general culture
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Dhurata Lamçja

Mythology plays a very important role in the general culture of the Albanian people, and the influence of the latter is undoubtedly seen in the later literature, developed in different historical periods, while mythology is taken as an important basis for a series of canons both in a structural manner as well as with the inclusion of a number of literary figures. Albanian mythology consists of a complete and diverse catalog of cults and beliefs which together have developed into a rich treasure which from time to time has inspired later Albanian writers, from the Middle Ages to modern ones. This article serves as pamphlet which explains the Albanian mythology in bold lines, including the main constituent elements of this mythology, the impact that this mythology has had on the daily customary life of the Albanian people, as well as the inevitable impact that the latter has had on the literature of the country.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
Beata Ziajka

New Linguistic Behaviors in the Eldest Generation of Village InhabitantsThe objective of the paper is analysis of the eldest village inhabitants’ linguistic behaviors which result from the universalizing influence of general culture on folk language. The contemporary globalizing tendencies which are strongly reflected in rural environments result in the fact that the eldest generation is forced to include new words in their own dialectal vocabulary that refer to modern realities that often do not fall within the scope of the cultural, social and customary sphere of rural communities. The materials, which include verbal behaviors collected in 2015–2020 in the rural commune of Babice in Chrzanów district, indicate the villagers’ lack of linguistic competence in terms of knowledge of the newest layer of general Polish. This is because, in the verbal behaviors of the members of the eldest age group, we can find numerous forms of deviation, and new words are often pronounced using traditional dialectal phonetics. Morphological transformations also occur. The reasons for these transformations include articulation difficulties combined with etymological unclearness. New words are sometimes unclear to elder people, which is why semantic shifts often occur when transferring general Polish units into the dialectal code. Nowe zachowania językowe u najstarszego pokolenia mieszkańców wsiCelem artykułu jest analiza tych zachowań językowych najstarszych mieszkańców wsi, które wynikają z uniwersalizującego oddziaływania na język ludowy kultury ogólnej. Współczesne tendencje globalizacyjne, w sposób szczególny zaznaczające się w środowiskach wiejskich, powodują, że najstarsze pokolenie zmuszone jest włączać do własnego, gwarowego repertuaru językowego nowe słownictwo odnoszące się do współczesnych realiów, częstokroć niemieszczących się w sferze kulturowej, społecznej i obyczajowej wiejskich wspólnot. Egzemplifikacja materiałowa, którą stanowią zachowania werbalne zebrane w latach 2015–2020 na terenie wiejskiej gminy Babice w powiecie chrzanowskim, wskazuje jednakże na brak kompetencji językowej mieszkańców wsi w zakresie znajomości najnowszej warstwy polszczyzny ogólnej. W zachowaniach werbalnych najstarszej grupy wiekowej pojawiają się bowiem liczne formy dewiacyjne, słownictwo nowe często jest wymawiane z zachowaniem tradycyjnej fonetyki gwarowej. Dochodzi także do przekształceń na płaszczyźnie morfologicznej. Przyczyną tych modyfikacji bywają trudności artykulacyjne połączone z brakiem wiedzy o ich etymologii. Nowe wyrazy nie zawsze są w pełni zrozumiałe dla starszego pokolenia, dlatego też przenoszeniu jednostek ogólnopolskich do kodu gwarowego często towarzyszą przesunięcia semantyczne.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Kelvin Everest

This chapter explains the linkage between Shelley and Keats in the general culture since the 1820s. It then argues that this conventional pairing obscures the strong differences between the two poets in the nature and scale of their poetic achievement, and in their characteristic poetic styles and themes. This argument is exemplified through detailed analysis of the composition techniques of the two poets, with reference to the manuscript drafts that survive for The Eve of St Agnes and The Triumph of Life. The contrasting poetical manner of the poets is further examined in close reading of the opening stanzas of the ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’, and the ‘Ode to the West Wind’.

2021 ◽  
Vera Ferro-Lebres ◽  
Jéssica Marim Lopes ◽  
João Paulo Pereira ◽  
Helena Paulo ◽  
Jorge Humberto Sampaio

The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) developed an online survey, called the Observatory of Students and Graduates, aimed at entities in Portugal as a means of gathering information about the stakeholders view of IPB graduates and students, regarding skills for employability. Of the total (424) entities contacted, 118 responded, representing 28% of the total. It was noted that 79 of the responses have included IPB students and graduates in their staff, being 27% entities of the Agroforestry-food sector, 16% from the Consulting, Real Estate and Finance sector, and 14% from the Transport and Commerce sector. IPB graduates and students’s skills were discussed from the perspective of employers. 12 skills were listed, with an average of 95% of responses between "Very Important" and "Important".´The skills that stood out the most were: “Learning” and “Motivation/Involvement”. The lowest priority skills were: “Physical: Robustness and manual dexterity”, followed by “General Culture”. These data point to the clear fact that the soft skills have greater relevance than hard skills. One of the justifications is that the advent of artificial intelligence, and other technologies that have been performing functions that overlap with technical - human knowledge.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (Extra-C) ◽  
pp. 622-627
Nelia Samoilenko ◽  
Nataliia Kaliuzhka ◽  
Nataliіa Onyshchenko ◽  
Magdalyna Opachko ◽  
Sergii Pustovalov ◽  

The article discusses the modern meaning of the terms "pedagogical technology", "teaching technology" is revealed with an emphasis on the leading link "technology" - this is a means (s) of teaching, and also that pedagogical design from a technological point of view is a system, the main components of which are high general culture, humanistic orientation, professional knowledge and skills, creativity and pedagogical, technological competence. It is shown that manufacturability gives pedagogical design a different quality, a different essence - the mastery of teaching technologies, design etc., and not the method of presenting information. Mastery of pedagogical technologies improves pedagogical design.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (4) ◽  
pp. 34-38
G. Askarova ◽  
G. Temenova ◽  

Somatic phraseology is one of the oldest and most frequently used language units of the general phraseological fund in any language, which has a deep cognitive function. Issues related to the general lexical and grammatical features of somatic phraseology in the Kazakh and Turkish languages were considered. The vast majority of somatic phraseologies in the Kazakh and Turkish languages belong to the verb lexicon. Somatisms in the Kazakh and Turkish languages were formed from the ancient Turkic language and have not lost their ancient elements to this day. The aim of the article is to collect somatic phraseologies in the Kazakh and Turkish languages, to identify their features, to compare their features, to make a connection about the worldview, feelings and general culture of the people based on common semantic fields.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 277-280
Sandro Serpa

The feature of life that follows aims to reflect on some topics that emerge from my 20 years of academic life, always in deep articulation between Sociology and Education. Without pretending to be thorough, the following topics emerge: the dialogue between sciences; interaction between people; organization and, at the same time, preparedness for the unexpected; classes with an active component; the importance of general culture; the need for permanent updating; publishing implies knowledge systematization; open access as an inevitability in scientific publication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (03) ◽  
pp. 22-27
Oybek Parpiev ◽  

Physical education and sports should be an integral part of the general culture of the citizens of the country.Therefore, the principle of health-oriented physical education requires attention to the responsibility of participants to respond to their health and when exercising. This article scientifically explores the principle that physical education is health-oriented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-69
Nurtugan Daurenbek ◽  

The article examines the features of the process of teaching the Russian language in the Mongolian secondary school. The entire educational process is built on the basis of speech topics. At the same time, the importance of taking into account Russian speech etiquette, culture and history of Russia is noted. The author of the article emphasizes that teaching the Russian language includes such important goals as general education, which significantly increases the general culture of schoolchildren.

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