New Forms, New Challenges

John Heywood ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 162-206
Greg Walker

Heywood’s songs have generally been seen by literary scholars as essentially harmless evocations of joie de vivre. This chapter looks afresh at their insistent evocation of good-will and harmony, and their rejection of malice, reading them in the light of the repressive legislation of 1533–34, which defined all opposition to the Royal Supremacy or Henry VIII’s second marriage as malicious acts of treason. It also examines the interrogation and trial of Thomas More, and More’s use of good-will as a specific defence against the charge of ‘malicious’ treason. In this context, Heywood’s songs become more pointed and political, an attempt to present himself, and the group of Catholic singing men around St Paul’s cathedral, as innocent of treason, part of a community bound together by values of loyalty, conviviality, and traditional good works of charity and hospitality in the face of increasing pressure on such things from outside.

David A Savitz

Abstract Interpreting the results of epidemiologic studies calls for objectivity and rigorous scrutiny, acknowledging the limitations that temper the applicability of the findings to public health action. Current trends have posed new challenges to balancing goal of scientific objectivity and validity with public health applications. The ongoing tension between epidemiology’s aspirations and capability has several sources: the need to overpromise in research proposals, compromising methodologic rigor because of public health importance, defending findings in the face of hostile critics, and appealing to core constituencies who have specific expectations from the research.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 135
Carmen Echazarreta Soler ◽  
Albert Costa Marcé

Economic crises have mainly affected the more vulnerable social sectors and created losses of freedom and inequality. Currently, most media are controlled by a relatively small group of companies around the world. In the face of this situation, networked society has accelerated the development of alternative communication models, which act as loudspeakers for citizens’ voices. The aim of this study is to describe the main features of the new forms of citizen expression, communication and cooperation, such as social networks, review sites, citizen journalism and the collaborative economy. It is concluded that in the face of these new challenges it is essential to continue to develop ethical principles of self-regulation to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of new forms of communication on the Net.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-66
Amri Azhari

There are two different thoughts of the scholars since the last period to the present about the use of Veil. The first thought which oblige a woman Muslim to close the face [Veiled] in front of the male who is not her Mahram; because the face is a primary body part that must be covered. This thought being the opinion of Imam Ahmad bin Hambal, and a strong thought of Imam Syafi'i. The second opinion says Istihbab [Highly recommended], this being the opinion of the Imam Malik and Abu Hanifah's thought and Imam Malik, but, on the other thought of Hanafi and Maliki, since then,  they oblige a veiled woman when they're worried about a slander that will occurr to them. It could happen to her if she is pretty girl, so it appears a libel damages and a malice outbreaking. As this opinion asserted by Al imam Ibn ' Abidin Alhanafi his book [Raddul Muhtar ' Ala Addurul Mukhtar] said: the young girl is prohibited to open her face in the presence of a male [that is not her mahram], it does not because of the face is a body part that must be covered, nevertheless it is concerned as a defamation that occur to the tempted men though his desires are not appeared. Then, the thought about this istihbab is strongly assumed by Shaykh Muhammad al-Albani, a great scholar in the field of Hadith. In addition, he also has a considerable role in enriching the treasure in the field of Islamic law by producing a good works such as the book: (Hijab Almar-ah Almuslimah Fii Alkitaab Wa Assunnah) and a book (Arradul Mufhim ' Ala Man Khalafa Al ulamaa Wa tasyadda Wa ta'shshaba Wa alzama  Almar ata antastura Wajhaha Wa kaffaiha Wa awjaba Wa lam yaqna ' Biqaulihim Innahu Sunnatun  wa Mustahabbun). those two books were his Ijtihad about the use of the veil and islamic law.  Mustahabbun/Sunnah (highly recommended for Muslim women and it does not up to the obligatorily required status). Based on the some Imam Madzhab's thought being compared with the opinions of Shaykh Muhammad al-Albani about the veil, as a result, the author of this scientific works has  aims to explain a different thought among Mutaqaddimin and Muakhkhirin scholars about the veil. I pray to Allah, may Allah gives a great benefits, Aamiin Yaa Rabbal 'alamiin.Para Ulama sejak dahulu sampai sekarang berselisih paham tentang hukum Cadar dangan dua pendapat: yang pertama pendapat yang mewajibkan seorang wanita muslimah untuk menutup wajah [ Bercadar ] didepan laki-laki yg bukan Mahram; dikarenakan Muka adalah Aurat yang wajib di tutut, hal ini menjadi pendapat Imam Ahmad bin Hambal, dan pendapat yang kuat dalam madzham Imam Syafi’. Yang kedua pendapat yang mengatakan Istihbab [ Sangat di anjurkan] , ini menjadi pendapat Madzhab Imam Abu Hanifah dan Imam Malik, Namun di sisi lain para ulama Hanafi dan Maliki- sejak dahulu kala meraka mewajibkan wanita bercadar ketika di khawatirkan terjadinya fitnah yang akan menimpanya; hal tercebut bisa terjadi jika seorang wanit yg cantik maka timbullah fitnah berupa kerusakan dan merebaknya kefasikan. Sebagaimana pendapat ini di tagaskan oleh Al imam Ibnu ‘ Abidin Alhanafi di dalam kitab beliau [ Raddul  Muhtar  ‘Ala  Addurul Mukhtar ]  berkata: Wanita yg masih muda di larang membuka wajah di hadapan laki-laki [ yg bukan mahram baginya] , bukan karena wajah iyu Aurat , namun khawatir fitnah yg akan menimpa laki- laki seperti terlena/ tergoda walaupun tidak bangkit syahwatnya. Lalu pendat yg mengatakan Istihbab ini di kuat oleh Syaikh Muhammad Nashiruddin al Albani, beliau adalah seorang yang mampuni dalam bidang hadits. Di samping itu beliau juga memiliki peran yang cukup besar dalam memperkaya khazanah  dalam bidang hukum-hukum Islam dengan karya-karya yang bermutu semisal buku beliau:  ( Jilbab Almar-ah Almuslimah Fii Alkitaab Wa Assunnah ) Dan kitab  ( Arradul Mufhim ‘Ala Man Khalafa Al ulamaa Wa tasyadda Wa ta’shshaba Wa alzama Almar-ata An Tastura Wajhaha Wa kaffaiha Wa awjaba Wa lam yaqna’ Biqaulihim Innahu Sunnatun Wa Mustahabbun .dua  buku tersebut merupakan Ijtihad beliau tentang hukum Cadar  dalam huk um Islam yaitu: Mustahabbun/ Sunnah ( Sangat di anjurkan bagi wanita muslimah dan tidak sampai ke status Wajib). Berangkat dari pendapat Para Imam- imam Madzhab dan di bandingkan dengan pendapat Syaikh Muhammad Nashiruddin al Albani tentang Cadar, maka Penulis karya Ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan khilafiyah di antara ulama Mutaqaddimin dan Muakhkhirin tentang Cadar tersebut. Saya berdoa kepada Allah Suabhanu Wata’aala memberikan Manfa’at  yang  besar, Amiin Ya Rabbal ‘Alamiin .   اختلاف العلماء قديماً، وحديثا في حكم النقاب على قولين: الأول: يجب على المرأة ستر وجهها أمام الرجال الأجانب؛ لأن الوجه عورة، وهو مذهب الإمام أحمد، والصحيح من مذهب الشافعي، الثاني: استحباب النقاب، وهو مذهب أبي حنيفة ومالك، لكن أفتى علماء الحنفية والمالكية - منذ زمن بعيد - أنه يجب على المرأة ستر وجهها، عند خوف الفتنة بها أو عليها، والمراد بالفتنة بها: أن تكون المرأة ذات جمال، والمراد بخوف الفتنة عليها، أن يفسد الزمان بكثرة الفساد وانتشار الفساق؛ قال "ابن عابدين الحنفي" في (رد المحتار على الدر المختار): "وتمنع المرأة الشابة من كشف الوجه بين رجال، لا لأنه عورة، بل لخوف الفتنة كمسه وإن أمن الشهوة. إن العلماء الذين يقولون باستحباب حكم النقاب لقد أيده الشيخ محمد ناصر الدين الألباني, كان رجلا بارعا في المجال الحديثي وله مساهمة غير قليلة في إثراء المكتبة الفقهية الإسلامية بالمؤلفات المفيدة منها: جلباب المرأة المسلمة في الكتاب والسنة والرد المفحم على من خالف العلماء وتشدّد وتعصب وألزم المرأة أن تستر وجهها وكفيها وأوجب ولم يقنع بقولهم: إنه سنة ومستحب, ومنخلال كتابيه راى وأخذ القول مجتهدا أن النقاب مستحب/ سنة وليس بواجب. انطلاقا من أراء العلماء المتقدمين والمعاصرين ثم المقارنة باجتهاد الشيخ الألباني عن النقاب, فلبى الباحث كتابة هذه الرسالة مبيّناً عن خلافية العلماء في أحكام النقاب, الله أسأل أن يمن علي الأجر والنفع الكبير, ويرزقنا العمل الصالح, آمين يا رب العالمين

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Muhammad Akrom Adabi ◽  
Neny Muthi'atul Awwaliyah

AbstractThe Qur’an, which has the status of a Muslim holy book, is experiencing "alienation" because it is considered unable to make practical contributions to various new challenges that arise. Al-Qur’an and Pancasila, which are the two important handles of Indonesian Muslims, are expected to not only keep up with the times. More than that, the al-Qur’an and Pancasila must really be able to fill the void and give an active role through its values, to bring the progress of Indonesia with a distinctive personality in the face of the Industrial 4.0 era. This paper tries to review the strengthening of Muslim Hub as a strategy in dealing with Industry 4.0 through contextualization of the values of the Koran and Pancasila. This study uses Max Weber's theory of Protestant ethics. In a book entitled The Protestant Ethics and Spirit of Capitalism, Weber has done a thorough analysis of the relationship between capitalism and religion. AbstrakAl-Qur’an dan Pancasila harus betul-betul mampu mengisi kekosongan dan memberi peran aktif melalui nilai-nilainya, untuk membawa kemajuan Indonesia dengan kepribadian yang khas dalam menghadapi era Industri 4.0. Tulisan ini mencoba mengulas seputar penguatan muslim hub sebagai strategi dalam menghadapi Industri 4.0 melalui kontekstualisasi nilai al-Qur’an dan Pancasila. Dalam penelitian ini ada dua bukti empiris yang pertama order monastic, dimana orang saleh ternyata juga memiliki prestasi yang gemilang dari sisi material. Kedua sekte protestan yang memiliki prestasi yang gemilang dalam fase awal munculnya kapitalisme modern. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Max Weber tentang etika Protestan. Dalam buku yang berjudul The Protestan Ethics and Spirit of Capitalism, Weber telah melakukan analisa yang mendalam mengenai relasi kapitalisme dan keagamaan yang menunjukkan betapa agama memiliki pengaruh kuat dalam pembentukan karakter pemeluknya. Jika ditarik ke kajian yang lebih luas, maka ideologi memiliki peran kuat dalam mempengaruhi perilaku pengikutnya, baik ideologi keagamaan maupun ideologi kenegaraan. Kata Kunci: Kontekstualisasi, Al-Qur’an, Pancasila, Industri 4.0.

Vasilii Erokhin

China is one of the world's biggest importers of agricultural products. Until quite recently, China's agricultural policy focused on food self-sufficiency. Globalizing trade in agricultural commodities, however, has brought new challenges to establishing secure supply and achieving security rather than self-sufficiency. In the face of emerging trade tensions with the USA, one of China's responses to the emerging volatility of the global market is to expand production facilities abroad and thus diversify deliveries. This chapter discusses how China's Belt and Road Initiative may serve improving food security of the country by establishing of a predictable system of agricultural production and trade across Eurasia, particularly, with the involvement of land-abundant Russia and the countries of Central Asia. The author explores possible responses to emerging threats to China's domestic food market by elaborating an approach to theoretical definitions and practical issues of ensurance of food security and adaptation of China's policy to contemporary global challenges.

Christian W. McMillen

There will be more pandemics. A pandemic might come from an old, familiar foe such as influenza or might emerge from a new source—a zoonosis that makes its way into humans, perhaps. The epilogue asks how the world will confront pandemics in the future. It is likely that patterns established long ago will re-emerge. But how will new challenges, like climate change, affect future pandemics and our ability to respond? Will lessons learned from the past help with plans for the future? One thing is clear: in the face of a serious pandemic much of the developing world’s public health infrastructure will be woefully overburdened. This must be addressed.

2020 ◽  
pp. 201010582095248
Chin Shern Lau ◽  
Noor Ashraf Kamaludin ◽  
Tar Choon Aw

In December 2019, the COVID-19 outbreak began in Wuhan and quickly spread over the world. Hospitals have had to make drastic changes to normal workflows and practices to handle the current pandemic. Laboratories face unique challenges in the management of the investigation of COVID-19. Not only must we consider the safe collection and delivery of samples, but we must also observe the latest guidelines in testing for the virus. We have introduced several new measures in our laboratory to accommodate the collection and testing of samples for COVID-19 from both within the hospital and external screening sites. These changes encompass the pre-analytical (sample collection, packaging, and delivery), analytical (evaluation, handling and preparation of samples) and post-analytical (result reporting within the hospital and to external bodies) aspects of both routine (biochemistry, haematology, transfusion and urine, stool and body fluid testing) and COVID-19 testing, to ensure the safe and efficient testing of any patient samples. In addition, more practical matters, such as laboratory staffing and continuing staff education, have also been changed to ensure the safety and well-being of laboratory staff. With the implementation of new rules and regulations, we seek to safeguard the health of all healthcare workers while streamlining the workflow for the large amount of testing required during this period. As the pandemic continues, new tests (e.g. COVID-19 serology and IL6 testing for prognosis or monitoring) are being requested, requiring even more changes and assay evaluation before implementation. All laboratories must be ready to adapt to these new challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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