scholarly journals Factors determining the nutrition transition in two Mediterranean islands: Sardinia and Malta

2005 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 1286-1292 ◽  
Sophie Tessier ◽  
Mariette Gerber

AbstractObjectiveTo examine and analyse consumption changes over time of 24 food items between Sardinia and Malta.SettingThe data were collected in 2001 in Sardinia and 2002 in Malta.DesignA structured qualitative questionnaire, articulated around four main themes: food supply, transformation, preparation and consumption habits, was administered by face-to-face interviews with the help of a local person. It encompassed mainly open-ended questions, which allowed us to measure factors contributing to change.SubjectsThirty mother–daughter pairs were interviewed in each insular territory.ResultsDespite a common trend revealing a shift away from cereals, pulses and potatoes to the benefit of meat products, fats and sugar, our results showed contrasting evolutions in food consumption between both insular societies. Fruit and vegetables, olive oil and fish, which are part of the main features of the Mediterranean diet, were among the top foods for which consumption frequency has increased in Sardinia. In Malta, besides an increase in olive oil and vegetable consumption, cheeses and desserts showed the highest increase. Along with modernity and improved living conditions, enhanced commercial availability and increased diversity of food preparation were also identified as factors contributing to food consumption changes.ConclusionsAlthough the Sardo-Mediterranean model is evolving under the impact of modernisation, it is not disappearing. In Malta, however, modernity has led to a more sudden shift from a state of food shortage to one of affluence, but in a cultural context where the identity is no longer Mediterranean but Anglo-Saxon.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1, 2 e 3) ◽  
Caner Çalişkan ◽  
Çiğdem Sabbağ ◽  
Bekir Bora Dedeoğlu

During holidays, what, why, and how do women consume? Women’s attitudes and thoughts about food consumption should be researched in terms of their social roles. However, the important role of women in holiday planning process makes women's food consumption preferences and also behaviours an important data source especially for tourism managers. This study focused on the impact of holidays on women’s food consumption. For this purpose, face-to-face interviews were carried out with 15 women participants, who spent two holiday periods during the previous year – summer and winter – in Adıyaman, Turkey. According to the results of the survey, women’s food consumption preferences and behaviours change during the summer and winter holiday periods.

Nutrients ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 2610 ◽  
Isis Danyelle Dias Custódio ◽  
Fernanda de Paula Franco ◽  
Eduarda da Costa Marinho ◽  
Taísa Sabrina Silva Pereira ◽  
Mariana Tavares Miranda Lima ◽  

Considering the implications of adverse effects of chemotherapy (CT) and the potential impact of diet on patients’ recovery, this study aimed to prospectively evaluate the association between the consumption of food groups, patients’ Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII®) scores, and their nutritional status. Anthropometric and dietary assessments of 55 women with breast cancer (BC) were performed at three time points. T0 is the time point after the first CT cycle, T1 is the time point after the intermediate CT cycle, and T2 is the time point after the last CT cycle. We identified a significant increase in weight, body mass index, and waist circumference during CT. Consumption of poultry and eggs was higher in T1 when compared to T2, while consumption of total fruit and total vegetables was higher at T0 compared to T1 and T2. The diet became more pro-inflammatory over the course of treatment (X2(2) = 61.127), and was related to higher abdominal adiposity. Total fruit (T0: R2 = 0.208, T1: R2 = 0.095, T2: R2 = 0.120) and total vegetable consumption (T0: R2 = 0.284, T1: R2 = 0.365, T2: R2 = 0.580) predicted DII® change at the three-time points. Meanwhile, consumption of total grains was significantly associated only with T1 (R2 = 0.084) and T2 (R2 = 0.118), and consumption of simple sugars was significantly associated only with T0 (R2 = 0.137) and T1 (R2 = 0.126). Changes in food consumption led to an increase in the inflammatory profile of the diet, suggesting the necessity to improve the guidelines during and after CT. These results reinforce the need to promote healthier eating practices in concert with maintaining a healthy nutritional status in women with BC treated with CT.

Ľubica Kubicová ◽  
Zdenka Kádeková

Global economical crisis was felt in the differences in the incomes of the households and their food consumption. In the paper are analyzed the changing patterns in the structure of demand for meat and the impact on total expenditure on meat and meat products in the households of employees, households of self-employed persons and households of pensioners. When examining the sensitivity of demand to changes in consumer meat prices in different social groups of households was estimated own-price elasticity of demand, as well as cross-price elasticity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. 264-264
Melissa Pflugh Prescott ◽  
Xanna Burg ◽  
Jesscia Jarick Metcalfe ◽  
Brenna Ellison

Abstract Objectives Health advocates recommend 20 minutes of seated lunch time. Yet, no federal policy ensures adequate time for school lunch across the US. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of meeting the 20-minute seated lunch time recommendation on child food consumption and waste. Methods Using a crossover design, seated lunch time was randomly assigned each day to be either 10 or 20 minutes. Menus conformed to the National School Lunch Program nutrition standards and were matched to short and long lunch days to control for menu. Elementary and middle school-aged students attending a university summer camp participated in the study. Children could enroll in 1 to 4 weeks of the camp and had varying lengths of participation in the study. Researchers weighed individual child meals to assess consumption and waste. Mixed models assessed the differences in food consumption and waste between students with greater or less than 20 minutes of seated lunch time, accounting for repeated measures and menus. Results A total of 38 students participated (mean: 10.9 years old, 60.5% female) and attended 6.3 study days on average. Students with less than 20 minutes of seated lunch time consumed on average 8.4% less (P = 0.010) of their selected fruit and 11.5% (P = 0.006) less of their selected vegetable compared to students with at least 20 minutes. For each additional minute of seated lunch time, student consumption of fruit increased on average 0.9% (P = 0.003) while vegetable consumption increased on average 1.3% (P = 0.001). Student consumption of entree items and milk did not significantly differ across short and long lunches. Conclusions These findings suggest that shorter lunch periods differentially impact rates of child fruit and vegetable consumption, as compared to entree and beverage consumption. These results also support policies requiring 20 minutes of seated lunch time to improve child diet quality and reduce food waste. Funding Sources This research was funded from a United States Department of Agriculture HATCH award.

2012 ◽  
Vol 15 (7) ◽  
pp. 1196-1200 ◽  
Sandra P Crispim ◽  
Anouk Geelen ◽  
Els Siebelink ◽  
Inge Huybrechts ◽  
Inger TL Lillegaard ◽  

AbstractObjectiveTo evaluate the impact of different modes of administration (face-to-face v. telephone), recall days (first v. second), days of the week (weekday v. weekend) and interview days (1 d later v. 2 d later) on bias in protein and K intakes collected with 24 h dietary recalls (24-HDR).DesignTwo non-consecutive 24-HDR (collected with standardised EPIC-Soft software) were used to estimate protein and K intakes by a face-to-face interview at the research centres and a telephone interview, and included all days of the week. Two 24 h urine collections were used to determine biomarkers of protein and K intake. The bias in intake was defined as the ratio between the 24-HDR estimate and the biomarker.SettingFive centres in Belgium, Czech Republic, France, the Netherlands and Norway in the European Food Consumption Validation (EFCOVAL) study.SubjectsAbout 120 adults (aged 45–65 years) per centre.ResultsThe bias in protein intake in the Czech Republic and Norway was smaller for telephone than face-to-face interviews (P = 0·01). The second 24-HDR estimates of protein intake in France and K intake in Belgium had a larger bias than the first 24-HDR (P = 0·01 and 0·04, respectively). In the Czech Republic, protein intake estimated during weekends and K intake estimated during weekdays had a larger bias than during other days of the week (P = 0·01). In addition, K intake collected 2 d later in the Czech Republic was likely to be overestimated.ConclusionsThe biases in protein and K intakes were comparable between modes of administration, recall days, days of the week and interview days in some, but not all, study centres.

C. Claire Thomson

This chapter traces the early history of state-sponsored informational filmmaking in Denmark, emphasising its organisation as a ‘cooperative’ of organisations and government agencies. After an account of the establishment and early development of the agency Dansk Kulturfilm in the 1930s, the chapter considers two of its earliest productions, both process films documenting the manufacture of bricks and meat products. The broader context of documentary in Denmark is fleshed out with an account of the production and reception of Poul Henningsen’s seminal film Danmark (1935), and the international context is accounted for with an overview of the development of state-supported filmmaking in the UK, Italy and Germany. Developments in the funding and output of Dansk Kulturfilm up to World War II are outlined, followed by an account of the impact of the German Occupation of Denmark on domestic informational film. The establishment of the Danish Government Film Committee or Ministeriernes Filmudvalg kick-started aprofessionalisation of state-sponsored filmmaking, and two wartime public information films are briefly analysed as examples of its early output. The chapter concludes with an account of the relations between the Danish Resistance and an emerging generation of documentarists.

2011 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Nanette P. Napier ◽  
Sonal Dekhane ◽  
Stella Smith

This paper describes the conversion of an introductory computing course to the blended learning model at a small, public liberal arts college. Blended learning significantly reduces face-to-face instruction by incorporating rich, online learning experiences. To assess the impact of blended learning on students, survey data was collected at the midpoint and end of semester, and student performance on the final exam was compared in traditional and blended learning sections. To capture faculty perspectives on teaching blended learning courses, written reflections and discussions from faculty teaching blended learning sections were analyzed. Results indicate that student performance in the traditional and blended learning sections of the course were comparable and that students reported high levels of interaction with their instructor. Faculty teaching the course share insights on transitioning to the blended learning format.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 396-402
Maria Florentina Rumba ◽  
Margaretha P.N Rozady ◽  
Theresia W. Mado

Abstrak: Kebiasaan manusia berubah karena adanya wabah COVID-19, hal ini berpengaruh ketika manusia masuk ke dalam fase new normal. New normal diartikan sebagai keadaan yang tidak biasa dilakukan sebelumnya, yang kemudian dijadikan sebagai standar atau kebiasaan baru yang mesti dilakukan manusia untuk dirinya sendiri maupun untuk bersosialisasi dengan orang lain. Kebiasaan baru ini pun menimbulkan pro dan kontra seiring dengan dampak yang timbul. Lembaga pendidikan tinggi merupakan salah satu yang merasakan dampak penerapan new normal. Perkuliahan yang selama ini dilakukan secara online/daring, akan kembali dilakukan secara luring/tatap muka, dengan tetap menerapkan protokol COVID-19 seperti mengenakan masker, menjaga jarak, mengenakan sarung tangan, serta tidak melakukan kontak fisik seperti berjabat tangan. Masalah yang muncul bukan hanya kecemasan orang tua terhadap anak – anaknya, tetapi bagaimana lembaga pendidikan tinggi mengatur segala sumber daya yang dimiliki agar memenuhi standar penerapan new normal. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerimaan  terhadap kondisi normal yang baru menggunakan Perspektif balance score card. Abstract: Human habits change because of the COVID-19 outbreak, this affects when humans enter the new normal phase. New normal is defined as a condition that is not normally done before, which is then used as a standard or new habits that must be done by humans for themselves or to socialize with others. This new habit also raises the pros and cons along with the impact arising with the new normal. Higher education institutions are the ones who feel the impact of implementing new normal. Lectures that have been conducted online / online will be re-done offline / face to face, while still applying the COVID-19 protocol such as wearing a mask, keeping a distance, wearing gloves, and not making physical contact such as shaking hands. The problem that arises is not only parents' anxiety about their children, but how higher education institutions regulate all available resources to meet new normal implementation standards. This study aims to determine acceptance of new normal conditions using the balance score card Perspective.

This article presents the results of studying the impact of housing and feeding conditions on broiler chickens of Hubbard RedBro cross, as well as the quality of products obtained when using floor and cage content, in a farm. It established that when receiving a mixed feed of own production using feed raw materials grown on a farm without the use of pesticides, a statistically significant decrease in potentially dangerous substances for animal health is recorded. Compared with factory feed, it has reduced the content of pesticides by 14 times, and mercury and arsenic by 24 times, cadmium by five times, and lead by ten times. The results of the study of economic indicators of growing Hubbard RedBro cross broiler chickens, as well as the chemical composition and quality of carcasses, indicated that there was no significant difference between the floor and cell conditions of keeping. Still, the use of a diet based on eco-feeds contributed to a statistically significant decrease in the concentration of toxic metals in the muscles of the poultry of the experimental groups. As a result, it found that the use of the studied compound feed in the diets of broiler chickens increased the indicators of Biosafety and ensured the production of environmentally safe ("organic") poultry meat products.

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