scholarly journals Model of formation of professional activity safety culture of future occupational safety and health engineers

2021 ◽  
Vol 255 ◽  
pp. 01041
Valentyna Radkevych ◽  
Elviza Abiltarova

The purpose of the article is to consider the model of the formation of the safety culture of professional activity in future occupational safety and health engineers. The urgency of the implementation of the stated research within the Concept of sustainable development has been substantiated. The study establishes the structure of the model represented by five blocks: prospective-target, theoretical-methodological, content-technological, diagnostic-resultant. The prospective-target block defines the goals and objectives of the research; the theoretical-methodological block provides for a concept, methodological approaches, principles, factors, pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective formation of the culture of safety of professional activity; content-technological is expressed by a complex of didactic units that include content components, forms, methods and technologies of teaching; the diagnostic-resultant block contains diagnostic tools for the formation of the safety culture of professional activity among future engineers on labor protection. The conclusion is made about the dynamism and balance of the components of the proposed model, aimed at the personal growth of future occupational safety and health engineers and the development of their creative potential, most significantly focused on the prevention of the risks and harm caused by occupational hazards.

KANT ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 200-205
Elviza Abiltarova

The article touches upon the problem of the formation of a culture of safety in the professional activities of occupational safety and health protection engineers. The author emphasizes the importance of defining the structural and content components of the safety culture. The work substantiates structural components of the safety culture of occupational safety engineers, which include: general culture, labour protection culture, labour culture, and health culture. The author's definition of the following concepts is given: general culture, labour protection culture, labour culture, and health culture.

2021 ◽  
pp. 78-85
Abiltarova T.N.

The article is devoted to the problem of forming the culture of safety of professional activity in future occupational safety and health engineers. Thepurposeof the article is to substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of professional safety culture in future occupational safety and health engineers. Methods. The work is based on the works of scientists, who applied the principles and ideas of culturological, humanistic, axiological, activity, and personality-oriented approaches, used theoretical methods (analysis and systematization of scientific literature, comparison, generalization, and systematization of information), empirical methods (practical experience, expert evaluation, ranking, expert survey), methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The pedagogical conditions of effective formation of the culture of safety of professional activity (CSPA) in future occupational safety and health engineers are defined: formation of positive motivation to master CSPA; updating the content of professional training of occupational safety and health engineers taking into account CSPA component on the basis of interdisciplinary integration; use of innovative technologies of formation of CSPA in future occupational safety and health engineers; development of creative readiness of future occupational safety and health engineers to provide for safe activities. The implementation of the first pedagogical condition involves the creation of a positive attitude and motivation for safe behavior and health at work. To implement the second pedagogical condition, it is important to ensure the design of integrative content, which should contain the following components: labor, legal, organizational and managerial, ergonomic, health, communicative. In order to implement the third and fourth pedagogical conditions, it is topical to cover the application and implementation of innovative technologies, interactive teaching methods, and information and communication technologies, distance and mixed learning systems; investigation of social networks, blocks, sites of international organizations in the field of labor protection; creation of an atmosphere of creative development, self-learning and self-realization. Conclusions. It is established that ensuring effective pedagogical conditions for the formation of the safety culture in future professionals in the field of labor protection will improve the quality of their training in higher education institutions. It is concluded that further research requires consideration and experimental verification of the detected pedagogical conditions.Key words: safety culture, professional training, occupational safety and health engineer, pedagogical conditions, professional activity, labor protection methods. Стаття присвячена проблемі формування культури безпеки професійної діяльності у майбутніх інженерів з охорони праці. Мета статті полягає в обґрунтуванні організаційно-педагогічних умов ефективного формування культури безпеки професійної діяльності у майбутніх інженерів з охорони праці. Методи. Робота ґрунтується на працях учених, у яких застосовано принципи та ідеї культурологічного, гуманістичного, аксіологічного, діяльнісного та особистісно-орієнтованого підходів, використано теоретичні методи (аналіз та систематизація наукової літератури, порівняння, узагальнення та систематизація інформації), емпіричні методи (практичний досвід, експертне оцінювання, ранжування, опитування експертів), методи математичної статистики. Результати. Визначено організаційно-педагогічні умови ефективного формування культури безпеки професійної діяльності у майбутніх інженерів з охорони праці, такі як формування позитивної мотивації до оволодіння культури безпеки професійної діяльності; оновлення змісту професійної підготовки інженерів з охорони праці з урахуванням компонента культури безпеки професійної діяльності на основі міждисциплінарної інтеграції; використання інноваційних технологій формування культури безпеки професійної діяльності у майбутніх інженерів з охорони праці; розвиток творчої готовності у майбутніх інженерів з охорони праці до безпечної діяльності. Реалізація першої педагогічної умови передбачає створення позитивного ставлення та мотивації до безпечної поведінки та збереження здоров’я у процесі праці. Для впровадження другої педагогічної умови важливо забезпечити проєктування інтегративного змісту, який має містити такі компоненти, як працеохоронний, правовий, організаційно-управлінський, ергономічний, здоров’язберігаючий, комунікативний. Задля здійснення третьої та четвертої педагогічних умов акту-альними є застосування та впровадження інноваційних технологій, інтерактивних методів навчання, інформаційно-комунікативних технологій, систем дистанційного та змішаного навчання, соціальних мереж, блоків, сайтів міжнародних організацій у галузі охорони праці, створення атмосфери творчого розвитку, самонавчання та самореалізації. Висновки. Встановлено, що забезпечення результативних педагогічних умов формування культури безпеки у майбутніх фахівців у галузі охорони праці підвищить якість їх підготовки у вищому навчальному закладі. Зроблено висновок, що подальше досліджен-ня потребує розгляду та експериментальної перевірки визначених педагогічних умов.Ключові слова: культура безпеки, професійна підготовка, інженер з охорони праці, педагогічні умови, професійна діяльність, методика охорони праці.

2009 ◽  
pp. 117-126
László Terjék

In this paper the author summarized the definitions and operationalisations of the safety culture and safety climate concepts. He analyzed the Hungarian and international safetymanagement scientific literatures. He also analyzed the scientific definitions and summarised the common and different elements. The author emphasizes that the many different scientific safety culture researches had been created good possibilities to find the common surfaces. Based on the international safety culture operationalisation practices the author identified a composition of safety culture dimensions which could be a possible basis for the Hungarian safety culture researches. These dimensions are:???? values (individual and organizational) from this result scale of values,???? attitudes (individual and organizational),???? motivations,???? perceptions,???? social status and estimation of the occupational safety and health,???? position and estimation of the occupational safety and health communication,???? position and estimation of the occupational safety and health tranings,???? measuring of confidence, optimism, fatalism and anomic characteristics,???? good practices and behavior,???? influence and estimation of the work,???? risk perception and safety level perception,???? contentment.with occupational safety and health.

Kartika Dyah Sertiya Putri

Using personal protective equipment (PPE) is the last risk control to protect the workers from occupational safety and health hazards. Applying safety culture through obedience behavior of wearing PPE is important to do as the responsibility of the company to protect its workers from occupational safety and health hazards. The purpose of this research was to analyze factors which have correlation with obedience of wearing PPE in aluminum sulfate unit production PT. Liku Telaga Gresik.This research was analytical observational with a cross sectional design. Subject of this research was total population that consist of 114 workers. Data would be shown in a frequency distribution and cross tabulation afterwards analyzed using statistic chi square.The result of research showed that most of workers obeyed to wear PPE in workplace. Statistic analytical results showed that education (p=0.005; r=0.336) and attitude to the policy (p=0.045; r=0.233) are factors which has correlated with obedience of wearing PPE. Age (p=1), time of work (p=1), knowledge (p=0.483), motivation (p=1), personality (p=0.464), training (p=0.559), communication (p=0.72) and availability of PPE (p=0.652) have no correlation with obedience of wearing PPE.Keywords: behavior of wearing PPE,safety culture, workers in aluminum sulfate unit production

Ольга Новак

The article analyzes the use of the project method in professional training of future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) through the course on pedagogy of higher education. It presents different approaches to clarifying the essence of the project method, which most scholars define as follows: a method, a type of learning, an educational technology. Based on different views of scholars on the concept of the project method, we consider it as a set of learning and cognitive techniques, which allow students to acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities during independent learning focused on creative self-realization of the individual in the education process and aimed at increasing their professional training in higher education institutions. The article specifies the essence, content and structure of the project method. It is proved the use of the project method in professional training of Master students in comparison with traditional methods has a number of advantages: the learning process is adjusted to practice; students have the opportunity to engage in independent professional activity; students are faced with the need to find and make optimal decisions; students have the opportunity to creatively acquire the necessary information. The article it is the systemic use of the project method in professional training of students, namely in the context of the course on pedagogy of higher education, contributes to developing professional skills and thinking, creative and research skills, problem-solving skills, to develop their core competences (cognitive, communicative, research ones, project), innovation skills and widening social mindset of future lecturers in professional education (015 occupational safety and health).

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