repeated words
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Sirok Bastra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Hestiyana Hestiyana

Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bentuk keragaman leksikon flora dalam pengobatan tradisional masyarakat Dayak Halong. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer berupa leksikon flora yang digunakan sebagai pengobatan tradisional yang diperoleh dari balian atau tokoh adat. Adapun, data sekunder diperoleh dari sejumlah kajian pustaka yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan tiga langkah kerja, yaitu tahap penyediaan data, tahap analisis data, dan tahap penyajian hasil analisis data. Penyediaan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode simak, dengan teknik rekam, catat, dan wawancara. Penganalisisan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode padan. Penyajian hasil analisis data menggunakan metode penyajian informal. Dari hasil analisis ditemukan 40 leksikon flora dan 6 bentuk keragaman flora dalam pengobatan tradisional masyarakat Dayak Halong. Bentuk leksikon yang ditemukan, yaitu (1) leksikon yang berwujud kata yang terdiri atas leksikon yang berwujud kata dasar dan leksikon yang berwujud kata ulang; (2) leksikon yang berwujud frase. Dalam kategori linguistik, keempat puluh leksikon flora tersebut tergolong bermakna bernyawa dan dapat diklasifikasikan berdasarkan bentuk dasar, bentuk turunan, dan bentuk ulang. Dalam kategori ekologi keempat puluh leksikon flora itu termasuk tumbuhan biotik. Bentuk keragaman flora yang ditemukan berbentuk habitus (1) pohon, (2) parasit, (3) rumput, (4) perdu, (5) liana, dan (6) semak. Bentuk keragaman leksikon flora tersebut termasuk dalam lingkungan ragawi dan lingkungan sosial yang terkait dengan lingkungan geografis, yakni lingkungan tempat masyarakat Dayak Halong memanfaatkan flora untuk pengobatan tradisional. Pemanfaatan flora tersebut menggunakan bagian akar, umbi, daun, pucuk daun, batang, bunga, buah, dan biji tumbuhan. Cara penggunaannya adalah dengan cara direbus, direndam, diusapkan, dikompreskan, ditempelkan, dioleskan pada bagian yang sakit, serta diseduh langsung. This study aims to describe the diversity of flora lexicon in traditional medicine of the Dayak Halong community. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This study uses primary data and secondary data. Primary data in the form of flora lexicon used as traditional medicine obtained from balian or traditional leaders. Meanwhile, secondary data was obtained from a number of literature studies related to this research. In this study, three work steps were carried out, namely: the stage of providing data, the stage of data analysis, and the stage of presenting the results of data analysis. The provision of data in this study used the listening method, with recording, note taking, and interviewing techniques. Data analysis was carried out using the equivalent method. Presentation of the results of data analysis using the method of informal presentation. From the results of the analysis found 40 flora lexicon and 6 forms of flora diversity in traditional medicine of the Dayak Halong community. The forms of lexicon found are (1) lexicon in the form of word consisting of lexicon in the form of basic words and lexicon in the form of repeated words; (2) lexicon in the form of phrases. In the linguistic category, the forty flora lexicons are classified as animate and can be classified based on basic forms, derived forms, and re-forms. In the forty ecological categories of the flora lexicon, it includes biotic plants. The forms of flora diversity found were in the form of habitus (1) trees, (2) parasites, (3) grass, (4) clumps, (5) lianas, and (6) shrubs. The forms of diversity in the flora lexicon are included in the physical environment and social environment related to the geographical environment, namely the environment were the Dayak Halong community uses flora for traditional medicine. Utilization of the flora uses the roots, tubers, leaves, leaf shoots, stems, flowers, fruits, and seed of plants. How to use it is by boiling, soaking, rubbing, compressing, affixed, smeared on the sick, and brewed directly.

Serena Micheletti ◽  
Jessica Galli ◽  
Vera Scaglioni ◽  
Stefano Renzetti ◽  
Elisa Scarano ◽  

Purpose The aim of this pilot study is to gather preliminary results on the effectiveness of intensive, parent-oriented, telepractice-based intervention to improve language skills in preschool children with neuromotor and intellectual disorders. Method Nine preschool children ( M = 63 months, SD = 8.7 months) underwent a telepractice program 4 times a week designed to promote speech, lexical, and syntactic skills. Families were remotely connected from home with the therapists, who controlled the rehabilitation procedures from the hospital. The number of stable phonemes, of understood and repeated words, and of understood and repeated sentences were evaluated as outcome measures 3 months (prebaseline) and 1 week (baseline) before the intervention, immediately after the intervention (T1) and at a 3-month follow-up (T2). Results An increase in the number of stable phonemes was detected after the treatment, even if it was not statistically significant. After the intervention program, there was a significant increase in the number of understood words (ratio T1 vs. baseline: 1.33; 95% CI [1.03, 1.71]) and repeated words (ratio T1 vs. baseline: 1.39; 95% CI [1.00, 1.92]), as well as of understood sentences (ratio T1 vs. baseline: 1.80; 95% CI [1.24, 2.35]) and repeated sentences (ratio T1 vs. baseline: 4.23; 95% CI [1.96, 9.12]). No significant differences were found when comparing all the outcome measures at prebaseline and at baseline. Conclusion An intensive, parent-oriented, telepractice-based intervention has the potential to increase scores of lexical and syntactic tasks in children with neuromotor and intellectual disorders.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Daniel Anderson

Abstract This article argues that the defamiliarization caused by extensive repetition, termed ‘semantic satiation’ in psychology, was used by ancient poets for specific effects. Five categories of repetition are identified. First, words undergo auditory deformation through syllable and sound repetition, as commonly in ancient etymologies. Second, a tradition of emphatic proper-name repetition is identified, in which the final instance of the name is given special emphasis; this tradition spans Greek and Latin poetry, and ultimately goes back to the Nireus entry in the Catalogue of Ships. Third, repetition is used for wordplay, where the final instance of the repeated term not only is emphasized but also incurs some change to its meaning or shape. Fourth, the incantatory repetition of divine names in hymns and cultic invocations amplifies a sense of divine presence behind and beyond the repetend. Fifth, repetition of half and full lines by different speakers in Old Comedy serves to undercut and parody the original sense of the repeated words. Extensive repetition in ancient literature was never merely ornamental but was used for a range of specific auditory and semantic effects with distinct and identifiable structures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (193) ◽  
pp. 184-191
Anatolii Moisiienko ◽  

This article contains a short overview of theory and practice of the poem text, dealing with the phenomenon of enjambment. It should be stressed that Ukrainian poetry (both classic and modern) widely uses the figure of enjambment. There is a number of recently published articles by Ukrainian authors offering the study of this poetic figure in different aspects of different individual styles. But for obvious reasons there are no such studies about sonnet texts in particular. Regarding the sonnet poem, since the times of the first French theorists of the 17-18 th centuries up to modern reference editions, genre definitions of its figurative structure almost always contain a number of restrictions. There should be no repeated words, the rhymes should be exact and voiced, every stanza - with the relevant rhyming system - has to be a complete syntactic entity etc. The author (using as example a number of sonnets of Ukrainian poets) tries to show that the enjambement accented word in the sonnet text is as natural as in any other poetic text. And as in any other poetic text (depending on the author’s intention) it can play an important semantic and stylistic function. The main meaning and functional shift of enjambement word on the structural level is being studied here both in the system of simple and compound sentence of the sonnet. Quite often we can observe the phrase shift from one stanza to another, from quatrain to tercet. An example of such enjambement structure of the poem where the shift is being observed in every line and every stanza is a sonnet of Dmytro Pavlychko "Слова”. Another rare phenomenon of syllable shift in the sonnet poem can be found here: Дихнуло весною, Десною... Над супер- / крутою урбанню.Над біль./У долі моєї чебрець і канупер / З чернігівських піль / (А. Мойсієнко).

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-199
Gang Liu (劉剛)

Abstract When ancient texts copied repeated words, they commonly used the notation = to represent it; successive repeated words written as A=B= could be read as either AABB or as ABAB. In Pre-Qin manuscripts unearthed in recent years, there have been examples in which these duplication marks can also be read multiple times. Referring to this usage of duplication marks, I raise several hypotheses regarding the poem “You bi” 有駜 (There are Stout Steeds) in the Liturgies of Lu section of the Classic of Poetry, suggesting that the lines 振振鷺,鷺于下 and 振振鷺,鷺于飛 in the first two stanzas of the poem would have been written in early manuscripts as 振=鷺=于下 and 振=鷺=于飛. 振= 鷺=于下 should be read as 振鷺振鷺,振鷺于下 “Flapping egrets, flapping egrets, Flapping egrets are there below,” and 振=鷺=于飛 should be read as 振鷺振鷺,  振鷺于飛 “Flapping egrets, flapping egrets, Flapping egrets are taking flight.” On the basis of this, I attempt a reconstruction of the original text of “You bi.”

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Johandi Sinaga ◽  
I Wayan Simpen ◽  
Made Sri Satyawati

This study aims to describe the ecolexicon treasures which represent the scope of Lake Toba. The ecolinguistic theory is used in this study. The data in this study are lexicons related to the scope of siltation. Data collection methods used are interview and observation methods. The analysis used a qualitative descriptive method. The results revealed 29 lexica related to the silt environment with three categories of ecolexicon entities namely flora ecolexicon, fauna ecolexicon, and fishing gear ecolexicon. The lexicon category consists of nouns and verbs. There are lexicon forms that are basic, derivative forms in the form of repeated words, and compound words. Keywords: Fishing Gear; Lake Toba; Ekoleksikon; Fauna; Flora

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 188
Esra Nelvi Siagian

Vocabulary plays an important role in foreign language learning, but teachers are often confused about what vocabulary should be taught or targeted so that learners can communicate well according to their level. This study aims to produce a list of the most frequently used vocabulary, knows as High Frequency Words-HFW, in Beginner Indonesian as Foreign Language (ILF) level. The results of this research will be great used for IFL students, teachers, writers, and observers, as well as parties related to IFL. The use of HFW in foreign language learning is proven to have positive effects, such as increasing learning motivation, increasing self-confidence to produce one's own sentences, helping to understand texts, and using repeated words that will make the vocabulary familiar to learners. This qualitative research used corpus of BIPA books for the beginner level based on the level one and two IFL Competency Standards according to the regulation of education ministry Number 27 of 2017 then processed using the AntCont application. The results showed that 1) HFW for IFL is different from Indonesian HFW in general; 2) the form of word classes taught varies; and 3) limited of affix used.  AbstrakKosakata memegang peranan penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing, tetapi pengajar sering bingung menentukan kosakata apa saja yang harus diajarkan atau dijadikan target agar pemelajar dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik sesuai dengan tingkatannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan daftar kosakata yang paling sering digunakan, High Frequency Words-HFW, pada pembelajaran BIPA pemula. Hasil penelitian ini akan sangat bermanfaat bagi para pemelajar, pengajar, penulis, dan pengamat BIPA, serta pihak-pihak yang berkaitan dengan kebipaan. Pemanfaatan HFW dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing terbukti memberi efek positif, seperti meningkatkan motivasi belajar, meningkatkan rasa percaya diri untuk memproduksi kalimat sendiri, membantu memahami teks, dan pemanfaatan kata berulang-ulang akan membuat kosakata tersebut familiar bagi pemelajar. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan korpus data buku-buku BIPA untuk level pemula dengan berbasis Standar Kompetensi Lulusan BIPA level satu dan dua sesuai Permendikbud Nomor 27 Tahun 2017 kemudian diolah menggunakan aplikasi AntCont. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) HFW bahasa Indonesia untuk pemelajar BIPA berbeda dengan HFW bahasa Indonesia secara umum; 2) bentuk kelas kata yang diajarkan bervariasi; dan 3) bentuk imbuhan yang digunakan terbatas

PeerJ ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. e10383
Alysia Empert-Gallegos ◽  
Sally Hill ◽  
Philippa S. Yam

Background The practice of feeding a raw meat-based diet (RMBD) to dogs is a topic of increasing interest to owners and veterinary professionals alike. Despite the research around the practice, particularly about the risk of nutritional imbalances and microbial contamination, an increasing number of dog owners are adopting a raw diet for their dogs. This study expands the research into owner motivations for feeding RMBDs and cooked diets and asks them their opinions about risk and nutritional value. Methods An anonymized, online, internationally accessible questionnaire was developed to ascertain owner perspectives on the risks, benefits, and nutritional value of commercially prepared and homemade RMBDs as compared with commercially prepared cooked diets (CCDs). Results The questionnaire was completed by 419 dog owners of diverse backgrounds across the world. Of the participants, 25.3% fed RMBDs. Just over 70.0% of all participants had spoken to their veterinarian about their dog’s nutrition. Owners who fed RMBDs ranked their veterinarian’s knowledge lower and their own knowledge of canine nutrition higher than owners who fed CCDs. They rated commercial and homemade RMBDs as highly nutritious 83.5% and 73.6% of the time, respectively, while only 12.5% rated CCDs as highly nutritious. Owners who fed CCDs ranked RMBDs as highly nutritious less often, but also only ranked CCDs as highly nutritious 52.7% of the time. All participants agreed that CCDs were low risk to human health. Owners who fed RMBDs ranked raw diets as highly risky to human or dog health under 20.0% of the time but deemed CCDs risky to animal health over 65.0% of the time. When asked about benefits of raw diets, the most repeated words offered by owners were “health”, “better”, “coat” and “teeth”. The most repeated risks presented were “bacteria”, “nutrition”, “risk” and “Salmonella”. Owners who fed RMBDs tended to use vague terminology like “health” and “better” when asked why they fed a raw diet. Owners who did not feed RMBDs used more specific terminology like “expensive”, “time” and “risk” when asked why they did not feed a raw diet. Overall, the two groups differed in their perceptions around RMBD and CCD feeding, which highlights the need for a better line of communication and education between veterinarians and owners.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (19) ◽  
pp. 6936 ◽  
Jeong-Uk Bang ◽  
Seung Yun ◽  
Seung-Hi Kim ◽  
Mu-Yeol Choi ◽  
Min-Kyu Lee ◽  

This paper introduces a large-scale spontaneous speech corpus of Korean, named KsponSpeech. This corpus contains 969 h of general open-domain dialog utterances, spoken by about 2000 native Korean speakers in a clean environment. All data were constructed by recording the dialogue of two people freely conversing on a variety of topics and manually transcribing the utterances. The transcription provides a dual transcription consisting of orthography and pronunciation, and disfluency tags for spontaneity of speech, such as filler words, repeated words, and word fragments. This paper also presents the baseline performance of an end-to-end speech recognition model trained with KsponSpeech. In addition, we investigated the performance of standard end-to-end architectures and the number of sub-word units suitable for Korean. We investigated issues that should be considered in spontaneous speech recognition in Korean. KsponSpeech is publicly available on an open data hub site of the Korea government.

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