activity component
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2021 ◽  
Vol 163 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Rachael M. Roettenbacher ◽  
Samuel H. C. Cabot ◽  
Debra A. Fischer ◽  
John D. Monnier ◽  
Gregory W. Henry ◽  

Abstract The distortions of absorption line profiles caused by photospheric brightness variations on the surfaces of cool, main-sequence stars can mimic or overwhelm radial velocity (RV) shifts due to the presence of exoplanets. The latest generation of precision RV spectrographs aims to detect velocity amplitudes ≲ 10 cm s−1, but requires mitigation of stellar signals. Statistical techniques are being developed to differentiate between Keplerian and activity-related velocity perturbations. Two important challenges, however, are the interpretability of the stellar activity component as RV models become more sophisticated, and ensuring the lowest-amplitude Keplerian signatures are not inadvertently accounted for in flexible models of stellar activity. For the K2V exoplanet host ϵ Eridani, we separately used ground-based photometry to constrain Gaussian processes for modeling RVs and TESS photometry with a light-curve inversion algorithm to reconstruct the stellar surface. From the reconstructions of TESS photometry, we produced an activity model that reduced the rms scatter in RVs obtained with EXPRES from 4.72 to 1.98 m s−1. We present a pilot study using the CHARA Array and MIRC-X beam combiner to directly image the starspots seen in the TESS photometry. With the limited phase coverage, our spot detections are marginal with current data but a future dedicated observing campaign should allow for imaging, as well as allow the stellar inclination and orientation with respect to the debris disk to be definitively determined. This work shows that stellar surface maps obtained with high-cadence, time-series photometric and interferometric data can provide the constraints needed to accurately reduce RV scatter.

2021 ◽  
pp. 75-82
Trofimcuk N.V.

The article is substantiated, that the concept of environmental culture of students is one of the most important priorities of modern training in colleges, which provides for a proper mastery of the system of scientific knowledge and practical skills, value landmarks and behavioral and activity imperatives that certify the responsible attitude towards the socio-natural environment. and the ability of harmonious interaction with it. The process of formation of ecological culture is organically inscribed in the context of training, education and personality development, which is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the concept of environmental education.The research is carried out on the principle of integrative approach. Its methodological basis is the generaloretical methods of scientific knowledge, the fundamental provisions of the ecological economy, the concept of sustainable development and environmental ethics.According to the purpose and objectives of the study, the following components of the ecological culture of students of economic and humanitarian and engineering colleges are distinguished: cognitive, axiological, humanistic and activity. It is revealed that the cognitive component detects human ability to strategic thinking. It contains environmental purposes and closely linked by the concept of strategic forecasting, which provides for cognitive mobilization of mental resources on the basis of comprehension of environmental risks and errors and prevention of environmental disasters.It is emphasized that the importance of an axiological component is determined by the fact that human ecology is now an urgent stage of modern humanism, represented by the system of ideological priorities and meanings, recognition of the value of man as integrity (microcosm), spirituality as a lever of transformation of human mass behavior with orientation to the implementation of sustainable development ideas and a co-evolutionary future. It is proved that the activity component characterizes the inclusion of a person in the sphere of interaction with nature, its ecological-oriented activity aimed at protecting and restoring natural resources in accordance with the level of knowledge and existing values.Summated that the distinguished components of the ecological culture of students of economic and humanitarian colleges provide for the transformation of the general forms of objective cultural reality into the individual richness of the student’s personality, and his creative potential - in the constructive actualization of general cultural achievements.Key words: ecological culture, cognitive component, axiological component, humanistic component, activity component. У статті обґрунтовано, що поняття екологічної культури студентів є одним з одним з найвагоміших пріоритетів сучасної професійної підготовки у коледжах, що передбачає належне оволодіння системою наукових знань та практичних навичок, ціннісних орієнтирів та поведінкових і діяльнісних імперативів, які засвідчують відповідальне ставлення до соціально-природного середовища та здатність гармонійної взаємодії з ним. Процес формування екологічної культури органічно вписаний у контекст навчання, виховання та розвитку особистості, що здійснюється відповідно до положень Концепції екологічної освіти.Дослідження здійснено назасадах інтегративного підходу. Його методологічною основою є загаль-нотеоретичні методи наукового пізнання, фундаментальні положення екологічної економіки, концепції сталого розвитку та екологічної етики.Відповідно до мети та завдань дослідження виокремлено наступні компоненти екологічної культуристудентів економіко-гуманітарних та інженерних коледжів: когнітивний, аксіологічний, гуманістичний та діяльнісний. Розкрито, що когнітивний компонент виявляє здатність людини до стратегічного мислення. Він містить екологічне цілепокладання і тісно пов’язане із ним поняття стратегічного прогно-зування, що передбачає когнітивну мобілізацію психічних ресурсів на основі осмислення екологічних ризиків і помилок та попередження екологічних катастроф.Підкреслено, що важливість аксіологічного компонента визначається тим, що екологія людини нині є актуальною стадією сучасного гуманізму, представленого системою світоглядних пріоритетів і смислів, визнанням цінності людини як цілісності (мікрокосму), духовності як важеля трансформації масової поведінки людей з орієнтацією на реалізацію ідей сталого розвитку і коеволюційного майбутнього. Доведено, що діяльнісний компонент характеризує включення особистості у сферу взаємодії з природою, її екологоорієнтовану діяльність, спрямовану на захист та відновлення природних ресурсів відповідно до рівня сформованих знань та наявних цінностей. Резюмовано, що виокремлені компоненти екологічної культуристудентів економіко-гуманітарних коледжів передбачають трансформацію загальних форм об’єктивної культурної реальності в індивідуальне багатство особистості студента, а його творчого потенціалу – у конструктивну актуалізацію загальнокультурних надбань.Ключові слова: екологічна культура, когнітивний компонент, аксіологічний компонент, гуманістичний компонент, діяльнісний компонент.

2021 ◽  
Juriy Andreevich Tashkinov

The chapter deals with main components are part of the prognostic competence. The chapter discusses possibility of using intelligent systems to model the predictive competence of a civil engineer. The analysis of the study of the problem was carried out using content analysis A model of the development of prognostic competence of a civil engineer using the Matlab software package with the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox module has been developed. A step-by-step forecasting technology, as well as possible errors in creating a forecast by an expert and ways of solving them, are proposed. In conclusion the chapter says most of all the level of formation of predictive competence depends on activity component.

Н.В. Васильченко

Статья посвящена модернизации преподавания общеобразовательных предметов (ООП) в среднем профессиональном образовании (СПО), которое должно обрести новые заданные государством характеристики. В связи с этим автор ставит перед собой задачу создать теоретически обоснованную и жизнеспособную комплексную методику преподавания ООП в СПО. Методическая система проектируется на основе системно-деятельностного, личностно ориентированного и компетентностного подходов с учетом обновленных запросов к преподаванию ООП в СПО. Изучение требований к результатам освоения образовательных программ ФГОС среднего общего образования (СОО), ФГОС СПО и заданных характеристик обучения — профессиональной направленности, практикориентированности и интеграции — позволило сформулировать цели обучения ООП в СПО. Они, наряду с особыми условиями ФГОС СОО — наличием профилей и уровней обучения, — стали в свою очередь ориентирами для проектирования содержания обучения ООП в СПО. Автор подробно останавливается на каждом условии. Проектирование третьего, деятельностного, компонента основано не только на требуемых характеристиках преподавания ООП в СПО, но и на осознании необходимости изменить роль преподавателя, что неизбежно приведет и к изменению положения обучающихся. Для этого предлагается комплекс методов, форм и средств обучения, способных обеспечить получение заданных результатов. Статья представляет теоретический и практический интерес для преподавателей общеобразовательных предметов в СПО, методистов и других педагогических работников СПО. The article reflects the latest transformations in the domain of teaching school subjects at Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), which is being modernised along with acquiring new characteristics targeted by the state. In this regard the authoress has set the task to work out theoretically grounded, viable, complex methodological system of teaching school subjects at TVET. Consolidating the systems and activity theoretical approaches in education with student-oriented and competence approaches, the authoress designs the methodological system of teaching school subjects at TVET taking into account the upgraded state imperatives. Studying the requirements for the learning outcomes of the educational programmes of the National Curriculum (Federal National Educational Standard) of high education, of the National Curriculum of TVET as well as the targeted characteristics of teaching school subjects at TVET, namely: being vocational, practice-oriented, and integrative — has allowed defining the objectives of teaching school subjects at TVET. The latter along with special conditions like specialisations and levels of learning a foreign language have guided the design of the learning content component. The authoress regards each condition in detail for she believes they are prerequisites for the successful performance of the learning content. The design of the third, activity component of the methodological system covers not only the targeted characteristics of teaching school subjects at TVET, but also the necessity to modify the teacher’s role, which in turn will inevitably transform the students’ position as well. A set of methods, forms and means of teaching capable of assisting in achieving the targeted outcomes is suggested. The article may be of both theoretical and practical interest to the teachers of school subjects at vocational schools, education coordinators and other staff members of vocational educational establishments.

2021 ◽  
pp. 027243162110367
Elzahraa Majed ◽  
Yumary Ruiz ◽  
Steve Amireault ◽  
Jason B. Reed ◽  
Frank J. Snyder ◽  

This review aimed at identifying specific features of PYD interventions with a PA component that appear most promising at reducing bullying behaviors among pre- and early adolescents. We reviewed articles that included PYD interventions with a PA component among pre- and early adolescents aged 8–14 years from five databases and found seven studies representing 3892 participants. Studies collectively showed that PYD-PA interventions can promote an interactive and supportive relationship between participants and staff and foster adolescents’ psychosocial development. The review’s limitations include the variation of PA components and geographical contexts of interventions leading to a difficulty in synthesizing the results. PA-based PYD interventions provide a promising approach that can foster youth’s psychosocial development such as the use of an interactive approach and the use of several PYD components (e.g., empathy and caring ). This approach, consequently, may lower bullying behaviors. Given the nature of this review, further evaluation is warranted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 454
Rina Muhaya ◽  
Asysyifa Asysyifa

Peat revegetation is an effort to reduce the rate of areas reduction and the decreasing of storing capability of carbon and to restore the ecological function of peatlands. The purpose of this study was to analyze the cost components of peatland revegetation activities and to analyze the cost of each peat revegetation activity component. The research location taked place in 2 (two) villages, Haur Gading District, HSU Regency, South Kalimantan. The components of revegetation costs were grouped into: transportation costs, tools and mateials, payment and other costs. Data obtained from surveys and field observations and interviews. The data analysis used were a tabulation matrix and a comparison of each cost component for revegetation activities from the 2 compared villages. The total cost of Village A peatland revegetation activities is 10,851,018/ha. The characteristics of the community in Village A are very participatory and willing to cooperate with outside parties so that revegetation activities in this Village run well. The very high value of mutual cooperation and the desire to put common interests first became the basis for their actions. Village B revegetation activity costs Rp.12,117,883.00/ha. The very large costs involved in the procurement of seedlings due to the addition of 3,500 seedlings/21ha as replacements for dead, damaged or lost seedlings. The difference in the cost of revegetation activities is IDR 1,266,865/ha. This shows that a high level of participation and cooperation is able to reduce the cost of revegetation of peatlands.

2021 ◽  
Vol 92 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-105
A. L. Tserkovskiy ◽  
O. I. Gapova ◽  
E. A. Skorikova ◽  
S. A. Petrovich ◽  

The purpose of this research is to study the need for the students' communication activity component at the Pharmaceutical faculty of VSMU. Dual feature of the levels indicators dynamics in the need for communication is revealed. On the one hand, there is a tendency to reduce the average level in the need for communication and to increase its high level at the expense of girls. On the other hand, there is a fairly significant increase in the average level in the need for communication among young men against the background of an obvious predominance of the average level in the need for communication among the students of the entire sampling. The study allows us to state obvious influence of the informational educational environment at VSMU on the personal growth of students at the Pharmaceutical faculty, on the formation of their communicative competence as the most important component of the professional competence of future pharmacists. The results of the study can be used in the educational process of VSMU, in the activities of the social and pedagogical and psychological service, in the work of educators in academic groups and for tutors.

R. D. Shokanova ◽  
E. N. Tarasova

The reproductive method in the system of teaching Russian as a foreign language is aimed at reproducing the ways of activity by foreign students according to the algorithms presented by the teacher, at enriching them with knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as at forming the main mental operations: abstraction, analysis, synthesis, generalization, and others. When learning the «language of the profession», the main mental operations are formed: abstraction, analysis, synthesis, generalization, and others. The reproductive method, having the basis of algorithmization, integrated with the cognitive theory of learning, has reached a new level – the reproductivecognitive method. System analysis in combination with algorithmization becomes the basis of the reproductive and creative method. The methods outlined in the article enrich the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, which are most often carried out at the stages of correction, diagnosis and consolidation of knowledge, but do not guarantee the development of creative abilities, do not allow them to be systematically and purposefully formed. In particular, the concept of the reproductive-creative method is the principle of communicative orientation, which formed the basis of competence-based learning. In competence-based learning, the activity component, unlike other possible approaches, is considered from the viewpoint of competence, i.e., the ability of the student to effectively and independently, but with the help of the teacher, use the language being studied on the basis of the acquired experience in the form of knowledge, skills, and abilities. The knowledge obtained as a result of the use of the explanatory and illustrative method weakly forms skills and abilities. Therefore, thanks to the developed system of tasks, where the algorithmization of the educational process is clearly traced, the teacher organizes the students’ activities by repeatedly reproducing the knowledge communicated to them and the ways of activity shown.

2021 ◽  
Mustafa Saifuddin Salman ◽  
Tor Wager ◽  
Eswar Damaraju ◽  
Anees Abrol ◽  
Victor Vergara ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-64
Sudarwanto Sudarwanto ◽  
Amir Tjoneng ◽  
Suriyanti Suriyanti

This study aims 1). Analyzing the effectiveness of the implementation of the Village Climate Program activities in Poleonro Village; 2). Analyzing the level of community participation in the implementation of the Climate Village Program in Poleonro Village; 3). Analyzing the relationship between the socio-economic factors of the community on the level of community participation in the Climate Village Program (PROKLIM) in Poleonro Village.The research was conducted in Poleonro Village, Lamuru District, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi Province. Field data collection, data processing, and analysis, as well as thesis preparation, took place from February to August 2020. The method used in this research was a descriptive method with interviews, questionnaires, observation, and documentation. Data analysis used a descriptive qualitative analysis and multiple linear regression.The results showed that the implementation of the Climate Village Program (PROKLIM) in Poleonro Village was classified as effective. This result according to the activity component of the Climate Village Program (PROKLIM) which had carried out climate change adaptation activities were 70.12%, climate change mitigation activities were 60.06%, and group activities of community and support for sustainability were 72.77%. The level of community participation in the implementation of the Climate Village Program (PROKLIM) activities in Poleonro Village for climate change adaptation, climate change mitigation, group activities of community and support for the sustainability of the level of participation was high. The level of education and counseling has a positive relationship with PROKLIM activities, while the variables age and income level have a negative relationship with the level of participation.

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