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Ирина Станиславовна Бочарникова

В современном научном дискурсе появляется много интересных тем, рассматривающих самые острые проблемы социума, и одна из них - табуированная тема - эвтаназия. Эта проблема носит междисциплинарный характер. Философы, в рамках биоэтики, осмысливают нравственные аспекты, психологи «решают» дилемму «хорошо/плохо», «убийство/самоубийство/гуманный акт помощи», юристы прорабатывают нормативно-правовые акты по защите, зачастую трудносовместимых, прав пациентов/врачей/выгодополучателей, медики, сталкиваясь с «невыносимой физической и психологической болью» пациентов и близких родственников, предлагают свои варианты решения проблемы, физики, химики, генетики не остаются в стороне, развивая нейротехнологии, регенеративную медицину, фармакологию, био- и генные технологии. Политики, разворачивая широкие дискуссии о морально-этической стороне этого вопроса, российском традиционализме, либеральных ценностях, устраивая политические дебаты, разрабатывают дивиденды. Социологи, рассматривая эту социальную проблему, замеряют «градус общественного мнения». Общество, как живой сложносоставной организм, опираясь на свои ментальные программы, реагирует по-разному: от полного неприятия («человеческая жизнь - божественный дар») до однозначной легализации процедуры «достойной смерти, качественной смерти». Одна из важных проблем медицинского профессионального сообщества - проблема обеспечения «достойной смерти» неизлечимо больных пациентов и связанная с ней проблема эвтаназии. Мнение полярно. На понимание медиками проблем легализации эвтаназии оказывают влияние разновекторные факторы: во-первых, ценностные установки, во-вторых, опыт и место работы (врачи паллиативных отделений, хосписов, онкологи, имеющие большой стаж работы, более склоны к легализации эвтаназии), в-третьих, техническое, технологическое, фармакологическое обеспечение медицинского учреждения, в-четвертых, нормативно-правовая составляющая. Many interesting topics appear in the modern scientific discourse. They consider the most acute problems of society and one of them is a taboo topic - euthanasia. This problem is of an interdisciplinary nature. Philosophers within the framework of bioethics comprehend the moral aspects. Psychologists "solve" the dilemma of "good/bad", "murder/suicide/humane act of assistance". Lawyers are working on regulatory legal acts to protect the rights of patients/doctors/beneficiaries, which are often difficult to replace. Doctors, facing the "unbearable physical and psychological pain" of patients and close relatives, offer their own solutions to the problem, physicists, chemists, geneticists do not stay away, developing neurotechnologies, regenerative medicine, pharmacology, bio and gene technologies. Politicians also do not stand aside, unfolding broad discussions, arranging political debates, developing dividends. Sociologists considering this social problem measure the "degree of public opinion". Society as a living complex organism relying on its mental programs reacts in different ways: from complete rejection to legalization of this procedure. One of the important problems of the medical professional community is the problem of ensuring a “dignified death” of terminally ill patients and the related problem of euthanasia. The opinion of doctors is polar. Doctor`s understanding of the problems of legalizing euthanasia is influenced by various factors: firstly, values, secondly, experience and place of work (doctors of palliative departments, hospices, oncologists with long work experience are more inclined to legalize euthanasia), thirdly, technical, technological, pharmacological support of a medical institution, and fourthly, the regulatory component

Мадина Магомедкамиловна Шахбанова ◽  
Мадина Багавутдиновна Гимбатова

Происходящие в институте семьи изменения исследователями характеризуются как кризисные, а наблюдающиеся деструктивные процессы - противоречивые. Объектом данного исследования является семейно-брачная сфера народов Дагестана. Предметом исследования выступает межрелигиозный брачный союз и брачное поведение дагестанских народов. Хронологические рамки исследования охватывают XIX - начало XXI вв., и этот исторический период позволит проследить эволюцию отношения к межрелигиозным бракам, от их полного неприятия до толерантного отношения к ним. Методологической основой этносоциологического исследования является принцип исторической реконструкции, историко-сравнительный и историко-типологический методы, шкала социальной дистанцированности Богардуса, которая показывает существующие в массовом сознании городского населения республики установки в различных сферах социального взаимодействия. Полученные результаты исследования свидетельствуют о том, что в традиционном дагестанском обществе отношение к межрелигиозным бракам, в силу высокой исламизации общества, было отрицательным. С присоединением Дагестана к России заключение межрелигиозных браков становится возможным при условии принятия ислама одного из брачующихся, при соблюдении шариатских брачных норм и обрядов. С увеличением доли русского населения в Дагестане со второй половины ХХ в. отношение к межрелигиозным бракам изменилось, шариатские нормы при заключении брака, в связи с советизацией дагестанского общества, не всегда соблюдались. Исследование показало, что опрошенное городское население ориентировано на взаимодействие в различных социальных сферах, за исключением семейно-брачной, ибо для респондентов ключевым параметром при вступлении в брачный союз выступает вероисповедание будущего супруга (супруги). Однако эмпирические данные показывают, что в массовом сознании горожан существует толерантное отношение к межрелигиозному браку своих детей, в сравнении с собственными брачными установками. Исследование выявило наличие существенных отличий по типу религиозности: наиболее консервативна подгруппа, самоидентифицирующаяся как убежденно верующие, впрочем, как и верующие, хотя процентные показатели заметно ниже, по сравнению с подмассивами колеблющихся, неверующих и убежденно неверующих. Researchers describe changes taking place in the institute of the family as crisis, and the observed destructive processes as contradictory. The object of this study is the marital sphere of the peoples of Dagestan. The subject of the study is the interreligious marriage union and the marriage behavior of the Dagestan peoples. The chronological framework of the study covers the 19th - early 21st centuries and this historical period will allow us to trace the evolution of attitudes towards interreligious marriages, from their complete rejection to tolerant attitude towards them. The methodological basis of ethnosociological research is the principle of historical reconstruction, historical, comparative and historical-typological methods, and the Bogardus social distance scale, which shows the attitudes existing in the mass consciousness of the urban population of the republic in various areas of social interaction. The obtained results of the study indicate that in traditional Dagestan society, the attitude towards interreligious marriages, due to the high Islamization of society, was negative. With the accession of Dagestan to Russia, the conclusion of interreligious marriages becomes possible provided one of the spouses accepts Islam, subject to sharia marriage norms and rites. With an increase in the share of the Russian population in Dagestan from the second half of the twentieth century, the attitude to interreligious marriages has changed, sharia norms in marriage, in connection with the Sovietization of Dagestan society, have not always been respected. The study shows that the urban population surveyed is focused on interaction in various social spheres, with the exception of marital, because for respondents the religion of the future spouse is the key parameter when joining a marriage union. However, empirical data show that in the mass consciousness of citizens there is a tolerant attitude towards the interreligious marriage of their children, in comparison with their own marital attitudes. The study has revealed significant differences in the type of religiosity: the most conservative subgroup is self-identifying as "staunchly believers," and "believers", although the percentages are noticeably lower, compared with the sub-masses of fluctuating, unbelieving and staunchly unbelievers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (21) ◽  
pp. 5196
Masaya Aoki ◽  
Licun Wu ◽  
Junichi Murakami ◽  
Yidan Zhao ◽  
Hana Yun ◽  

Background: Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MESO) has a poor prognosis despite aggressive treatment with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, and novel therapeutic approaches are needed. IRF3 is a downstream molecule of the cGAS/STING signaling pathway, but its roles have not been investigated in MESO. Methods: Various murine mesothelioma cell lines were inoculated into wild type (WT) and IRF3 knockout (IRF3KO) mice to compare tumor growth. AE17-bearing mice were treated with local radiotherapy (LRT) to evaluate the effect on tumor growth, and immune cell infiltration was analyzed by flow cytometry 20 days after tumor inoculation. TCGA data were used to examine the relationship between mRNA expression of IRF3 and genes of the cGAS/STING signaling cascade on prognosis in MESO. Correlations between gene expression of IRF3, cGAS/STING signaling pathway, and immune checkpoints were analyzed in TCGA MESO and our scRNA-Seq data from MESO patients. Results: In mouse mesothelioma models, AK7, RN5 and ZiP3 were completely rejected in IRF3KO mice 20 days after the tumor challenge. AE17tumor volume was slightly larger than WT mice around day 10 before shrinking and becoming significantly smaller than WT mice on day 20. LRT accelerated tumor shrinkage of AE17 tumors in IRF3KO mice. Compared with WT mice, the number of macrophages infiltrating the tumor of IRF3KO mice was significantly reduced, and CD4+ T cells and CD8+IFNγ+ T cells were significantly increased. TCGA data showed that IRF3 expression was an unfavorable prognostic factor in MESO patients. IRF3 expression, the cGAS/STING signaling pathway, and immune checkpoints were positively correlated. Conclusion: IRF3 could play a critical role in the tumor immune microenvironment of MESO.

2021 ◽  
Vol 901 (1) ◽  
pp. 012053
S I Kostenko ◽  
N Yu Kostenko ◽  
E G Sedova ◽  
K S Kharkov

Abstract In the agriculture of Russia, organic farming is still relatively uncommon, aimed at obtaining ecologically pure food products of the highest quality category. Such agriculture is characterized by minimal use (up to complete rejection of the use) of various pesticides and other agrochemicals. Tillage under such a farming system is also minimized. At the same time, the use of green manure plants is of great importance. The most famous of these is the seradella. But this culture is most common in the southern regions. In Western Europe, it has been used for this purpose for hundreds of years. On the territory of our country, other crops are used and mainly these are fodder plants: yellow lupine, narrow-leaved lupine, white lupine, hedgehog, perennial ryegrass, white mustard. gray mustard, spring rape, winter rape, spring vetch, winter furry vetch, meadow clover and many others. To create specialized varieties, the main thing is to select plants that, to the maximum extent, will be able to suppress the development of weeds, increase soil fertility, and make poorly soluble nutrients available. In our country, there is a huge number of soil differences and climate features (temperatures, rainfall and their distribution by seasons, etc.), therefore, the creation of one variety of each crop for the entire country is extremely difficult. The requirements for green manure and normal use of plants of the same crop differ sharply. For example, the presence in fodder plants of hydrocyanic acid, glucosinolates and other substances toxic to animals is unacceptable, and their presence in green manure crops, as a rule, is not harmful, and often useful. There are also differences in the requirements for the rate of development and longevity of varieties. Therefore, the standards for breeding varieties intended for green manure fallows or cover crops differ significantly from the requirements for a variety for other purposes - such varieties should be distinguished by rapid seed germination, rapid growth of green mass, such varieties may not differ in longevity, since they are used for one season, often they winter hardiness is not needed. Work in this direction has begun, there are specialized first varieties, but for many cultures this work is just beginning.

Liliia Gnatiuk

The article analyzes the imitation of traditional historical forms in the formation of sacred space. The main examples of world architecture are presented, which partially or completely copy the historical forms. The development of the sacred architecture of the modernist epoch in its imitation is represented. The phenomenon of perception in certain visible figures of objects is an expression of a more general situation, an expression of a certain type of views or collective beliefs. The using of traditional forms in modernist architecture is considered, which at the same time is not a complete rejection of modernist preferences, but also an attempt to reinterpret the geometry of traditional historical forms. The combination of national landscape and local specifics and European established traditional forms of sacred space is presented. Contradictions in the perception of sacred space and reading the symbolism of its content are considered. An attempt is also made to adapt the principles of modernism to the needs of the formation of sacred space, in which, after the suspension of historical knowledge, the essence of the phenomenon under study is sought, which is understood as its invariable feature. Religion, art, science and language are presented as forms of human thinking about reality with forms of epistemologically understandable symbol. The need to take into account the relationship between certain forms and messages that are transmitted through them in the formation of sacred space. Symbols pointing out not certain sacred reality, but certain intellectual tendencies, social situations or expressions of culture are singled out.

Elena S. Gritsenko ◽  

The article examines recent shifts in the English-based research on language and gender. It addresses the denial of gender binary structure, recognition of gender identity fluidity, which may transcend the established ideas about masculinity and femininity or constitute a complete rejection of gender. In the discursive practices of everyday life, these tendencies manifest themselves in the creation of new words and affixes, a change in the reference and combinability of the words that make up the core of the gender concept, as well as the emergence of new communicative norms and practices that legitimize individuals’ right to gender self-identification, non-heteronormative language and degenderization of communication. Research sample includes 250 text fragments from the English-language media, academic and specialized portals, lexicographic online resources, and everyday communication.

2021 ◽  
pp. 66-82
R.S. Kirin ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of ensuring the life of coal monofunctional cities in the conditions of energy transformation, which should be based not only on the legal definitions of the main categories, but also on the legal qualifications and the ratio of their object-subject compositions. It was determined that the Energy Strategy of Ukraine — 2035 focuses on the subject composition of certain types of transformation relations, while the object circle, after a complete rejection of coal in the energy sector and the termination of any subsidies to this sector, requires: coordination of structural changes with all stakeholders including the local population; basing plans for diversifying the economy, restructuring the coal industry, developing the infrastructure of post-coal regions on appropriate financial support, creating trust funds that will combine state, private and international assistance of various levels; transformation of unprofitable mines and, first of all, as an integral technically and organizationally separate (single) property complex of funds and resources. The concept of “coal monofunctional city” — a satellite of a city-forming enterprise for the extraction and processing of coal — an administrative-territorial unit, the specialization of labor of the population in which is determined by a set of directions for ensuring the operation of this enterprise and the life of its employees is proposed. The concept of “life activity of an employee of a coal mining enterprise is proposed — a set of daily processes, actions, activities that can ensure the existence of an employee, his family members, the entire workforce as a whole through training, communication, orientation, movement, self-service, control over his behavior, participation in labor activities with the help of physical, psychological and social functions”. It has been substantiated that the considered experience of such European coal-mining countries as Germany, Ro mania, Czech Republic, Poland, Great Britain can and should be adapted in the process of developing domestic con ceptual, strategic or program documents to support the life of coal monocities in the following blocks of relations: energy; environmental; social; economic; informational; administrative; housing and communal services; transport; law enfor cement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-25

The article studies the interaction between the content and form of arbitration procedure and civil procedure institutions. The arising contradictions between the content and form of the institute can be solved in different ways – in particular, by the complete rejection of old forms that have ceased to correspond to the new content, or by the use of old forms significantly changed the content of the institute. Content plays a leading role in the interaction of these categories. However, this is not always the case. A form may also be an active beginning in constituting of the institution. This fact should be taken into account when planning future development of the area of law. The research has shown that there are formations in the area of law that do not correspond to the form of an institute in terms of their content, which should compel a legislator to improve procedural legislation by enriching the content of a structural subdivision.

2021 ◽  
pp. 000332862110259
Elisabeth Rain Kincaid

In my response to Nigel Biggar’s book What’s Wrong with Rights, I argue that an epidemic of rights-fundamentalism does not require the complete rejection of all rights language. Rather, it is possible to use rights language in a way that reconceptualizes and broadens our understanding of duty, and advances our moral discourse and growth in virtue, rather than hindering it. To demonstrate this point, I contrast Biggar’s example of a problematic ruling by the Canadian Supreme Court with a more thoughtful and nuanced approach to rights language demonstrated by a series of cases on free speech in schools issued by the U.S. Supreme Court. I also offer a re-reading of Francisco de Vitoria’s development of rights language to argue that his presentation of rights overcomes many of Biggar’s critiques.

2021 ◽  
Amrita Banerjee ◽  
Mehak Kanwar ◽  
Dipannita Santra ◽  
Smarajit Maiti

SARS-CoV-2 developed global-pandemic with millions of infections/deaths. Blocker/inhibitor of ACE2 and viral-spikes Receptor-Binding-Domain RBD-blockers are helpful. Here, conserved RBD (CUTs) from 186-countries were compared with WUHAN-Hu-1 wild-type by CLUSTAL-X2 and Structural-alignment using Pymol. The RBD of ACE2-bound nCOV2 crystal-structure (2.68)6VW1 was analyzed by Haddock-PatchDock. Extensive structural study/trial to introduce point/double/triple mutations in the following locations (Y489S/Y453S/T500S/T500Y)/(Y489S,Y453S/Y489S,T500S/Y489S,T500Y/Y453S,T500S/Y453S,T500Y)/ (Y489S,Y453S,T500S/Y489S,Y453S,T500Y) of CUT4 (most-effective) were tested with Swiss-Model-Expacy. Blind-docking of mutated-CUTs to ACE2 (6VW1) by Haddock-Hawkdock was performed and optimally complete-rejection of nCOV2 to ACE2 was noticed. Further, competitive-docking/binding-analyses were done by PRODIGY. Present results suggest that compared to the wild-spike, CUT4 showed extra LYS31-PHE490/GLN42-GLN498 bonding and lack of TYR41-THR500 interaction (in wild H-bond:2.639) with ACE2 RBD. Mutated-CUT4 strongly binds with the ACE2-RBD, promoting TYR41-T500S (H-bond: 2.0 and 1.8)/T500Y (H-bond:2.6) interaction and complete inhibition of ACE2 RBD-nCOV2. Mutant combinations T500S,Y489S,T500S and Y489S,Y453S,T500Y mostly blocked ACE2. Conclusively, CUT4-mutant rejects whole glycosylated-nCoV2 pre-dock/post-dock/competitive-docking conditions.

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