Utilization of seed reserves during germination and early seedling growth by Dryobalanops lanceolata (Dipterocarpaceae)

2001 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 371-378 ◽  

We studied the resource allocation process of a large-seeded species, Dryobalanops lanceolata, during germination and early stages of seedling growth in Sarawak, East Malaysia. The seeds contained high contents of starch (74.3% of the total 1.57 g mean dry weight of the cotyledon) and lipid (15.0%). All of these reserves were exhausted by the time the first two pairs of leaves had developed (about 40 d after planting), but relatively little had been reserved in leaf or root by that time. This suggests that the large amount of seed reserve of D. lanceolata is necessary just to form a certain size of stem and the necessary number of leaves to set the plant up for photosynthesis. After seed reserves were exhausted, shoot elongation and new leaf production stopped, and most photosynthate was allocated to the expansion of the root system and to storage in the root as starch. The storage reserves in the root are thought to be used for the next growing stage, not to act as insurance for sprouting in case of shoot damage.

2014 ◽  
Vol 618 ◽  
pp. 339-343 ◽  
Ling Tao ◽  
Mei Ying Guo ◽  
Dan Xu ◽  
Jun Ren

The ecotoxicological effects of Zn2+ on germination and early seedling growth of six pulses were investigated. Seeds of these plants were exposed to seven different concentrations of Zn (0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2, and 6.4 mM). The results indicated that root growth and shoot elongation of six pulse plants were more sensitive than seed germination and dry weight for measurement of the toxic of Zn2+ pollutions. Different species show different levels of tolerance to Zn2+ pollution. Vigna radiate and Lathyrus odoratus are the most sensitive to Zn2+, their germination percentage, root growth, shoot elongation and dry weight were significantly lower than other tested species, by contrast, Glycine max and Dumasia villosa are the most resist species, their germination and seedling growth almost were not influenced by Zn2+ pollution significantly comparing the control. There were significantly negatively correlations between seedling growth and increasing concentration of Zn2+ for Glycine max, Lathyrus odoratus and Dumasia villosa. The significantly negative correlations between germination and increasing concentration of Zn2+ were show for Lathyrus odoratus.

Anita Mann ◽  
Gurpreet Kaur ◽  
Ashwani Kumar ◽  
Satish Kumar Sanwal ◽  
Jogendra Singh ◽  

Screening of chickpea lines for salt tolerance through seed germination and early seedling growth is crucial for their evaluation. Seeds of 30 chickpea genotypes were germinated on a sand bed irrigated with saline (3, 6, 9, 12 dS/m) and control solutions upto 30 days. At the early seedling stage (25-30 days), germination percentage, chlorophyll content, proline, root length, shoot length and seedling dry weight were found to be affected due to salinity. Salt tolerance index (STI) for plant biomass maintained a significant correlation with chlorophyll, proline, shoot length, and root length, which indicated that these parameters could be used as selection criteria for screening chickpea genotypes against salt stress. Significant differences in shoot length, root length, and seedling dry weight in 30-day-old seedlings were observed among selected chickpea genotypes as well. From the overall observation of germination characterstics and early seedling growth, it is concluded that the chickpea genotypes, HC-1, HC-5, ICC 867, ICC 5003, H-10-41 showed better salt tolerance as compared to the available salt tolerant check variety.

2014 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 25-29 ◽  
Reyhane Azimi ◽  
Mohammad Jankju Borzelabad ◽  
Hassan Feizi ◽  
Amin Azimi

Abstract The effect of six SiO2 nanosized concentrations (0, 5, 20, 40, 60 and 80 mg L-1) and three seed prechilling treatments (control, seed prechilling before nano SiO2 treatments, treatments of seed with nano SiO2 before prechilling) on germination and seedling growth of tall wheatgrass (Agropyron elongatum L.) were studied. Results indicated that application of SiO2 nanoparticles significantly increased seed germination of tall wheatgrass from 58 percent in control group to 86.3 and 85.7 percent in 40 and 60 mg L-1, respectively. Applying SiO2 nanoparticles increased dry weight of shoot, root and seedling of tall wheatgrass. Increasing concentration of nanoparticle from 0 up to 40 mg L-1 increased seedling weight around 49 percent compared to the control, nevertheless decreased under 60 and 80 mg L-1 treatments. In conclusion, seed prechilling in combination with SiO2 nanoparticles largely broke the seed dormancy for A. elongatum.

2014 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 529-538 ◽  
V. Mandic ◽  
V. Krnjaja ◽  
Z. Bijelic ◽  
Z. Tomic ◽  
A. Simic ◽  

Red clover is highly salt-sensitive plant, especially during germination and early seedling growth stages. The aim of this investigation was to estimate the effects of different saline conditions (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200mM NaCl) on germination and early seedling growth in four red clover varieties (Kolubara, K-32, K-17 and K-39). Germination test was conducted in the laboratory conditions using sterile plastic vessels on filter paper moistened with 10ml of the appropriate salt test solutions. It was observed that the germination energy (GE), germination (G), percentage of dead or infected seeds (DIS), normal seedlings (NS), root length (RL), shoot length (ShL), fresh weight (FW) and dry weight of seedling (DW) and seedling vigor index (SVI) were significantly decreased with increasing concentrations of NaCl in the growing medium. The tested varieties of red clover showed different NaCl tolerance at the seedling stage. Generally, studied red clover varieties are very sensitive to salt, especially K-32 which has the lowest values for GE, G, NS and SVI and highest for DIS. Variety K-17 proved to be a variety that the best tolerates conditions of salt stress because the values for GE, G, NS, RL and SVI were highest. Testing of varieties of red clover in the early seedling growth at different concentrations of NaCl in the growing medium could be helpful in the identification and selection of varieties for cultivation on saline soils.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 424-431 ◽  
Sonila Yaqoob ◽  
Faizan Ullah ◽  
Sultan Mehmood ◽  
Tariq Mahmood ◽  
Mohib Ullah ◽  

Abstract The present investigation was to determine the effect of nano-TiO2 (2 to 6 nm) and waste water on early seedling growth of maize. The suspensions of nano-TiO2 either in deionized water or autoclaved waste water were applied at 100 mg/L, 50 mg/L and 25 mg/L under in vitro conditions. Analyses of waste water showed that it was not suitable for irrigation purposes as it had a higher content of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cd, Cr and Cu) which were above permissible levels for irrigation. The higher concentration of nano-TiO2 (100 mg/L) and waste water significantly inhibited seed germination, seedling growth and caused accumulation of phenolics in maize plants (p < 0.05). The application of nano-TiO2 at 25 mg/L significantly increased shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight, root fresh weight, root dry weight, root area, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids content (p < 0.05). The adverse effects of waste water on growth attributes of maize were significantly ameliorated by nano-TiO2 at 25 mg/L (p < 0.05). The treatment of waste water with nano-TiO2 (25 mg/L) is recommended before its utilization for agriculture purposes.

1981 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 409 ◽  
WM Lush ◽  
RH Groves ◽  
PE Kaye

Seeds of wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Egret) and annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum cv. Wimmera) were given a single hydration-dehydration cycle by adding a known amount of water and later air-drying them. Embryos enlarged during this initial hydration, and short periods at high water contents were equivalent to longer periods at lower water contents. After hydration to 145% of seed dry weight (wheat) or to 155% (ryegrass) followed by dehydration back to the original seed weights the speed of germination of both species was approximately doubled because the lag phase of germination was shortened. The proportion of ryegrass seeds that were dark-dormant was reduced if seeds were pretreated in light. Pretreatment did not increase germination synchrony, alter threshold temperatures for germination or enhance seedling growth rates. The viability of pretreated seed declined rapidly at - 15°C and at 50°C. The effect of pretreatment, i.e. early germination, is attributed mainly to embryo enlargement. More rapid imbibition of pretreated seeds may contribute in a minor way to differences in germination time.

Naji K. Al Mefleh ◽  
Maher J. Tadros ◽  
Jalal A. Al tabbal

Vetch is a forage crop that is widely grown in high rainfall areas in Jordan for forage production and grazing. Growing vetch species out of the season will need irrigation, which is very expensive. In here, we propose application of wastewater or olive mill wastewater as alternative to the fresh water. An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of diluting the industrial water (IND) with olive mill wastewater (OMWW) on the vetch germination (GR) and early seedling growth under controlled conditions. The water treatments consisted of T1 (pure IND100%), T2 (mix of IND75% + OMWW25%), T3 (IND50% + OMWW50%), T4 (IND25% + OMWW75%) and T5 (pure OMWW100%) and tap water (control). This experiment was designed in a CRD with three replications for each treatment. Several measurements on the morphological and biochemical analysis were taken during this study such as seed germination (GR), as well as the seedlings fresh weight of shoot (FWS), dry weight of shoot (DWS), fresh weight of shoot (FWR), dry weight of root (DWR), shoot length (SL), root length (RL) and the ratios of DWS/DWR and SL/RL. The water treatments had a significant influence on data taken, in which the highest mean values of morphological characteristics were obtained under the T1, while the lowest were obtained under the T5 due to high phenols concentrations. The OMWW treatment showed an adverse effect on GR, DWS, DWR, SL, and RL due to low pH values (4.5) and high phenols concentration (1700 mg/L). In contrast, the industrial water showed low to moderate effect on the vetch seed germination. The means of DWS and DWR under T3 and T4 were not significantly different from each other but were different comparing with control. It is recommended that the use of a mixture of OMWW and the Industrial water will have a positive effect on Vetch growth.

Sibel Day ◽  
Satı Uzun

This study was conducted to investigate the NaCl impacts on germination and emergence performance of common vetch varieties. Seeds of Gülhan, Selçuk, Kubilay, Emir and Nitra were used as materials. Electrical conductivity (EC) values of NaCl solutions were 5, 10, 15 and 20 dS m-1. Distilled water (0 dS m-1) used as control. In this study germination and emergence test were applied to the varieties. In germination and emergence test mean germination time, mean emergence time, germination percentage, emergence percentage shoot length, root length, shoot fresh and dry weight were measured at the end of the 14th day after sowing. The results showed that germination and emergence percentage and the seedling growth of the varieties were inhibited by NaCl stress and NaCl stress led to increase in germination time and emergence time. Cultivars Gülhan and Emir were the least affected compared to other cultivars. Moreover increased NaCl levels gave rise to increase in Na+ content of cultivars and it was evaluated that the significant correlation (r=-0,525) between Na+ and K+. It was also determined that the correlation between two characters had negative relationship.

1990 ◽  
Vol 20 (11) ◽  
pp. 1739-1745 ◽  
J. Thomson ◽  
U. Matthes-Sears ◽  
R. L. Peterson

The importance of provenance and fungal species effects on mycorrhiza formation in Piceamariana was determined. Seed was collected from two sites near Chapleau, Ontario. One provenance was collected from an upland site with sandy soil, the second from a lowland site with peaty soil. Seedlings were grown under aseptic conditions in test tubes. Two experiments were performed: in the first, seedlings were inoculated with Hebelomacylindrosporum, Laccarialaccata, or Paxillusinvolutus, whereas in the second, seedlings were inoculated with Laccariabicolor, Laccarialaccata, Laccariaproximo or noninoculated agar plugs. Counts of ectomycorrhiza and lateral root formation were analyzed for significance with two-way factorial ANOVAS. When inoculated with L. laccata, seedlings from the lowland seed source had significantly more mycorrhizal second order lateral roots than seedlings from the upland seed source. Lowland seedlings also had greater shoot dry weight and foliage length values. However, overall differences between provenances were small. In contrast, differences between fungal treatments were pronounced. Both L. laccata and L. bicolor initiated good ectomycorrhiza formation and increased seedling growth.

HortScience ◽  
1992 ◽  
Vol 27 (6) ◽  
pp. 682f-682
Lurline E. Marsh ◽  
Mohsen Dkhili

Twenty cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and 10 early maturing pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) genotypes were grown at 20/10 C, and 17/10 C day/night and 16 hr. photoperiod to assess their germination and growth. At 20/10 C eighteen cowpea genotypes including the line MN13, and the cultivar, Pinkeye Purple Hull commenced germination at 6 days after planting and showed at least 80% germination 21 days later. Generally, genotypes did not differ significantly in germination and seedling growth up to 45 days later. At 17/10 C two of the cowpea genotypes IT 82E-16 and IT 84E-124 attained at least 90% germination within 21 days after planting. Seedling, growth of these genotypes did not differ and plants began to die 70 days after planting. The pigeonpeas at 17/10 C commenced germination at 9-10 days like many of the cowpeas. Most had at least 50% germination and did not differ in shoot elongation and leaf production. All pigeonpeas flowered between 109 and 136 days after planting and produced pods with immature seeds.

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