scholarly journals Alkitab dalam Formasi Rohani pada Era Reformasi Gereja dan Implikasi bagi Gereja Pada Masa Kini

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
K Katarina ◽  
I Putu Ayub Darmawan

This article discusses spiritual formation and God's Word in reformation. The formulation of the problem is the relationship between spiritual formation and God's Word in reformation. The author uses literature studies to collect information about spiritual formation and God's Word in reformation. Spirit for sola scriptura has produced a change in the life of the church at that moment. All teachings, church traditions, and practical actions which is conducted by church member must be tested under the Word of God. In the present context, church who facing various challenges related to moral life, teaching, and practical actions must return to the principles of word of God. To build a spiritual life, we must start from the Bible that is interpreted correctly, which then becomes a theological development, which then influences the concept of believer's thinking and practical actions. Artikel ini membahas tentang formasi rohani dan Firman Tuhan dalam reformasi. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kaitan antara formasi rohani dan firman Tuhan dalam reformasi? Penulis menggunakan studi pustaka untuk menggali informasi tentang formasi rohani dan Firman Tuhan dalam reformasi. Semangat untuk sola scriptura menghasilkan perubahan dalam kehidupan gereja pada masa itu. Segala pengajaran, tradisi gereja, dan tindakan praktis yang dilakukan oleh setiap anggota gereja harus diuji di bawah Firman Tuhan. Dalam konteks masa kini, menghadapi berbagai tantangan gereja baik yang terkait dengan kehidupan moral maupun pengajaran dan tindakan praktis, gereja harus kembali pada prinsip Firman Tuhan. Untuk membangun kehidupan rohani maka harus dimulai dari Alkitab yang ditafsirkan secara benar yang kemudian menjadi sebuah bangunan teologi yang kemudian mempengaruhi konsep berpikir orang percaya dan tindakan praktis.

2020 ◽  
pp. 199-212
Łukasz Bucki

The word is a mighty ruler capable of performing miracles. Proclamation of God’s Word was and still is one of the most important tasks of the Church. The Word of God awakens and deepens faith. The preacher undertakes a responsible task collaborating with God himself. This responsibility goes beyond the limits of worldliness. Reading and studying the Bible is not sufficient. It is essen- tial to join talent and knowledge together with prayer. Therefore, prayer should be the foundation of priest’s spiritual life. Proper preparation and fruitful preaching is closely related to the spiritual life of the preacher of God’s Word. Immersed in prayer preacher is a credible witness of Christ and a living sign of God’s presence in the modern world. The preacher must be convinced of what he teaches. There is no shortage in the Church of those who are a model of preaching based on their prayer. The word of God they had proclaimed was a masterpiece. The Word that matured in prayer was like gold received from God to pass on to man.

1996 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 863-894 ◽  
Richard Rex

ABSTRACTThe new political theology of obedience to the prince which was enthusiastically adopted by the Church of England in the 1530s was essentially founded upon Luther's new interpretation of the fourth commandment. It was mediated to an English audience by Tyndale, but his ideas were not officially adopted as early as some recent research has suggested. The founding of royal authority on the Decalogue, and thus on the ‘word of God’, was a particularly attractive feature of this doctrine, which became almost the defining feature of Henrician religion. Rival tendencies within the Church of England sought to exploit it in the pursuit of their particular agendas. Reformers strove to preserve its connections with the broader framework of Lutheran theology, with the emphasis on faith alone and the ‘word of God’, while conservatives strove to relocate it within an essentially monastic tradition of obedience, with an emphasis on good works, ceremonies, and charity. The most significant achievement was that of the Reformers, who established and played upon an equivocation between the royal supremacy and the ‘word of God’ in order to persuade the king to sanction the publication of the Bible in English as a formidable prop for his new-found dignity.

Kairos ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-91
Stanko Jambrek

In order to have a fruitful understanding of the nature of the Church, the Bible uses a variety of pictures, which when taken together form Church models by which believers live and act by. We have reviewed Church models in three categories: the first category is taken by Church models which are formed today by our everyday life; the second one are Church models which have been created by man throughout history; and third, the Church models which have a foundation in the Word of God. Church models formed by everyday life and man-made Church models can be used as negative examples of models to be changed and avoided, especially models of the Church as an institution and as a denomination. The Bible shows a particular reality and nature of the Church by using numerous different pictures from everyday life. These include pictures from the ownership system; the picture of the way the human body works; pictures from premarital, marital, and family life; pictures from architecture, agriculture, cattle breeding, fishery, and citizenship and patriotism. Each of the used pictures communicates one or more God’s truths in a way that is experientially very close and familiar to the listeners and readers. These pictures reflect life and point towards life. The 21st century Christianity needs to adopt and apply Biblical pictures of Church which, when taken together, form the Biblical Church model. As we establish this model, we need to focus on God and His purposes and plans for a specific time, place, and culture. Our communication with God needs to be completely open, and the Church needs to be prepared to follow God’s plans and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Biblical Church model contains God’s (immutable) and human (mutable) elements. God is immutable, which is why anything that is permanent and immutable in Church comes from God, and what can and needs to be changed is anything that came from people. The human elements need to be aligned with God’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, so that the Church would be able to obey God’s will fruitfully.

2019 ◽  
Vol 71 (283) ◽  
pp. 606
Filippo Santoro

O A. sintetiza a Exortação Apostólica Pós-Sinodal Verbum Domini, realçando sua estrutura dialógica e chamando a atenção para o que considera os pontos fortes do documento: a continuidade entre a Verbum Domini e a Dei Verbum (do Vat. II) no que concerne à centralidade da Palavra de Deus (Cristo); esta, como sendo o miolo do documento, não a Bíblia, embora esta seja seu receptáculo; uma renovada comunhão entre exegese, teologia e pastoral; Maria, ponto de referência para se compreender a relação entre Palavra de Deus e Igreja; leitura orante e lectio divina como abordagens que favorecem o encontro pessoal e comunitário com a Palavra; a dimensão inerentemente missionária da Palavra de Deus, que se dá, sobretudo, pelo testemunho de vida; o impulso ao diálogo ecumênico e inter-religioso decorrente do encontro com a Palavra; a comunhão e a alegria, resultantes desse encontro; o estilo sapiencial do texto e sua linguagem viva, calorosa e comunicativa, fruto da experiência de encontro com o Verbo encarnado, Palavra de Deus. Neste quadro, a Bíblia é vista como verdadeiro código primordial da humanidade, capaz de falar a uma sociedade plural, desejosa, em tempos de árido relativismo, do Evangelho da Vida.Abstract: The Author summarizes the Post-Synod Verbum Domini Apostolic Exhortation, emphasizing its dialogical structure and calling attention to what he considers to be the strong points of the document: the continuity between the Verbum Domini and the Dei Verbum (of the Vatican II) with regard to the centrality of God’s Word (Christ’s); considering the latter – rather than the Bible that would be just its receptacle – as the kernel of the document; a renewed communion between exegesis, theology and pastoral; Maria as a point of reference in order to understand the relationship between God’s Word and the Church; praying-reading and lectio divina as the types of approaches that encourage the individual and the community encounter with the Word; the inherently missionary dimension of God’s Word, that happens, above all, by the testimony of life; the impulse towards the ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue resulting from the meeting with the Word; the communion and the joy resulting from this meeting; the sapiential style of the text and its lively, warm and communicative language, fruit of the experience of the meetingwith the incarnated Word, God’s Word. In this picture, the Bible is seen as mankind’s true primary code able to speak to a plural and yearning society, at a time of arid relativism of the Gospel of Life.

1999 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 476-503
Eberhard Busch

How might Karl Barth's engagement with the question of the relationship of the church to Judaism during the Nazi era help us today as we seek to revise that relationship? It is obvious that we cannot simply repeat his statements today. But the reference to Barth would be unproductive if it consisted solely in the assertion that the opponent of anti-Semitism at that time was in fact in league with his adversaries. Protestants all too willingly take on an air of self-importance, imagining the distant past to be the proverbial night in which all cats are gray. It would also be insufficient to find in this theologian some good initial ideas, to the extent that they agree with one's own views, in order then, when one differs from his thinking, to identify all the logical flaws that one believes to have been successfully overcome. In neither case would we learn anything, but only confirm our own position. If our encounter with a teacher of the church is to be fruitful, we must enter into a conversation in which we are not only the questioners, but also those who are questioned. True, such a teacher, whom we may critically question, is only an authority subject to the Word of God. But a proper teacher of the church is an authority under the Word of God, and his or her question to us, therefore, is whether we, as we move ahead, are following the Word of God as attested in the Bible or only our own authority.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-118
Elisa Sihombing ◽  
Jean Paath

ABSTRAK Perempuan yang bersyukur saat ini menjadi sebuah situasi yang sulit dilakukan oleh wanita dalam hidupnya. Kaum wanita hedonis  karena tidak hanya merugikan secara rohani, namun juga karakter dan kepribadian individu. Oleh sebab itu penerapan perempuan bersyukur menurut Alkitab sangat penting bagi wanita yang hedonis dan tidak bersyukur dengan melalui pemahaman Firman Tuhan yang benar, mengetahui hakikatnya sebagai umat Allah. Firman Tuhan merupakan kebenaran yang akan menuntun orang percaya untuk serupa dengan Kristus Yesus. Kaum wanita hedonis yang tidak bersyukur telah terjadi di berbagai kalangan. Ini merupakan situasi yang memprihatikan, penurunan kualitas secara rohani, dan moral tentunya akan berpengaruh terhadap gereja. Berangkat dari problematika tersebut, jelas bahwa wanita hedonis sangat membahayakan. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif-theologis dalam skripsi ini penulis memberikan implementasi bagi kaum wanita hedonis, sehingga hasil studi ini dapat menjadi acuan bagi kaum wanita dalam meningkatkan kualitas rohaninya.   ABSTRACT Today a grateful woman is a situation that is difficult for women to do in her life. Women are hedonistic because they are detrimental not only spiritually, but also individual character and personality. Therefore, the application of women who are grateful according to the Bible is very important for women who are hedonistic and ungrateful by understanding the true Word of God, knowing their essence as God's people. God's Word is the truth that will lead believers to be like Christ Jesus. Hedonist women who are not grateful have occurred in various circles. This is a situation of concern, spiritual and moral deterioration will certainly affect the church. Departing from these problems, it is clear that hedonistic women are very dangerous. With a qualitative approach and descriptive-theological methods in this thesis, the authors provide an implementation for hedonic women, so that the results of this studycan be a reference for women in improving their spiritual quality.The second abstract is written in English. Abstract length maximum 250 words. At least the abstract should include the background of the study, research methods, research results and recommendations. The abstract should include two to five keywords, and the format of writing follows the template.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-77
Kristiana Anna ◽  
Sri Wahyuni Kusradi

Perempuan yang bersyukur saat ini menjadi sebuah situasi yang sulit dilakukan oleh wanita dalam hidupnya. Kaum wanita hedonis  karena tidak hanya merugikan secara rohani, namun juga karakter dan kepribadian individu. Oleh sebab itu penerapan perempuan bersyukur menurut Alkitab sangat penting bagi wanita yang hedonis dan tidak bersyukur dengan melalui pemahaman Firman Tuhan yang benar, mengetahui hakikatnya sebagai umat Allah. Alkitab mengajarkan bahwa menikah untuk menjadi satu dan bukan menjadi sama.  Orang akan frustasi apabila menjadikan pernikahan sebagai target untuk menjadi sama, yang sesungguhnya adalah saling melengkapi. Sehingga, sebagai pasangan suami istri seharusnya dapat menerima apa adanya satu sama lain, misalnya; sikapnya, sifatnya, tempramennya, karakternya. Dengan kekurangan ataupun kelebihan yang ada, tidak dapat merubah pasangan dengan mencela, menuntut, ataupun menjadikan sama dengan keinginannya. Firman Tuhan merupakan kebenaran yang akan menuntun orang percaya untuk serupa dengan Kristus Yesus. Kaum wanita hedonis yang tidak bersyukur telah terjadi di berbagai kalangan. Ini merupakan situasi yang memprihatikan, penurunan kualitas secara rohani, dan moral tentunya akan berpengaruh terhadap gereja. Berangkat dari problematika tersebut, jelas bahwa wanita hedonis sangat membahayakan. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif-theologis dalam skripsi ini penulis memberikan implementasi bagi kaum wanita hedonis, sehingga hasil studi ini dapat menjadi acuan bagi kaum wanita dalam meningkatkan kualitas rohaninya.      Today, a grateful woman is a situation that is difficult for women to do in her life. Women are hedonistic because they are not only detrimental to spirituality, but also to individual character and personality. Therefore, the application of women who are grateful according to the Bible is very important for women who are hedonistic and ungrateful, through understanding the true Word of God, knowing their essence as God's people. The Bible teaches that marrying is to be one and not the same. People will be frustrated if they make marriage as the target to be the same, which is actually complementary. So, as a married couple, they should be able to accept each other's existence, for example; his attitude, his character, his temper, his character. With existing weaknesses or strengths, one cannot change a partner by criticizing, demanding, or making the same as what he wants. God's Word is the truth that will lead believers to be like Christ Jesus. Hedonist women who are not grateful have occurred in various circles. This is a situation of concern, spiritual and moral deterioration will certainly affect the church. Departing from these problems, it is clear that hedonistic women are very dangerous. With a qualitative approach and descriptive-theological methods in this thesis, the authors provide an implementation for hedonist women, so that the results of this study can be a reference for women in improving their spiritual quality.

1998 ◽  
pp. 46-52
S. V. Rabotkina

A huge place in the spiritual life of medieval Rusich was occupied by the Bible, although for a long time Kievan Rus did not know it fully. The full text of the Holy Scriptures appears in the Church Slavonic language not earlier than 1499.

1997 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-38 ◽  
Iain Provan

It is well known that the seeds from which the modern discipline of OT theology grew are already found in 17th and 18th century discussion of the relationship between Bible and Church, which tended to drive a wedge between the two, regarding canon in historical rather than theological terms; stressing the difference between what is transient and particular in the Bible and what is universal and of abiding significance; and placing the task of deciding which is which upon the shoulders of the individual reader rather than upon the church. Free investigation of the Bible, unfettered by church tradition and theology, was to be the way ahead. OT theology finds its roots more particularly in the 18th century discussion of the nature of and the relationship between Biblical Theology and Dogmatic Theology, and in particular in Gabler's classic theoreticalstatementof their nature and relationship. The first book which may strictly be called an OT theology appeared in 1796: an historical discussion of the ideas to be found in the OT, with an emphasis on their probable origin and the stages through which Hebrew religious thought had passed, compared and contrasted with the beliefs of other ancient peoples, and evaluated from the point of view of rationalistic religion. Here we find the unreserved acceptance of Gabler's principle that OT theology must in the first instance be a descriptive and historical discipline, freed from dogmatic constraints and resistant to the premature merging of OT and NT — a principle which in the succeeding century was accepted by writers across the whole theological spectrum, including those of orthodox and conservative inclination.

2021 ◽  
Vol 101 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 376-398
Nigel Smith

Abstract This article contrasts hostility toward visual and literary art in English radical Puritanism before the late seventeenth century with the central role of art for Dutch Mennonites, many involved in the commercial prosperity of Amsterdam. Both 1620s Mennonites and 1650s–1660s Quakers debated the relationship between literal truth of the Bible and claims for the power of a personally felt Holy Spirit. This was the intra-Mennonite “Two-Word Dispute,” and for Quakers an opportunity to attack Puritans who argued that the Bible was literally the Word of God, not the “light within.” Mennonites like Jan Theunisz and Quakers like Samuel Fisher made extensive use of learning, festive subversion and poetry. Texts from the earlier dispute were republished in order to traduce the Quakers when they came to Amsterdam in the 1650s and discovered openness to conversation but not conversion.

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