Grace, Faith, Scripture, Spirit

Mark Chinca

The chapter examines the prolific quantity of writings on death and the afterlife that Lutheran authors produced in the second half of the sixteenth century, and argues that the constitutive presuppositions of their discourse came to be centered on four of Luther’s famous sola principles. Sola gratia, “by grace alone,” gave a new prominence among the last things to death, since it was through acknowledging the fact of her own finitude that a person came to realize that the present time was the kairos, the “time of grace” in which salvation is freely available to all believers. Sola fide, “by faith alone,” meant that elaborate regimes of spiritual exercise of the kind followed by Ignatius Loyola and the Jesuits were regarded with suspicion by Lutherans, since exercise could easily become a self-justifying work. Sola scriptura held that “scripture alone” was the authoritative guide for faith, and that it required only to be heard and believed; meditation accordingly became reduced to the simple hearing and believing of God’s Word. The principle of solo spiritu, which states that the Word becomes effective in the believer “by the Spirit alone,” is reflected in exhortations to readers to let the Spirit enter their hearts and minds, and even take over their language, as they learn to replace their habitual words for death with the vocabulary of peaceful sleep and repose that the Spirit uses in the Bible.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-226
Enikő Pál

AbstractTranslation has always been important for religion as a way of preaching God's word. The first Romanian translations of religious texts, including the first (although incomplete) translation of the Bible, date from the sixteenth century. In this early period of Romanian writing, Romanian translators encountered several problems in conveying the meaning of these texts of a great complexity. Some of the difficulties were due to the source texts available in the epoch, others to the ideal of literal translation, to the principle of legitimacy or to the relatively poor development of Romanian language which limited the translators' options. The present study focuses on the causes and purposes for which lexical items of Hungarian origin interweave old Romanian translations. In this epoch, Hungarian influence was favoured by a complex of political, legal, administrative and socioculturel factors, sometimes even forced by these circumstances. On the one hand, given the premises of vivid contacts between Romanians and Hungarians in the regions where the old Romanian translations (or their originals) can be located, a number of Hungarian loanwords of folk origin penetrated these texts. On the other hand, when using Hungarian sources, translators have imported useful source language caiques and loanwords, which have enriched Romanian language.

Scott Mandelbrote

Scepticism and loyalty represent the poles of van Dale’s career. Two contexts have been mentioned as relevant here: the seventeenth-century attack on magic and superstition, and the circles of friendship that created a contemporary Republic of Letters. This chapter evaluates both contexts, as well as others that may throw light on his relatively neglected attitude to the text of the Bible. It brings into focus two important intellectual episodes: his treatment of the account of the Witch of Endor (1 Samuel 28:3–25), and his engagement with Hellenistic sources relating to the text of the Old Testament, especially to the miraculous composition of the Septuagint. These issues brought van Dale to ask questions about God’s Word. The chapter explores the limits of his scepticism, the extent of his scholarship, and the role of friendship and isolation in his development. Finally, it draws attention to his place in contemporary Mennonite debates.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-32
Rubyantara Jalu Permana ◽  
Sonny Eli Zaluchu

The literal differences found in the text of Exodus 34 verses 1 and 28 can trigger accusations of Bible inconsistency. In fact, in the Christian view, the Bible is a book that cannot be wrong or inner. Evangelical Christian beliefs assert that the Bible contains God's word and God's word itself. If there are differences and inconsistencies in the Bible, is that an indicator to deduce the low credibility of truth in the Christian scriptures? This study aims to answer that question through a hermeneutic and theological analysis of the differences in texts in Exodus 34 or 1 and verse 28, about who actually wrote the two new tablets. God as referred to verse 1 or Moses as read in verse 28. In addition to conducting text analysis, the author also uses the source approach and theological concepts. As a result, verse 28 actually legitimizes verse 1 that God himself wrote the law. This perspective also confirms that the search for the meaning of texts in context does not merely involve a grammatical approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-84
Dadan Wahyu ◽  
Rudolf Sagala ◽  
Stimson Hutagalung ◽  
Rolyana Fernia

The objectives of this study are, first, to provide an explanation of the importance of parenting. Second, Provide guidance to parents in building spiritual children based on the book of Proverbs 22:6. The method that the researcher uses is a qualitative method with a grounded theory approach. Data collection techniques used: the Bible, books, official sources from the internet, and other articles related to the writing of this scientific article. The results of this study are, first, good parenting will encourage children to have an interest in reading the Bible regularly until their old age. Second, so that parents can understand properly and correctly the meaning of the advice written in the book of Proverbs 22:6 in raising their children. That is why parents and the Church from the beginning have played a role in the protection and maintenance of their lives, so that they know the way of truth through God's word every day, so that they become strong individuals in the future, strong in their faith, and fearing God to make life a blessing or meaning to others.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
K Katarina ◽  
I Putu Ayub Darmawan

This article discusses spiritual formation and God's Word in reformation. The formulation of the problem is the relationship between spiritual formation and God's Word in reformation. The author uses literature studies to collect information about spiritual formation and God's Word in reformation. Spirit for sola scriptura has produced a change in the life of the church at that moment. All teachings, church traditions, and practical actions which is conducted by church member must be tested under the Word of God. In the present context, church who facing various challenges related to moral life, teaching, and practical actions must return to the principles of word of God. To build a spiritual life, we must start from the Bible that is interpreted correctly, which then becomes a theological development, which then influences the concept of believer's thinking and practical actions. Artikel ini membahas tentang formasi rohani dan Firman Tuhan dalam reformasi. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kaitan antara formasi rohani dan firman Tuhan dalam reformasi? Penulis menggunakan studi pustaka untuk menggali informasi tentang formasi rohani dan Firman Tuhan dalam reformasi. Semangat untuk sola scriptura menghasilkan perubahan dalam kehidupan gereja pada masa itu. Segala pengajaran, tradisi gereja, dan tindakan praktis yang dilakukan oleh setiap anggota gereja harus diuji di bawah Firman Tuhan. Dalam konteks masa kini, menghadapi berbagai tantangan gereja baik yang terkait dengan kehidupan moral maupun pengajaran dan tindakan praktis, gereja harus kembali pada prinsip Firman Tuhan. Untuk membangun kehidupan rohani maka harus dimulai dari Alkitab yang ditafsirkan secara benar yang kemudian menjadi sebuah bangunan teologi yang kemudian mempengaruhi konsep berpikir orang percaya dan tindakan praktis.

Barbara Pitkin

The chapter examines John Calvin’s commentary on Exodus through Deuteronomy (1563) through the lens of sixteenth-century historical jurisprudence, exemplified in the works of Calvin’s contemporaries François de Connan and François Baudouin. Recent scholarship has demonstrated how Calvin’s historicizing exegesis is in continuity with broader contemporary trends in premodern Christian biblical interpretation; this chapter explores another essential context for Calvin’s approach to the Bible. The intermingling of narrative and legal material in these four biblical books inspired Calvin to break with his customary practice of lectio continua and apply his historical hermeneutic more broadly and creatively to explain the Mosaic histories and legislation. Calvin’s unusual and unprecedented arrangement of the material in this commentary and his attention to the relationship between law and history reveal his engagement with his generation’s quest for historical method.

2008 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
B. J. Van der Walt

Problems with the Bible in reformed theology: reflections from a Christian philosophical perspective The motivation for undertaking this investigation is the present tension in the reformed theology and in the reformed churches in South Africa. In spite of the fact that the reformed tradition confesses the authority of the Bible, theologians and church leaders are at the moment divided on how to view and interpret the Scriptures. They disagree about the message of God’s Word in the case of topical issues, for instance whether women should be allowed in ecclesiastical offices or on what the Bible has to say about homosexuality. The author is of the opinion that these tensions in the same church are caused, not only by different methods of interpreting the Bible but, at a much deeper level, also by the way in which one views the Bible according to different worldviews. In trying to resolve these problems and the resulting conflict of opinion, a Christian philosophical approach will be taken instead of the current theological efforts.

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