human potential
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Cecilia Azorín ◽  
Michael Fullan

AbstractThe pandemic has made deeper problems more transparent and has stimulated many to realize that there may be an opportunity over the next period to pursue much needed innovations in learning. In this essay we describe the ways in which the pandemic has provided the conditions for new human development that joins two powerful forces: the pulsar model which elevates human potential with respect to student learning, and new, deeper forms of collaboration that have long eluded those interested in system change. In this article we show how ‘spirit work’ and collaboration can combine to develop schools systems that are essential for coping with the new post-pandemic conditions facing humanity. We also identify spinoff opportunities arising from the pandemic, and a corresponding pressure that could generate more widespread system improvement designed to improve learning for all, including advances in both equity and excellence.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22
Murjani Murjani

This research is a literature review, in which the results of the study found that; First, the concept of terbiyah, tazkiyah and ta'dib is a complete unit within the framework of building Islamic education. Tarbiyah contains the content of conscious efforts to maintain, develop all human potential in accordance with their nature and comprehensive protection of their human rights. Meanwhile, tazkiyah cleanses the soul of despicable qualities and fills it with commendable qualities. Ta'dib is a process of developing personality and moral (affective) and ethical attitudes in life. Second, Tarbiyah, tazkiyah and ta'dib essentially both refer to the maintenance, protection and development of the overall potential of human beings towards human perfection itself (insan al-kamil). Therefore, in its application these three things must be able to work together to achieve the goals of Islamic education.

2022 ◽  
pp. 5-13
N. E. Petrovskaya

The article presents a study of human development in the United States. The dynamics of public expenditure on “human resources” is shown. An analysis is made of the changes in the US Human Development Index rankings, showing how they have evolved over the past 30 years. Data are provided on the components of the Index: life expectancy, educational attainment and gross national income per capita. The evolution of the Human Development Index is considered, and a new experimental Index, adjusted for planetary load, is presented. Data on the US labour force structure is given. The key mechanisms created in the US that allow the country to have a very high Human Development Index, are shown. In the case of Russia, the study shows the key role of the state in shaping and developing human potential. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Fathum Ibrahim

Abstrak : Konsep Pendidikan Islam A.Malik Fadjar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa konsep Pendidikan Islam A. Malik Fadjar. Melalui penelitian kepustakaan dengan menggunakan bentuk penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pendidikan Islam menurut A.Malik Fadjar adalah jenis pendidikan yang menempatkan Islam sebagai sumber nilai dan sebagai bidang studi yang ditawarkan melalui program studi yang diselenggarakan. Hal ini terkait dengan tujuan dari pendidikan Islam yaitu untuk menciptakan insan kamil atau muslim paripurna. Pendidikan Islam berorientasi pada pemberdayaan, karena merupakan keharusan untuk mengembangkan potensi manusia yang berusaha bertindak dan berbuat demi mempertahankan hak-haknya yang terus diperoleh secara adil sesuai fitrah manusianya. Nilai esensial dari hal tersebut berkorelasi dengan sistem dan hukum kehidupan yang berlangsung yang telah menciptakan kekuatan-kekuatan yang dapat mempengaruhi dan menentukan sikap umat. Konsep pendidikan Islam dalam pandangan Malik Fadjar adalah pendidikan integralistik, humanistik, pragmatik, dan berakar budaya yang kuat. Abstract: This study aims to analyze the concept of Islamic Education A. Malik Fadjar. Through library research using descriptive qualitative research, this study concludes that Islamic education, according to A. Malik Fadjar, is a type of education that places Islam as a source of value and a field of study offered through study programs organized. This is related to the purpose of Islamic education, namely to create perfect human beings or Muslims. Islamic education is oriented towards empowerment because it is a must to develop human potential, which tries to act and act to defend their rights which continue to be obtained relatively according to human nature. The essential value is correlated with the ongoing system and laws of life that have created forces that can influence and determine people's attitudes. The concept of Islamic education in Malik Fadjar's view is integralists, humanistic, pragmatic, and culturally rooted education. Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Islam, Orientasi, Insan Kamil

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 459-487
Dian Meiningtias

Abstract: Postgenderism is a social movement about understanding the balance between men, women and nature. The development of the times and technological advances has brought people to various conditions with various attitudes to life, including a new way of looking at humans regarding gender status. This is intended as a space for human potential by eliminating gender status biologically and psychologically because it is considered an arbitrary limitation space. Postgenderism faces the limitations of social constructionist views on gender and sexuality, as well as the possibility of gender transcendence through social and political means that can be resolved by means of technology. Maqashid Syariah is here to provide a bridge of thought in viewing discourses and phenomena that move with the times. This is as a role in providing a legal footing that is oriented to the benefit of the people. In order to provide a sharp analysis, this study uses a qualitative library research with the theory of Maqashid Syariah. The method used in this research is descriptive analytical by describing a problem, and qualitative analysis with reference to the literature and applicable legal provisions. So that through the research method used, the use of Sex Reassigment Surgery technology as a re-determination of gender status can be studied using the Maqashid Syariah theory which legally has benefits or brings new problems in its implementation in social life. Keywords: Maqashid Syariah Postgender, Sex Reassigment Surgery, Technology Abstrak: Postgenderisme adalah gerakan sosial tentang memahami keseimbangan antara laki-laki, perempuan dan alam. Perkembangan zaman dan kemajuan teknologi telah membawa manusia pada berbagai kondisi dengan berbagai sikap hidup, termasuk cara baru dalam memandang manusia mengenai status gender. Hal ini dimaksudkan sebagai ruang bagi potensi manusia dengan menghilangkan status gender secara biologis dan psikologis karena dianggap sebagai ruang pembatasan yang sewenang-wenang. Postgenderisme menghadapi batasan pandangan konstruksionis sosial tentang gender dan seksualitas, serta kemungkinan transendensi gender melalui sarana sosial dan politik yang dapat diselesaikan dengan sarana teknologi. Maqashid Syariah hadir untuk memberikan jembatan pemikiran dalam melihat wacana dan fenomena yang bergerak mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Hal ini sebagai perannya dalam memberikan pijakan hukum yang berorientasi pada kemaslahatan umat. Guna memberikan analisis yang tajam, penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian library research bersifat kualitatif dengan teori Maqashid Syariah. Metode yang dipakai di dalam penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitis dengan memaparkan mengenai suatu permasalahan, dan analisa kualitatif dengan acuan literatur dan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku. Sehingga melalui metode penelitian yang digunakan tersebut, penggunaan teknologi Sex Reassigment Surgery sebagai penentuan ulang status gender dapat dikaji menggunakan teori Maqashid Syariah yang secara muatan hukum memiliki kebermanfaat ataupun membawa permasalahan baru dalam implementasinya di kehidupan sosial. Kata kunci: Maqashid Syariah Postgender, Sex Reassigment Surgery, Teknologi

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-80
Imam Anas Hadi

This research aims to discover a social map in Losari Village, Sumowono District, Semarang Regency and to find out the use of social mapping for human resource development planning in Losari Village, Sumowono District Semarang Regency. This research uses descriptive qualitative research to describe the research object and uses observation, interviews, and documentation techniques to obtain data. The researcher used the Miles and Huberman technique regarding the data analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions and verification. The mapping results know social problems, including socio-cultural, economic, and infrastructure problems. Then it can uncover the natural and human potential in Losari village, the potential of human resources in the form of farmers, and improve education in Losari Village. No less important are actors who play a role in social relations. Mapping benefits can be obtained first, the actual area of a village, the geographical location of the village and the boundaries of the area, and the village's history. Both the conditions and characteristics of the community, the potential and problems that exist in the village emerged. The third is social mapping to develop or create programs according to the potential and problems that exist in the region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-136
Dewi Avivah

Islam is a gender-just religion so that in the dissemination of its values, gender-fair spaces and opportunities are also needed. The purpose of this study is to provide understanding and understanding to the reader that in realizing a gender-just environment, religion is an important slice that needs to be considered. Islam has agreed to create a gender-just order, and it has been stated in the verses of the Koran. This research method uses qualitative research, sourced from reading material and supported by implementation pictures as supporting data. The results showed that the presence of female clerics was very important. Islam has conveyed Islamic teachings by realizing gender justice so that resistance to patriarchal culture in Indonesia can be carried out with the presence of female ulama to understand that women also have human potential so that they can be said to be worthy as scholars. The limitation of this research is that the author is a little complicated in compiling the historical sequence of the presence of women ulama until their existence today. The lack of data sources that the author must obtain is still rare especially in research about Women Ulama as part of the struggle for gender equality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 36-43
Vladimir Krivoruchko

The article discusses the most important systemic measures to reform Russian science. It is noted that in the foreseeable future, scientific and technological development should serve in Russia the main long-term and publicly declared national interest - saving the people of Russia, developing human potential, improving the quality of life and welfare of citizens. The solution of this problem is inextricably linked with the reliance on the leading role of the state in the organization of the scientific and technological sphere. The first step on the path of systemic reforms is to replace the currently fragmented model of science management withcentralized management of the scientific and technological sphere through the creation of the State Corporation “Rosnauka” by federal law. Such a state corporation, endowed with the rights of a single chief manager of budgetary funds for fundamental and exploratory research, could become a launching pad for a breakthrough scientific and technological development of Russia. The second step is the preparation of a new Federal Law on Scientific, Scientific, Technical and Innovative Activity, which, in addition to updating the principles and mechanisms of management of domestic science, would clearly define the criteria for “scientific” in the activities of legal entities and individuals, and most importantly - “scientific” results obtained for budgetary and other means.

Natalia G. Yakovleva

The article analyzes the contradictions in the development of public goods production sphere in the USSR. It is shown that, on the one hand, such spheres as science, education, public health care, culture, etc. in this economic system were developing on the principles of general accessibility, egalitarianism, guarantees of employment. This provision has become one of the foundations for the formation of creative potential among a wide range of citizens, boost of creative activity, high results in the development of human potential, technology, culture. On the other hand, in these areas, as in the economy as a whole, this progress was hampered by numerous deformations of progressive trends (bureaucracy, shadow commercial relations, etc.). Critical use of the experience of the USSR shows that the development of spheres in which prevails creative labor as spaces for the creation and distribution of public goods can give high economic, social and humanitarian results, provided they are organized in the democratic mode.

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