Excretion-retention diagram to evaluate gas exchange properties of vertebrate respiratory systems

1982 ◽  
Vol 243 (3) ◽  
pp. R329-R338
A. Zwart ◽  
S. C. Luijendijk

Excretion [E = (PE - PI)/(PV - PI)] and retention [R = (Pa - PI)/(PV -PI)]are completely model-free defined variables which describe the dual input-output black-box representation of vertebrate respiratory systems under steady-state conditions. In the excretion-retention diagram (E-R diagram), E is plotted as a function of R. The application of the principle of mass conservation confines the possible combinations of E and R for a gas with a blood-gas partition coefficient, lambda, in a respiratory system with an overall ventilation, VT, and an overall perfusion, QT, to E = (lambda QT/VT) (1 - R). In general, E can be described as a continuous function of R. The mathematical formulation of this function depends on the configuration of the respiratory system. Easily recognizable curvatures are obtained for counter-cross, and cocurrent systems with and without parallel inhomogeneities. Visual inspection of actual E and R data displayed in an E-R diagram therefore allows the correct choice of the configuration of the respiratory system to be eventually used for further parameter estimation schemes. The E-R diagram is also a powerful tutorial tool for visualizing the complex relationships between the gas exchange of agents with different physical properties and the consequences of changes in ventilation and perfusion distribution within the respiratory system on gas transport.

2005 ◽  
Vol 137 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-168 ◽  
D.G. Biron ◽  
D. Coderre ◽  
S. Fournet ◽  
J.P. Nénon ◽  
J. Le Lannic ◽  

AbstractThe first-instar larvae of Delia radicum (L.) and Delia antiqua (Meigen) enter host plants to feed in galleries. These galleries can be filled by a liquid resulting from the putrefaction of the host. In this study, we show that D. radicum and D. antiqua larvae have a metapneustic respiratory system in the first instar and an amphipneustic respiratory system in the second instar, as observed in the majority of cyclorrhaphous Diptera. In addition, we observed four spatulate, ramified structures on the postabdominal spiracles in all three larval instars. We propose that these structures facilitate gas exchange (CO2 and O2), especially in the first-instar larvae when they feed in liquid-filled galleries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 128 (1) ◽  
pp. 214-224 ◽  
Troy James Cross ◽  
Chul-Ho Kim ◽  
Bruce D. Johnson ◽  
Sophie Lalande

Heart failure (HF) is a complex and multifaceted disease. The disease affects multiple organ systems, including the respiratory system. This review provides three unique examples illustrating how the cardiovascular and respiratory systems interrelate because of the pathology of HF. Specifically, these examples outline the impact of HF pathophysiology on 1) respiratory mechanics and the mechanical “cost” of breathing; 2) mechanical interactions of the heart and lungs; and on 3) abnormalities of pulmonary gas exchange during exercise, and how this may be applied to treatment. The goal of this review is to, therefore, raise the awareness that HF, though primarily a disease of the heart, is accompanied by marked pathology of the respiratory system.

2021 ◽  
T. V. Matyushev ◽  
M. V. Dvornikov ◽  
S. P. Ryzhenkov ◽  
M. A. Petrov

2021 ◽  
Kevin Pu

As a hermetic divide between exterior and interior atmospheres, architecture has been sealing itself off from fluctuating environments through its reliance on artificial breathing. The ability to induce and simulate a breathable environment allows architecture to be detached from nature as a separate entity. This condition needs to be re-conceptualized in order to address the over-reliance on mechanical systems through a study of biological respiratory systems. Therefore, the urban environment must evolve, challenging the divisive barrier of buildings to transform cities into an urban respiratory system, capable of purifying the atmosphere at both micro and macro levels. Urban sustainability therefore needs to challenge the static seal of buildings and learn to breathe from nature in order to become active urban respiratory systems, capable of purifying the atmosphere and contributing positively back into the urban fabric.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Susan Harrison

Shortness of breath, dyspnoea and breathlessness are collective terms to describe the awareness of inadequate gas exchange within the respiratory system. Varying mechanisms, behavioural and physiological changes are caused by this ventilation–perfusion mismatch. This complex sensation encompasses many diverse concepts. The spectrum of language and words used as a consequence of this sensation vary from quality and intensity to emotions and feelings. Matching the phrases to the cause supports understanding. Studies reviewed produced clusters of verbal descriptors which reflect the multidimensional input as a consequence of being out of breath. Using these clusters has produced a comprehensive list of twelve words known as ‘The Dyspnoea 12’ which, when used, quantifies the severity of this debilitating and extremely distressing symptom. Could these verbal descriptors be used to aid the assessment and treatment of their cause in service users and provide a more holistic view to a widespread problem?

2020 ◽  
Vol 129 (5) ◽  
pp. 1140-1149
Martina Mosing ◽  
Andreas D. Waldmann ◽  
Muriel Sacks ◽  
Peter Buss ◽  
Jordyn M. Boesch ◽  

Electrical impedance tomography measurements of regional ventilation and perfusion applied to etorphine-immobilized white rhinoceroses in lateral recumbency revealed a pronounced disproportional shift of the measured ventilation and perfusion toward the nondependent lung. The dependent lung was minimally ventilated and perfused, but still aerated. Perfusion was found primarily around the hilum of the nondependent lung. These shifts can explain the gas exchange impairments found in this study. Breath holding can redistribute ventilation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 175-189
Søren O’Neill ◽  
Tue Secher Jensen ◽  
Peter Kent

AbstractBackground and aimsUsing a computer algorithm to quantify pain drawings could be useful, especially when large numbers of drawings need to be assessed. Whilst informal visual assessment of pain drawings can give clinicians a quick impression of the extent of pain and its location, formal quantification of pain drawings by computer for research purposes is not necessarily trivial. The current study compared seven different approaches to quantification in a large sample of clinical spinal pain drawings.MethodsA large number (n = 55,720) of pain drawings were extracted from the SpineData database, a clinical registry of spinal pain patients in the Region of Southern Denmark. Drawings were analyzed both as pixel (raster) and vector based images, with different approaches based on the raw pain drawing, simple encircling polygons, convex-hull encircling polygons and discrete anatomical regions. Data were analyzed using principal component analysis, correlation and linear regression, as well as informal visual inspection of outlier pain drawings.ResultsEighty-one percent of the variance could be explained by the first principal component, which we interpreted as the true score variance, i.e. the variance attributable to differences in pain area between individuals. The second principal component explained 10% of the variance and was loaded differentially by polygon-based methods and non-polygon-based methods. Correlations between the different approaches ranged from 0.66 to 1.00. Some approaches correlated so strongly as to be interchangeable, others tended to bias area estimates significantly. Visual inspection of outlier pain drawing indicated that when the different approaches to quantification yielded different results, characteristic patterns could be identified in the style and patterns of those pain drawings.ConclusionsThe different approaches reflected the same underlying construct (pain area), but could not be relied upon to produce the same area estimates and were affected by the interaction between drawing style and quantification approach. To some extend, the “correct” choice of quantification method is specific to and dictated by the style of each pain drawing. A differentiated approach is required in which the results of quantification and the drawing style are considered in combination. We provide suggestions for such differentiated approaches taking into account the nature of the drawing data (raster vs. vector) and the method of analysis (partly vs completely automated).ImplicationsThe chosen method of quantifying pain drawings in combination with the drawing style of the individual patient, can impact the resulting area estimate to a significant degree. These issues should be considered before undertaking computerized area estimation of pain drawings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Silvia Coppola ◽  
Tommaso Pozzi ◽  
Martina Gurgitano ◽  
Alessandro Liguori ◽  
Ejona Duka ◽  

Abstract Background The ARDS is characterized by different degrees of impairment in oxygenation and distribution of the lung disease. Two radiological patterns have been described: a focal and a diffuse one. These two patterns could present significant differences both in gas exchange and in the response to a recruitment maneuver. At the present time, it is not known if the focal and the diffuse pattern could be characterized by a difference in the lung and chest wall mechanical characteristics. Our aims were to investigate, at two levels of PEEP, if focal vs. diffuse ARDS patterns could be characterized by different lung CT characteristics, partitioned respiratory mechanics and lung recruitability. Methods CT patterns were analyzed by two radiologists and were classified as focal or diffuse. The changes from 5 to 15 cmH2O in blood gas analysis and partitioned respiratory mechanics were analyzed. Lung CT scan was performed at 5 and 45 cmH2O of PEEP to evaluate lung recruitability. Results One-hundred and ten patients showed a diffuse pattern, while 58 showed a focal pattern. At 5 cmH2O of PEEP, the driving pressure and the elastance, both the respiratory system and of the lung, were significantly higher in the diffuse pattern compared to the focal (14 [11–16] vs 11 [9–15 cmH2O; 28 [23–34] vs 21 [17–27] cmH2O/L; 22 [17–28] vs 14 [12–19] cmH2O/L). By increasing PEEP, the driving pressure and the respiratory system elastance significantly decreased in diffuse pattern, while they increased or did not change in the focal pattern (Δ15-5: − 1 [− 2 to 1] vs 0 [− 1 to 2]; − 1 [− 4 to 2] vs 1 [− 2 to 5]). At 5 cmH2O of PEEP, the diffuse pattern had a lower lung gas (743 [537–984] vs 1222 [918–1974] mL) and higher lung weight (1618 [1388–2001] vs 1222 [1059–1394] g) compared to focal pattern. The lung recruitability was significantly higher in diffuse compared to focal pattern 21% [13–29] vs 11% [6–16]. Considering the median of lung recruitability of the whole population (16.1%), the recruiters were 65% and 22% in the diffuse and focal pattern, respectively. Conclusions An early identification of lung morphology can be useful to choose the ventilatory setting. A diffuse pattern has a better response to the increase of PEEP and to the recruitment maneuver.

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