scholarly journals Confidence predicts speed-accuracy tradeoff for subsequent decisions

2018 ◽  
Kobe Desender ◽  
Annika Boldt ◽  
Tom Verguts ◽  
Tobias H. Donner

AbstractWhen external feedback about decision outcomes is lacking, agents need to adapt their decision policies based on an internal estimate of the correctness of their choices (i.e., decision confidence). We hypothesized that agents use confidence to continuously update the tradeoff between the speed and accuracy of their decisions: When confidence is low in one decision, the agent needs more evidence before committing to a choice in the next decision, leading to slower but more accurate decisions. We tested this hypothesis by fitting a bounded accumulation decision model to behavioral data from three different perceptual choice tasks. Decision bounds indeed depended on the reported confidence on the previous trial, independent of objective accuracy. This increase in decision bound was predicted by a centro-parietal EEG component sensitive to confidence. We conclude that the brain uses internally computed confidence signals for the ongoing adjustment of decision policies.

eLife ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Kobe Desender ◽  
Annika Boldt ◽  
Tom Verguts ◽  
Tobias H Donner

When external feedback about decision outcomes is lacking, agents need to adapt their decision policies based on an internal estimate of the correctness of their choices (i.e., decision confidence). We hypothesized that agents use confidence to continuously update the tradeoff between the speed and accuracy of their decisions: When confidence is low in one decision, the agent needs more evidence before committing to a choice in the next decision, leading to slower but more accurate decisions. We tested this hypothesis by fitting a bounded accumulation decision model to behavioral data from three different perceptual choice tasks. Decision bounds indeed depended on the reported confidence on the previous trial, independent of objective accuracy. This increase in decision bound was predicted by a centro-parietal EEG component sensitive to confidence. We conclude that internally computed neural signals of confidence predict the ongoing adjustment of decision policies.

Xiaolei Zhou ◽  
Xiangshi Ren

A tradeoff between speed and accuracy is a very common phenomenon in many types of human motor tasks. In general, the accuracy of a movement tends to decrease when its speed increases and the speed of a movement tends to decrease with an increase in its accuracy. This phenomenon has been studied for more than a century, during which several alternative performance models that account for the tradeoff between speed and accuracy have been presented. In this chapter, the authors present a critical survey of the scientific literature that discusses speed-accuracy tradeoff models of target-based and trajectory-based movement; these two types of movement are the major popular task paradigms in studies of human-computer interactions. Some of the models emerged from basic research in experimental psychology and motor control theory, whereas others emerged from a specific need to model the interaction between users and physical devices, such as mice, keyboards, and styluses in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). This chapter summarizes these models from the perspectives of spatial constraints and temporal constraints for both target-based and trajectory-based movements.

2020 ◽  
Kobe Desender ◽  
Luc Vermeylen ◽  
Tom Verguts

AbstractHumans differ in their capability to judge the accuracy of their own choices via confidence judgments. Signal detection theory has been used to quantify the extent to which confidence tracks accuracy via M-ratio, often referred to as metacognitive efficiency. This measure, however, is static in that it does not consider the dynamics of decision making. This could be problematic because humans may shift their level of response caution to alter the tradeoff between speed and accuracy. Such shifts could induce unaccounted-for sources of variation in the assessment of metacognition. Instead, evidence accumulation frameworks consider decision making, including the computation of confidence, as a dynamic process unfolding over time. We draw on evidence accumulation frameworks to examine the influence of response caution on metacognition. Simulation results demonstrate that response caution has an influence on M-ratio. We then tested and confirmed that this was also the case in human participants who were explicitly instructed to either focus on speed or accuracy. We next demonstrated that this association between M-ratio and response caution was also present in an experiment without any reference towards speed. The latter finding was replicated in an independent dataset. In contrast, when data were analyzed with a novel dynamic measure of metacognition, which we refer to as v-ratio, in all of the three studies there was no effect of speed-accuracy tradeoff. These findings have important implications for research on metacognition, such as the question about domain-generality, individual differences in metacognition and its neural correlates.

2015 ◽  
Vol 114 (1) ◽  
pp. 650-661 ◽  
Chung-Chuan Lo ◽  
Cheng-Te Wang ◽  
Xiao-Jing Wang

A hallmark of flexible behavior is the brain's ability to dynamically adjust speed and accuracy in decision-making. Recent studies suggested that such adjustments modulate not only the decision threshold, but also the rate of evidence accumulation. However, the underlying neuronal-level mechanism of the rate change remains unclear. In this work, using a spiking neural network model of perceptual decision, we demonstrate that speed and accuracy of a decision process can be effectively adjusted by manipulating a top-down control signal with balanced excitation and inhibition [balanced synaptic input (BSI)]. Our model predicts that emphasizing accuracy over speed leads to reduced rate of ramping activity and reduced baseline activity of decision neurons, which have been observed recently at the level of single neurons recorded from behaving monkeys in speed-accuracy tradeoff tasks. Moreover, we found that an increased inhibitory component of BSI skews the decision time distribution and produces a pronounced exponential tail, which is commonly observed in human studies. Our findings suggest that BSI can serve as a top-down control mechanism to rapidly and parametrically trade between speed and accuracy, and such a cognitive control signal presents both when the subjects emphasize accuracy or speed in perceptual decisions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Jennifer Oyler-Yaniv ◽  
Alon Oyler-Yaniv ◽  
Evan Maltz ◽  
Roy Wollman

AbstractRapid death of infected cells is an important antiviral strategy. However, fast decisions that are based on limited evidence can be erroneous and cause unnecessary cell death and subsequent tissue damage. How cells optimize their death decision making strategy to maximize both speed and accuracy is unclear. Here, we show that exposure to TNF, which is secreted by macrophages during viral infection, causes cells to change their decision strategy from “slow and accurate” to “fast and error-prone”. Mathematical modeling combined with experiments in cell culture and whole organ culture show that the regulation of the cell death decision strategy is critical to prevent HSV-1 spread. These findings demonstrate that immune regulation of cellular cognitive processes dynamically changes a tissues’ tolerance for self-damage, which is required to protect against viral spread.

2021 ◽  
Ralph S. Redden ◽  
Matthew Hilchey ◽  
Sinan Aslam ◽  
Jason Ivanoff ◽  
Raymond M Klein

Inhibition of return (IOR) refers to slower responses to targets presented at previously cued locations. Contrasting target discrimination performance over various eye movement conditions has shown the level of activation of the reflexive oculomotor system determines the nature of the effect. Notably, an effect nearer to the input end of the processing continuum is observed when the reflexive oculomotor system is actively suppressed, and an effect nearer the output end of the processing continuum is observed when the reflexive oculomotor system is actively engaged. Furthermore, these two forms of IOR interact differently with the Simon effect. Drift diffusion modelling has suggested that two parameters can theoretically account for the speed- accuracy tradeoff rendered by the output-based form of IOR: increased threshold and decreased trial noise. In Experiment 1, we demonstrate that the threshold parameter best accounts for the output-based form of IOR by measuring it with intermixed discrimination and localization targets. Experiment 2 employed the response-signal methodology and showed that the output- based form has no effect on the acquisition of information.

1987 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-165
Nuray Aykin ◽  
Turgut Aykin

The effects of speed and accuracy conditions on single and double stimulation task performance were investigated and compared along with the effects of the stimulus complexity and interstimulus interval. The proportion of error responses increased when the complexity of the stimuli increased under speed and accuracy conditions in both single and double stimulation tasks. There was, however, no trend in the proportion of error responses as a function of ISI under speed and accuracy emphases.

2020 ◽  
Jennifer Oyler-Yaniv ◽  
Alon Oyler-Yaniv ◽  
Evan Maltz ◽  
Roy Wollman

AbstractEarly commitment to apoptosis is an important antiviral strategy. However, fast decisions that are based on limited evidence can be erroneous and cause unnecessary cell death and tissue damage. How cells optimize their decision making strategy to account for both speed and accuracy is unclear. Here we show that exposure to TNF, which is secreted by macrophages during viral infection, causes cells to change their decision strategy from “slow and accurate” to “fast and error-prone”. Mathematical modeling combined with experiments in cell culture and mouse corneas show that the regulation of the apoptotic decision strategy is critical to prevent HSV-1 spread. These findings demonstrate that immune regulation of cellular cognitive processes dynamically changes a tissues’ tolerance for self-damage, which is required to protect against viral spread.

2021 ◽  
Fanny Fievez ◽  
Gerard Derosiere ◽  
Frederick Verbruggen ◽  
Julie Duque

Errors and their consequences are typically studied by investigating changes in decision speed and accuracy in trials that follow an error, commonly referred to as "post-error adjustments". Many studies have reported that subjects slow down following an error, a phenomenon called "post-error slowing" (PES). However, the functional significance of PES is still a matter of debate as it is not always adaptive. That is, it is not always associated with a gain in performance and can even occur with a decline in accuracy. Here, we hypothesized that the nature of PES is influenced by one's speed-accuracy tradeoff policy, which determines the overall level of choice accuracy in the task at hand. To test this hypothesis, we investigated post-error adjustments in subjects performing the same task while they were required to either emphasize speed (low accuracy) or cautiousness (high accuracy) in two distinct contexts (hasty and cautious contexts, respectively) experienced on separate days. Accordingly, our data indicate that post-error adjustments varied according to the context in which subjects performed the task, with PES being solely significant in the hasty context. In addition, we only observed a gain in performance after errors in a specific trial type, suggesting that post-error adjustments depend on a complex combination of processes that affect the speed of ensuing actions as well as the degree to which such PES comes with a gain in performance.

2021 ◽  
Gerard Derosiere ◽  
David Thura ◽  
Paul Cisek ◽  
Julie Duque

Humans and other animals are able to adjust their speed-accuracy tradeoff (SAT) at will depending on the urge to act, favoring either cautious or hasty decision policies in different contexts. An emerging view is that SAT regulation relies on influences exerting broad changes on the motor system, tuning its activity up globally when hastiness is at premium. The present study aimed to test this hypothesis. Fifty subjects performed a task involving choices between left and right index fingers, in which incorrect choices led either to a high or to a low penalty in two contexts, inciting them to emphasize either cautious or hasty policies. We applied transcranial magnetic stimulation on multiple motor representations, eliciting motor evoked potentials (MEP) in nine finger and leg muscles. MEP amplitudes allowed us to probe activity changes in the corresponding finger and leg representations, while subjects were deliberating about which index to choose. Our data indicate that hastiness entails a broad amplification of motor activity, though this amplification was limited to the chosen side. On top of this effect, we identified a local suppression of motor activity, surrounding the chosen index representation. Hence, a decision policy favoring speed over accuracy appears to rely on overlapping processes producing a broad (but not global) amplification and a surround suppression of motor activity. The latter effect may help increasing the signal-to-noise ratio of the chosen representation, as supported by single-trial correlation analyses indicating a stronger differentiation of activity changes in finger representations in the hasty context.

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