J-3P (Jurnal Pembangunan Pemberdayaan Pemerintahan)
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Published By Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri


Zaenal Abidin Mu'alim ◽  
Habibussalam Habibussalam

This study aims to understand the concept of sustainable tourism as an effort to reduce friction that often occurs in every level of society caused by the existence of a tourism industry that is not environmentally friendly. Some of the obstacles that are often faced by people who are in direct contact with tourism activities are health, economic and environmental problems. However, this problem has not been actively responded by academics with a comparison of the case literature. The majority of research only discusses implementation and does not take a comparative perspective between countries. This paper presents a new perspective through a systematic literature review by filtering and visualizing articles in reputable journals. To provide an overview of the direction of the concept of tourism from various countries. It was found that not all tourism activities get positive things for all communities, there is friction in every layer of society and causes various conflicts that cannot be denied due to tourism development that does not apply the principles of development. In tourism planning, it is necessary to understand the needs on many sides, understand that tourism covers a very broad aspect and sustainable tourism plans as a concept of spatial planning activities are not only related to accommodation needs, dressing tourist objects or building imaginary objects, but must be an integrated unit with a well-thought-out and measurable plan. Keywords: Systematic Literature, Tourism Industry, Sustainable Development.

Kasihan Hati Kasmita ◽  
Eva Eviany ◽  
Achmad Nur Sutikno

Empowerment of farmers is an activity that involves the participation and leadership of farmer groups. This empowerment is shown to improve the quality and creativity of farmers to create reliable and independent farmers who can have innovations for their own farmers. This research intend to knowing and analyzing how community empowerment of coffe farmers at Ramung Jaya Village by the department of agricultural Bener Meriah Regency as well as to determine the inhibiting factors and the efforts made in empowering coffee farmers by the Bener Meriah Regency Agriculture Office in Ramung Jaya Village.The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation.  In addition, to analyze data using several steps, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions and verification Based on the results of the study, it shows that the implementation of empowerment carried out by the Agriculture Office of Bener Meriah Regency for coffee farmers in Ramung Jaya Village has been going well, but there are still several obstacles for both the government and coffee farmers in Ramung Jaya Village. The author also provides suggestions or recommendations to the government in order to increase creativity and quality through counseling to improve the quality of farmers and pay more attention to the provision of facilities and infrastructure and can provide business capital assistance. Keywords: Empowerment, Economic Development, Coffee Farmers.

Mu’min Ma’ruf ◽  
Ikhbaluddin Ikhbaluddin ◽  
Suripto Suripto ◽  
Abdurohim Abdurohim

Small and Medium Enterprise (Usaha Kecil dan Menengah; UKM) is the backbone of the economy of society, as this sector has accommodated more jobs compared to a large industrial sector. However, the effort of local government in empowering UKM is still not optimal. This issue has become one of the problems for developing the capacity of UKM, particularly the agricultural sector, in Rancabungur District, Bogor Regency. This research aims to describe in-depth the capacity building of this UKM based on the concept developed by UNDP by using a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Here we highlighted three point of the capacity development: the workforce or human resource (HR), the capital (physical dimension), and the technology. The results show that there are some problems in the capacity building of the UKM’s agricultural sector, notably for its workforce capacity development and the difficulty to access the capital weather for financing or supporting the facilities and infrastructures of the UKM. Moreover, we found that the UKM has a lack of ability for its technology development, notably for its ability to access the information technology and the availability of communication network. Keywords: Capacity Building; Small and Medium Enterprise

Rhey Pasha Visa Sandy ◽  
Hendrawati Hamid ◽  
Hasna Azmi Fadhilah

Tawangharjo is a sub-district that is going to be developed as a new destination of Agrotourism. This agrotourism is classified as a new type of tourism in Grobogan Regency. This study aims to determine and analyze how the development of agrotourism in Tawangharjo District, as well as to explain the inhibiting factors and efforts made by the government and local agencies in developing the agrotourism area. This study used descriptive qualitative method with an inductive approach, combined with observation, interviews, and documentation. Further, the authors analysed the data by creating a data map, exploring data presentation, comparing all data, then drawing conclusion. The results show that the indicators for the development of the Starfruit Garden Agrotourism Area, Tawangharjo Sub-district, were still not met, Amenities and Ancillary become the main problems because physical development required time and budget, while facilities were the main support for agrotourism activities. In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the situation by refocusing the budget and significantly reducing the number of tourists. The quality of human resources needs to be improved, including the managers’ capacity and the community's ability to diversify, promote, and multiply the products. As a suggestion, the Grobogan Regency government should further optimize the tourism program and policies, in order to increase production capacity and develop agrotourism facilities. Keyword: Development, Tourism, Agrotourism

Selvia Junita Praja ◽  
Margaretha Rumbekwan ◽  
Rio Noperando

Forest and Land Fires in Sintang Regency Always occur every year with unstable conditions, where Forestand Land Fires have a very detrimental impact on the Community and the Government of Sintang, so that the Government of Sintang District issued Sintang District Regulations Number 57 of 2018 concerning LandClearing Procedures for the Community. In this regard, researchers are interested in conducting researchunder the title "Implementation of Land-Opening Policy Procedures for Communities in Handling Forest and Land Fires (karhutla) in Sintang District, West Kalimantan Province". This study aims to find out how theimplementation of the policy for Land Clearing Procedures of karhutla in Sintang District. The research usesqualitative method with descriptive approach. Researchers used data collection techniques such asinterviews, observation, and documentation. Based on the results of research conducted using the Van Meter and Van Horn Policy Implementation model, it can be found that the implementation of the policy on land clearing procedures of karhutla in Sintang district is still not optimal. This can be seen from the cases offorest and land fires in Sintang District that continue to occur, even with the same conditions as in previousyears, many people as policy targets do not understand and do not know the policy, and still lack adequateunderstanding of policy implementers of the policies. Keywords: Implementation of Policies, Forest and Land Fires, Procedures for Land Clearing, Sintang

Maximilianus Mario Taek ◽  
Sadu Wasistiono ◽  
Meltarini Meltarini

The use of Village Funds is not appropriate and there are still problems so that it has not reduced the poverty rate, this is because the guidance is not maximized by the Belu Regency PMD Office. This study aims to analyze performance of the Community and Village Empowerment Service in realizing community empowerment through the use of Village Funds. The theory used is the performance of Sinambela Lijan (2012), with indicators of productivity, responsiveness, responsibility and accountability. The approach to data analysis is the SWOT analysis with the Litmus test. This study used qualitative research method with descriptive approach, data collection techniques: interviews (17 informants) and documentation. The findings of the study indicate that human resource capacity is still low, infrastructure is still limited, lack of cross-sectoral coordination, lack of community understanding and weak institutional capacity in the village. Conclusion: The performance of the Community and Village Empowerment Service is quite good, but there are still some problems so that the authors convey several strategic issues, namely increasing the capacity of employees as trainers and facilitators so that community empowerment is more effective and maximizes the potential in the village so that it can be used to support community empowerment activities, with the aim of realizing Village independence. Keywords: Performance, Village Funds, Community Empowerment

Mohammad Rifa'i ◽  
Sheryl Viola A. Kirihio

The potential for marine products in the Yapen Islands is very abundant, including seaweed. However, it should be noted that coastal communities who work as seaweed farmers with all their limitations also face several problems, including limited knowledge and skills in seaweed cultivation, use of simple tools (raft method), traditional/hereditary cultivation methods, and the marketing of crops, whose reach is still limited. For this reason, the Regional Government through the Marine and Fisheries Service provides support and assistance in the context of empowering seaweed farmers. The purpose of writing this is to find out the process of empowering seaweed farmers in Sarawandori Village. Else, to explore the obstacles and supporting factors of the empowerment. This research used a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The results showed that the empowerment of seaweed farmers had been running even though the results were not optimal. For this reason, the government through the Yapen Islands Regency Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Office seeks to help farmers in the seaweed cultivation process, and facilitate farmers to be able to use more sophisticated technology and expand the marketing reach of seaweed and its processed products from Sarawandori Village to outside the Yapen Islands. Keywords: Empowerment, Seaweed, Farmer, Yapen Regency

Mulyana Mulyana ◽  
Evan Stanley Siby

Harlem Beach is one of the tourist objects in Jayapura Regency which has the potential to improve the welfare of the people of Tablasupa Village. This study aims to determine an overview of the community empowerment efforts of Harlem Beach managers based on their potential. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with an inductive approach. The data collection techniques used by the author are unstructured interviews using outlines of the problem, observation, documentation and triangulation of data sources. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. An interesting finding in this conclusion is that the empowerment of the community managing Harlem Beach tourism objects by the Jayapura Regency Culture and Tourism Office uses the AGIL concept by building facilities, providing skills training and carrying out promotions but is still constrained by issues of customary rights, limited facilities and infrastructure. The conclusion of this study is that the empowerment efforts carried out based on the AGIL concept are considered to be not optimal, because they are hampered by several factors such as lack of facilities, poor infrastructure, unclear customary rights, lack of capital, the absence of BUMKAM and a lack of community mindset. Keywords: empowerment, community, beach tourism

Bayu Krisna Ardiansyah ◽  
Ainun Ma’rifah

The development and empowerment carried out by the Jombang District Animal Husbandry Service areactivities to increase economic growth in the Jombang Regency area. One of them is Dairy Cattle farmingactivities that utilize milk products. However, the resulting milk is only able to meet daily food needs, so it isquestionable what about other living costs. This research was conducted to determine the empowerment efforts of cattle breeders in Galengdowo conducted by the Jombang District Animal Husbandry Service, as well as to describe the obstacles and efforts to overcome the obstacles in the empowerment of cattle breeders in Galengdowo Village. The theory used is the concept of empowerment by Totok Mardikanto related to the main effort or better known as the scope of community empowerment activities. The method used in this research is qualitative research with descriptive methods and inductive approaches. Data collection techniques through observation, documentation, and interviews. The results obtained show that the empowerment of dairy farmers is based on 4 coaches, first human development shows through periodic training with the target of applying job training methods. Second, business development programs for procuring mineral concentrate feed by Village Unit Cooperatives and Village-Owned Enterprises. Third, environmental development is the provision of biogas equipment assistance. And lastly, institutional development through the formation and strengthening of livestock groups. The author provides suggestions for a synergistic relationship and active community participation. Keywords: Development and Empowerment, Dairy Farmers, Government

Ardila Muslim ◽  
Teguh Kurniawan

Urban slums is one of the main issues that developing countries discussed nowadays, whether to eliminate slums area or through sustainable development policies and official rental housing policies. One of the method is the CAP method as a way to build a community that could take actions in accordance with problems, needs and potential resources. However, the CAP method requires a good governance because it involves government, citizens, social and private organizations. Through a literature study approach, this research expects to obtain a framework and relevant theory to the implementation of the Community Action Plan (CAP) in the slum area management with the perspective of good urban governance. The analysis results shows that the CAP can be implemented for management of slums area through the stages of preparation, social environmental mapping, and approval of the CAP and a new layout map. However, the implementation must confirm four domains of constrains to assess a good urban governance, such: responsibility, accountability, representation, access, strength, legitimacy and effectiveness. This results in governance that is not only responsive and effective, but also resilient, reliable and balanced.

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