scholarly journals Pengurusan Wakaf Pendidikan di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia: Satu Sorotan Literatur

Najibah Mustaffa ◽  
Mohd Zamro Muda

The article discusses the literature review, whether in the form of research, books, articles, etc. on the issue of the management, challenges and the way forward of waqf in higher education institutions in Malaysia.The study was conducted using qualitative methods by taking a literature study approach. There has been a lot of writing, throwing ideas and discussions were made by the experts, academician and governments on the issue. Waqf of education in Malaysia is seen growing with the establishment of waqf fund for education in several institutions such as the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and many more. The literature review found that the development of waqf in higher education can be intensified by effective fund management, strong legislation, good governance, marketing efforts and identify appropriate waqf management model to be applied. A special guideline for the management is to be established and a waqf management model is designed to be used as a reference all the Heigher Education Institutions.Keywords: Endowments (waqf), education, management of waqf, institutions of higher education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  
pp. 1909
Ahmad Fahmi Abdurrahman ◽  
Sri Herianingrum

This study purpose to recognize the implementation of ZIS (Zakat, Infak, Shadaqah) fund management at LAZ Indonesia Zakat Initiative (IZI) East Java in managing the Patient Shelter House program. The author of this study uses descriptive qualitative methods using a case study approach. The object of this study is LAZNAS Indonesian zakat initiative, especially the management of Patient Shelter House. The data are obtained based on the interviewing of six informants consisting of three IZI administrators who managed RSP IZI directly and three other beneficiaries of RSP IZI. The requirement to be a beneficiary of RSP IZI must be Muslim, destitute or poor and domiciled outside Surabaya. The results of the study, the implementation of ZIS LAZNAS Zakat Indonesia Initiative fund management is in accordance with Law No. 23 of 2011 concerning the management of zakat.Keywords: Zakah, Infak, Shadaqah, Patient Shelter House (RSP).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-129
Franty Faldy Palempung ◽  
Ferry J N Sumual

­Abstrak: Tulisan ini secara spesifik memaparkan dampak metode pembelajaran daring bagi ketuntasan belajar siswa. Peristiwa Covid-19 yang terjadi awal tahun 2020 hingga sampai sekarang, masih menyebakan kesulitan bagi semua element. Imbas dari pandemi ini di sektor Pendidikan mengharuskan pembelajaran online dilaksanakan. Akibat dari penerapan pembelajaran daring ini, masih menyebabkan kesulitan bagi sebagai indvidu bahkan institusi karena masih belum lengkapnya pra-sarana dalam kegiatan pembelajara daring. Topik ini ditulis dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriftif dengan pendekatan studi literatur. Hasil pada uraian ini mengemukakan bahwa pengertian ketuntasan belajar menurut Permendikbud adalah pencapaian kompetensi sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan meliputi ketuntasan penguasaan substansi dan ketuntasan belajar dalam konteks kurun waktu belajar. Ketuntasan belajar peserta didik merupakan komponen keluaran yang diperoleh dari hasil suatu proses pembelajaran yang didukung oleh orang tua, guru dan lingkungan. Berhasil tidaknya pembelajaran daring bagi ketuntasan pembelajaran, diperlukan kerja sama semua komponen Pendidikan itu sendiri.Abstract: This paper specifically describes the impact of online learning methods on the completion of student learning. The Covid-19 event that occurred in early 2020 until now, still makes it difficult for all elements. The impact of this pandemic in the Education sector requires that online learning be implemented. As a result of the application of online learning in, still causes difficulties for as an individual even an institution because it is still incomplete pre-facilities in the activities of online learners. This topic is written using qualitative methods with a literature study approach. The results in this description suggest that the understanding of the completion of learning according to Permendikbud is the achievement of attitude competence. Knowledge, and skills include the completion of the mastery of substance and the completion of learning in the context of the study period. The completion of learning of learners is a component of the output obtained from the results of a learning process supported by parents, teachers and the environment. The success of online learning for the completion of learning, requires the cooperation of all components of Education itself.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 6-11
Subhannur Rahman, Yumi Baida Rahmah

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that attacks a part of the body's metabolism that makes a patient a change in behavior. Behavior change along with the treatment process, if the management of the behavior change is good then the healing process also becomes effective. Spiritual needs are ways that can help management change patient behavior. Objective: This study aims to determine the spiritual needs of patients with diabetic ulcers. Method: This study uses a literature study approach used several sources selected based on criteria established by researchers. Results: From 10 journals obtained and conducted a literature review of spiritual needs that were met when the patient met the criteria described in a good relationship to interpersonal, intrapersonal, transpersonal. Conclusion: The problem with poor self-management in people with diabetes mellitus is when a lack of self-motivation makes the healing process ineffective, the spiritual needs that are met the best coping, because the subconscious will create patterns of thought, emotional, and motivation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Markus Oci

Implementation of tertiary accreditation is the assessment and recognition of the quality and performance of an institution. The Conversion Supplement Instrument (ISK) is an additional accreditation instrument used for decision making on the conversion of an accredited ranking obtained by the Standard 7 College Accreditation Instrument to a new accreditation rating in accordance with the Higher Education Accreditation 3.0 instrument. This research uses a qualitative method (Qualitatitive Research), with a literature study approach. What is meant by library research (Library Research) the author seeks information that is relevant to the subject matter. Higher Education Conversion Supplement (ISK) instruments consist of: front page,  university identity, team identity preparation of ranking conversion report, preface, format of conversion supplement instrument (permanent lecturer, temporary lecturer, higher education quality assurance system, cycle internal quality assurance system, exceeding SN-PT, quality assurance mechanisms leading to Outcome Based Accreditation for accreditation of study programs and scientific publications.   === Pelaksanaan akreditasi perguruan tinggi adalah penilaian dan pengakuan tentang kualitas dan kinerja suatu institusi.  Instrumen Suplemen Konversi (ISK) adalah instrumen akreditasi tambahan yang digunakan untuk pengambilan keputusan konversi peringkat terakreditasi yang diperoleh dengan Instrumen Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi 7 Standar menjadi peringkat akreditasi baru sesuai dengan instrumen Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi 3.0. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif (Qualitatitive Research), dengan pendekatan studi pustaka. Yang dimaksudkan dengan studi pustaka (Library Research) penulis mencari informasi yang  relevan dengan pokok pembahasan. Instrumen Suplemen  Konversi (ISK) perguruan tinggi terdiri dari: halaman depan, identitas perguruan tinggi,  identitas tim penyusunan laporan konversi peringkat, kata pengantar,  format  intrumen  suplemen konversi (dosen tetap, dosen tidak tetap, sistem  penjaminan  mutu perguruan tinggi,  siklus  sistem penjamian mutu internal,  pelampauan  SN-PT, mekanisme penjaminan mutu  menuju Outcome Based Accreditation  akreditasi program studi dan publikasi ilmiah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Tathahira Tathahira

Living in the millennial era has encouraged all the learners to one step ahead maximizing the existed and updated technology for learning. Maintaining autonomous and long-distanced learning should have been introduced and implemented in higher education. Involving in an online learning environment is not enough without the ability to think critically. Critical thinking is the ability that is essentially required for learners in a higher education context. This paper discusses the challenges and strategies for implementing learners’ critical thinking through online learning. This paper used the literature study approach, in which all the information in this paper was obtained from books and journal articles. Briefly, the findings reveal that online learning can be good support for students to improve their critical thinking ability. However, there are also several challenges to do so involving the socio-cultural matter, the students’ previous learning habits, and the familiarity of using updated technology for learning. To end the discussion, the author provides several strategies to overcome those challenges. The well-designed online discussion (interactivity), critical-thinking learning content, and well-maintained instructions are several factors needed by online course instructors in order to improve their students’ critical thinking.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 351-363
Tri Raharjanto

This study analyzes the urgency of implementing public administration ethics to realize good governance. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The data sources used in this study are primary and secondary data. Preliminary data was collected from interviews and questionnaires to respondents, while secondary data was collected through the literature study method. The location of this research is in one of the sub-district offices in the Sumedang District. Respondents who were given a questionnaire totaling 100 people living around the sub-district were selected based on the random sampling method. Based on the data and analysis of research results, it can be seen that sub-district employees in Sumedang District still have not implemented bureaucratic ethical governance properly. Government governance has not been able to absorb and develop more advanced management values. The problem arises because of the following: learning culture, processes, tools and techniques, and skill and motivation. This should be a concern, especially by the government, to create good governance, which is indicated by the high public trust in the government.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-123
Samuel Irwan Santoso

This study specifically outlines the role of pastoral counseling in the church for the restoration of the spiritual health of the church. This paper uses qualitative methods with a literature study approach. The description in this article describes that the interpersonal relationships between counselors and their consensual. Counseling comes from the Latin "Concilium" which means with or with and taking or holding. Pastoral counseling serves to heal the whole human being therefore pastoral counseling helps the "wounded", to survive and go through a state in which they recovered to their original condition. In applying pastoral counseling to the congregation a counselor must understand how he or she should deal with the consequences. This is so that the counselor does not rush to blame or confront a person sharply and directly in the early stages of counseling. A good Christian pastor or counselor should put his or her function first rather than his office, for without real realization of the duty of responsibility one cannot be said to be a good shepherd or counselor. AbstrakKajian ini secara spesifik menguraikan mengenai peran konseling pastoral dalam gereja bagi pemulihan kesehatan rohani jemaat. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan. Uraian pada artikel ini menjelaskan bahwa hubungan timbal balik (interpersonal relationship) antara konselor dengan konselenya.  Konseling berasal dari bahasa Latin “Consillium” yang berarti dengan atau bersama dan mengambil atau memegang. Pastoral konseling berfungsi untuk menyembuhkan manusia seutuhnya karena fungsi konseling pastoral untuk menolong orang yang “terluka”, agar bertahan dan melewati suatu keadaan yang di dalamnya pemulihan kepada kondisi semula. Di dalam menerapkan konseling pastoral kepada jemaat seorang konselor harus memahami bagaimana seharusnya ia menghadapi konselinya. Ini bertujuan agar konselor tidak terburu-buru mempersalahkan atau mengkonfrontasi dengan tajam seseorang pada tahap permulaan konseling. Seorang gembala atau konselor Kristen yang baik harusnya lebih mengutamakan fungsinya daripada jabatannya, karena tanpa realisasi nyata dari tugas tanggung jawab yang diembannya seseorang tidak dapat dikatakan sebagai gembala atau konselor yang baik.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (5) ◽  
pp. 160
Sandra Liliana Abarca García ◽  
Maritza Lucìa Larrea Vejar ◽  
Sandra Leticia Guijarro Paguay

The objective of this research, was to develop an alternative as a methodological proposal to improve the oral communicative competence in the English language, as it could determine that students do not have an adequate development of the understanding, interpretation, and recognition of vocabulary. The research is descriptive. Deductive, bibliographic and documentary methods were used. The research technique for the collection of the information was the survey while the instrument was a questionnaire validated and verified by academic peers. The research sample was intentional and represented by 20 specialists in the area of English knowledge from different institutions of higher education. The development of the proposal was made on the basis of literature review with emphasis on theoretical foundation, objectives, requirements, features, and structuring. The proposal was systematic and structured in stages, which considered objectives, actions and methodological guidance. The instrument allowed to evaluate the alternative proposal in the context of the investigation. The data obtained were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted, and represented with, charts and statistics graphics.The majority of the experts concluded, that it is adequate, structured, and it can be implemented as a methodological alternative to improve the oral communicative competence.

Ardila Muslim ◽  
Teguh Kurniawan

Urban slums is one of the main issues that developing countries discussed nowadays, whether to eliminate slums area or through sustainable development policies and official rental housing policies. One of the method is the CAP method as a way to build a community that could take actions in accordance with problems, needs and potential resources. However, the CAP method requires a good governance because it involves government, citizens, social and private organizations. Through a literature study approach, this research expects to obtain a framework and relevant theory to the implementation of the Community Action Plan (CAP) in the slum area management with the perspective of good urban governance. The analysis results shows that the CAP can be implemented for management of slums area through the stages of preparation, social environmental mapping, and approval of the CAP and a new layout map. However, the implementation must confirm four domains of constrains to assess a good urban governance, such: responsibility, accountability, representation, access, strength, legitimacy and effectiveness. This results in governance that is not only responsive and effective, but also resilient, reliable and balanced.

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