Supplemental Material for Mark My Words: High Frequency Marker Words Impact Early Stages of Language Learning

2019 ◽  
Vol 45 (10) ◽  
pp. 1883-1898 ◽  
Rebecca L. A. Frost ◽  
Padraic Monaghan ◽  
Morten H. Christiansen

Luu Hon Vu ◽  
Le Quoc Tuan ◽  
Tran Thi Ngoc Anh ◽  
Nguyen Thi Phuong Truc

The purpose of this research paper is to look into the current situation of using learning strategies and the key factors that influence English learning strategies of tertiary students who major in economics at Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City. On the basis of Oxford’s (1990) theory on language learning strategies, the study conducted a questionnaire survey with the participation of 300 students. The results show that economics-majored students use English learning strategies at a relatively high frequency, with the metacognitive strategies group having the highest frequency; the groups of affective strategies and compensation strategies have the lowest frequency of use. It also draws a conlusion that individual factors such as gender, grade level, and major do not appear to have a significant impact on students' use of English learning strategies. There are no significant differences between male and female students, between students of all grades, and between students of different majors in the frequency of using English learning strategies.

2021 ◽  
Anna Siyanova ◽  
S Spina

© 2015 Language Learning Research Club, University of Michigan. Research into frequency intuition has focused primarily on native (L1) and, to a lesser degree, nonnative (L2) speaker intuitions about single word frequency. What remains a largely unexplored area is L1 and L2 intuitions about collocation (i.e., phrasal) frequency. To bridge this gap, the present study aimed to answer the following question: How do L2 learners and native speakers compare against each other and corpora in their subjective judgments of collocation frequency? Native speakers and learners of Italian were asked to judge 80 noun-adjective pairings as one of the following: high frequency, medium frequency, low frequency, very low frequency. Both L1 and L2 intuitions of high frequency collocations correlated strongly with corpus frequency. Neither of the two groups of participants exhibited accurate intuitions of medium and low frequency collocations. With regard to very low frequency pairings, L1 but not L2 intuitions were found to correlate with corpora for the majority of the items. Further, mixed-effects modeling revealed that L2 learners were comparable to native speakers in their judgments of the four frequency bands, although some differences did emerge. Taken together, the study provides new insights into the nature of L1 and L2 intuitions about phrasal frequency.

2021 ◽  
Diana Pili-Moss

Recent neurocognitive models of second language learning have posited specific roles for declarative and procedural memory in the processing of novel linguistic stimuli. Pursuing this line of investigation, the present study examined the role of declarative and procedural memory abilities in the early stages of adult comprehension of sentences in a miniature language with natural language characteristics (BrocantoJ). Thirty-six native Italian young adults were aurally exposed to BrocantoJ in the context of a computer game over three sessions on consecutive days. Following vocabulary training and passive exposure, participants were asked to perform game moves described by aural sentences in the language. Game trials differed with respect to the information the visual context offered. In part of the trials processing of relationships between grammatical properties of the language (word order and morphological case marking) and noun semantics (thematic role) was necessary in order reach an accurate outcome, whereas in others nongrammatical contextual cues were sufficient. Declarative and procedural learning abilities were respectively indexed by visual and verbal declarative memory measures and by a measure of visual implicit sequence learning. Overall, the results indicated a substantial role of declarative learning ability in the early stages of sentence comprehension, thus confirming theoretical predictions and the findings of previous similar studies in miniature artificial language paradigms. However, for trials that specifically probed the learning of relationships between morphosyntax and semantics, a positive interaction between declarative and procedural learning ability also emerged, indicating the cooperative engagement of both types of learning abilities in the processing of relationships between ruled-based grammar and interpretation in the early stages of exposure to a new language in adults.

Katherine Demuth ◽  
Mark Johnson

AbstractIt has commonly been proposed that there is a stage in development where children’s early productions are binary feet, or minimal words. However, the present study of a French-speaking child (1;1–1;8) finds an extended period where both CVC and disyllabic target words are truncated to CV after initially being produced as reduplicated CiVCiV forms. That is, the child appears to regress, failing to produce disyllabic forms that could be produced earlier. This article proposes an explanation for this apparent regression in terms of segmental-prosodic constraint interaction, where the child’s limited segmental inventory, in conjunction with the high frequency of CV lexical items in everyday French, conspire to yield subminimal truncations as “optimal” at this stage in development. These findings provide support for a growing body of literature showing the importance of both constraint interaction and frequency effects in early production, arguing for a more probabilistic approach to theories of language learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 188
Esra Nelvi Siagian

Vocabulary plays an important role in foreign language learning, but teachers are often confused about what vocabulary should be taught or targeted so that learners can communicate well according to their level. This study aims to produce a list of the most frequently used vocabulary, knows as High Frequency Words-HFW, in Beginner Indonesian as Foreign Language (ILF) level. The results of this research will be great used for IFL students, teachers, writers, and observers, as well as parties related to IFL. The use of HFW in foreign language learning is proven to have positive effects, such as increasing learning motivation, increasing self-confidence to produce one's own sentences, helping to understand texts, and using repeated words that will make the vocabulary familiar to learners. This qualitative research used corpus of BIPA books for the beginner level based on the level one and two IFL Competency Standards according to the regulation of education ministry Number 27 of 2017 then processed using the AntCont application. The results showed that 1) HFW for IFL is different from Indonesian HFW in general; 2) the form of word classes taught varies; and 3) limited of affix used.  AbstrakKosakata memegang peranan penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing, tetapi pengajar sering bingung menentukan kosakata apa saja yang harus diajarkan atau dijadikan target agar pemelajar dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik sesuai dengan tingkatannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan daftar kosakata yang paling sering digunakan, High Frequency Words-HFW, pada pembelajaran BIPA pemula. Hasil penelitian ini akan sangat bermanfaat bagi para pemelajar, pengajar, penulis, dan pengamat BIPA, serta pihak-pihak yang berkaitan dengan kebipaan. Pemanfaatan HFW dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing terbukti memberi efek positif, seperti meningkatkan motivasi belajar, meningkatkan rasa percaya diri untuk memproduksi kalimat sendiri, membantu memahami teks, dan pemanfaatan kata berulang-ulang akan membuat kosakata tersebut familiar bagi pemelajar. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan korpus data buku-buku BIPA untuk level pemula dengan berbasis Standar Kompetensi Lulusan BIPA level satu dan dua sesuai Permendikbud Nomor 27 Tahun 2017 kemudian diolah menggunakan aplikasi AntCont. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) HFW bahasa Indonesia untuk pemelajar BIPA berbeda dengan HFW bahasa Indonesia secara umum; 2) bentuk kelas kata yang diajarkan bervariasi; dan 3) bentuk imbuhan yang digunakan terbatas

2021 ◽  
Anna Siyanova ◽  
S Spina

© 2015 Language Learning Research Club, University of Michigan. Research into frequency intuition has focused primarily on native (L1) and, to a lesser degree, nonnative (L2) speaker intuitions about single word frequency. What remains a largely unexplored area is L1 and L2 intuitions about collocation (i.e., phrasal) frequency. To bridge this gap, the present study aimed to answer the following question: How do L2 learners and native speakers compare against each other and corpora in their subjective judgments of collocation frequency? Native speakers and learners of Italian were asked to judge 80 noun-adjective pairings as one of the following: high frequency, medium frequency, low frequency, very low frequency. Both L1 and L2 intuitions of high frequency collocations correlated strongly with corpus frequency. Neither of the two groups of participants exhibited accurate intuitions of medium and low frequency collocations. With regard to very low frequency pairings, L1 but not L2 intuitions were found to correlate with corpora for the majority of the items. Further, mixed-effects modeling revealed that L2 learners were comparable to native speakers in their judgments of the four frequency bands, although some differences did emerge. Taken together, the study provides new insights into the nature of L1 and L2 intuitions about phrasal frequency.

Vestnik ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 24-31
Д.Р. Бектемирова ◽  
Ж.В. Романова ◽  
А.Т. Душпанова

В данном обзореуделено внимание ключевым и актуальным в настоящее время вопросамнеразвивающейся беременности , основным причинам приводящих к гибели эмбриона .Учитывая высокую частоту и многофакторность данной патологии, её повторяемость, характер осложнений угрожающий жизни женщины, проблема неразвивающейся беременности до настоящего времени не утратила актуальности.Целью данного обзора является анализ данных, представленных в современной литературео различных факторах риска и причин гибели плода на ранних сроках его развития. Из анализа литературы по данной теме следует, что зная причины и понимая патогенез неразвивающейся беременности , можно эффективнее проводить патогенетическое лечение и осуществлять индивидуализацию подхода к восстановлению репродуктивного здоровья в послеабортном периоде. In this review, attention is paid to the key and currently topical issues of non-developing pregnancy, the main reasons leading to the death of the embryo. Considering the high frequency and multifactorial nature of this pathology, its recurrence, the nature of complications threatening a woman's life, the problem of non-developing pregnancy has not lost its relevance to date. The purpose of this review is to analyze the data presented in the modern literature on various risk factors and causes of fetal death in the early stages of its development. From the analysis of the literature on this topic, it follows that knowing the causes and understanding the pathogenesis of non-developing pregnancy,it is possible to more effectively carry out pathogenetic treatment and individualize the approach to restoring reproductive health in the post-abortion period.

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