Direct homogeneous phosphoroimmunoassay for carbamazepine in serum.

1986 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-56 ◽  
A M Sidki ◽  
D S Smith ◽  
J Landon

Abstract In this "phosphoroimmunoassay," a phosphorescent label is used: erythrosin (tetraiodofluorescein). Its long-lived phosphorescence was detected after pulsed excitation in a time-resolved luminescence spectrometer. To achieve convenient open-atmosphere phosphorimetry in liquid solution at room temperature, we used sodium sulfite as an "in situ" chemical deoxygenator, to eliminate oxygen quenching of the excited triplet state. Time-resolved detection allows for complete rejection of short-lived background signals, including those from fluorescent or light-scattering components of biological fluids that can interfere in fluoroimmunoassays. We chose the antiepileptic drug carbamazepine (CBZ) and its active metabolite CBZ-10, 11-epoxide (CBZE) to demonstrate the development and validation of nonseparation assays based on quenching the phosphorescence of erythrosin-labeled drug upon binding to antibody. These two compounds cross reacted equally with the antiserum used; hence, we measured the activity of both in patients' sera. Alternatively, simple pre-treatment of the sample with acid destroys CBZE immunoreactivity and enables specific assay of CBZ.

1992 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-75 ◽  
Kiang-Teck Yeo ◽  
Tracy M Sioussat ◽  
James D Faix ◽  
Donald R Senger ◽  
Tet-Kin Yeo

Abstract We describe a two-site time-resolved immunofluorometric assay for guinea pig vascular permeability factor (VPF) for quantifying VPF in different biological fluids. Antibody against the carboxy terminus (C-IgG) is immobilized on microtiter wells, and antibody against the amino terminus (N-IgG) is labeled with Eu(3+)-chelate. Line 10 tumor culture medium, known to be rich in VPF, is assayed in a two-step incubation. Bound Eu3+ is then quantified by dissociation into a fluorescent enhancement solution, with measurement of the time-resolved fluorescence. The analytical sensitivity is 0.35 VPF unit, and the intra-assay CV is about 20%. The assay is specific for VPF, because pre-treatment with the appropriate C- or N-peptide, or pre-extraction of VPF, greatly decreases fluorescence. The VPF immunoassay is highly correlated (r2 = 0.94) with the Miles permeability assay, the classical bioassay of VPF. In addition, the immunofluorometric assay is about 30-fold more sensitive than the Miles assay.

1983 ◽  
Vol 3 (1-6) ◽  
pp. 321-332 ◽  
G. H. Atkinson ◽  
J. B. Pallix

The time-resolved resonance Raman (TR3) spectra of excited triplet state all-trans-retinal (ATR (T1)) are analyzed with respect to (1) time-resolved excitation profiles (TREP), (2) T1 → S0 intersystem crossing rates, and (3) O2 quenching kinetics. These TR3 data are used to comment on the electronic characteristics and kinetic decay of the excited triplet state of a specific retinal isomer in room temperature solutions.

1991 ◽  
Vol 69 (11) ◽  
pp. 1643-1648 ◽  
Hisao Murai ◽  
Yoshinori Yamamoto ◽  
Yasumasa J. I'Haya

The photoreduction of xanthone with diethylaniline in cyclodextrin cavities was studied at 77 K and room temperature by a time-resolved ESR technique. The radical pair observed in β- and γ-cyclodextrins showed inverted spin polarization compared to that of precursor excited triplet xanthone. This result is rationalized by taking account of the fixed orientation of the radical ion pair in the cyclodextrins. Frozen aqueous solutions and dried powder-like samples provided similar results. The spectrum of the radical pair was also detected in an aqueous solution of β-cyclodextrin at room temperature. Key words: cyclodextrins, xanthone, spin polarization, radical ion-pair, time-resolved ESR.

2015 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 1070-1076 ◽  
Hyojung Yoon ◽  
Aoran Xu ◽  
George E. Sterbinsky ◽  
Dario A. Arena ◽  
Ziying Wang ◽  

In situ time resolved XAS measurements are applied to investigate the phase formation kinetics of metastable cobalt carbide nanoparticles using polyol reduction chemistry. The resulting material exhibits an energy product of greater than 20.7 kJ m−3 at room temperature before compaction, a vastly improved coercivity compared to pure bulk material.

César D. Fermin ◽  
Dale Martin

Otoconia of higher vertebrates are interesting biological crystals that display the diffraction patterns of perfect crystals (e.g., calcite for birds and mammal) when intact, but fail to produce a regular crystallographic pattern when fixed. Image processing of the fixed crystal matrix, which resembles the organic templates of teeth and bone, failed to clarify a paradox of biomineralization described by Mann. Recently, we suggested that inner ear otoconia crystals contain growth plates that run in different directions, and that the arrangement of the plates may contribute to the turning angles seen at the hexagonal faces of the crystals.Using image processing algorithms described earlier, and Fourier Transform function (2FFT) of BioScan Optimas®, we evaluated the patterns in the packing of the otoconia fibrils of newly hatched chicks (Gallus domesticus) inner ears. Animals were fixed in situ by perfusion of 1% phosphotungstic acid (PTA) at room temperature through the left ventricle, after intraperitoneal Nembutal (35mg/Kg) deep anesthesia. Negatives were made with a Hitachi H-7100 TEM at 50K-400K magnifications. The negatives were then placed on a light box, where images were filtered and transferred to a 35 mm camera as described.

C. Jennermann ◽  
S. A. Kliewer ◽  
D. C. Morris

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARg) is a member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily and has been shown in vitro to regulate genes involved in lipid metabolism and adipocyte differentiation. By Northern analysis, we and other researchers have shown that expression of this receptor predominates in adipose tissue in adult mice, and appears first in whole-embryo mRNA at 13.5 days postconception. In situ hybridization was used to find out in which developing tissues PPARg is specifically expressed.Digoxigenin-labeled riboprobes were generated using the Genius™ 4 RNA Labeling Kit from Boehringer Mannheim. Full length PPAR gamma, obtained by PCR from mouse liver cDNA, was inserted into pBluescript SK and used as template for the transcription reaction. Probes of average size 200 base pairs were made by partial alkaline hydrolysis of the full length transcripts. The in situ hybridization assays were performed as described previously with some modifications. Frozen sections (10 μm thick) of day 18 mouse embryos were cut, fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde and acetylated with 0.25% acetic anhydride in 1.0M triethanolamine buffer. The sections were incubated for 2 hours at room temperature in pre-hybridization buffer, and were then hybridized with a probe concentration of 200μg per ml at 70° C, overnight in a humidified chamber. Following stringent washes in SSC buffers, the immunological detection steps were performed at room temperature. The alkaline phosphatase labeled, anti-digoxigenin antibody and detection buffers were purchased from Boehringer Mannheim. The sections were treated with a blocking buffer for one hour and incubated with antibody solution at a 1:5000 dilution for 2 hours, both at room temperature. Colored precipitate was formed by exposure to the alkaline phosphatase substrate nitrobluetetrazoliumchloride/ bromo-chloroindlylphosphate.

J. Allègre ◽  
P. Lefebvre ◽  
J. Camassel ◽  
B. Beaumont ◽  
Pierre Gibart

Time-resolved photoluminescence spectra have been recorded on three GaN epitaxial layers of thickness 2.5 μm, 7 μm and 16 μm, at various temperatures ranging from 8K to 300K. The layers were deposited by MOVPE on (0001) sapphire substrates with standard AlN buffer layers. To achieve good homogeneities, the growth was in-situ monitored by laser reflectometry. All GaN layers showed sharp excitonic peaks in cw PL and three excitonic contributions were seen by reflectivity. The recombination dynamics of excitons depends strongly upon the layer thickness. For the thinnest layer, exponential decays with τ ~ 35 ps have been measured for both XA and XB free excitons. For the thickest layer, the decay becomes biexponential with τ1 ~ 80 ps and τ2 ~ 250 ps. These values are preserved up to room temperature. By solving coupled rate equations in a four-level model, this evolution is interpreted in terms of the reduction of density of both shallow impurities and deep traps, versus layer thickness, roughly following a L−1 law.

2020 ◽  
Keishiro Yamashita ◽  
Kazuki Komatsu ◽  
Hiroyuki Kagi

An crystal-growth technique for single crystal x-ray structure analysis of high-pressure forms of hydrogen-bonded crystals is proposed. We used alcohol mixture (methanol: ethanol = 4:1 in volumetric ratio), which is a widely used pressure transmitting medium, inhibiting the nucleation and growth of unwanted crystals. In this paper, two kinds of single crystals which have not been obtained using a conventional experimental technique were obtained using this technique: ice VI at 1.99 GPa and MgCl<sub>2</sub>·7H<sub>2</sub>O at 2.50 GPa at room temperature. Here we first report the crystal structure of MgCl2·7H2O. This technique simultaneously meets the requirement of hydrostaticity for high-pressure experiments and has feasibility for further in-situ measurements.

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