scholarly journals Kajian Praktis Tentang Pola Asuh Orang Tua dalam Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Alkitab Anak Berdasarkan Amsal 22:6

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-84
Dadan Wahyu ◽  
Rudolf Sagala ◽  
Stimson Hutagalung ◽  
Rolyana Fernia

The objectives of this study are, first, to provide an explanation of the importance of parenting. Second, Provide guidance to parents in building spiritual children based on the book of Proverbs 22:6. The method that the researcher uses is a qualitative method with a grounded theory approach. Data collection techniques used: the Bible, books, official sources from the internet, and other articles related to the writing of this scientific article. The results of this study are, first, good parenting will encourage children to have an interest in reading the Bible regularly until their old age. Second, so that parents can understand properly and correctly the meaning of the advice written in the book of Proverbs 22:6 in raising their children. That is why parents and the Church from the beginning have played a role in the protection and maintenance of their lives, so that they know the way of truth through God's word every day, so that they become strong individuals in the future, strong in their faith, and fearing God to make life a blessing or meaning to others.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Daniel Zacheus Soelistiyo ◽  
Hana Suparti ◽  
Paulus Sentot Purwoko ◽  
Ana Lestari

The pastor cannot be separated from his ministry life. In the church, the pastor is a leader, the attitudes and actions of pastors are often imitated by their congregation. Therefore, the pastor must maintain the attitudes and actions of his congregation as well as possible, the most important thing is that he must be able to set an example for others. For this reason, this article describes Paul's life teaching in serving as the goal in this writing which is beneficial for the implementation of the shepherd in serving God and others. Using descriptive qualitative method with literature study and analysis approach. So it can be concluded that the implementation of teaching about the life of the Apostle Paul in serving is based on 2 Timothy 3:10-17, among others: The Apostle Paul's Way of Life (Verse 10a). The Patience of the Apostle Paul (Verse 10b). The love of the Apostle Paul (Verse 10c). Perseverance of the Apostle Paul (Verse 10d). Live Hold on to the truth (Verse 14). Seek to know the Scriptures (Verse 15a). Wisdom (Verse 15b). Faith in Jesus (Verse 15). Living in the Word (Verse 16) Willing to Teach God's Word (Verse 16a). Willing to admit mistakes (Verse 16b). Willing to correct behavior (Verse 16c). Willing to be educated in the truth (Verse 16d). Willing to do good (Verse 17). All of this can be a guide for pastors in implementing Paul's teachings for the church and its ministry entrusted by God.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
K Katarina ◽  
I Putu Ayub Darmawan

This article discusses spiritual formation and God's Word in reformation. The formulation of the problem is the relationship between spiritual formation and God's Word in reformation. The author uses literature studies to collect information about spiritual formation and God's Word in reformation. Spirit for sola scriptura has produced a change in the life of the church at that moment. All teachings, church traditions, and practical actions which is conducted by church member must be tested under the Word of God. In the present context, church who facing various challenges related to moral life, teaching, and practical actions must return to the principles of word of God. To build a spiritual life, we must start from the Bible that is interpreted correctly, which then becomes a theological development, which then influences the concept of believer's thinking and practical actions. Artikel ini membahas tentang formasi rohani dan Firman Tuhan dalam reformasi. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kaitan antara formasi rohani dan firman Tuhan dalam reformasi? Penulis menggunakan studi pustaka untuk menggali informasi tentang formasi rohani dan Firman Tuhan dalam reformasi. Semangat untuk sola scriptura menghasilkan perubahan dalam kehidupan gereja pada masa itu. Segala pengajaran, tradisi gereja, dan tindakan praktis yang dilakukan oleh setiap anggota gereja harus diuji di bawah Firman Tuhan. Dalam konteks masa kini, menghadapi berbagai tantangan gereja baik yang terkait dengan kehidupan moral maupun pengajaran dan tindakan praktis, gereja harus kembali pada prinsip Firman Tuhan. Untuk membangun kehidupan rohani maka harus dimulai dari Alkitab yang ditafsirkan secara benar yang kemudian menjadi sebuah bangunan teologi yang kemudian mempengaruhi konsep berpikir orang percaya dan tindakan praktis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-93
Yusak Setianto ◽  
Ferry Mahulette

Abstract Ruwatan is a form of ceremony in Javanese society that aims to free people from bad luck and the disasters that will befall on them. Some Javanese Christians who still perform the Ruwatan ceremony. The Ruwatan ceremony itself was rejected by the church and priests, especially the Javanese Christian Church/ Gereja Kristen Jawa (GKJ). This article itself aims to understand the Ruwatan model by Javanese Christians and to review it in a christian ethics related to the implementation of Ruwatan by Javanese Christian. The method used is a qualitative method with a field observation approach. The speakers were Javanese Christians who participated in Ruwatan, cultural practitioner, and priests of GKJ. We found the fact that there are two models of Ruwatan done by Javanese Christians. We give the terms with Javanese Christians A and B. Javanese Christians A do Ruwatan as in general, namely the style of Yogyakarta and Surakarta. While the Javanese Christian B performs Ruwatan that has been contextualized in the form of bidston/ pandonga worship. The Church and GKJ Priests themselves support the Ruwatan model carried out by Javanese Christian B which presents Jesus as the Human Guardian. In conclusion after being reviewed in christian Ethics, the Ruwatan carried out by Javanese Christian A cannot be justified in terms of both the motive and the action. Contrary, the Javanese Christianity B can be accepted and implemented because it is not in conflict with the Bible.   Keywords: ruwatan; javanese christians; bidston/ pakempalan pandonga; javanese christian church; christian ethics   Abstrak Ruwatan merupakan suatu bentuk upacara di masyarakat Jawa yang bertujuan untuk membebaskan manusia dari nasib buruk maupun malapetaka yang akan menimpa dirinya. Tidak sedikit orang Jawa Kristen yang masih melakukan upacara Ruwatan. Upacara Ruwatan sendiri ditolak pelaksanaannya oleh gereja dan pendeta, khususnya Gereja Kristen Jawa (GKJ).  Artikel ini sendiri bertujuan untuk memahami model Ruwatan yang dilakukan orang Jawa Kristen serta meninjauan nya secara etika Kristen terkait pelaksaan Ruwatan oleh orang Jawa Kristen. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan observasi lapangan. Narasumbernya merupakan Orang Jawa Kristen peserta Ruwatan, budayawan, serta pendeta GKJ. Peneliti menemukan fakta bahwa terdapat dua model Ruwatan yang dilakukan oleh orang Jawa Kristen. peneliti memberi istilah dengan Orang Jawa Kristen A dan B. Orang Jawa Kristen A melakukan Ruwatan seperti pada umumnya yaitu bergaya Yogyakarta dan Surakarta. Sedangkan orang Jawa Kristen B melakukan Ruwatan yang telah dikontekstualisasikan dalam bentuk ibadah bidston/ pakempalan pandonga. Gereja dan Pendeta GKJ sendiri mendukung model Ruwatan yang dilakukan oleh orang Jawa Kristen B yang mana menghadirkan Yesus sebagai Juru Ruwat Manusia. Kesimpulannya setelah ditinjau secara etika Kristen, maka Ruwatan yang dilakukan oleh orang Jawa Kristen A tidak dapat dibenarkan baik secara motif dan tindakan pelaksanaannya. Sebaliknya, Ruwatan orang Jawa Kristen B dapat diterima dan dilaksanakan karena tidak bertentangan dengan Alkitab.   Kata Kunci: ruwatan; orang jawa kristen; bidston/ pakempalan pandonga; gereja kristen jawa; etika kristen

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Cristina Mele ◽  
Tiziana Russo-Spena

Purpose This paper aims to focus on how companies shape the architecture of a phygital customer journey through the exploitation of smart technologies. Design/methodology/approach The research adopts a qualitative method using a grounded theory approach involving leading players in digital customer solutions and service providers from different industries. Findings The shaping of the architecture of the phygital customer journey comes from the interplay between systems of insights and systems of engagement activated by multiple customer-provider interactions in an entanglement of physical and digital contexts. Practical implications Companies need to design a blended approach to bridge disconnected contexts, capture new opportunities and provide customer engagement along the entire journey. Originality/value This study depicts the “phygital customer journey” under systems of insights and systems of engagement: These systems operate as dynamic architectures to capture insights and engage customers.

1962 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-65
J. N. Bakhuizen Van Den Brink

The Reformation gave back the Bible to the people, that is to say the Bible in the vulgar tongue. We may enter now into some of the theological problems implied in this important historical event, by revealing the well-known circumstances of the first religious disputation held at Zürich on 29th January 1523. Zwingli's first thesis was that those who do not recognise the Gospel but by the authority of the Church, err and insult God. The same conviction is repeated in quite the same words and with still greater completeness in the Scots Confession, art. 19. Some months before the disputation, Zwingli had sent his treatise Von Klarheit und Gewissheit des Wortes Gottes, to the Black Friars of Oetenbach. For three years already he had himself been preaching daily in Our Lady's Münster in the capital. In his correspondence with the vicar of Constanz, who seriously disapproved of Zwingli's activity, he published his Apologeticus Archeteles, 1522, in which he said: ‘to this treasure, I mean the certitude of God's Word, our heart should be directed’, and in his second answer to the objections of the vicar he ventured to give the assurance that ‘the people will always surrender themselves with the simplicity of a dove to the sole Gospel, and in proportion as it is the less stained by the dust of human traditions, the people will be the more susceptible to the celestial doctrine in which they take their refuge with all confidence as to a holy anchor’.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Deniati Deniati ◽  
Yesaya Adhi Widjaya

Baptism is one of the sacraments recognized by the church and is believed to be a seal for believers, and a sign of Christ's ownership. However, if you look at the practice in the church, many questions will arise, both regarding the instruments used in baptizing and the subjects to be baptized (children or adults). This is due to a lack of understanding of baptism as well as differences in interpretation of the Bible and the confession of faith used in the church. This difference results in the emergence of conflicts between churches and the courage of certain sects, thus making statements that the other sects are wrong or right. Despite believing or using the same Bible and creed, each church has a different understanding and way of implementing baptism in the church. Therefore, the church needs to be sensitive to this. The Church of God needs to have the same unity or standard of truth, so that in carrying out church discipline, it remains in accordance with the truth of God's Word, the Bible. Seeing the gaps or facts that occur in the church of God, the purpose of writing this paper is to show the views of two faith confessions recognized by the Reformed church regarding child baptism and show how the practice of baptism should be practiced in the church community of God.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Susanto Dwiraharjo

The internet has in fact become one with today's life. Not only has his presence changed many things in the fabric of social life, but it has also changed religious behavior. The worship behavior that has been limited by time and space, and that has become a standard for one's faith, is no longer the case. Not only related to the space and time of worship, even more than that the liturgy of the church that has been sacred has also changed. The output of writing this article is to find a formulation of the digital church. This study applies a qualitative method with phenomenological analysis. With this method, the scattered data can then be constructed in a more meaningful and easily understood theme. This research was conducted through 4 processes, namely: first describing facts based on data, second conducting an analysis of the facts found, third conducting a study of the topic from the standpoint of Christianity, and fourth finding its relevance in digital worship patterns.AbstrakInternet pada faktanya telah menyatu dengan kehidupan masa kini. Keha-dirannya tidak saja telah mengubah banyak hal dalam tatanan kehidupan sosial, tetapi juga telah mengubah perilaku keagamaan. Perilaku ibadah yang selama ini terbatasi oleh ruang dan waktu, dan itu telah dijadikan standar baku keimanan seseorang, sekarang tidak lagi demikian. Bukan saja terkait dengan ruang serta waktu peribadatan, bahkan lebih dari itu liturgi gereja yang selama ini disakralkan pun juga ikut berubah.  Luaran dari penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk menemukan sebuah formulasi ten-tang gereja digital. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode kualtatif dengan analisis fenomenologi. Dengan metode ini akan dapat ditemukan data-data yang terserak selanjutnya dikonstruksikan dalam satu tema yang lebih bermakna dan mudah dipahami. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui 4 proses, yaitu: pertama mendiskripsikan fakta berdasarkan data, kedua me-lakukan analisis terhadap fakta yang ditemukan, ketiga melakukan kajian terhadap topik dari sudut pandang ajaran Kekristeenan, dan keempat me-nemukan relevansinya pada pola peribadatan secara digital.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 460-472
Alexandra Palantza

Abstract The Book of Genesis offers not only to Israel but also to its neighbors the reason for their existence1. In western theological thought, W. Eichrodt’s Theology of the Old Testament and Cl. Westermann’s Commentary on Genesis are two of the most important works, which are distinguished because of their method and the expression of their theological perspectives on the topic “creation narratives”. In contrast to Western theologians, Greek-Orthodox Theologians inherited their tradition of interpretation from the Church Fathers. Eastern Theology has seen the topic of interpreting the Bible as an unbreakable whole, containing God’s word and action for the salvation of humankind. Any differences between them are caused by another perspective and ecclesiastical tradition.

2021 ◽  
pp. 107780122110457
Samantha C. Winter ◽  
Nathan J. Aguilar ◽  
Lena M. Obara ◽  
Laura Johnson

Around one billion people live in informal settlements globally, including over half of Nairobi, Kenya’s 3 million residents. The purpose of this study was to explore women’s fear of victimization within Mathare, an informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya and how fear of victimization influences women’s behaviors. Fifty-five in-depth interviews were conducted with women in 2015–2016. A modified grounded theory approach guided data collection and analysis. Findings suggest fear of victimization is a serious concern in informal settlements, but women have found ways to adapt their behaviors to cope and to continue to function and protect their children despite fearing victimization.

1996 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 863-894 ◽  
Richard Rex

ABSTRACTThe new political theology of obedience to the prince which was enthusiastically adopted by the Church of England in the 1530s was essentially founded upon Luther's new interpretation of the fourth commandment. It was mediated to an English audience by Tyndale, but his ideas were not officially adopted as early as some recent research has suggested. The founding of royal authority on the Decalogue, and thus on the ‘word of God’, was a particularly attractive feature of this doctrine, which became almost the defining feature of Henrician religion. Rival tendencies within the Church of England sought to exploit it in the pursuit of their particular agendas. Reformers strove to preserve its connections with the broader framework of Lutheran theology, with the emphasis on faith alone and the ‘word of God’, while conservatives strove to relocate it within an essentially monastic tradition of obedience, with an emphasis on good works, ceremonies, and charity. The most significant achievement was that of the Reformers, who established and played upon an equivocation between the royal supremacy and the ‘word of God’ in order to persuade the king to sanction the publication of the Bible in English as a formidable prop for his new-found dignity.

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