The American Children’s Bible

Russell W. Dalton

Children’s Bibles have been among the most popular and influential types of religious publications in the United States, providing many Americans with their first formative experiences of the Bible and its stories. This chapter explores the variety of ways in which children’s Bibles have adapted, illustrated, and retold Bible stories for children throughout US history. Children’s Bibles served a variety of ends, such as teaching biblical literacy, instilling a fear and respect for God’s power and judgment, calling children to salvation in Jesus Christ, modeling moral virtues, and reframing Bible stories as fun and engaging stories that portray a friendly God who cares for children.

Sara Moslener

For evangelical adolescents living in the United States, the material world of commerce and sexuality is fraught with danger. Contemporary movements urge young people to embrace sexual purity and abstinence before marriage and eschew the secular pressures of modern life. And yet, the sacred text that is used to authorize these teachings betrays evangelicals’ long-standing ability to embrace the material world for spiritual purposes. Bibles marketed to teenage girls, including those produced by and for sexual purity campaigns, make use of prevailing trends in bible marketing. By packaging the message of sexual purity and traditional gender roles into a sleek modern day apparatus, American evangelicals present female sexual restraint as the avant-garde of contemporary, evangelical orthodoxy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 ◽  
pp. 102613
Darius Scott ◽  
Nastacia M. Pereira ◽  
Sayward E. Harrison ◽  
Meagan Zarwell ◽  
Kamla Sanasi-Bhola ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 169-182
Joseph D. Small

Abstract Although Markus Barth was a productive author and is known widely through his published written work, he was also, for many decades, a teacher of formative importance for generations of seminary and university students in both the United States and Switzerland. This essay shares personal reflections on Markus Barth’s profile as a biblical and theological educator and thereby introduces readers to something of his influential personal and theological style.

2018 ◽  
Oscar Lansen

My America: Immigration, historical education and vision of nationhoodEver since the United States of America was founded as a more perfect union, it has struggled to find a balance between a narrow, ascriptive, Eurocentric vision of nationhood favoring an explication of rational and/or divinely-sanctioned nation-building, and one that acknowledges the struggles and contributions of its ever-renewing immigrant citizenry in shaping its vision of self. This contrariety has played itself out in classrooms and textbooks where historical narratives of nation compete with societal reality; and in state houses where citizen-educators rather than academics seem to know history best. Whereas one can attribute this disconnect to curriculae catching up with changing demographics, in actuality, US History education’s de-facto role as the Great Americanizer has made it a factional battleground of what it means to be American; and a victim to the perversion of the very principles it seeks to instill. As a result, primary and secondary-school US History ranks amongst to lowest amongst subjects in terms of student proficiency and teacher competency. This article discusses the origins of the fraught relationship between vision of nationhood and citizenry education in the United States; and the necessitated steps to give renewed relevance and competence to historical education in developing the critical, informed citizenry fundamental to a well-functioning democracy. Moja Ameryka. Imigracja, edukacja historyczna i wizja bycia narodemOd chwili, gdy Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki stały się doskonalszą unią, kraj ten z mozołem szuka równowagi pomiędzy wąsko askryptywną eurocentryczną wizją bycia narodem, która sprzyja budowaniu narodu sankcjonowanemu racjonalnie i/lub przez boskość, a wizją, która uznaje obywatelski wysiłek i wkład imigrantów w kształtowanie jej własnego obrazu. Ta sprzeczność rozgrywa się w salach lekcyjnych i w podręcznikach, w których historyczne narracje o narodzie konkurują z realiami społecznymi, jak też w łonie instytucji państwowych, w których najlepiej znają historię, jak się wydaje, raczej obywatele – edukatorzy niż środowiska akademickie. Jakkolwiek tę rozłączność można przypisywać temu, że programy nauczania doganiają przemiany demograficzne, to jednak w rzeczywistości rola historii USA jako wielkiego amerykanizatora stała się w istocie polem zmagań o to, co to znaczy być Amerykaninem. Stała się też ofiarą przewrotności samych zasad, które chce wdrożyć. W rezultacie jako przedmiot nauczania historia Stanów Zjednoczonych zalicza się w szkołach podstawowych i średnich do tych przedmiotów szkolnych, które w kategoriach umiejętności uczniów i kompetencji nauczycieli mają najniższą rangę. Artykuł analizuje przyczyny tego brzemiennego w skutki związku między wizją bycia narodem a edukacją obywatelską w USA i docieka, jakie należy podjąć kroki po to, by poprzez rozwój krytycznej, świadomej postawy obywatelskiej o fundamentalnym znaczeniu dla kraju, przywrócić nauczaniu historii właściwą rangę i kompetencje. [Trans. by Jacek Serwański]

2021 ◽  
Vol VI (III) ◽  
pp. 59-71
Muhammad Nadeem Mirza ◽  
Lubna Abid Ali ◽  
Irfan Hasnain Qaisrani

This study intends to explore the rise of Donald Trump to the White House. Why was Donald Trump considered a populist leader, and how did his populist rhetoric and actions impact the contours of American domestic and foreign policies? The study adopted qualitative exploratory and explanatory research techniques. Specific methods utilised to conduct the study remained political personality profiling. It finds that the populist leaders construct the binaries in the society by dividing the nation into two groups: �us� the people, against �them� the corrupt elite or other groups presented as a threat to the lives and livelihood of the nation. Though populism as a unique brand of politics remained active through most of the US history, yet these were only two occasions that populists were successful in winning the American presidential elections � Andrew Jackson in 1828 and Donald Trump in 2016. Structural and historical reasons became the biggest cause behind the election of Donald Trump, who successfully brought a revolution in American domestic and foreign policies. And if structural issues in the United States are not addressed, there is a clear chance that Trump � who is not withering away � will come back to contest and challenge any competitors in the 2024 presidential elections.

1945 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-155
Oscar Halecki

In 1798, three years after the third partition of Poland, George Washington wrote to a friend of Thaddeus Kosciuszko: “That your country is not as happy as her efforts were patriotic and noble, is a misfortune which all the lovers of sensible liberty and rights of men deeply deplore; and were my prayers during that hard struggle of any good, you would be now under your own vine and fig tree, to quote the Bible, as happy in the enjoyments of these desirable blessings as the people of these United States enjoy theirs.” These words of the first President of the United States are the best possible introduction to this article written in 1945, on Washington's birthday.

1969 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 151-151
Joel J. Alpert

Infant Care, with 50 million copies distributed, rivals the Bible and Dr. Spock as a bestseller and is a "significant and up-to-date aid for parents eager to start their baby on a healthy, happy life." It is written well and easy to read. It can be reassuring to a parent. It is so good that those areas where the authors have not found the middle ground stand out sharply. For example, if the intent is to relax the parent, it is disappointing to see the suggestion made "to pop the baby on the scales every day or so."

2021 ◽  
pp. 199-206
Spencer W. McBride

This chapter describes the aftermath of the assassination of Joseph Smith. This aftermath includes mourning and a funeral in Nauvoo, debates over who should succeed Smith as the president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who the Mormons should vote for in the election, and the decision to leave the United States altogether. The Mormons were contemplating leaving the United States before Smith’s murder, but the violent act seemed to make this departure the only way forward in the minds of many church leaders. They had come to realize that without significant reform, the United States was incapable of protecting them. This chapter also considers the result of the presidential election of 1844 and what became of each of the candidates in the years that followed.

2020 ◽  
pp. 230-250
Brad Vermurlen

The concluding chapter takes stock of what the preceding argument entails for American Evangelicalism today. It begins with evaluations from Evangelical leaders themselves about the state and health, or lack thereof, of Evangelicalism in the United States. It then addresses two frequently asked questions: “What’s new about the New Calvinism?” and “What are the boundaries of the Evangelical field?” Not able to identify any definitive boundaries, the chapter moves on to an exploration of what Evangelicalism in the United States centers on (the Bible? Jesus? The Gospel? Mission? Politics?). As with boundaries, it is argued this religious tradition lacks any coherent, agreed-upon, substantive center. American Evangelicalism is increasingly fragmented and incoherent. The chapter—and the book—ends by suggesting a new vision of secularization not as declining belief or practice but as dissolution or “cultural entropy,” a process by which an entire religious cultural system falls apart.

Abraham Smith

The chapter explores the motivations for the use of the Christian Bible in distinctive temporal arcs within African American culture. Initially, the chapter acknowledges the oddity of an African American affinity with the Bible because that Bible was deployed to support the enslavement and perpetual exploitation of African descendants in the British colonies that later became the United States. Then, it articulates three reasons for the aforementioned affinity: the availability of the Bible (especially the King James Bible) to provide a language world for personal and collective expression; the versatility or pliability of the Bible in the imagination of African Americans as they repeatedly and creatively read their own identities through the struggles of the characters of the Bible; and the perceived persuasiveness of the Bible in some of the heated debates with which the larger US public has been engaged since its inception.

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