Study on thermal effect analysis method of heat-resistant fiber composite low-voltage cable under different working conditions

Lina Fu ◽  
Jing Yu ◽  
Yi Guo ◽  
Qi Wang ◽  
Jiawei Yang ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-38
Ján Kováč ◽  
Pavol Ťavoda ◽  
Jozef Krilek ◽  
Pavol Harvánek

AbstractThe article deals with the research of operational reliability of forest felling machines by FMEA method (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis). It describes collection of operational data and its analysis. It explains the procedure of realization for the method FMEA in the organization. Harvesters John Deere 1070D in the Company Lesy SR B. Bystrica were chosen for this research. The research was held in real operational conditions. Application of the FMEA method allows flexibility in case of unexpected situations and optimization of human potential abilities. FMEA tool is a tool preventing outages operational reliability and preventive tool for ensuring the maintenance of facilities. The method of information analysis mentioned below is simple ale precise enough for implementation in real working conditions.

Feifei Yan ◽  
Junyong Lu ◽  
Junwei Cui ◽  
Yongsheng Zhang ◽  
Biao Wu ◽  

1975 ◽  
C. C. Chamis ◽  
M. D. Minich

A fiber composite airfoil, typical for high-tip speed compressor applications, is subjected to load conditions anticipated to be encountered in such applications, and its structural response is theoretically investigated. The analysis method used consists of composite mechanics embedded in pre- and post-processors and coupled with NASTRAN. The load conditions examined include thermal due to aerodynamic heating, pressure due to aerodynamic forces, centrifugal, and combinations of these. The various responses investigated include root reactions due to various load conditions, average composite and ply stresses, ply delaminations, and the fundamental modes and the corresponding reactions. The results show that the thermal and pressure stresses are negligible compared to those caused by the centrifugal forces. Also, the core-shell concept for composite blades is an inefficient design (core plies not highly stressed) and appears to be sensitive to interply delaminations. The results are presented in graphical and tabular forms to illustrate the types and amount of data required for such an analysis, and to provide quantitative data of the various responses which can be helpful in designing such composite blades.

1995 ◽  
Vol 46 (4-6) ◽  
pp. 1011-1014 ◽  
Keiji Ueno ◽  
Sizuo Suzuki ◽  
Masatoshi Takahagi ◽  
Ikujiro Uda ◽  
Hiroshi Hayami

2017 ◽  
Vol 49 (8) ◽  
Ikechi Augustine Ukaegbu ◽  
M. Rakib Uddin ◽  
Jamshid Sangirov ◽  
Nga T. H. Nguyen ◽  
Tae-Woo Lee ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 210
Viki Hestiarini ◽  
Lia Amalia ◽  
Eni Margayani

Medication error can occur at all stages, starting from prescribing, dispensing and administration of drugs. This study aims to assess the medication errors that occur in the pharmaceutical care process and analyze the cause of failure using the root cause analysis method, to improvement action and decrease the incidence of medication errors. The data were completeness prescription, frequency of dispensing error and completeness of drug information. The number of sample was 1100 prescriptions Prescribing errors were found the potential injury 15.69±11.51% and near missed error 0.5±0.55%. At dispensing stage, occur 427 incidences (9.71%), consist of two incidences (0.04%) for validation assessment regulations, 224 incidences (5.09%) of data entry, 113 incidences (2.57%) of retrieval of drugs, 19 incidences (0.43%) of fi ll in drugs, 69 incidences (1.57%) of fi nal check. At dispensing stage, near missed 330 incidences (7.51%) of near missed and 97 incidences (2.21%) of potential injury. Failure mode and effect analysis calculate of risk priority number, the drug retrieval (RPN 210) and data entry (RPN 126) were analyzed root cause of the analysis for man, material, method, facility and environment.

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