Muslim Women and Physical Education in Initial Teacher Training

1996 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-21 ◽  
Tansin Benn
Retos ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 101-107
Miguel Vicente Pedraz ◽  
María Paz Brozas Polo

Este artículo analiza la evolución de los planes de estudio de educación física y ciencias de la actividad física en la Universidad de León desde su implantación en 1987. Aunque es un estudio de un caso, se plantea como ejemplo del proceso de transformación de dichos estudios en España en los últimos 25 años. El análisis de los datos permite colegir que en este tiempo dichos estudios han sufrido una transformación de fondo al calor de los saberes hegemónicos: la formación humanística, social y pedagógica ha sido sustituida por materias de índole deportivo. Se argumenta que esta transformación provocará cambios en el perfil de los titulados y, eventualmente, puede redefinir el significado y las funciones de la educación física escolar.Palabras clave: planes de estudio, formación inicial de profesores, reforma universitaria, educación física.Abstract: This article analyzes the evolution of the syllabi in physical education and physical activity sciences at the University of León since its introduction in 1987. Although this is a case study is presented as an example of the transformation of these studies in Spain in the last 25 years. The data analysis can infer on that at this time these studies have undergone a fundamental transformation in the heat of the hegemonic knowledge: the humanistic, social and pedagogical education, has been replaced by maters subject sport competitions the humanistic, social and pedagogical education has been replaced by sports. It argues that this transformation will change the profile of graduates and may eventually redefine the meaning and functions of school physical education.Key words: syllabi, initial teacher training, university reform, physical education.

Retos ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 326-335
Carlos Matus-Castillo ◽  
Miguel Cornejo-Améstica ◽  
Franklin Castillo-Retamal

  El presente trabajo tiene como propósito entregar una visión actual de la formación inicial docente de la educación física chilena desde la perspectiva de género, tomando como referencias la participación del estudiantado y el desarrollo de este enfoque en la formación pedagógica del futuro profesorado. En el estudio se han empleado el análisis descriptivo de datos secundarios y el análisis de fuentes documentales, tales como bases de datos, informes institucionales, propuestas teóricas y metodológicas e investigaciones nacionales e internacionales. El trabajo ha permitido identificar que en Chile existe una relevante infrarrepresentación femenina en los estudios de pedagogía en educación física; que se siguen reproduciendo los estereotipos de género; no se identifican acciones tendientes a la incorporación, tratamiento y evaluación de la perspectiva de género en esta formación, es el caso de la inclusión de este enfoque en los planes y programas de estudios; y que a nivel investigativo y metodológico predominan las orientaciones cualitativas. Los estudios de género en el ámbito de la formación inicial del profesorado de educación física en este país se muestran como un campo de trabajo abierto, ya sea a nivel de objeto de estudio, como en los enfoques teóricos y metodológicos, siendo a la vez un área que necesita de una transferencia real por parte de las acciones académicas y políticas que se identifican en la literatura.  Abstract. The aim of this work is to provide a current view on initial teacher training in Chilean physical education from a gender perspective, taking as references the participation of students and the development of this perspective in the pedagogical training of future teachers. The study has used the descriptive analysis of secondary data and the analysis of documentary sources, such as databases, institutional reports, theoretical and methodological proposals, and national and international research. The work has identified that in Chile there is a relevant under-representation of women in studies of physical education pedagogy; that gender stereotypes continue to be reproduced; that no actions are identified to incorporate, treat and evaluate the gender perspective in this training, as it is the case with the inclusion of this approach in curricula and that at the research and methodological level, qualitative orientations predominate. Gender studies in the field of initial training of physical education teachers in this country are shown to be an open field of work, both at the level of the object of study and in the theoretical and methodological approaches, being at the same time an area that needs real transference by the academic and political actions identified in the literature.

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-71 ◽  
Wagner dos Santos ◽  
Francine de Lima Maximiano ◽  
Juliana Martins Cassani Matos ◽  
André da Silva Mello ◽  
Omar Schneider ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Everton De Souza Da Silva ◽  
Diego Pereira Alves ◽  
Marcelo Augusto P. Dos Santos ◽  
Lucas Ribeiro Dos Santos ◽  
Sumara Brito Soares ◽  

The present work investigated the use of wushu at school by Physical Education teachers (PEF) as a tool for the motor, cognitive and socioaffective development, and compared practitioners and non-practitioners in concept, understanding and application of wushu resignified practices in Elementary School grades I and II in São Paulo, Brazil. For this purpose, 40 PEFs were assigned to one of two groups, wushu Practitioners (PW, <em>n</em>=27) or Non wushu Practitioners (NPW, <em>n</em>=13). All participants answered a questionnaire composed of 11 objective questions about the wushu practice by schoolchildren, with answers ranging on four levels ("does not attend", "partially", "fully" and "exceeds"). The Mann Whitney test was used to compare the responses, <em>p&lt;0.05</em>. Results showed differences between groups, in which PW considered wushu a valid content to teach aspects related to martial arts for schoolchildren, while NPW believed to be inefficient. Both groups identified wushu as an activity that meets and exceeds the needs of motor, cognitive and socioaffective development in schoolchildren. On the other hand, about 30% of NPWs indicated that wushu is difficult to use in schoolchildren, and 40% of NPWs reported that wushu practices during initial teacher training were only partially or not sufficiently taught. These results suggest the possibility of a relationship between the teachers' experience and the promotion of certain practices, depending the teaching of martial arts on the teachers’ practical experience.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Thais Maria de Souza Silva ◽  
Carla Cristiane da Silva ◽  
Daniel Maciel Crespilho ◽  
Flávia Évelin Bandeira Lima

INTRODUÇÃO: O Programa Residência Pedagógica objetiva aperfeiçoar a formação prática nos cursos de licenciatura, proporcionando uma imersão do acadêmico na escola de Educação Básica. OBJETIVO: Relatar as experiências vivenciadas por uma residente nos primeiros seis meses do Programa Residência Pedagógica de um curso de Educação Física, frente aos desafios da pandemia de COVID-19 para a formação inicial docente. MÉTODOS: O programa foi realizado em uma escola-campo na cidade de Ourinhos (SP) e contou com a participação de 10 residentes que desenvolveram atividades para alunos do 4º e 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental. O cronograma do primeiro módulo foi dividido em três etapas: (A) ambientação, (B) observação estruturada e (C) regência. RESULTADOS: A pandemia de COVID-19 resultou em um processo de regência através do ensino remoto, o que causou certa insegurança e a adaptação do ponto de vista da residente autora. Entretanto, a preparação das etapas de ambientação e observações auxiliaram de forma efetiva a construção do processo de regência. A regência foi dinâmica e encorajadora, e incentivou a atuação no âmbito da Educação Física Escolar. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar das dificuldades encontradas no ensino remoto, todas as experiências vivenciadas pela autora deste relato durante o primeiro módulo do programa contribuíram de forma crucial para a sua formação inicial. ABSTRACT. Initial teacher training during the pandemic: an experience report of a resident from the Pedagogical Residency Program in Physical Education.BACKGROUND: The Pedagogical Residency Program aims to improve practical training in undergraduate courses, providing academic immersion in the Basic Education school. OBJECTIVE: To report the experiences of a resident in the first six months of the Pedagogical Residency Program of a Physical Education course, facing the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic for initial teacher training. METHODS: The program was carried out in a country school in the city of Ourinhos, SP, Brazil, and had the participation of 10 residents who developed activities for students from the 4th and 5th years of elementary school. The schedule of the first module was divided into three stages: (A) setting, (B) structured observation and (C) conducting. RESULTS: The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a process of conducting through remote learning, which caused some insecurity and adaptation from the resident author’s point of view. However, the preparation of the stages of setting and observations effectively helped the construction of the conducting process. The regency was dynamic and encouraging, and encouraged action in the context of Physical Education at School. CONCLUSION: Despite the difficulties encountered in remote education, all the experiences lived by the author of this report during the first module of the program contributed crucially to her initial training.

Susan Capel ◽  
Richard Blair

This paper is developed from concern that, despite a number of developments and initiatives in physical education over recent years, there has been little change in the teaching of the subject. This has resulted in many young people being alienated from physical education and therefore physical activity. The paper focuses on how initial teacher training (ITT) contributes to this lack of change by focusing on the development of knowledge for teaching and the technical competence to deliver this. It then considers ways in which ITT could contribute to developing 'knowledgeable teachers' who are able to make change. The paper focuses on two aspects identified as relevant for trainee physical education teachers: socialization and knowledge for teaching. It recognizes that the issues are complex and that change is difficult. It also recognizes that ITT cannot change things by itself. However, it argues that by maintaining the status quo, the subject will not develop so that it is relevant to today's youngsters.

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