The height increments and BMI values of elite Central European children and youth in the second half of the 19th century

2006 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 309-318 ◽  
John Komlos
2010 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-14
Béla Mester

The paper analyses a well‐known phenomenon, that of the 19th century Central European so‐called “national philosophies”. However, the philosophical heritages of the Central European countries have their roles in the national identities; historians of philosophy in these countries know; our philosophies have common institutional roots with our neighbours. The paper deadlines paradigmatic problems from the Hungarian and Slovakian philosophy: the Latin language in philosophy, the different role of Kantianism and Hegelianism in the national cultures, and the problems of canonisation. Vengrų ir slovakų nacionalinių filosofijų komparatyvistinė istoriografija: Vidurio Europos atvejis Santrauka Straipsnyje tyrinėjamas gerai žinomas fenomenas, XIX a. Vidurio Europoje vadinamas „nacionalinėmis filosofijomis“. Kad ir kaip būtų, filosofiniai Vidurio Europos valstybių palikimai turi įtakos nacionaliniams tapatumams, ir tai žino šių valstybių filosofijos istorikai. Mūsų ir mūsų kaimynų filosofijos turi bendrąsias paprotines šaknis. Straipsnyje brėžiama paradigminių vengrų ir slovakų filosofijos problemų perskyra pagal lotynų kalbą filosofijoje, skirtingą kantizmo ir hėgelizmo vaidmenį tautinėse kultūrose bei kanonizacijos problemas. Reikšminiai žodžiai: kanonizacija, Vidurio Europos filosofijos, hėgelizmas, vengrų filosofija, kantizmas, lotynų kalba filosofijoje, tautinis tapatumas, „nacionalinės filosofijos“, slovakų filosofija.

2021 ◽  
Vol 87 (87(03)) ◽  
pp. 323-330
Raúl Rodríguez Nozal

Max Weber (1864-1920), in his classic Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus, tried to justify the unequal industrial development of the different European countries based on the religious division of the continent as result of the Lutheran Reformation; According to their approach, the establishment of Protestantism in the north and centre and Catholicism in the south became the northern areas prosperous and the southern areas depressed, encouraging a tendency in the Protestant countries towards factory work, in opposition to the Catholic preference for craftsmanship. As far as the pharmaceutical industry was concerned, this approach led to two different models: the Central European model, Protestant-inspired, and the Mediterranean model, established in mainly Catholic countries such as Spain. The pharmaceutical industry was the driving force behind the new therapeutics that emerged during the 19th century, and it did so by acting on the two fundamental components of the drug: composition and presentation; while the Central European and Anglo-Saxon countries were inclined to promote the composition, the Mediterranean pharmaceutical industry channelled its efforts towards the final consumer product, the “pharmaceutical speciality”. Taking this framework into account, our intention is to offer a general overview of the Spanish pharmaceutical industry prior to the Transition, based on a series of stages ranging from the emergence of drugstore pharmacies in the mid-19th century to the establishment of pharmaceutical laboratories during Franco’s regime, including the classification of what we know as industrial medicines (“secret remedies”, “specific” and “pharmaceutical specialities”), their legal recognition (Stamp Act and health registration), their raw materials and main pharmaceutical forms.

Starinar ◽  
2012 ◽  
pp. 205-227 ◽  
Vesna Bikic

Haban pottery, named after its makers, members of the Anabaptist reform movement, flourished in Central-European countries from the end of the 16th until the 19th century. It is tin-glazed earthenware marked by distinctive decorative expression dominated by floral patterns. Archaeological excavations within the area of the Belgrade Fortress have recovered some eighty pieces of Haban pottery from well-defined and precisely dated contexts. The pottery occurred in two separate phases of Austrian rule over Belgrade. The earlier lasted for only two years, 1688-90, while the later began with the Austrian capture of the city in 1717 and lasted for over two decades, until 1739. These finds make it possible to establish the chronology and repertoire of Haban pottery in Belgrade, contributing to our better knowledge of this distinctive category of earthenware.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 207-229
Jarosław Bodzek ◽  
Kamil Kopij ◽  
Szymon Jellonek ◽  
Barbara Zając

A direct successor of the oldest tradition of academic archaeology in Poland, the Institute of Archaeology of the Jagiellonian University ranks among the leading research centres with respect to studies on the influx of Roman coins into European Barbaricum. The interest in Roman coinage at the Jagiellonian University pre-dates archaeology and can be traced back to the 16th century and the professors of the Kraków Academy (the name of the university at that time) Maciej of Miechów (1457–1523) and Stanisław Grzebski (1524–1570). In the 19th century, Roman coins discovered in the vicinity of Kraków attracted the interest of Jerzy Samuel Bandtke (1768–1835). However, the time when this area of research enjoyed particular development falls to the last years before WWII and the post-war period. A significant role in this respect was played by researchers either representing the JU Institute of Archaeology, like Professors Rudolf Jamka (1906–1972), Kazimierz Godłowski (1934–1995), and Piotr Kaczanowski (1944–2015), or those cooperating with the Institute like Professor Stefan Skowronek (1928–2019). Their activity laid the foundations for today’s research on the finds of Roman coins and their inflow into the territories of the Roman Period Barbaricum. Currently, this area of studies is within the focus of two of the departments of the Institute of Archaeology: the Department of Iron Age Archaeology and the Department of Classical Archaeology. The intensification of research on the inflow of Roman coins owes much to the Finds of Roman coins in Poland and connected with PL project, carried out in 2014–2018 under the leadership of Professor Aleksander Burshe, with important contributions provided by a group of scholars from the JU Institute of Archaeology. Despite the conclusion of the project, studies on the inflow of Roman coins will continue.12345

Prostor ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2 (62)) ◽  
pp. 212-215
Mladen Obad Šćitaroci ◽  
Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci

The Vranyczany-Dobrinović family (short: Vranyczany) is an aristocratic family that rose to power in Croatia in the second half of the 19th century. Members of the family possessed five manor houses surrounded by gardens with historicist features from the late 19th and early 20th century. All five are located in the hilly region of Hrvatsko Zagorje, which boasts the highest density of castles and manor houses in Croatia, built in continuity from the 17th until the beginning of the 20th century. The aim is to determine the features of the gardens of the explored castles, on the basis of photographs from the beginning of the 20th century as well as cartographic sources. A wealth of photographic documents from the beginning of the 20th century shows carefully landscaped and kept gardens and parks, with a full life flourishing in them. Vranyczany’s manor houses’ gardens are based on the Biedermeier and romantic tradition of garden culture. Towards the end of the 19th century, many gardeners trained in Vienna, Prague and other Central European cities, lived in Zagreb and the surrounding area. They passed down ideas related to the historicist garden culture and competed in artistic and horticultural gardening.

Евгения Константиновна Макаренко

Введение. Становление исторической прозы для детей и юношества в русской литературе началось в первой трети XIX в. и было вызвано стремительным развитием отечественной историографии. Детской писательнице А. О. Ишимовой принадлежит заслуга создания первого адаптированного для детей исторического труда. Принцип художественного осмысления прошлого, фактический материал, концепция истории отечества были заимствованы Ишимовой из «Истории государства Российского» Карамзина. В своей «Истории России в рассказах для детей» писательница заложила жанровые доминанты нового документально-художественного рода сочинений в детско-юношеской литературе, среди которых можно выделить познавательную и нравственно-назидательную цели исторического труда; выбор политической идеологии, которой подчиняется концепция отечественной истории; опору на разные исторические источники, в числе которых важное место занимает современная историография; художественное осмысление прошлого, психологизацию исторического материала; включение фольклорных и авторских литературных текстов; диалогизацию монологического текста в форме обращений и вопросов к адресату и др. Цель – анализ поэтики исторического повествования, а также представленной концепции русской истории в исторических произведениях для детей А. О. Ишимовой и Е. Поселянина. Исследование продолжает необходимую работу в области изучения произведений второго ряда литературы и позволяет определить принципы формирования детско-юношеской исторической прозы XIX – начала XX в. Материал и методы. Дается анализ исторической книги для детей и юношества Е. Поселянина «Сказание о святых вождях Земли Русской». Исследование написано в русле сравнительно-исторической поэтики. Результаты и обсуждение. Созданное Л. Тихомировым государственно-правовое учение о монархическом принципе власти повлияло на идеологическую составляющую исторической книги для детей и юношества Е. Поселянина «Сказание о святых вождях Земли Русской». Поселянин описывает историю Древней Руси и затрагивает современную ему Российскую империю, основываясь на концепции о присущей природе российской государственности модели православной самодержавной монархии. В период обострившегося социально-политического кризиса в конце XIX – начале XX в., когда актуализировалась проблема переоценки российской государственности и общества, а также определялись перспективы развития России в контексте общеевропейских тенденций, Поселянин утверждает ценность и самодостаточность российской государственности, декларирует идею особого пути России. Заключение. Большинство сказаний о русских князьях Е. Поселянина представляют собой переложение их жизнеописаний, взятых из летописей, Четьих-Миней святителя Димитрия Ростовского, Пролога, древнерусских поучений, сказаний, воинских повестей, а также научных трудов историков XIX в. Разнообразие источников, ориентация как на древнерусский жанр исторического сказания, так и на современные писателю мемуарно-биографические жанры обусловили жанровое своеобразие «Сказания...», в котором житийные повести перемежаются с историко-биографическими очерками о русских князьях и святых, объединенных общим повествованием о трагических и героических событиях древнерусской истории. В «Сказании...» Поселянина сочетаются эпическое начало, лиризм и очерковость. Introduction. The development of historical prose for children and youth in Russian literature began in the first third of the 19th century and was caused by the rapid development of Russian historiography, which began with the publication of N. M. Karamzin. The children’s writer A. O. Ishimova is credited with creating the first historical work adapted for children. The principle of artistic comprehension of the past, factual material, the concept of the history of the fatherland was borrowed by Ishimova from Karamzin’s “History of the Russian State”. In her History of Russia in Stories for Children, the writer laid down the genre dominants of a new documentary-artistic kind of works in children’s and youth literature, among which one can single out the cognitive and moral-edifying goals of historical work; the choice of political ideology to which the concept of national history is subject; reliance on various historical sources, among which modern historiography occupies an important place; artistic comprehension of the past, psychologization of historical material; inclusion of folklore and author’s literary texts; dialogization of a monologue text in the form of addresses and questions to the addressee, etc. Aim and objectives. Analysis of the poetics of historical narration, as well as the presented concept of Russian history in historical works for children by A. O. Ishimova and E. Poselyanin. This study continues the necessary work in the field of studying the works of the second series of literature and allows us to determine the principles of the formation of children’s and youth’s historical prose of the XIX – early XX centuries. Material and methods. The article analyzes the historical book for children and youth by E. Poselyanin “On the holy leaders of the Russian Land”. The study is written in the mainstream of comparative historical poetics. Results and discussion. The state-legal doctrine of the monarchical principle of power created by L. Tikhomirov influenced the ideological component of the historical book for children and youth by E. Poselyanin “The Legend of the Holy Leaders of the Russian Land”. The villager describes the history of Ancient Rus and touches on the contemporary Russian Empire, based on the concept of the inherent nature of Russian statehood, the model of an Orthodox autocratic monarchy. During the aggravated socio-political crisis at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, when the problem of reassessing Russian statehood and society was actualized, and the prospects for the development of Russia in the context of general European trends were determined, Poselyanin affirms the value and self-sufficiency of Russian statehood, declares the idea of a special path for Russia. Conclusion. Most of the legends about the Russian princes E. Poselyanin are transcriptions of their biographies taken from the chronicles, the Chetykh-Minei of St. Demetrius of Rostov, the Prologue, Old Russian teachings, legends, military tales, as well as scientific works of historians of the 19th century. A variety of sources, an orientation both to the ancient Russian genre of historical legends and to the contemporary memoir and biographical genres of the writer determined the genre originality of the Legend, in which hagiographic stories are interspersed with historical and biographical sketches about Russian princes and saints, united by a common narrative about the tragic and heroic events of ancient Russian history. The Peasant’s Tale combines an epic beginning, lyricism and essayism.

1988 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 351-373
Kathleen Curran

This article investigates the German Rundbogenstil and its influence on the American "round-arched style." A stylistic and theoretical phenomenon of the 19th century, the German Rundbogenstil held both a specific and a generic meaning: as a contemporary building style and as a term for historical round-arched architecture. In modern scholarship, the Rundbogenstil has come to denote any round-arched building with Romanesque or Italianate features designed by certain early to mid-19th-century German architects. A general contextual analysis of the complex nature of the 19th-century round-arched styles or "tendencies" in Germany helps to define more precisely the Rundbogenstil. Following a theoretical and stylistic examination of major monuments in Karlsruhe, Munich, and Berlin, the present paper outlines the salient characteristics of the Rundbogenstil and its influence in America in the hands of certain central European emigrant architects in New York and two major mid-19th-century American architects. The fundamental theoretical change which the style underwent in the United States in both of these groups warrants a distinct label-the American "round-arched style."

2006 ◽  
Vol 157 (8) ◽  
pp. 339-347
Claude E. Steck ◽  
René Güttinger

The faeces of an extinct colony of the greater mouse-eared bat,(Myotis myotis), were found in the church of Tegerfelden (NWSwitzerland)). The faeces could be dated to the end of the 19th century (around 1880). This find provided us with a unique opportunity to study the diet of the greater mouse-eared bat,and to compare the past and current diet of this species. Today,central European greater mouse-eared bats mainly hunt in forests, and carabid beetles (Carabidae) are their most important category of prey. In this study, we investigated whether this specialisation is caused by the changes to the landscape that took place during the second half of the 20th century, or if this bat species already exhibited a similar specialisation in the 19th century (loss of biodiversity, especially in open landscapes).

2019 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-55
Takashi Takekoshi

In this paper, we analyse features of the grammatical descriptions in Manchu grammar books from the Qing Dynasty. Manchu grammar books exemplify how Chinese scholars gave Chinese names to grammatical concepts in Manchu such as case, conjugation, and derivation which exist in agglutinating languages but not in isolating languages. A thorough examination reveals that Chinese scholarly understanding of Manchu grammar at the time had attained a high degree of sophistication. We conclude that the reason they did not apply modern grammatical concepts until the end of the 19th century was not a lack of ability but because the object of their grammatical descriptions was Chinese, a typical isolating language.

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