The Three Stages of Translation: Translating a Poem by Umberto Saba

1988 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-24 ◽  
Christopher Millis
K. Tsuno ◽  
T. Honda ◽  
Y. Harada ◽  
M. Naruse

Developement of computer technology provides much improvements on electron microscopy, such as simulation of images, reconstruction of images and automatic controll of microscopes (auto-focussing and auto-correction of astigmatism) and design of electron microscope lenses by using a finite element method (FEM). In this investigation, procedures for simulating the optical properties of objective lenses of HREM and the characteristics of the new lens for HREM at 200 kV are described.The process for designing the objective lens is divided into three stages. Stage 1 is the process for estimating the optical properties of the lens. Firstly, calculation by FEM is made for simulating the axial magnetic field distributions Bzc of the lens. Secondly, electron ray trajectory is numerically calculated by using Bzc. And lastly, using Bzc and ray trajectory, spherical and chromatic aberration coefficients Cs and Cc are numerically calculated. Above calculations are repeated by changing the shape of lens until! to find an optimum aberration coefficients.

S. Mahajan

The evolution of dislocation channels in irradiated metals during deformation can be envisaged to occur in three stages: (i) formation of embryonic cluster free regions, (ii) growth of these regions into microscopically observable channels and (iii) termination of their growth due to the accumulation of dislocation damage. The first two stages are particularly intriguing, and we have attempted to follow the early stages of channel formation in polycrystalline molybdenum, irradiated to 5×1019 n. cm−2 (E > 1 Mev) at the reactor ambient temperature (∼ 60°C), using transmission electron microscopy. The irradiated samples were strained, at room temperature, up to the macroscopic yield point.Figure 1 illustrates the early stages of channel formation. The observations suggest that the cluster free regions, such as A, B and C, form in isolated packets, which could subsequently link-up to evolve a channel.

1973 ◽  
Vol 29 (02) ◽  
pp. 363-374 ◽  
F. K Beller ◽  
W Theiss

SummaryPlasma fibrinogen, circulating fibrinmonomers (as indicated by a positive ethanol gelation test), fibrinolysis breakdown products and plasma hemoglobin were assayed in 122 rats subjected to endotoxin injection or infusion. The results were correlated with the quantitative measurement of glomerular fibrin deposition. Based on these data four groups were determined : consumption coagulopathy and three stages of increasing severity of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIG).Consumption coagulopathy was defined by a decrease in plasma fibrinogen and a positive ethanol gelation test in the absence of glomerular fibrin deposition. Plasma hemoglobin and fibrinolysis breakdown products were normal or only slightly increased.DIG as characterized by glomerular fibrin deposition was defined as moderate (1 to 20% glomeruli showing fibrin strands), intermediate (21 to 80%), and severe (81 to 100%). Decrease in plasma fibrinogen and frequence of a positive ethanol gelation test in all stages of DIG were only slightly different from the findings in consumption coagulopathy. However, a sharp increase in plasma hemoglobin levels was noted when glomerular fibrin deposition did occur even in small amounts. At this time only a moderate increase was noted in fibrin(ogen) breakdown products. These two parameters increased only slightly in the group of intermediate DIG. Severe DIG was characterized by a massive increase in fibrin (ogen) breakdown products and high levels of plasma hemoglobin.

2018 ◽  
pp. 95-110
L. D. Shirokorad

This article shows how representatives of various theoretical currents in economics at different times in history interpreted the efforts of Nikolay Sieber in defending and developing Marxian economic theory and assessed his legacy and role in forming the Marxist school in Russian political economy. The article defines three stages in this process: publication of Sieber’s work dedicated to the analysis of the first volume of Marx’s Das Kapital and criticism of it by Russian opponents of Marxian economic theory; assessment of Sieber’s work by the narodniks, “Legal Marxists”, Georgiy Plekhanov, and Vladimir Lenin; the decline in interest in Sieber in light of the growing tendency towards an “organic synthesis” of the theory of marginal utility and the Marxist social viewpoint.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-49
Tania Muñoz Jiménez ◽  
Aurora Torres Soto ◽  
María Dolores Torres Soto

En este documento se describe el desarrollo e implementación de un modelo para simular computacionalmente la dinámica del crecimiento y migración del cáncer cervicouterino, considerando sus principales características: proliferación, migración y necrosis, así como sus etapas de desarrollo. El modelo se desarrolló mediante un autómata celular con enfoques paralelo y secuencial. El autómata celular se basó en el modelo de Gompertz para simular las etapas de desarrollo de este cáncer, el cual se dividió en tres etapas cada una con diferentes comportamientos durante la simulación. Se realizó un diseño experimental con parámetros de entrada que se seleccionaron a partir de la investigación literaria y su discusión con médicos expertos. Al final del proceso de investigación, se logró obtener un algoritmo computacional de simulación muy bueno comparado con el modelo médico de Gompertz y se encontraron los mejores parámetros para su ejecución mediante un diseño factorial soportado estadísticamente. This paper describes the development and implementation of a model to computationally simulate the growth and migration dynamics of cervical cancer, considering its main characteristics: proliferation, migration and necrosis, as well as its stages of development. The model was developed by means of a cellular automaton with parallel and sequential approaches. The cellular automaton was based on the model of Gompertz to simulate the stages of development of this cancer, which was divided into three stages, each with different behaviors during the simulation. An experimental design was carried out with input parameters that were selected from literary research and its discussion with expert physicians. At the end of the research process, a very good simulation algorithm was obtained compared to the Gompertz medical model and the best parameters for its execution were found by means of a statistically supported factorial design.

CCIT Journal ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-33
Untung Rahardja ◽  
Meta Amalya Dewi ◽  
Fitri Lisnawati

Advances in information technology and communications which we achieve now actually been recognized and felt in the world of education in general. Currently College Prog implement a Tridharma terms Tridharma iDuHelp!. Tridharma is one of the basic responsibilities that students must be developed simultaneously and together. In this Tridharma still there are problems in the system iDuHelp! service. So IRAN (iLearning Prog Ask and News) in collaboration with iDuHelp! in providing answers and information needed by the student. In its application in Tridharma iDuHelp! IRAN There is a related method in it, such as iLearning methods that are currently being developed. With iLearning method can facilitate conduct research in detail, accurately, and clearly by using mindmapping. Besides the method of analysis is also done with three stages  namely the identification of the problem, identifying needs, and identifying system requirements. In this study using 4 literature reviews that can be used as references in preparing this paper. In this article explained about the problems that arise and solving problems in accurately using the flow Flowchart. In the implementation of the prototype shown iDuHelp! As well as the performance of Iran. So the end result of the study is a system performance to information and communication media of Iran can maximize iDuHelp! care system  It is widely integrated in a university.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 185-200
Robert Z. Birdwell

Critics have argued that Elizabeth Gaskell's first novel, Mary Barton (1848), is split by a conflict between the modes of realism and romance. But the conflict does not render the novel incoherent, because Gaskell surpasses both modes through a utopian narrative that breaks with the conflict of form and gives coherence to the whole novel. Gaskell not only depicts what Thomas Carlyle called the ‘Condition of England’ in her work but also develops, through three stages, the utopia that will redeem this condition. The first stage is romantic nostalgia, a backward glance at Eden from the countryside surrounding Manchester. The second stage occurs in Manchester, as Gaskell mixes romance with a realistic mode, tracing a utopian drive toward death. The third stage is the utopian break with romantic and realistic accounts of the Condition of England and with the inadequate preceding conceptions of utopia. This third stage transforms narrative modes and figures a new mode of production.

1946 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-86 ◽  
T. W. Daniel ◽  
F. B. Wolberg ◽  
V. L. Miller ◽  
J. H. Alswager ◽  
M. E. Ensminger ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Arif Hasan ◽  
Dedi Budiman Hakim ◽  
Irdika Mansur

This study aims to analyze causes of the low uptake of the budget and formulate a strategy of maximizing the absorption of expenditure on Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Manokwari. Respondents involved are 20 people that consist of: treasury officials and holder output of activity. The data used were secondary data in the form of reports on budget realization (LRA) quarter I, II, III and IV of the fiscal year 2011 to 2015, and the primary data were in the form of interviews with the help of a questionnaire. While the analysis of the data used was descriptive analysis using data tabulation, and the analysis of the three stages strategy of the decision making used IFE and EFE matrix, SWOT matrix and QSPM matrix.The results showed that there are 19 factors causing low of budget absorption until the end of the third quarter, and there were 10 drafts of policy as a strategy for maximizing the absorption of the budget on Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Manokwari.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penyebab rendahnya penyerapan anggaran belanja dan merumuskan strategi maksimalisasi penyerapan anggaran belanja pada Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Manokwari. Responden yang terlibat adalah 20 orang yaitu pejabat perbendaharaan dan pemegang output kegiatan. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa laporan realisasi anggaran (LRA) triwulan I, II, III dan IV tahun anggaran 2011 sampai 2015, dan data primer berupa wawancara dengan bantuan kuesioner. Sedangkan analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif menggunakan analisis tabulasi, dan analisis analisis strategi tiga tahap pengambilan keputusan menggunakan matriks IFE dan EFE, matriks SWOT dan matriks QSPM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 19 faktor penyebab rendahnya penyerapan anggaran belanja sampai akhir triwulan III, dan terdapat 10 rancangan kebijakan sebagai strategi maksimalisasi penyerapan anggaran belanja di Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Manokwari.

1991 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 23-70
Christopher Buck

Vindicating the mission of the Persian reformer known as the Báb (d. 1850) Bahá’u’lláh’s Book of Certitude (1862) focused on spiritual authority from an Islamic perspective. In this work, a subtext may be discerned, in which Bahá’u’lláh intimates his own mission in the same terms of reference. Later, in his epistles to the monarchs of Europe and West Asia (1866–1869), Bahá’u’lláh exercised that authority and spoke of world reform. This article places Bahá’u’lláh in the context of Islamic reform, with particular reference to the advocacy of constitutional democracy by prominent Iranian secularists. In an ideological ether pervaded by “Westoxication,” Bahá’u’lláh sought to reverse the direction of Western influence. Bahá’u’lláh prosecuted his own reforms in three stages: Bábí reform; Persian reform; and world reform. In the centrifugal sequence, Bahá’u’lláh is shown to have bypassed Islamic reform altogether in his professed role as “World Reformer.”

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