Performance and Everyday Life, or a Latina/o/x in Intercultural Communication

2020 ◽  
Vol 49 (5) ◽  
pp. 433-441
Robert Gutierrez-Perez
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 1216-1224
Anatolij Ilich Razzhivin ◽  
Ekaterina Sergeevna Donskova ◽  
Aleksej Nikolaevich Pashkurov ◽  
Irina Yulievna Dulalaeva ◽  
Li Pengfei

Purpose of the study: The article focuses on the study of gallantry culture in terms of the theory of intercultural communication on the example of fiction written by N.M. Karamzin, an outstanding representative of European and Russian sentimentalism. Methods and materials: The theoretical aspects of the problem of gallantry are considered in the context of the main provisions of modern concepts of intercultural communication. N.M. Karamzin’s “sensitive” novels are analyzed from the standpoint of gallant secular ceremonies. Main findings: The concept of gallantry is associated with the psychological aspects of the new secular personality. It is correlated with the educational and didactic ideas of the Enlightenment and the chivalry code. The basis of true gallant psychology as a sensitive world view is love, passion, and tenderness, which forms a system of ideas for the gallant education of the younger generation in a new society at the turn of the 18th – 19thcenturies. The article reveals the main features of the gallant gentleman: sensitivity, melancholy, virtue, lack of rational principles. The originality of the study: The ideas about the interrelated gradual comprehension of Beauty and Virtue, Love and the sensory perception of Beauty as a Divine principle are likewise important. The discoveries of N.M. Karamzin, a writer and a psychologist, in the sphere of gallant psychology and the general cultural phenomenon of gallantry are connected with the analysis of the person’s internal rules of behavior, thinking and world perception. The article shows how the writer developed new cultural studies at the joint of literature, everyday life and psychology, which laid the foundation of the studied problem.

2018 ◽  
Vol 142 ◽  
pp. 195-211
Beata Grzeszczakowska-Pawlikowska

Hochschu­len.  Dies trifft u.a. für die universitäre Wissensvermittlung zu. Auf Grund der steigenden Studie­renden-Mobilität bilden die interkulturell bunt gemischten Seminare einen festen Bestandteil der universitären Lehre. Der interkulturelle insgesamt durchaus positiv zu wertende Austausch unter Stu­dierenden bedeutet allerdings nicht in allen Fällen eine reibungslose Kommunikation. In der kom­munikativen Wirklichkeit ist auch potenziell mit gewissen Störungen zu rechnen. Das Erfassen von Ursachen für diese Störungen stellt einen ersten Schritt für die Optimierung der jeweiligen Kommunikationsabläufe dar. Dieser Problematik widmet sich der vorliegende Beitrag am Beispiel einer interkulturell geprägten Redesituation, in der akademisch gesichertes Wissen vermittelt wird.Disruptions to the communication of academic knowledge through spoken language Intercultural communication has, for some time now, been a feature of everyday life in higher edu­cation institutions. This applies also to the communication of academic knowledge acquired by students during their university studies. Increasing student mobility means that interculturally di­verse seminars are now a central feature of university teaching and learning but, although the ex­change between students certainly ought to be viewed positively, it does not always lead to smooth communication. In real-life communication there may be potential disruptions. Understanding what causes such disruptions constitutes the first step towards optimizing oral interactions. This paper will explore this issue, using the example of a spoken interaction in which academic knowledge is communicated.

Tequio ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (8) ◽  
pp. 61-75
Jorge Valtierra Zamudio

This paper aims to understand “silence”, its illocutionary force, its effects on the perception of oneself, and on the construction of the discourse on the other in multi/intercultural contexts, from topics that have been elaborated in the philosophy of language, such as speech acts and conversational cooperative principles, including some interculturalism issues. From my doctoral research (2013), a record of ethnographic information in Tojolabal communities is presented, as well as a conversational and conceptual analysis intended to contribute to the sociology of language, mainly on communicative silence in intercultural contexts, as a way to discern the communicative and sociocultural force which the communicative silence and other factors of everyday life entail. A series of proposals to comprehend intercultural communication processes will be presented, based on the analysis of intercultural contexts, defined as such, not only by linguistic diversity, but also by ideology and context.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Luciana Benincasa

This paper has a double aim: (a) to approach a stereotype of the nation as overgeneralization and obstacle to intercultural communication and (b) to suggest ways to start to “escape” from stereotypical thinking. The first aim is pursued through a comparison between two conceptualizations of the level of “programming” of the human mind: (a) Hofstede’s model of the “software” of the human mind and (b) a stereotype of the Greek nation widely used in schools, as it is presented in the literature. Both constitute theories of the patterns of thinking, feeling and potential acting among the members of nation. The first (scientific) theory is explicitly articulated on three levels:  individual, group and human nature. The stereotype of the nation may be viewed as a folk theory. Meant to serve the management of everyday life, it does not have to be explicitly formulated or satisfy the requirements of a scientific theory.  The school stereotype was subject to thematic analysis. The comparison suggests that this national stereotype tends to abolish the lines that, In Hofstede’s schema, keep the levels of mental programming clearly separate. As a result, the stereotype constitutes an overgeneralization. As such, it is viewed as an obstacle to successful intercultural communication. Thus, I argue for the need of critical self-examination as the means of acquiring awareness of our stereotypes. To this purpose, a few “techniques” and a brief overview of relevant literature.   

Perspektif ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-215
Mohamad Rifky Rachmadillah

Abstrak Keberagaman merupakan suatu keadaan dalam masyarakat yang memiliki banyak perbedaan dalam berbagai bidang, baik dalam bidang adat istiadat, agama, budaya hingga strata sosial. Indonesia yang memiliki ribuan pulau tentu saja memiliki banyak keberagaman yang unik, namun masih banyak kasus-kasus keberagaman yang menimbulkan sebuah konflik, baik konflik antar etnis bahkan hingga gerakan pemberontakan terhadap negara atau yang biasa kita sebut gerakan separatis. Keberagaman ini bisa dipersatukan bukan hanya dengan semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, melainkan diikuti dengan penerapan ilmu komunikasi antarbudaya yang baik. Menerapkan konsep komunikasi antarbudaya dan menjadikannya salah satu pedoman dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di tengah keberagaman. Di dalam tulisan ini dideskripsikan konsep serta teori komunikasi antarbudaya yang relevan dengan pembahasan yang bertujuan agar kita dapat memahami bagaimana mengatasi keberagaman yang sudah pasti terjadi di lingkungan dalam bermasyarakat agar tidak kembali terulang peristiwa-peristiwa yang telah terjadi di masa lalu. Abstract Diversity is a condition in society that has many differences in various fields, both in the fields of customs, religion, culture to social strata. Indonesia, which has thousands of islands, of course, has a lot of unique diversity, but there are still many cases of diversity that lead to a conflict, both inter-ethnic conflicts and even uprising movements against the state or what we call separatist movements. This diversity can be united not only with the motto of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika but also followed by the application of good intercultural communication. Applying the concept of intercultural communication and making it one of the guidelines in everyday life in diversity. This paper describes the concepts and theories of intercultural communication that are relevant to the discussion, which aims to make us understand how to overcome the diversity that is certain to occur in the environment in society so as not to repeat events that have occurred in the past.

2012 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-84 ◽  
Ketevan Mamiseishvili

In this paper, I will illustrate the changing nature and complexity of faculty employment in college and university settings. I will use existing higher education research to describe changes in faculty demographics, the escalating demands placed on faculty in the work setting, and challenges that confront professors seeking tenure or administrative advancement. Boyer’s (1990) framework for bringing traditionally marginalized and neglected functions of teaching, service, and community engagement into scholarship is examined as a model for balancing not only teaching, research, and service, but also work with everyday life.

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