Generativity promotes midlife well-being: Generative concerns and trajectory of purpose in life

2014 ◽  
Han-jung Ko ◽  
Karen Hooker
1996 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-61 ◽  
Robin Dahlenburg ◽  
Orla J. Christensen ◽  
James C. Moore

This exploratory study investigated the effect of Jungian-oriented group dreamwork on spiritual well-being and the related constructs of purpose in life and social interest. Participants were students at a religiously oriented liberal arts college. An experimental design with matching was employed. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) followed by univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used. Power and effect size analyses were also employed. The authors are cautious in their interpretation due to small group sizes and the exploratory nature of the research. Nevertheless, the findings suggest some statistical support for the efficacy of a Jungian-oriented dream appreciation group model to enhance spiritual well-being, purpose in life, and social interest.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S524-S525
Nadia Firdauysa ◽  
Jyoti Bhatta ◽  
Alex J Bishop ◽  
Tanya Finchum ◽  
James Grice

Abstract Data from N = 111 centenarians (M = 100.88; SD = 1.48) residing in Oklahoma was used to examine patterns in the relationship between the God oriented vs. non-God oriented longevity secrets and subjective well-being. Observational Oriented Modeling (OOM) was then used to conduct an ordinal analysis using concatenated ordering to produce degree of fitness between data and underlying patterns in life satisfaction and purpose-in-life across three time points. OOM is a data analysis method used to evaluate fitness of proposed patterns to data called PCC. Results indicated that centenarians maintaining a God-oriented longevity secret fit a decreased pattern in life satisfaction (PCC = 25.00, c-value = .09); whereas centenarians not maintaining a God-oriented longevity secret fit the same pattern (PCC = 49.18, c-value = .06). Meanwhile, centenarians having a God-oriented longevity secret fit a decreased pattern of purpose-in-life (PCC = 71.43, c-value =.12); whereas centenarians having a non-God oriented longevity secret fit the same pattern (PCC = 53.45, c-value = .28). In comparison to centenarians who acknowledged something other than God as the secret to their longevity, those who cite God as the reason for longevity tend to proportionately maintain a more satisfying view of life, yet experience a deteriorating sense of purpose over time. Results indicate that longevity secrets reflect divergent patterns in subjective well-being among persons living beyond 100 years. This has implications relative to how geriatric practitioners design interventions, services, or programs to enhance quality-of-life for long-lived adults.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-188 ◽  
Sai Krupa Das ◽  
Shawn T. Mason ◽  
Taylor A. Vail ◽  
Caroline M. Blanchard ◽  
Meghan K. Chin ◽  

Purpose: Programs designed to sustainably improve employee well-being are urgently needed but insufficiently researched. This study evaluates the long-term effectiveness of a commercial well-being intervention in a worksite setting. Design: A pre/postintervention repeated analysis with follow-up at 6, 12, and 18 months. Setting: Office-based worksites (for-profit, nonprofit, and mixed work-type; n = 8). Participants: One hundred sixty-three employees with a mean age of 47 (11) years (57% female). Intervention: A 2.5-day group-based behavioral program emphasizing vitality and purpose in life (PiL). Measures: Rand Medical Outcomes Survey (MOS) 36-Item Short Form (SF-36) with a focus on vitality (primary outcome), Ryff PiL Scale, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, Profile of Mood States, Rand MOS Sleep Scale, physical activity, body weight, blood pressure, and blood measures for glucose and lipids at baseline, 6, 12, and 18 months. Analysis: General linear models with repeated measures for mean values at baseline and follow-up. Results: At 18-month follow-up, sustained improvements were observed for vitality, general health, and mental health domains of SF-36 and PiL ( P < .001 for all measures). Sleep, mood, vigor, physical activity, and blood pressure were also improved at 18 months ( P < .05 for all measures). Conclusions: An intensive 2.5-day intervention showed sustained improvement in employee quality of life, PiL, and other measures of well-being over 18 months.

Narmin Boromand ◽  
Mohammad Narimani ◽  
Tavakol Mosazadeh

The aim of the present research was to compare the psychological well being factors among the parents of the mentally retarded children with those of the normal children. the descriptive research is comparative - causative. The statistical population of the present research includes all the parents of the mentally retarded and normal children whose children were studying in the mentally retarded and normal schools in Mahabad in the educational year of 2012-2013. For this, 80 parents of the mentally retarded children were chosen through the random sampling and 80 parents of the normal children were selected through the multistage random sampling. To collect data m, the Ryff psychological well being questionnaire was used. To analyze data, the multivariate variance analysis statistics was applied. The results of the multivariate variance analysis statistics shows that there is a significant relations with regards to the positive relationship with the others, mastering the environment at the alpha level of 0/01 (P < 0/01), and with regards to the self acceptance factors, independence, having purpose in life and personal development at the alpha level of 0/05 (P < 0/05). There is a significant difference between the parents of the normal children and those of the mentally retarded children with regards to the psychological well being factors (positive relationship with the others, mastering the environment, self acceptance factors, independence, having purpose in life, and personal development).

2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 296-319 ◽  
Gørill Haugan ◽  
Unni Karin Moksnes

Background: The experience of meaning has been found to be a strong individual predictor of life satisfaction and an important psychological variable that promotes well-being. Therefore, a valid and reliable measurement of meaning-in-life among nursing home patients is highly warranted. Aims: This study intended to further investigate (a) the factor structure of the Purpose-in-Life test (PIL), (b) the reliability of PIL scores, and (c) the construct validity of the PIL test in a nursing home population. Methods: Participants were 202 cognitively intact nursing home patients representing 44 different Norwegian nursing homes. Concerning the dimensionality of the PIL, the following 3 measurement models were tested using confirmatory factor analysis; the original 1-factor, a 2-factor, and a 3-factor model. Results: With the exclusion of 10 items, a previously published and supported 2-factor construct for the PIL by Morgan and Farsides (2007) provided a good fit for older nursing home patients, demonstrating good measurement reliability and construct validity. Conclusion: The 2-factor model by Morgan and Farsides, comprising 10 items, is an improvement over the original 20-items PIL, based on these nursing home data. The measure yielded highly significantly factor loadings, good values for average variance extracted and composite reliability, as well as significant correlations in the expected direction for relevant selected measures; all supporting the construct validity.

Thomas M. Kelley ◽  
Jacqueline Hollows ◽  
Eric G. Lambert ◽  
Dennis M. Savard ◽  
Jack Pransky

Three principles correctional counseling (3PCC) posits that people in prison have inner mental health they have obscured to varying degrees with their own thinking. 3PCC further posits that people in prison can rekindle and sustain this inner health via understanding how three psychospiritual principles—Universal Mind, consciousness, and thought—coalesce to form people’s psychological experience. We review the three principles and explain how exposure to these principles can lead to improved mental health and improved behavior. Then, we describe 3PCC and distinguish it from prevailing correctional counseling methods. Finally, we present a preliminary study that examines the efficacy of 3PCC for improving the mental health and behavior of people in an English prison. Our findings show that participants exposed to 3PCC showed a significant improvement in mental well-being and purpose in life, significant reductions in anxiety and anger, and improved behavior in the prison community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 162 (27) ◽  
pp. 1089-1098
Zsolt Szakály ◽  
József Bognár ◽  
Zoltán Tánczos ◽  
Csaba András Dézsi

Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: A szociális szférában dolgozók túlterheltsége jelentős, és munkakörülményeik többnyire kedvezőtlenek. Bizonyított, hogy az életcélok meghatározzák a karrier, az egészségtudatosság és az életminőség területeit, de ez utóbbi a szociális dolgozók mintáján még nem került bizonyításra. Célkitűzés: A kutatás célja, hogy bemutassa egy szociális és egészségügyi szolgáltatóintézmény női dolgozóinak (n = 127) tápláltsági és fittségi állapotát és életminőségét, valamint az életcélok meghatározó szerepét ezekre a mutatókra. Módszer: Kérdőív, teszt, testösszetétel-vizsgálat és fittségiállapot-felmérés segítségével gyűjtöttünk adatokat, amelyeket különbözőségvizsgálattal és regresszióelemzéssel elemeztünk. Eredmények: A minta tápláltsági mutatója túlsúlyra utal, míg a fittségi állapot, az életminőség és az életcélok még elfogadható tartományban vannak, de a szélsőértékek jelentősek. A magasabb életcélokkal rendelkezők jobb fittségi mutatókkal és életminőséggel jellemezhetők. Az ülőmunkát és a fizikai munkát végzők között minimális különbség volt kimutatható a tápláltsági mutatók, a fittség és az életminőség tekintetében. A táppénzt igénybe vevők gyengébb fittségi és életminőség-mutatókkal rendelkeznek, mint akik nem voltak betegszabadságon. Az életkor előrehaladtával romló testösszetételt és fittségi állapotot detektáltunk. Következtetés: A korábbi kutatási eredményeket megerősíthetjük abban, hogy a szociális dolgozók tápláltsági és fittségi mutatói, valamint életminőségszintje nem optimális. Az életcélok meghatározó szerepe a vizsgált területek számottevő részében bizonyítást nyert. A dolgozói életcélok megerősítésének egyik fontos színtere a munkahely, ahol számos pozitív hatás érhető el a testi-lelki egészség, a jóllét és a munkateljesítmény területein is. Orv Heti. 2021; 162(27): 1089–1098. Summary. Introduction: Professionals working in the social sector typically do significant overwork in rather unfavourable working conditions. Although the purpose in life is proved to determine the areas of career, health awareness, and the quality of life, the latter has not yet been confirmed among social workers. Objective: The purpose of this research is to demonstrate body composition and fitness status as well as the quality of life of female employees (n = 127) at a social institution, furthermore the decisive role purpose of life plays in these indicators. Method: Data were collected through questionnaires, tests, body composition analyses, and fitness status tests, and were assessed by t-test, analysis of variance and regression analysis. Results: Body composition of the participants indicates a generally overweight status, while fitness status, quality of life, and purpose of life are within the acceptable range, however, all with notable range values. Those with a higher-level purpose of life demonstrate better fitness indicators and higher quality of life. In terms of body composition, fitness, and quality of life, only a minor difference was found between those who do intellectual and physical type of work. Those who took sick leave demonstrated a lower level of fitness and quality of life compared to those who did not take any sick leave. Body composition and fitness status have proven to deteriorate with age. Conclusion: Previous research findings can be confirmed by stating that neither the body composition and fitness indicators, nor the quality-of-life level of social workers are optimal. The determining role of purpose in life has been proven in substantial aspects in this study. One of the focus areas of enhancing purpose in life is the workplace, where major positive impacts can be achieved in terms of the physical and mental health, well-being, and work performance. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(27): 1089–1098.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 577-577
Shyuan Ching Tan ◽  
Alyssa Gamaldo ◽  
Angela Sardina

Abstract Having a sense of purpose directs behaviors, hence, purpose in life (PIL) can be a useful indicator/moderator of healthy mental and physical behaviors and outcomes. As such, purpose in life, particularly in lower income older adults, might encourage meaningful engagement in activities and life that lead to positive health. Thirty-nine residents (M=68.01, SD=10.26) of affordable housing for older adults in Wilmington, NC and State College, PA were surveyed on demographics, mental health, well-being (i.e., PIL), health behaviors, and their perceptions on immediate housing and the community resources. Findings suggest that for higher educated, younger and Black older adults, PIL moderates or protects against negative mental outcomes (p&lt;.05). For higher educated older adults, PIL moderates or encourages positive perception of job opportunities in the community (p&lt;.05) and healthier behaviors (p&lt;.05). More research is needed to understand how environment interacts with PIL to promote healthy behaviors and outcomes.

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