happy life
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Alsu Makhmutovna Tuktamyshova ◽  
Gulnara Rinadovna Gabdrakhmanova ◽  
Albert Kharisovich Gilmutdinov

The purpose of this study is to describe a MSc course aimed at preparing the elite of engineering education, providing knowledge, developing skills and experience that will allow graduates of Master degree programs not only to find a job, but also to build a successful professional career and a happy life consciously. The presented masters course introduces the best practices of leadership development from the rector of KNRTU-KAI, Albert Gilmutdinov (20122021) (based on his book Leadership Lessons), advanced experience in the development of leadership skills from Russian and foreign universities, as well as a unique American teaching methodology aimed at the peculiarities of training engineering personnel. The study reveals the problems of training modern engineering specialists: engineering student negative attitudes (I cannot learn English, it is too difficult to apply for a grant, an interesting job can only be found by acquaintance); inability of young people to answer questions about how to find a job in their life, how to work hard and not get tired, how to become successful and at the same time maintain good relations with people. The team of authors of the course believes that the results of the implementation of the Leadership Lessons project can be of professional interest not only among masters students, but also among all students of engineering schools, increasing the personal activity of students, their demand in the labor market, as well as strengthening ties between employers and the university.

Sergey V. Homyakov

Establishment of the Soviet power in Buryatia was another and the most painful factor in the decline of the lifestyle of one of the communities living here – the Old Believers. Having appeared in the region in the second half of the XVIII century, they managed to preserve their religious identity and cultural specifics, although already at the beginning of the XX century researchers noted trends of breaking with the most orthodox traditions and discontinuity of generational ties. In the 1920s, the Bolsheviks skillfully supported the protest wave of young people against the power of their parents, the desire to change their lives by leaving the confines of a closed community, as well as the idea of Old Believers about everyday life (built around the basis of their identity, the Old-Orthodox religion) as about the dark and hopelessly outdated. Already in the 1930s, the messages of the main newspaper of the republic – “Buryat-Mongol Pravda” – reported on the new happy life of not only young, but also elderly Old Believers who had abandoned religious prejudices and were in the forefront of building the Soviet society in the villages of Buryat-Mongolia. The article considers the issue on what caused such a change in people’s mentality: the ideological victory of the Soviet propaganda or a socially approved behavior (including cases of active and continued general passive resistance to a new life)? Hence, taking into account the desire of the current Old Believers to return and develop old traditions, the tasks of analyzing the external (everyday) changes of the 1930s in working life and searching for attempts to preserve (for further continuity) the identity of the social group are set. The object of the study is the Old Believers’ community of a part of the former Verkhneudinsky uyezd (since the 1930s – Tarbagataisky and Mukhorshibirsky aimaks of the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR), the subject is the ideological, cultural and religious processes that took place in their environment during the indicated period. As a brief conclusion, it follows that the ideological campaign in Buryat-Mongolia, which continued in the 1930s, had a formal character in the Old Believer districts, which took place in the adoption of changes in the way of life while preserving the foundations of religious identity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-158
Tri Rejeki Andayani ◽  
Budiyanti Wiboworini ◽  
Nanang Wiyono ◽  
Farida Hidayati

ENGLISHThe covid-19 pandemic that has occurred for a long time brings changes in the entire order of human life, including religion. Religious and social activities, like "pengajian" must immediately adapt to the new norms. An educational program is needed to ensure that every activity in "pengajian" group complies with the health protocols and reduces the potential for the emergence of new Covid-19 clusters. "Salam Smart" Program is a Healthy and Happy Life Strategy in the pandemic period. It is hoped to increase the implementation of health protocols and mental health of the members of this community. This study aimed to describe the contribution of “Salam Smart” Program on mental health improvement and the implementation of health protocols in the "pengajian" group. There were 29 participants to determine the effectiveness of the program. Data were collected using the Prokesmen Scale consisting of subscales i.e. the Health Protocol Scale (Reliability 0.875), and the Mental Health Scale (Rel = 0.796). The descriptive quantitative data analysis was applied and resulted that there was an increase of 2.62 in the application of health care and 3.92 in mental health. It can be concluded that the “Salam Smart” Education Program can be carried on as a strategy to live a healthy and happy life during the pandemic.  INDONESIAPandemi Covid-19 yang cukup panjang tentunya membawa perubahan pada seluruh tatanan kehidupan manusia, termasuk agama. Kegiatan keagamaan dan sosial harus segera beradaptasi dengan norma-norma baru. Untuk memastikan setiap kegiatan sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan dan mengurangi potensi munculnya klaster Covid-19 baru dari kelompok pengajian, perlu diadakan program edukasi. Melalui Program “Salam Cerdas” sebagai Strategi Hidup Sehat dan Bahagia di Masa Pandemi. Program ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan penerapan protokol kesehatan dan kesehatan jiwa para anggota komunitas pengajian. Ada 29 peserta untuk menentukan efektivitas program. Pengumpulan data menggunakan Skala Prokesmen yang terdiri dari subskala yaitu Skala Protokol Kesehatan (Reliabilitas 0,875), dan Skala Kesehatan Jiwa (Rel = 0,796). Analisis data deskriptif kuantitatif digunakan dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan 2,62 dalam penerapan perawatan kesehatan dan 3,92 dalam kesehatan mental. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Program Pendidikan “Salam Cerdas” dapat dijadikan sebagai strategi untuk hidup sehat dan bahagia di masa pandemi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-162
Ariffah Isna Amalia

Confucianism is a culture taken from the name of a thinker, namely Confucius and is considered the basis of Confucian teachings. The basic view of Confucianism is to invite people to live an orderly, peaceful and happy life and placing the rulers as one of the key factors in achieving the ideals of the country. The aim of this study is to identify and evaluate the chronology of Confucianism and its implications for China's geopolitical sustainability. The method used is qualitative with constructivist ideas to create a comprehensive thought allocation on the impact of Confucianism from the perspective of cultural superiority. The results obtained are that, over time, Confucianism has developed into a tool for the Chinese state to carry out geopolitical instruments to achieve geostrategy for the expansion of territorial boundaries. On the one hand, Confucianism can become a superior culture that places the fighting spirit of the people. On the other hand, this flow can become a trigger for war when each region that is to be recruited for China's expansion has a culture and beliefs that are different from their own. Keywords: Confucianism, China, Geopolitics, Geostrategy.

Sherekar P. P.

The whole worldwide, now a days use many herbal product for healthy and happy life. In ancient system there are Ayurveda Siddha, Unani and Homoeopathy systems of medicines includes various different herbs, crude drugs, medicinal plants. Many ayurvedic herbs are known for its important medicinal property. Medicinal plants are mostly used for wide range of constituent present in it. In Ayurveda system of medicine, antimicrobial herbs find to be used in many ayurvedic preparations. Various antimicrobial herbs have been used against different microbial infection like bacteria, virus, fungi protozoa, helminths etc. and many more different infectious agent of different diseases. The active chemical constituents present in herbs or crude drug or medicinal plants inhibits the growth of microorganisms. The present attempt has been made to review studied various antimicrobial herbs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 377-384
Ade Hermawansyah ◽  
Sumaryanto ◽  
Elsa Ariestika ◽  
I Putu Agus Dharma Hita

Living a better and happy life (well-being) is a key point for people’s daily life. Well-being integrates both of physical and psychological health namely feelings, emotions, and life satisfaction. This means that good life is when people are physically fit and they are satisfied with their life. There have been few studies investigating the relationship between physical activity and life satisfaction in Indonesia. Therefore, this quantitative study is aimed to examine the association between sport and well-being, especially the frequency of physical activity and life satisfaction. The data used are from the fifth wave of the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) 2014, with 31,669 participants from 15,160 households and 297 districts in Indonesia. Linear regression is used for data analysis, adjusting for control variables. The results show that the more frequent people exercise, the more they are satisfied with their lives, even after controlling for a set of confounding variables. Different measures need to be taken to increase physical activity as parts of people’s daily life in order to protect their health and enjoy a better life.

2021 ◽  
pp. 79-89
Yew-Kwang Ng

AbstractThe average happy life years HLY (of a country) is the product of the average happiness (or life satisfaction) index and the life expectancy index. Adjusting HLY to get rid of the misleading parts with negative happiness to obtain the adjusted or net HLY; deducting again the per-capita environmental costs imposed on others, we obtain the ‘environmentally responsible happy nation index’ as an internationally acceptable national success indicator that accounts positively for long and happy lives but negatively at the external costs of environmental disruption imposed on others and in the future. Hopefully, this ‘environmentally responsible happy nation index’ will lead to some re-orientation of both the market and national governments towards something more fundamentally valuable.

Young ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 110330882110595
Marianne Takvam Kindt ◽  
Kaja Reegård

Despite a vast literature on the causes and consequences of leaving school prematurely, little scholarly and policy attention has been paid to those who re-enter education after a temporary withdrawal. Re-enrolment is often portrayed in the literature as an active act of agency requiring inner drive. Based on 18 interviews with young early school leavers and re-enrolees in Norway, we construct two empirically founded re-enrolment narratives: ‘opposing otherness through dreams of ordinariness’ and ‘accepting the rules of the game—re-enrolment as a fragile opportunity’. Although embracing and reproducing the discourse about educational credentials as being the key to a happy life, the narratives do not support the idea of a re-enrolment drive as being vital to succeed within educational institutions. While they aspire for normality and believe normality is achieved through educational credentials, they are in need of a support system that either accommodates their individual needs, or nudges them back ‘on right track’.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3581-3584
Priya Pathak

The term Geriatrics is made by union of two Greek word first ‘geras’ (old age) and second ‘iatros’ (physician) and derived from Greek root “gergero- geronto” meaning old age or the aged or especially one receiving special care. Geriatrics is the branch of medicine that focuses on health promotion and prevention and treatment of disease and disability in later life. In India population of the elderly has been increasing steadily since 1961 as it touched 13.8 crore in 2021, growing faster due to decrease in death rate, according to a study by National Statistical Office (NSO). Ageing is the process in which structural and functional changes occur with passage of time. Thus study of all aspects of ageing including physiological, pathological, psychological, economical and sociological problems is termed as Geriatrics. With advancing age, several changes take place in the body, in the external appearance as well as in Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, Agni, Oja level, also on the mental functions. In Ayurvedic texts, there are many ways given for prevention and promotion of health, one of them is Dinacharya (daily regimen), which is most important part to maintain a healthy and happy life. The importance of appropriate daily routine cannot be underestimated. It set the wheels in motion for entire day, bringing a sense of calm and well-being. It gives the body, mind and spirit the chance to start afresh.

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