occupational safety and health
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2022 ◽  
Vol 146 ◽  
pp. 105558
Olga Nicolaidou ◽  
Christos Dimopoulos ◽  
Cleo Varianou-Mikellidou ◽  
Neophytos Mikellides ◽  
Georgios Boustras

2022 ◽  
Vol 146 ◽  
pp. 105569
Maira E. Ezerins ◽  
Timothy D. Ludwig ◽  
Tara O'Neil ◽  
Anne M. Foreman ◽  
Yalçın Açıkgöz

Neutron ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-79
Maria Madalena De Jesus Soares ◽  

Occupational Safety and Health is the program to protect workers from the dangers of work accidents and occupational diseases that may occur during work. This study was conducted to determine the implementation performance of occupational safety and health program, to find out the obstacles during the implementation occupational safety and health programs, as well as labor laws and regulations relating to OSH on construction projects in Dili Timor Leste. This study collected data by distributing questionnaires to employees who work on the four (4) ongoing construction projects in Dili. Data analysis was carried out on Microsoft Excel which further processed the data using the mean count to determine the average value of the questionnaire and the standard deviation. This study found that the project in Dili has implemented the Occupational Safety and Health program. This can be seen from the overall results of the analysis with a mean value of 4.49 and a standard deviation of 0.473. From these results, it can be concluded that every construction project company prioritizes the implementation of OHS. The second result is the obstacles in applying OHS; from the analysis results show that the barriers from the worker side are rank 1 with a mean value of 2.90 and a standard deviation of 0.925. It can be concluded that many obstacles in implementing the OSH program occur from the workers' side due to the lack of awareness and knowledge of workers about OSH in working on construction projects. The result of the third analysis is Timor Leste's labor laws and regulations. The results of the analysis show that it is sufficient for companies to apply Law no. 4/2012 on employment in the areas of security, hygiene and health in the workplace.


The root cause of many workplace incidents is the lack of knowledge on occupational safety and health principles. Despite the safety and health authorities in organizations, safety and health is the general responsibility of all other experts working in an organization. Experts and managers are expected to think, decide and work safely in workplaces. However, we don’t have enough information about the level of safety and health-related education when they were in universities. In addition, there is not too much reliable published reports on the academic teaching of safety and health courses and syllabus in higher education in Iran. Therefore, the current study was aimed to provide a general view of the status of occupational safety and health teaching subjects in different academic disciplines (excluding specialized fields in occupational safety and health) in the Iranian higher educational system. Firstly, the latest edition of the entire program (curricula) of all academic disciplines held in Iranian universities was downloaded. Secondly, the required information, including discipline title, program’s degree, number of required (core) and elective (non-core) courses, and program’s date of approval, were recorded in an Excel sheet. Every course’s title and syllabus were then studied to find out any safety and health-related topics. Finally, data were analyzed and reported. 251 academic disciplines in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MOHME) and 771 disciplines in the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) were investigated. Most of the curriculums have been revised by both ministries since 2011. Results showed that 20 percent of the MOHME‎ ‎disciplines and 10.4 percent of MSRT‎ disciplines were included in the occupational safety and health courses. The number of courses with health and safety content (syllabus outline) in the MOHME ‎‎and the MSRT‎ were 168 and 173. Most health and safety courses presented in the MOHME academic majors were in the basic medical sciences category of disciplines. A majority of MSRT covered academic safety and health courses and topics were presented in the engineering category of disciplines. Presenting lessons with health and safety content at the MOHME ‎was more practical than that of the MSRT. The quality and quantity of teaching on safety and health topic were not at satisfactory levels. Revising the course syllabus of the academic disciplines and adding theoretical and practical courses related to each field's specific health and safety curriculum can make a significant contribution in improving the general knowledge of the safety and health of the university graduates. In turn, it improves future workplace safety and health conditions, managers’ insights and decision-makers on the importance of safety and health at work. It protects the people's life and the property of the organization.

I Ketut Sutapa ◽  
Ni Kadek Sri Ebtha Yuni ◽  
I Nengah Darma Susila ◽  
I Gede Sastra Wibawa ◽  
I Made Anom Santiana

Building construction projects have a high level of risk of work accidents, especially for workers in the field. Therefore, at the time of implementation of construction work, it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of occupational safety and health management system (SMK3) to provide a sense of security to workers in the field of this research aimed at evaluating SMK3. This research uses qualitative and quantitative methods to know the implementation of SMK3, by taking data by conducting structured interviews conducted on the building construction project Ayana Nort Wing Bali. Analysis conducted a descriptive analysis based on Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No.50, 2012 advanced with 12 criteria containing 166 criteria elements. The result of this study is the application of PP No. 50 of 2012 for the advanced level of 92.89% categorized as satisfactory. In addition, there are 14 that have not been implemented. This the company that the evaluation level of occupational safety and health management system (SMK3) in the building construction project Ayana North Wing Bali is the level of application is very satisfactory for the project.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-88
Sri Haryanti ◽  
Bambang Suwerda

 This study aims to produce learning videos that are feasible as learning media. The resulting video is a Spirometer Practice Tutorial Video in the Occupational Safety and Health (K3) subject for students of the Environmental Health Department of the Health Ministry of Health Yogyakarta. The method used in research is the method of research and development (Research and Development). This development research uses the Borg & Gall development procedure model which is simplified by the Puslitjaknov Team (2008: 11) with the following steps: 1) Analyzing the product to be developed, 2) Developing the initial product, 3) Expert validation and revision, 4) Testing small-scale field and revisions, 5). Large-scale field trials and final products. The research location was carried out at the Hyperkes Laboratory of Environmental Health Department. This research was conducted in July - September 2020. The results showed that the Spirometer Practice Tutorial video in the occupational safety and health course can be used as a learning medium or learning resource for students, especially for the K3 (Occupational Health Safety) practical course in the Environmental Health Department. the feasibility level is 86.84 5%. Keywords: Learning Media , Video Tutorial, K3 Practice Course

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 13-22
S. A. Tsutsiev ◽  
M. V. Sokhranov ◽  
P. A. Soshkin

This article is devoted to occupational safety issues with regard to members of the services and civilian staff in the course of army and navy normal activity in terms of creation possibility justification of a unified occupational safety and health system for all the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The legislative and other statutory and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation, which determine the security procedure for different social categories, incoming and incumbent employees in military units (on boards), were studied. The research found that active service conditions and civilian staff working conditions, as well as corresponding military service and labor security systems in military units (on boards), differ substantially thus creating obstacles for military authorities. The authors propose to create a unified occupational safety and health system for all the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which will be based on the principles applicable to the modern occupational health management system, and will account for work factors of the both social categories.

2022 ◽  
pp. 185-201
Luis Gabriel Gutierrez Bernal ◽  
Maria Alexandra Malagon Torres ◽  
Helga Ofelia Dworaczek Conde

The goal of this chapter is to present how security and safety in the workplace, humanistic management, and humanistic psychology have become a fundamental pillar for the fulfillment of business objectives and the intervention on social and environmental issues, all the while recognizing human talent as the main axis for organizational development. For this purpose, the authors rely on two main axes: the first, the prevention of occupational hazards abiding by the guidelines established by different international organisms, including the implementation of governmental policies for the management of occupational safety and health in Latin America and mainly in Colombia; the second, the point of view of business administration, starting with their evolutionary process and leading to the new tendencies in administration such as B companies and businesses with purpose, all of which focus on an economy where success is measures by the wellbeing of people, societies, and nature.

2022 ◽  
pp. 2086-2110
Marcia Nathai-Balkissoon ◽  
K. F. Pun

Electronic government (e-gov) has not been implemented as extensively in many developing countries as in developed countries, especially in certain fields, such as occupational safety and health (OSH). This chapter considers e-gov that is effected through the websites of leading OSH bodies in a developing country, Trinidad and Tobago, and two developed nations, the USA and UK. Using a content analysis and comparison exercise, OSH e-gov shortcomings and opportunities in T&T are noted. Improvement recommendations include development of a strategy and strategy execution plan to boost stakeholder recognition of the value of the OSH agency and OSH e-gov in T&T; partnership-building to make resources available for OSH e-gov enhancement; enhanced accessibility and utility via a wider range of media formats to users; better stakeholder responsiveness via engagement with social media and better online support; and increased data collection and analysis in order to drive continual improvement.

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