Fair Value and the IASB/FASB Conceptual Framework Project: An Alternative View

Abacus ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-168 ◽  
Geoffrey Whittington
2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 63
Ката Шкарић Јовановић

Резиме: Финансијско извештавање већ више векова с правом се означава као конзервативно. Начело опрезности чија премена генерише конзервативизам, а које се одликује временском асиметријом у признавању губитака и добитака, не само да је једно од најстаријих, већ и једно од најутицајнијих правила у финансијском извештавању. Означавање инвеститора, поверилаца и осталих зајмодаваца као примарних корисника финансијских извештаја довело је до тога да се у Концептуалном оквиру финансијског извешавања неутралној презентацији финансијских извештаја даје апсолутни примат у односу на опрезност, која је означена као непожељна. Бројна емпиријска истраживања, у великој мери изазвана и оваквом радикалном променом, показала су да су користи од примене конзервативизма у финансијском извештању и у данашњим околностима такве да се увелико надилазе његове слабости. С дуге стране, неутралност се може постићи у презентацији појединих позиција финансијских извшетаја али не при постојећим околностима и финансијских извештаја у целини. Заменом опрезности са неутралношћу нарушена је конзистентност која је нужна између Концептуалног оквира за финансијско извештавање и МРС/МСФИ. У многим од МРС/МСФИ садржани су захтеви за признавање и вредновање који су засновани на опрезности. Испуњавање ових захтева неминовно води конзервативизму у презентацији финансијских извештаја. Како су МРС/МСФИ изграђени на мешовитој основи коју чине: концепт историјског трошка, с којим је чврсто повезана опрезност, и концепт фер вредности, за који се везује неутралност. Стога се сасвим основано у презентацији финансијских извештаја могу очекивати и неутрално и конзервативно презентиране информације. Враћањем опрезности у Концептуални оквир финансијског извештавања осим што би била отклоњена неконзистност која постоји између њега као основе на којој се ревидирају постојећи и доносе нови стандарди, био би потврђен допринос конзервативизма заштити интереса поверилаца и инвеститора.Summary: For many centuries financial reporting has been rightfully labeled as conservative. The principle of prudence whose application generates conservatism, which is characterized by time asymmetry in the recognition of gains and losses, is not only one of the oldest but also one of the most influential rules in financial reporting. Determining the investors, creditors and other lenders as primary users of financial statements has led to the fact that in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting the neutral presentation of financial statements has the absolute precedence over prudence, which is marked as undesirable. Numerous empirical studies largely caused by such a radical change have shown that the benefits of application of conservatism in financial reporting and in the present circumstances are such that they greatly surpass its weaknesses. On the other hand, neutrality can be achieved in the presentation of certain positions in financial statements but not under the existing circumstances and financial statements in general. Substituting prudence with neutrality violates consistency, which is necessary between the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting and IAS/IFRS. Many of IAS/IFRS contain requests for recognition and validation that are based on the prudence. Meeting these requests will inevitably lead to conservatism in the presentation of financial statements. Since IAS/IFRS are built on a mixed basis consisting of the historical cost concept, which is tightly linked with prudence, and fair value concept, which is linked with neutrality, then it is quite reasonable to expect both neutrally and conservatively presented information in the presentation of financial statements. By restoring prudence in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, besides eliminating inconsistence that exists between it as a basis for revising existing and adopting new standards, contribution of conservatism to protecting the interests of creditors and investors would be confirmed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-37
Giusy Guzzo ◽  
Massimo Costa

In response to the ‘2011 Agenda Consultation’, the IASB launched in July 2013 a call for a new Discussion Paper on the ‘Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting’. This article aims to offer a contribution to the debate on the effectiveness of the theme of ‘Measurement’, by investigating the use of the current evaluation models in the literature and practice of Financial Reporting. The article proposes at first a historical survey both of the international debate on Fair Value Accounting vs. Historical Cost Accounting and of the Italian theories on the valuation. Later the paper proposes some considerations about the key questions related to Measurement and the possible policy implications of the main research finding, by conceptualising a ‘mixed’ system combining fair value Accounting and historical cost Accounting to try giving a more rational base to the financial reports.

2007 ◽  
Vol 81 (4) ◽  
pp. 130-137
C. Camfferman

De bepaling van het aggregatieniveau waarop activa en verplichtingen gegroepeerd worden, is in principe van groot belang, zeker bij een balansgerichte benadering van de verslaggeving op basis van fair value. Het blijkt echter dat IFRS niet gebaseerd is op duidelijke en consistente aggregatiecriteria. Naar verwachting zal dit punt bij de herziening van het conceptual framework van de IASB, en daardoor ook bij het opstellen van toekomstige standaarden, meer aandacht krijgen. Dit artikel biedt een overzicht van de vragen die daarbij aan de orde komen, om de lezer in staat de stellen de ontwikkelingen in IFRS beter te volgen.

1976 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-106 ◽  
J.E. Esberey

The analysis of political leadership is an enterprise often handicapped by the lack of an adequate conceptual framework. Mr Courtney has selected James Barber's model of presidential character as a means of overcoming this problem and has presented an interesting examination of Mackenzie King's political leadership based on this approach. There are, however, a number of aspects both of the Barber model and of Mackenzie King's leadership that Courtney has been unable to develop. It is proposed in this brief rejoinder to discuss some of these issues and to indicate the main lines of an alternative interpretation of Mr King's character.

2019 ◽  
Vol 118 (12) ◽  
pp. 142-165
Dr. Nada Kaki Bira ◽  
Layla Naji Majeed Al Fatlawi

The global trend towards the use of fair value accounting is increasing, so the current study aimed to maximize the impact of fair value application on achieving relevance and representation faithfulness of accounting information in accordance with the common conceptual framework. To achieve the objective of this study, the researcher has determined in the theoretical framework the relationship of fair value with the characteristics of relevance and representation faithfulness of accounting information and the extent of achieving these characteristics, as well as conducting a field study by preparing a questionnaire distributed to a sample of academics (50) and auditors (50) with a total number of selected participants (100) of academics and auditors.

1996 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-101 ◽  
Louis Quéré

How may we conceive of cognition in practice? What kind of thinking and reflection animate the accomplishment of action? These problems are usually settled by an intellectualist argument: to perform an action is mainly to execute decisions, to carry out plans or intentions, or to follow instructions. According to that view, cognition produces action, but it does not take place in the accomplishment of action itself Such an intellectualist view has been taken up again and developed by recent trends in cognitive science. Why focus on such a view? Because, by its systematizing of current assumptions in most of (he theories of action, it makes the conceptual framework of those theories very clear and allows one to see the inconsistencies of its underpinning. The alternative view outlined in this paper is based on an externalist and pragmatic conception of mind. It considers cognition as a social process and reintegrates it into the performance of situated actions. To do so, it grasps performance as a genuine praxis and specifies the thinking and reflection which animate it in relation to the phenomenon of 'embodied agency.'

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (9) ◽  
pp. 986-1000
Viktor G. GET’MAN ◽  
Vladislav S. KARTASHOV

Subject. This article analyzes the various types of value used in IFRS to assess assets and liabilities. Objectives. The article aims to conduct a comparative analysis of the types of value used in IFRS when assessing assets and liabilities, and identify the features of the use of fair value as a type of value, considering the use of certain levels of fair value and restrictions on their use. Methods. For the study, we used the systems analysis, comparative study method, information structuring, data grouping, deduction, and other methods of scientific research. Results. The article summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of each of the valuation methods described in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting – IFRS. It systematizes the standards that use certain types of value, and analyzes the features of the use of fair value. The article also identifies factors that affect the ability to measure a higher level of fair value. Conclusions. Fair value is one of the most used valuation methods in international accounting practices. However, the use of fair value in estimating the value of reporting items is limited due to the complexity and high cost of its qualitative valuation. This makes companies use alternative valuation methods.

2014 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-60 ◽  
Garen Markarian

The recent global financial crisis has led to extensive criticism of the role of accounting and its use of fair value measurement in causing and spreading the crisis. This paper argues that the debate surrounding fair value vs. historic cost, and relevance versus reliability, is nothing new; it was at the center of early accounting discussions in the AAA (especially by A.C. Littleton and W.A. Paton), the AICPA (especially G.O. May), and the SEC. Although prominent accounting scholars and practitioners in postdepression 1929 focused on the use of historic cost, the paper discusses the decision of the IASB/FASB to move reliability to a secondary characteristic in its recent conceptual framework. This action ignores lessons learned from a century of research, teaching, and practice of accounting.

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