screen) barley straw. Four of the treatments consisted of giving the same concentrate mixture with each level of straw, and the other four involved giving concentrate mixtures with increasing levels of protein so that the percentage of protein in the diets was maintained. All the diets were fed ad libitum until slaughter.2. Performance in terms of live-weight gain was considered as the net result of a number of factors, notably the total intake of dry matter, the digestibility of the dry matter, the efficiency of utilization of the end products of fermentation in the rumen and the composition of the live-weight gain. The inclusions of 20 and 30% of straw in the diet were associated with lower rates of gain than on corresponding all-concentrate and 10% straw treatments but the differences obtained did not attain significance. Total intakes of dry matter were greater on treatments containing 10 and 20% of straw than on corresponding all-concentrate treatments, but then declined with further increase in level of straw to 30%. This trend was significantly curvilinear (P < 0·01), the equation for the relationship beingY = 5·881 + 0·131X - 0·004X2,with Y being the daily intake of dry matter (kg) and X the percentage of straw in the diet. The maximum intake of dry matter was calculated to occur with a level of 16·4% straw in the diet and represents an increase in total dry matter intake of 18·2% over that on an all-concentrate diet. Food conversion ratio, expressed as total dry matter consumed per kg live-weight gain, tended to increase with increasing proportion of straw in the diet.3. The mean digestibility of organic matter fell sharply with the inclusion of 10% straw in the ration, the decrease being 8·2% where the protein level was not maintained and 9·1% where it was maintained. Further reductions in digestibility occurred on the 20 and 30% straw diets, but the magnitude of the reductions were considerably less than those brought about by the initial introduction of straw into the ration.4. The molar percentage of acetic acid in the steam volatile acids of rumen liquor increased markedly, and that of propionic acid decreased sharply from the all-concentrate to the 10% straw treatment with a similar level of dietary protein. Increase in the level of straw to 30% gave rise to a further increase in the proportion of acetic acid and reduction in that of propionic acid. Analysis of samples taken at 3, 6, 9 and 12 h after feeding showed appreciable differences in pattern between treatments.5. Effects of treatment on killing-out percentage were different for each trial. In trial 1 the inclusion of straw in the diet did not cause any reduction in killing-out percentage, but the maintenance of protein level gave rise to a significantly higher killing-out percentage than was obtained with the lower protein groups. In trial 2 the killing-out percentages showed a significantly linear (P < 0·01) decrease with increasing proportion of straw in the ration, and maintenance of protein level did not give any improvement.

1950 ◽  
Vol 40 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 84-92 ◽  
R. Braude ◽  
K. G. Mitchell ◽  
K. L. Robinson

1. At two centres, Hillsborough and Shinfield, forty-eight pigs in four groups were fattened on rations containing Australian sorghum. The control ration consisted of 30%, wheatfeed, 30% barley meal, 30% maize meal and 10% fish meal. In the three experimental rations either barley meal or maize meal or both were replaced by sorghum.2. The rations containing 30% of sorghum proved to be equal to the control ration as far as live-weight gain of the pigs and the efficiency with which they utilized food was concerned. When 60% of the ration consisted of sorghum there were indications that both rate of gain and food utilization suffered.3. Some aspects of carcass quality suffered when either sorghum alone or sorghum plus maize formed 60% of the ration. The quality of the control carcasses, although quite good by present-day standards, would not qualify for first grade when commercial grading is re-introduced.4. Bacon produced on rations containing up to 60% sorghum had no off-taste or unpleasant flavour.5. In general, the value of sorghum in the ration of fattening pigs was found to be about equal to that of maize.

1964 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-71 ◽  
F. E. Alder ◽  
J. C. Tayler ◽  
J. E. Rudman

The first paper of this series (Alder, Tayler and Rudman, 1964) described experiments carried out over 4 years on the effects of hexoestrol on live-weight gain and herbage intake in grazing steers. The 52 steers used weighed between 750 and 1,100 lb. initially and included four pairs of twins. The experiments lasted between 55 and 124 days and involved both summer and winter grazing. This paper is concerned with observations made on the animals after slaughter.

1985 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-217 ◽  
I. D. Johnsson ◽  
I. C. Hart ◽  
B. W. Butler-Hogg

ABSTRACTIn crossbred female lambs given a concentrate diet ad libitum between 8 and 20 weeks of age, daily subcutaneous injections of 0·1 mg bovine pituitary growth hormone (GH) per kg live weight increased daily live-weight gain (347 v. 284 g/day; P < 0·01; no. = 8), food conversion efficiency (3·94 v. 4·49 kg dry matter per kg gain; P < 0·01) and greasy fleece weight (1·49 v. 0·99 kg; P < 0·001). The increase (4·8 kg) in final live weight was due primarily to an increase in the non-carcass components of the body (3·5 kg), with little effect on carcass weight (1·3 kg). However, bovine GH treatment markedly increased the weights of lean tissue (11·4 v. 9·2 kg; P < 0·001) and bone (2·8 v. 2·4 kg; P < 0·001) and moderately reduced the weight of fat (7·0 v. 8·0 kg; P < 0·10) in the carcass. The bovine GH treatment raised plasma concentrations of immunoreactive GH within the physiological range for about 16 h each day and significantly increased mean plasma concentrations of insulin and prolactin. Daily injection of 1 mg bromocriptine had no effect on daily live-weight gain, food conversion efficiency or carcass composition. This treatment markedly reduced plasma concentrations of prolactin but also significantly reduced insulin concentrations. When given in combination with bovine GH, bromocriptine reduced the GH-induced stimulation of insulin concentration and tended to decrease the effects of GH on food conversion efficiency and growth. This interaction was significant only for the effects on greasy fleece and skin weights (P < 0·01).

1970 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 543-549 ◽  
W. Rutter

SUMMARY1. Seventy-two Blackface ewes with 96 Greyface (Border Leicester ♂ × Blackface ♀) lambs were allocated to three groups. Twenty-four ewes with 32 suckling lambs were set-stocked on 2·4 hectares (ha) of grass (A); 32 lambs were weaned and set-stocked on 2·4 ha of grass (B) and 32 lambs were weaned, housed and given concentrates (C). Beef cows with calves were used to control the grass in the two grazing groups.2. The average initial live weight of the lambs was 18 kg. Treatments had a significant effect on performance, the live-weight gains per lamb over the initial 35 days being 11·2, 9·1 and 5·9 kg for groups A, B and C respectively. The total gains over 70 days, when the suckled lambs (A) were weaned, were 17·6, 15·5 and 14·3 kg.3. The total live-weight gain per ha from lambs and calves over 88 days was higher on treatment B than on treatment A. The lambs weaned on to grass took 9 days longer than the suckled lambs to reach a slaughter weight of 42 kg and had significantly poorer killing-out percentages.4.The lambs given concentrates had an overall food conversion efficiency of 4·89 kg concentrates per kg live-weight gain.

1972 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-105 ◽  
R. B. McCarrick ◽  
M. J. Drennan

SUMMARYThree experiments were conducted to compare the performance of 9-month-old Friesian steers wintered in three environments, (a) conventional cattle houses, (b) wind-sheltered roofless sawdust pads and (c) unsheltered roofless sawdust pads. Within each environment animals were fed on two planes of nutrition.In each experiment, winter live-weight gains of animals accommodated on the three winter environments were similar as were weight changes during the subsequent four weeks at grass in Experiments 2 and 3.No interaction on live-weight gain was found between plane of nutrition and winter environment. Health of outwintered animals was good throughout. The response to feeding barley with hay in these experiments (obtained by comparing low-plane with high-plane treatment groups) showed that on average 5·5 kg of barley dry matter were required to produce 1 kg of additional live-weight gain above that obtained from hay fed alone.

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