
2007 ◽  
Vol 27 (04) ◽  
pp. 282-289 ◽  
D. Kubitza ◽  
F. Misselwitz ◽  
E. Perzborn
Phase Ii ◽  

ZusammenfassungRivaroxaban (Xarelto®), ein neuartiger oraler, direkter Faktor-Xa-Hemmer, ist in klinischer Entwicklung zur Prävention und Behandlung thromboembolischer Erkrankungen. Rivaroxaban hemmt die Clot-assoziierte und die freie Faktor-Xa-Aktivität, die Prothrombinase, und die Thrombinbildung. In Tiermodellen verhinderte Rivaroxaban die Bildung und das Wachstum venöser und arterieller Thromben. Rivaroxaban hat eine hohe orale Bioverfügbarkeit, schnellen Wirkeintritt und vorhersagbare Pharmakokinetik. In Phase-II-Studien zur Prävention venöser Thromboembolien (VTE) nach großen orthopädischen Operationen und zur Behandlung tiefer Venenthrombosen war Rivaroxaban wirksam und gut verträglich. In einer Phase-III-Studie zeigte Rivaroxaban höhere Wirksamkeit als Enoxaparin zur Vorbeugung von VTEs bei Kniegelenkersatzoperationen bei vergleichbar niedrigen Blutungsraten. Rivaroxaban wird zudem zur Therapie und Sekundärprävention von VTEs, zur Schlaganfallprophylaxe bei Vorhofflimmern und zur Sekundärprävention bei Patienten mit akutem Koronarsyndrom geprüft. Rivaroxaban ist eine vielversprechende Alternative zur aktuellen Therapie mit Antikoagulanzien bei thromboembolischen Erkrankungen.

2008 ◽  
Vol 28 (01/02) ◽  
pp. 21-26 ◽  
R. M. Bauersachs

ZusammenfassungDieser Übersichtsartikel referiert den aktuellen Stand der Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der neuen Antikoagulanzien. Erläutert werden unterschiedliche Angriffspunkte in der Gerinnungskaskade: Hemmung der Initiationsphase, Faktor-Xa- oder Thrombinhemmung. Der Schwerpunkt liegt bei den Substanzen in fortgeschrittener Entwicklung, die die Phase-II-Studien zur venösen Thromboembolie (VTE)-Prophylaxe als ˶proof of concept“ erfolgreich abgeschlossen haben.Bei den Faktor-Xa-Inhibitoren ist Fondaparinux als indirekter Hemmer bereits für die Prophylaxe und die Therapie thromboembolischer Erkrankungen sowie das akute Koronarsyndrom zugelassen (OASIS 5 und 6). Rivaroxaban ist der erste direkte Faktor-Xa-Hemmer, für den eine Zulassung für die Indikation VTE-Prophylaxe beantragt wurde. Die erste Studie aus dem RECORD 1–4-Programm wurde abgeschlossen, die Studien zur Therapie von VTE (EINSTEIN) und zur Schlaganfallprophylaxe bei Vorhofflimmern (ROCKET AF) befinden sich in Phase III, Der Einsatz bei akutem Koronarsyndrom wird ebenso wie bei Apixaban in Phase II untersucht. Die ADOPT-Studie mit Apixaban zur VTEPrävention bei internistischen Indikationen und die BOTTICELLI- Studie bei Vorhofflimmern haben Phase III erreicht. Nachdem Ximelagatran zurückgezogen werden musste, ist Dabigatran der am weitesten entwickelte direkte Thrombininhibitor, dessen umfangreiches Phase-III-Programm REVOLUTION vorgestellt wird und der sich für die Indikation VTE-Prophylaxe ebenfalls bereits im Zulassungsverfahren befindet.

2011 ◽  
Vol 02 (06) ◽  
pp. 294-295
Alexander Kretzschmar

Tasquinimod (TASQ, ABR-215050) ist ein Molekül mit einem neuartigen Wirkmechanismus, das immunsuppressive und gefäßneubildende Mechanismen unterdrückt, aber die Wundheilung nicht beeinflussen soll. Zielsubstanz ist das Protein S100A9, dem eine hohe Aussagekraft beim Prostatakarzinom zugeschrieben wird. Nach einer erfolgreichen Phase-II-Studie wird die Substanz jetzt in einer Phase-III-Studie untersucht.

Praxis ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 107 (17-18) ◽  
pp. 951-958 ◽  
Matthias Wilhelm

Zusammenfassung. Herzinsuffizienz ist ein klinisches Syndrom mit unterschiedlichen Ätiologien und Phänotypen. Die überwachte Bewegungstherapie und individuelle körperliche Aktivität ist bei allen Formen eine Klasse-IA-Empfehlung in aktuellen Leitlinien. Eine Bewegungstherapie kann unmittelbar nach Stabilisierung einer akuten Herzinsuffizienz im Spital begonnen werden (Phase I). Sie kann nach Entlassung in einem stationären oder ambulanten Präventions- und Rehabilitationsprogramm fortgesetzt werden (Phase II). Typische Elemente sind Ausdauer-, Kraft- und Atemtraining. Die Kosten werden von der Krankenversicherung für drei bis sechs Monate übernommen. In erfahrenen Zentren können auch Patienten mit implantierten Defibrillatoren oder linksventrikulären Unterstützungssystemen trainieren. Wichtiges Ziel der Phase II ist neben muskulärer Rekonditionierung auch die Steigerung der Gesundheitskompetenz, um die Langzeit-Adhärenz bezüglich körperlicher Aktivität zu verbessern. In Phase III bieten Herzgruppen Unterstützung.

2004 ◽  
Vol 23 (07) ◽  
pp. 378-382
J. Bogdanov ◽  
M. Dütsch ◽  
C. Rauch ◽  
R. Handschu ◽  
U. Nixdorff ◽  

ZusammenfassungKumarinderivate sind sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe und hemmen in der Leber über einen Vitamin-K-Antagonismus die Synthese der plasmatischen Gerinnungsfaktoren II, VII, IX und X. Im deutschsprachigen Raum wird vor allem Phenprocoumon eingesetzt, das eine Halbwertszeit von 6 Tagen besitzt und erst nach 6-9 Tagen voll wirksam ist. Die häufigste neurologische Indikation besteht in der Sekundärprophylaxe zerebrovaskulärer Ereignisse bei kardialer Emboliequelle. Für diese Indikation ist eine Risikoreduktion für ein Schlaganfallrezidiv von ca. 70% und für vorzeitigen Tod von ca. 30% belegt. Weitere Indikationen können in der Primärprävention bei Vorhofflimmern – wenn zusätzlich andere strukturelle Herzbefunde vorliegen –, in extra-und intrakraniellen Gefäßstenosen, vorübergehend nach Dissektionen und Hirnvenenthrombosen, im hohen therapeutischen Bereich beim Antiphospholipidsyndrom und mitunter lebenslang bei genetisch determinierten Thrombophilien bestehen. Bei diesen Indikationen ist die Effizienz jedoch nicht durch Studien ausreichend belegt. Trotz der in randomisierten Studien nachgewiesenen Effektivität der oralen Antikoagulation wird diese Therapie im klinischen Alltag zu wenig, und zwar nur bei 40-50% der geeigneten Patienten, eingesetzt. Darüber hinaus finden sich in klinischen Beobachtungsstudien eine hohe Rate von Therapieabbrechern und häufig außerhalb des Therapiekorridors liegende Gerinnungsanalysen. Das Blutungsrisiko ist unter Nicht-Studienbedingungen allerdings nicht erhöht. Verbesserungen bei der Therapie mit oraler Antikoagulation könnten im Umstieg auf Warfarin, das eine günstigere Pharmakokinetik aufweist, in der Einführung einer Antikoagulanzienfachkraft, die im niedergelassenen Bereich die Therapiedurchführung unterstützt, oder im INR-Selbstmanagement bestehen. Die neuen Antithrombotika (Faktor-Xa-Inhibitoren wie Fondaparinux und direkte Thrombininhibitoren wie Ximelagatran) könnten in Zukunft die Antikoagulation wesentlich vereinfachen.

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 (Suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 1464.1-1465
J. Blaess ◽  
J. Walther ◽  
J. E. Gottenberg ◽  
J. Sibilia ◽  
L. Arnaud ◽  

Background:Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most frequent chronic inflammatory diseases with an incidence of 0.5% to 1%. Therapeutic arsenal of RA has continuously expanded in recent years with the recent therapeutic progress with the arrival of conventional synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (csDMARDs), biological (bDMARDs) and targeted synthetic (tsDMARDs), JAK inhibitors. However, there are still some unmet needs for patients who do not achieve remission and who continue to worsen despite treatments. Of note, only approximately 40% of patients are ACR70 responders, in most randomized controlled trials. For these patients, finding new therapeutic avenues is challenging.Objectives:The objective of our study was to analyze the whole pipeline of immunosuppressive and immunomodulating drugs evaluated in RA and describe their mechanisms of action and stage of clinical development.Methods:We conducted a systematic review of all drug therapies in clinical development in RA in 17 databases of international clinical trials. Inclusion criterion: study from one of the databases using the keywords “Rheumatoid arthritis” (search date: June 1, 2019). Exclusion criteria: non-drug trials, trials not related to RA or duplicates. We also excluded dietary regimen or supplementations, cellular therapies, NSAIDs, glucorticoids or their derivatives and non-immunosuppressive or non-immunomodulating drugs. For each csDMARD, bDMARD and tsDMARD, we considered the study at the most advanced stage. For bDMARDs, we did not take into account biosimilars.Results:The research identified 4652 trials, of which 242 for 243 molecules met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The developed molecules belong to csDMARDs (n=21), bDMARDs (n=117), tsDMARDs (n=105).Among the 21 csDMARDs molecules: 8 (38%) has been withdrawn, 4 (19%) are already labelled in RA (hydroxychloroquine, leflunomide, methotrexate and sulfasalazine) and 9 (43%) are in development: 1 (11%) is in phase I/II, 5 (56%) in phase II, 3 (33%) in phase IV.Among the 117 bDMARDs molecules: 69 (59%) has been withdrawn, 9 (8%) are labeled in RA (abatacept, adalimumab, anakinra, certolizumab, etanercept, golimumab, infliximab, rituximab, sarilumab, tocilizumab) and 39 (33%) are in development: 9 (23%) in phase I, 3 (8%) in phase I/II, 21 (54%) in phase II, 5 (12%) are in phase III, 1 (3%) in phase IV. bDMARDs currently under development target B cells (n=4), T cells (n=2), T/B cells costimulation (n=2),TNF alpha (n=2), Interleukine 1 or his receptor (n=3), Interleukine 6 or his receptor (n=7), Interleukine 17 (n=4), Interleukine 23 (n=1), GM-CSF (n=1), other cytokines or chemokines (n=5), integrins or adhesion proteins (n=3), interferon receptor (n=1) and various other targets (n=4).Among the 105 tsDMARDs molecules: 64 (61%) has been withdrawn, 6 (6%) JAK inhibitors, have just been or will probably soon be labelled (baricitinib, filgotinib, peficitinib, tofacitinib and upadacitinib), 35 (33%) are in development: 8 (24%) in phase I, 26 (74%) in phase II, 1 (3%) in phase III and. tsDMARDs currently under development target tyrosine kinase (n=12), janus kinase (JAK) (n=3), sphingosine phostate (n=3), PI3K pathway (n=1), phosphodiesterase-4 (n=3) B cells signaling pathways (n=3) and various other targets (n=10).Conclusion:A total of 242 therapeutic trials involving 243 molecules have been or are being evaluated in RA. This development does not always lead to new treatments since 141 (58%) have already been withdrawn. Hopefully, some of the currently evaluated drugs will contribute to improve the therapeutic management of RA patients, requiring a greater personalization of therapeutic strategies, both in the choice of molecules and their place in therapeutic sequences.Disclosure of Interests:Julien Blaess: None declared, Julia Walther: None declared, Jacques-Eric Gottenberg Grant/research support from: BMS, Pfizer, Consultant of: BMS, Sanofi-Genzyme, UCB, Speakers bureau: Abbvie, Eli Lilly and Co., Roche, Sanofi-Genzyme, UCB, Jean Sibilia: None declared, Laurent Arnaud: None declared, Renaud FELTEN: None declared

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 660
Edoardo Bardi ◽  
Martina Manfredi ◽  
Raffaella Capitelli ◽  
Emanuele Lubian ◽  
Alessandro Vetere ◽  

The use of long-acting gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists to suppress fertility has been poorly investigated in reptiles, and the few available studies show inconsistent results. The efficacy of single and double intramuscular 4.7 mg deslorelin acetate implants in captive pond sliders (Trachemys scripta) was investigated, with 20 animals divided into three groups: a single-implant group (6 animals), a double-implant group (6 animals), and a control group (no implant). During one reproductive season (March to October), plasmatic concentration of sexual hormones (estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone) and ovarian morphometric activity via computed tomography were monitored about every 30 days. A significative decrease in the number of phase II ovarian follicles was detected in the double-implant group compared with the control group, but no significant difference was noted in the number of phase III and phase IV follicles, egg production, and plasmatic concentration of sexual hormones. Results show that neither a single nor a double deslorelin acetate implant can successfully inhibit reproduction in female pond sliders during the ongoing season, but the lower number of phase II follicles in the double-implant group can possibly be associated with reduced fertility in the following seasons.

1987 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 941-950 ◽  
T Philip ◽  
R Ghalie ◽  
R Pinkerton ◽  
J M Zucker ◽  
J L Bernard ◽  

Forty-seven children or adolescents with initial stage IV (42 patients) or stage III (five) advanced neuroblastoma (12 were progressing after relapse and 35 had never reached complete remission [CR] after conventional therapy) were included in a phase II study of the combination of high-dose VP-16 (100 mg/m2/d X 5) and high-dose cisplatin (CDDP) (40 mg/m2/d X 5). Twenty patients had received prior CDDP therapy (total dose, 100 to 640 mg/m2; median, 320 mg/m2) and 38 of 47 had bone marrow involvement when included in the study. The overall response rate was 55%, with 22% CR. Duration of response was 5 to 18 months, with a median of 10 months. Eight patients are still disease free, with a median observation time of 13 months, but all had received additional therapy after two courses of this regimen. Gastrointestinal toxicity was frequent but tolerable. Myelosuppression was severe but of brief duration, ie, nadir of neutrophils was observed at day 15 with 95% of the patients recovering a normal count before day 28, and nadir of platelet count was at day 17 with only two severe and reversible episodes of bleeding. The overall incidence of sepsis was 8% (seven of 92 courses), with no death related to infection. No acute renal failure was observed after two courses, and only three of 47 children experienced a clear reduction of renal function. After two courses, only two children showed a hearing loss in the 1,000 to 2,000 Hz range, although hearing loss above the 2,000 Hz level was frequently encountered. It is concluded that high-dose VP-16 and CDDP is an effective regimen in advanced neuroblastoma with acceptable toxicity. Phase III studies are needed in previously untreated patients. J Clin Oncol 5:941-950.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 428-437 ◽  
Samy M. AlGizawy ◽  
Hoda H. Essa ◽  
Mostafa E. Abdel-Wanis ◽  
Ahmed M. Abdel Raheem

AbstractPurposeTo compare the outcome among patients with invasive bladder cancer treated with cystectomy alone with outcome among those treated with combined-modality treatment in a randomised phase III trial.Patients and methodsPatients with histologically confirmed invasive non-metastatic bladder cancer T2-3, N0 and M0 were randomly assigned to two arms: Arm 1: of which all patients underwent radical cystectomy (RC) alone; and Arm 2, of which all patients were subjected to maximal transurethral resection of bladder tumour, followed 2 weeks later by combined chemoradiotherapy. The whole pelvis received 46 Gy in 23 fractions over 4·5 weeks. Chemotherapy was administered concomitantly with radiotherapy with: cisplatin 70 mg/m2 q. 3 weeks and Gemcitabine 300 mg/m2 D 1, 8 and 15 q. 3 weeks for two cycles. Patients who had complete response were shifted to phase II treatment: 20 Gy/10 fractions/2 weeks to the bladder. Patients with residual tumour underwent RC.ResultsOf the 80 patients assigned Arm 2, a visibly completed transurethral resection of the bladder tumour was possible in 48 patients (60%). Phase I of combined chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) was accomplished in 74 patients. Post-induction urologic evaluation revealed no evidence of disease in 62 patients (83·8%) and residual disease in 12 patients (16·2%). Phase II of CCRT was completed in 58 of the 62 patients. The median follow-up for all patients is 27 months (range: 4–49). The 3-year overall survival (OS) for the combined-modality group and for the surgery group were 61 and 63%, respectively (p = 0·425), whereas the disease-specific survival (DSS) for each group was 69 and 73%, respectively (p = 0·714). The 3-year OS with bladder preservation for Arm 2 patients was 50%.Multivariate analysis for the whole series showed that tumour stage and performance status (PS) were the only factors independently associated with DSS, although PS was the only factor independently associated with OS. In addition, residual disease after transurethral resection of the bladder tumour in Arm 2 patients was independently associated with both DSS and OS.Acute toxicity was moderate and most of the late toxicities were grade 2 with no grade 4 toxicity and no treatment-related deaths, none required cystectomy for bladder contraction.ConclusionThis study demonstrates that trimodality bladder-preserving approach represents a valid alternative for suitable patients. The OS and DSS rates of patients treated with trimodality bladder-preserving protocol are comparable to the results reported on patients treated with immediate radical cystectomy.

2006 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 136-140 ◽  
Andrew J. Vickers ◽  
Joyce Kuo ◽  
Barrie R. Cassileth

Purpose A substantial number of cancer patients turn to treatments other than those recommended by mainstream oncologists in an effort to sustain tumor remission or halt the spread of cancer. These unconventional approaches include botanicals, high-dose nutritional supplementation, off-label pharmaceuticals, and animal products. The objective of this study was to review systematically the methodologies applied in clinical trials of unconventional treatments specifically for cancer. Methods MEDLINE 1966 to 2005 was searched using approximately 200 different medical subject heading terms (eg, alternative medicine) and free text words (eg, laetrile). We sought prospective clinical trials of unconventional treatments in cancer patients, excluding studies with only symptom control or nonclinical (eg, immune) end points. Trial data were extracted by two reviewers using a standardized protocol. Results We identified 14,735 articles, of which 214, describing 198 different clinical trials, were included. Twenty trials were phase I, three were phase I and II, 70 were phase II, and 105 were phase III. Approximately half of the trials investigated fungal products, 20% investigated other botanicals, 10% investigated vitamins and supplements, and 10% investigated off-label pharmaceuticals. Only eight of the phase I trials were dose-finding trials, and a mere 20% of phase II trials reported a statistical design. Of the 27 different agents tested in phase III, only one agent had a prior dose-finding trial, and only for three agents was the definitive study initiated after the publication of phase II data. Conclusion Unconventional cancer treatments have not been subject to appropriate early-phase trial development. Future research on unconventional therapies should involve dose-finding and phase II studies to determine the suitability of definitive trials.

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