Gender Equality in Public Services: Chasing the Dream By Hazel Conley and Margaret Page Routledge. 2014. 148 pp. $125 hardbackDemocracy and the Public Service (Public Administration and Democracy), 2nd ed By Frederick C. Mosher Oxford University Press. 1982, 251 pp. $47.95 paperback

Social Forces ◽  
2016 ◽  
pp. sov126
Intae Choi
2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-285
Claudia Petrescu ◽  
Flavis Mihalache

Public services represent an important dimension of quality of society, as they create the contextual conditions for people to further their quality of life. Romanian public administration reform has brought about a constant institutional transformation, which has influenced both the specific features and the quality of the services. This article aims to analyse trends regarding the perceived quality of public services in Romania, in European comparative perspective, using the data of the European Quality of Life Survey (2003–2016). The article aims to understand the low satisfaction with public services in Romania against the background of the public service reform measures taken by government in this period. The article describes the context of Romanian public administration and public service reform, the most important public policy measures adopted and the most important challenges. The lack of vision in the public service reform, the partial introduction of reform elements, the permanent and, sometimes, conflicting changes are issues that may have influenced the way in which the population perceives the quality of public services. The decentralisation process of public services and the insufficient allocation of public funds for delivering such services at local level might have an impact on their quality and quantity perceived by the population. Keywords: public services; public administration reform; citizens’ satisfaction; New Public Management; New Weberianism.

10.12737/5363 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 47-56
Елена Погребова ◽  
Elena Pogrebova

The article presents the results of the author’s attempt at developing a complex of methodological recommendations for the preliminary assessment and analysis of the public amenities capacity and status in different constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The recommendations as developed by the author are based on specific examples, and are supported by information sources regarded by the author as necessary to use in the course of the analysis. The author also provides recommendations on the graphic representation of the results of the analysis (spread sheets) as well as recommendations on rating of the regions (ranking and grouping the regions in accordance with the level of public amenities development they demonstrate), a thorough analysis of the system of the public administration of the industry, the competences and authority of the federal executive bodies, regional agencies of State power and the local authorities responsible for the regulation of relations in the sphere of public services, an assessment of the capacity of public service providers, and a comparison of public service user prices as quoted by municipal entities in different constituents of the Russian Federation.

Einat Lavee

Abstract Street-level bureaucrats (SLBs) nowadays provide services under conditions of increased demand for public services coupled with scarcer financial resources. The literature that focuses on how workers adapt to this situation mainly examines their provision of formal resources as part of their job. What researchers have not systematically examined is the delivery of informal personal resources (IFRs) by street-level workers to clients. Understanding the provision of IFRs is particularly important when “no one is fully in charge” of public services. Drawing on 214 in-depth qualitative interviews with SLBs who provide education, health, and welfare services in the public sector in Israel, we found a remarkable range of IFRs they provided to clients. We also found that four main factors influencing the provision of IFRs: lack of formal resources; professional commitment; managerial encouragement; and a work environment whose values combine old and new approaches to public service. The findings contribute to the public administration literature by exposing how public service function in a somewhat vague reality, and they contribute to the SLB literature by highlighting the unrecognized component of informal service provision.

Dodi Faedlulloh

Democracy is an important issue in the practice of public administration. Until the contemporary situation, democracy is a process that is constantly maintained to accommodate public aspirations. In the context of the democratic process, local public services could be determined by opening the deliberative public sphere and increasing public participation to think together what public services to be provided. This paper is an effort to explore the challenges, opportunities and possibilities of the terms of the acceptable public services for more stakeholders in Indonesia. In contrast to the practice of citizen charters that tend monologue in determining the services contract, the idea of local public sphere, public organization opens dialogue with all stakeholders including the public service users. Habermas's thought about public sphere be an inspiration in building the model of discursive public services. Historically, Indonesia has actually alreay had a concept of "musyawarah mufakat" (consensus) that is similar to deliberative democracy. Therefore, the prospect to create the public service policy that formulated together is possible. To open the possibility the theory into praxis, then the adaptation of Habermas's thought is formulated on a local scale, namely in the regions in Indonesia. Here, public sphere articulated with media or forum for all elements stakeholders for discussion and deliberation in defining public services. Now days with the development of technology, the opportunities will open widely. Beside to modernize and simplify the structure of the service process, technology can facilitate access to interact between the government and the public to create discursive public services.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 (251) ◽  
pp. 37-54
Mireia Vargas-Urpi

Abstract Catalonia is well known for being a bilingual region with language policies that give full support to promoting Catalan. More recently, the number of languages spoken in Catalonia has risen significantly due to immigration flows, while immigration policies encourage all citizens living in Catalonia to be able to communicate in Catalan with the public Administration. The same immigration policies, however, also acknowledge that interpreting (or intercultural mediation) may be necessary to facilitate immigrants’ rights to access public services during the first few years they are living in Catalonia. This article analyses the relationship between a minoritized language (Catalan), a dominant language (Spanish) and a group of recently arrived languages (Standard Chinese and other Chinese varieties) from the perspective of public service interpreting. It discusses some of the results of an empirical qualitative research which included: (a) interviews with public service interpreters and intercultural mediators working with Chinese living in Catalonia, (b) interviews with managers and coordinators in charge of interpreting or mediation services, and (c) questionnaires answered by Chinese users of public services in Catalonia. This research depicts a complex reality: it not only reflects interpreters’ and managers’ biases towards Spanish or Catalan, often motivated by their place of origin or life experience, but also the challenges when dealing with linguistic variation, i.e. the variety of languages (geolects and mutually unintelligible dialects) included under the umbrella term of Chinese.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 5-15
Tetiana Serohina

The aim of the study is to analyze the existing approaches to the classification of the public services system and to develop an approach that would meet modern domestic requirements. The urgency is due to the insufficient level of theoretical organization of the general array of public services, hence the practical need for the effective functioning of all areas of the system. The results of the study reveal the relationship between the lack of a proper approach to the classification of the public service system and the heterogeneity of changes that occur in different areas of this system. The existing approaches to the concept of "classification" are considered and the author's definition is offered, it is established that classification acts as an important tool of the theory of public administration. The level of complexity of the "service" category as an object of scientific research and the "public service" category is outlined. Modern approaches to classifications of public services are given, among which it is necessary to allocate (by subjects of service rendering, subjects of reception, by groups of services, by types of services, etc.), but it is established that existing approaches do not allow to organize the whole array of public services. Therefore, the author's approach that meets the requirements of this study is proposed. The conclusions are to substantiate the impossibility of establishing a modern system of public services without the development of adequate approaches to classification. The study clarifies the concept of classification, reveals that existing approaches to the classification of public services do not allow them to properly systematize and organize, resulting in the proposed author's approach to the classification of public services by area of provision, but deserves special attention to the criterion of delegation possibility of public service.

2021 ◽  
pp. 99-107
Sorin Bradu ◽  

In the main, the demends on public services providors for resources and capabilities will be increasingat a time when their flexibility to maneuver and to respond will be increasingly constrained. Anyway, there are two mains ways to provide public sevices: directly, by the services included into authorities of public administration structures, and a delegated-out way, to the other service providers. While there are many diferences between the countries in the extent and the ways in which public sevices are delegated-out, the main factors that will influence behavior are common to all the countries. The public service sector in Europe is vast and complex, because there is no general consensus on what constitutes a „public service”, and the activities included under the term can vary significantly between contries.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 235-245
Fátima Camacho Sánchez

Resumen: Las labores de mediación lingüística e intercultural que se desarrollan en los servicios públicos españoles son por lo general improvisadas y en numerosas ocasiones se recurre a personas que no han recibido una formación especializada para ejercer como mediadores, traductores o intérpretes. Actualmente se imparten en España más de una veintena de títulos oficiales de grado en materia de traducción e interpretación. Por consiguiente, lo más idóneo sería aprovechar esta amplia oferta formativa con miras a proporcionar unos servicios de mediación lingüística e intercultural de calidad en la Administración pública española. En este breve artículo se analizan los planes de estudio de cada una de estas titulaciones oficiales y se recopilan diferentes asignaturas de especialización en mediación intercultural, traducción e interpretación en los servicios públicos con el fin de proporcionar una visión general de las propuestas formativas que ofrecen las instituciones de educación superior actualmente. El objetivo es presentar una visión actualizada y general de las competencias específicas que se contemplan en los planes de estudio de estas titulaciones y que se pretende que los estudiantes desarrollen tras cursar las asignaturas seleccionadas en la combinación lingüística inglés-español.  Abstract: Linguistic and intercultural mediation activities performed in the public services of Spain are usually ad hoc and carried out by people who have not received specialised training to work as mediators, translators or interpreters. More than twenty BA degrees in translation and interpreting are currently taught in Spain. Therefore, it would be desirable for the Spanish public Administration to take advantage of such a broad training offer in order to provide quality linguistic and intercultural mediation services. In this short paper, the syllabi of each of these official courses are examined to compile different specialisation modules in public service intercultural mediation, translation and interpreting in order to provide an overview of the training proposals currently offered by higher education institutions. The aim is to provide an updated overview of the specific competences mentioned in the syllabi of these courses and that students are supposed to develop after completing the selected modules in the language combination English-Spanish.

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