scholarly journals Online Homework with Targeted Instructional Feedback Leads to Improved Student Learning Outcomes

2015 ◽  
Vol 29 (S1) ◽  
Hannah Robus
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 213-228
Yerizon Yerizon ◽  
Atus Amadi Putra

The aim of this paper is to describe the research results on multiple intelligences in mathematics learning, using a descriptive approach. It also ascertains the influence of various learning models on mathematics learning outcomes based on students’ multiple intelligences. Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD) and Team Games Tournament (TGT) learning models improved learning outcomes for students possessing logical-mathematical, kinesthetic, and interpersonal intelligences. Furthermore, Group Investigation (GI) and Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning models improved student learning outcomes with logical-mathematical intelligence. Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) learning model with peer tutors improved student learning outcomes with linguistic, logical-mathematical, and interpersonal intelligences. Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) and Jigsaw learning improved student learning outcomes with linguistic intelligence. Also, TSTS and NHT learning models improved student learning outcomes with logical-mathematical, and interpersonal intelligences. Keywords: compound intelligence, learning model, mathematics

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
María Consuelo Sáiz-Manzanares ◽  
Raúl Marticorena-Sánchez ◽  
José Francisco Díez-Pastor ◽  
César Ignacio García-Osorio

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 115
Suswarni Suswarni

The background of this study is the low learning outcomes of science subjects. Of 32 students, only 13 studentswhose learning outcomes are complete, the average student score is 57.78. Based on this is the researcher doingresearch by applying the model of learning based on the problem. This research was conducted at SD Negeri019 Bumi Ayu, with the subject of the study of the students of class VI with the number of students as many as 32students. The results stated that the application of inquiry learning model can increase the activity of teachersand students and the result of science learning. This is evidenced by: (1) teacher activity at meeting I cycle I getscore 20 (44,45%) at meeting II cycle I have increase with score 24 (54,55%). At the first meeting I cycle IIincreased with a score of 31 (75.22%), and at the second meeting II cycle increased with a score of 37 (84.09%).In addition, the students' activity increased during the first cycle meeting I got a score of 21 (47.73%), in thesecond meeting of cycle I increased by a score of 25 (56.82%). At the first meeting I cycle II increased with ascore of 35 (79.55%) and at the second meeting II cycle increased with a score of 37 (84.09%); and (2)improved student learning outcomes marked from 24 people on a baseline score to 16 in daily repeat I andincreased to 30 in daily repeat II.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Rora Rizky Wandini

Implementation of PAKEM learning model in widespread material and periphery with a general overview of the activities are: at the beginning of the teacher's learning condition class, the teacher's core activities explain the material by using the song learning and game quickly responsive, at the end of the activity can be done by meriview and evaluate learning. Improved student learning outcomes PGMI 1 UIN-SU on the mathematics of widespread material and circumference increased evidenced by the results of learning obtained before the given action and after being given around 80%, it unravel from the beginning before the action up to 2 people who answered correctly and 33 the wrong answer, in cycle 1, 15 people answered correctly and 20 people answered wrong, in cycle 2, 30 people answered correctly and 5 people answered wrong.

Yunita Yunita ◽  
Hidayat Hidayat ◽  
Harun Sitompul

This study aims to: (1) investigate the effect of Jigsaw cooperative learning on students learning outcomes; (2) find the difference in learning outcomes between high and low learning motivation and (3) find the interaction between learning approaches and learning motivation towards learning outcomes. The population of the study is students of grade IVa, IVb, IVc at SD Kasih Ibu Patumbak and the sample in this study is grade IVa with 35 students and grade IVb with 35 students. The results show that: (1) the average student learning outcomes of jigsaw cooperative learning is 28.40 while conventional is 24.14. Thus, students learning outcomes that get cooperative learning of jigsaw type are higher than conventional learning, (2) Students who have high motivation get an average value = 30.74, while low motivation is 22.72. Thus, it can be concluded that there are differences in student learning outcomes having high learning motivation and low learning motivation, and (3) students learning outcomes  taught by jigsaw cooperative learning are high learning motivation groups (32.94), and low learning motivation groups (24.58), while students taught with conventional learning are high learning motivation groups (28.40 ), and low motivation groups (20,95). Thus, there is no interaction between learning approaches and learning motivation towards learning outcomes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 472
Aslinda Aslinda

This study aims to describe learning outcomes through the application of PAKEM learning model. The subjects of the study were the students of grade IVb SD Negeri 013 Mekarsari. Improvement of learning outcomes in terms of four categories, namely the ability to absorb, the effectiveness of learning, mastery of student learning both mastery of individual and classical completeness and mastery of learning outcomes. Instruments used for data collection are oral tests and written tests in the form of LKS conducted after the learning process. The results showed that the percentage of student completeness increased from 19.40% to 55.40% categorized well, the effectiveness of learning is categorized very effective with an average of 88.46%. While the completeness of student learning outcomes expressed. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the application of PAKEM learning model can improve learning outcomes on the material of the students of class IV B grade SD Negeri 013 Mekarsari.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 276
Retno Ambarwati

The background of this study is the low grade science students learning outcomes VI C SDN 004 Tembilahan Kota, Of the 23 students, only 9 students (39.13%) were completed. Based on this the researchers conducted the study by applying image media to improve learning outcomes IPA. This research is a class act who performed a total of two cycles consisting of two meetings, the study was conducted with four phases, namely planning, implementation stage, the stage of observation and reflection stages. The study states that science learning outcomes of students has increased in each cycle, this is evidenced by the increasing average student learning outcomes, the preliminary data the average student learning outcomes at 66.00 has increased in the first cycle of up to 83.30, and increased up to 91.74. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the application of drawing media can improve learning outcomes VI grade science students SDN 004 Tembilahan Kota.

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