Student thesis and projects - Examples of solutions for real environments

Marjan Druzovec ◽  
Tatjana Welzer ◽  
Jaka Polutnik
Desy Tri Inayah

The final thesis analysis of the student's thesis aims to obtain: 1) research design input, 2) in-depth information about the student thesis research profile, 3) various areas of expertise that are the focus of student research, 4) input on the research procedures undertaken by students, and 5) know the results and research products of students.This study uses 6 stages, namely: 1) Unitizing (uniting); 2) Sampling; 3) Recording / coding; 4) Reducing; 5) Inferring (taking conclusions), 6) Naratting (narration).The results of this study are: 1) 65% thesis abstract number of artistry there are 4, the formulation of the problem is less in accordance with the title (36%), the order of the conclusion of the thesis conclusion is less in accordance with the hypothesis and research questions (48%), while the composition of the thesis is coherent from the title, problem formulation, hypothesis / research questions, and conclusions there are only 36% of the total thesis there; 2) The existence of words that are less operational in the formulation of the problem (16%), the use of words that are less appropriate in the title (5%), the existence of the title of the thesis that is less appropriate to the field of expertise (5%).

Al-Hikmah ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Wajidi Sayadi

This research was conducted to find out how the writing and quality of the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad in the thesis of students of the Department of Islamic Education, Tarbiyah Faculty and Teacher Training of IAIN Pontianak, in academic year 2013/2014. The research methods used includes; First, do takhrij al-hadith; Second, do I’tibar al-hadith; Third, examine the narrators' personalities and methods of transmission by using, among others, the knowledge of al-jarh wa at-ta'dil. Fourth, conclude the results of the study. There are 100 theses studied, only 25 theses (25%) have hadiths in them, and 75 theses (75%) that do not include hadiths. There are two types of hadith writing in student thesis: First, hadith are written in Arabic text and their translations. Second, only the translation of the hadith was written. In writing the hadith of the Arabic text there are several errors. There is even a hadith text that is different from the translation. This happens, because most of the thesis is about improving the reading of the Qur'an in a particular school. The quality of the hadiths in student theses is 66 Sahih hadiths, 7 Hasan hadiths, 8 Daif Hadiths, 2 very daithic hadiths, 1 false hadith, 1 mauquf hadith, and 1 not known quality of hadith. Students' understanding of the hadith writing and the quality of the hadith is still lacking. Thesis supervisors and examiners are negligent in seeing the traditions of the hadith used by students. [Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penulisan dan kualitas hadis-hadis Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam skripsi mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Pontianak tahun akademik 2013/2014. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan antara lain; Pertama, melakukan takhrij al-hadits; Kedua, melakukan I’tibar al-hadits; Ketiga, meneliti pribadi para periwayat dan metode periwayatannya dengan menggunakan antara lain ilmu al-jarh wa at-ta’dil. Keempat, menyimpulkan hasil penelitian. Ada 100 skripsi yang diteliti, hanya 25 skripsi (25 %) yang ada hadis di dalamnya, dan 75 skripsi (75 %) yang tidak mencantumkan hadis. Ada dua macam cara penulisan hadis dalam skripsi mahasiswa: Pertama, hadis ditulis dalam teks Arab dan terjemahannya. Kedua, hanya terjemahan hadisnya yang ditulis. Dalam penulisan hadis teks Arabnya terdapat beberapa kekeliruan. Bahkan ada yang teks hadisnya berbeda dengan terjemahannya. Hal ini terjadi, karena kebanyakan skripsi mengenai upaya peningkatan membaca al-Qur’an di suatu sekolah tertentu. Adapun kualitas hadis-hadis dalam skripsi mahasiswa, adalah 66 hadis Sahih, 7 hadis Hasan, 8 hadis Daif, 2 hadis sangat daif, 1 hadis palsu, 1 hadis mauquf, dan 1 hadis yang belum diketahui kualitasnya. Pemahaman mahasiswa dalam hal penulisan hadis dan kualitas hadis masih sangat kurang. Para pembimbing dan penguji skripsi lalai dalam melihat keshahihan hadis yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa]. Kata Kunci: Hadis, Skripsi, Mahasiswa, Sahih, Da’if, dan Palsu.

Kadera Bahasa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-125
Greis M. Rantung

This study is aimed to (1) describe the spelling errors in usage and the error forms indiction of Pos-Graduate students thesis of Manado State University in Education Management Program 2008 and (2) describe the error forms in the diction of Unima Post-Graduate student thesis in Education Management Program 2008. This research descriptive with the following three stages, namely: (I) data provision stage, (2) data analysis stage, and (3) presenting the data analysis stage. The method in analysis speaking error method. The dominant error in spelling is the writing of unstandardized words, and the using of the word pairs or correlative conjunctions in diction are also complicated.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 417
Purwanto Purwanto

This study aimed to start an effort to evaluate the quality of thesis institutionally. The purpose of this study is to determine the quality of the thesis and determine the achievement of the quality of the thesis as a research work. This study is a descriptive evaluation. The study was conducted at the Department of PAI FITK IAIN Surakarta. The results showed several things. First, the majority of PAI student thesis in 2012 used qualitative research methods. Second, the quality of PAI student thesis in 2012 were generally good, on the thesis that uses quantitative and qualitative research methods. Third, the thesis uses quantitative research methods have a higher quality index than the thesis that uses qualitative research methods. Fourth, for the thesis used quantitative research methods showing the low quality of the elements present in the background of the problem and framework of thinking. Fifth, for the thesis used qualitative research methods showing the low quality of the elements contained in the title of the study andbackground of the problem

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-81
Muhammad Zarlis ◽  
Eka Purnama Harahap ◽  
Lina Naelal Husna

System development is a form of effort to improve the quality of the system to be more innovative. Raharja College is a college of computer science that has many systems to support its academic activities. At Raharja College there is a Thesis Session Assessment and Final Assignment system which makes it easy for lecturers as a media to provide a thesis trial or final assignment assessment. The Testing Assessment System is very important in the process of running a thesis trial or final assignment, because it makes it easier for lecturers to provide an assessment of the results of student thesis research. However, in the current assessment system, the testers have problems, which are still using local networks, which of course still use UTP cables as their connector. by online. In the development of the scoring system these testers use the method of swot analysis and elicitation. And use one of the PHP Framework, Yii Framework.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Dhamayanti Dhamayanti ◽  
Lidia Permata Sari

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong><em></em></p><p><em>Thesis is a final project that must be taken by students to complete their studies at the Indo Global Mandiri University in Palembang. Thesis data processing and storage, especially in the Information Systems department is still done conventionally, so checking the similarity of the title even the contents of the student thesis is difficult to detect. Difficulties in detecting the title and content of the thesis cause students to easily and freely plagiarize the proposal preparation and thesis report from beginning to end without being known by the lecturer and the Information System department. Plagiarism is the act of a shortcut that steals ideas, takes the work, and recognizes the work of others as their own without including references from the original source. This research will discuss the problem of plagiarism in the Information Systems department through making applications that can detect the plagiarism of titles and contents of the thesis especially in the information systems department so as to overcome the plagiarism problems faced by the information systems department. This plagiarism detection application is built using the cosine similarity method</em><em>. </em><em>Cosine similarity is a method for calculating similarity (level of similarity) between two object. In testing the similarity of documents with the results of the study, cosine similarity has a higher degree of accuracy. Cosine similarity is used to calculate the similarity value by equating said words and become one of the techniques to measure the similarity of popular texts. Plagiarism detection application using cosine similarity method which is implemented with PHP and MySQL as the database can help efforts to reduce the occurrence of plagiarism in the title and contents of the thesis in the Information Systems department.</em></p><pre> </pre><p><em> </em></p><pre><strong><em>Keywords :</em></strong><em> </em><em>P</em><em>lagiarism</em><em>, </em><em>P</em><em>lagiarism </em><em>D</em><em>etection </em><em>A</em><em>pplication</em>, <em>Cosine Similarity, PHP</em></pre><p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p><em>Skripsi merupakan tugas akhir yang wajib ditempuh mahasiswa untuk menyelesaikan studi di Universitas Indo Global Mandiri Palembang</em><em>.</em><em> Pengolahan dan penyimpanan data skripsi  khususnya pada program studi Sistem Informasi masih dilakukan secara konvensional, sehingga pengecekan kemiripan judul bahkan isi skripsi mahasiswa sulit untuk dideteksi. Kesulitan pendeteksian judul dan isi skripsi menyebabkan mahasiswa dengan mudah dan bebas melakukan plagiasi pada pembuatan proposal maupun laporan skripsi dari awal hingga akhir tanpa diketahui oleh dosen dan pihak program studi. Plagiasi merupakan tindakan sebuah jalan pintas yang mencuri ide, mengambil hasil karya, dan mengakui hasil karya orang lain sebagai miliknya sendiri tanpa mencantumkan referensi dari sumber aslinya.</em><em> </em><em>Penelitian ini akan membahas permasalahan plagiasi pada program studi Sistem Informasi melalui pembuatan aplikasi yang dapat mendeteksi plagiasi judul dan isi skripsi khusunya pada program studi </em><em>sistem informasi sehingga dapat mengatasi permasalahan plagiasi yang dihadapi oleh program studi sistem informasi. Aplikasi pendeteksi plagiasi ini dibagun  dengan menggunakan metode cosine similarity. Cosine similarity adalah metode untuk menghitung similarity (tingkat kesamaan) antar dua buah objek. Pada pengujian kesamaan dokumen dengan hasil penelitian menunjukkan cosine similarity memiliki tingkat akurasi yang lebih tinggi. Cosine similarity digunakan untuk menghitung nilai kemiripan dengan menyamakan kata perkata dan menjadi salah satu teknik untuk mengukur kemiripan teks yang popular.</em><em> </em><em>Aplikasi pendeteksi plagiasi dengan menggunakan metode </em><em>cosine similarity yang diimplemntasikan dengan PHP dan MySQL sebagai databasenya dapat membantu upaya mengurangi terjadinya plagisi pada judul dan isi skripsi di program studi Sistem Informasi.</em></p><strong><em>Kata kunci</em></strong><em> : Plagiasi, Aplikasi Pendeteksi Plagiasi, Cosine Similarity, PHP</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
pp. 86-91
Jaenullah ◽  
Mispani ◽  

Abstract   This paper discusses the construction of the scientific distinction of the Islamic study prograrm (PAI) through an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary learning approach at the Institut Agama Islam Ma’arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung Postgraduate Program. This type of study used qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach. This research concludes firstly that the construction of the scientific distinction of the PAI Masters Program in the IAIMNU Metro Lampung Postgraduate Program has superior characteristics, namely to become educators, researchers, and practitioners who are able to design Islamic Islamic Studies curriculum based on Nusantara Islam, the second paradigm of learning interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches in the Study Program. Postgraduate Program is carried out by applying the integration of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary knowledge seen in the curriculum structure applied in the PAI Study Program, which then affects student thesis studies that are integrated with other disciplines.   Keywords: Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Learning Approach, Islamic Study, Scientific Distinction Construction, Postgraduate Program   Abstrak   Tulisan ini membahas mengenai konstruksi distingsi keilmuan Prodi PAI melalui pendekatan pembelajaran interdisipliner dan multidisipliner pada Program Pascasarjana IAIMNU Metro Lampung. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan pertama bahwa konstruksi distingsi keilmuan prodi S2 PAI Program Pascasarjana IAIMNU Metro Lampung telah memiliki karakteristik keunggulan, yaitu untuk menjadi tenaga pendidik, peneliti, dan praktisi yang mampu mendesain kurikulum PAI berbasis Islam Nusantara, kedua paradigma pembelajaran pendekatan interdisipliner dan multidisipliner pada Prodi S2 PAI dilakukan dengan pengaplikasian integrasi ilmu yang interdisipliner dan multidisipliner terlihat pada struktur kurikulum yang diterapkan di Prodi PAI, yang kemudian berpengaruh pada kajian tesis mahasiswa yang terintegrasi dengan keilmuan lain.   Kata Kunci: Konstruksi Distingsi Keilmuan, Pendidikan Agama Islam, Pendekatan Interdisipliner dan Multidisipliner, Program Pascasarjana

2020 ◽  
Vol 142 (11) ◽  
Martin L. Tanaka

Abstract Helping engineering graduate students to write their thesis can be a difficult and time-consuming undertaking for a thesis advisor. Efficiency can be gained by having an experienced graduate student thesis advisor help multiple students at the same time. This article describes the philosophy, methods, and course design details used to develop and conduct a graduate level course on “thesis proposal development” for engineering students. The course provides structure to encourage students to engage in research and write their thesis proposal. The thesis proposal contains the student's detailed research plans and serves as the foundation for the student's final thesis. Each element of the course is described in detail with enough information that readers can implement the course at their own institution using this article as a guide. It includes detailed descriptions of individual assignments, reasons for including the assignment in the course, and Supplemental Material on the ASME Digital Collection which is downloadable from the journal. Since implementing this at our university, we have observed improvements in graduate student research projects, better written theses, and earlier thesis defense dates. The changes were implemented without altering the number of credit hours needed to graduate and we believe that the change has been beneficial.

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