scholarly journals Evolution of Precision Agriculture Computing towards Sustainable Oil Palm Industry

K.C. Goh ◽  
S.Y. Sim ◽  
H.H. Goh ◽  
K. Bilal ◽  
T.H. Sam ◽  

Precision technology elements have not been implemented yet into the sustainable oil palm industry because the knowledge and technology gap. To resolve the gaps, promote sustainability and integrate the technologies, Oil Palm Management System (OPAMS) was introduced. The precision technologies in OPAMS comprises of Geographical Information System (GIS), Global Positioning System (GPS), remote sensing and yield monitoring. A phase by phase System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology was used to generate the said system with feedbacks from oil palm planters as the inputs for OPAMS’s key features. OPAMS ultimately aims to increase the awareness of the industry on the benefits of utilizing technology to improve plantation performances, increase business and environmental sustainability.

Agriculture industry stakeholders, especially those in oil palm industry, reckon the significance of pursuing sustainability due the competitiveness in the industry. Moreover, rigorous requirements which imposed by sustainable organizations and authorities has given rise to the industry stakeholders for continually seeking for better solutions to minimize the total operating cost. Yet even though these scenarios are what satisfies and act as the market drive to promote the research in precision technologies, the practices of precision technologies in Malaysia’s oil palm industries still lack in its pace. This research aims to develop a sustainable precision agriculture management system for the oil palm industry. The research then moved forward to the development of Oil Palm Management System (OPAMS) which serves as a monitoring and data management system to justify the decision making in oil palm plantation operational process to achieve sustainable goal. The system assists them in monitoring, control and properly manages their resources, including fertilizers, chemical, pesticides, energy and water with better efficiency. The research raised the awareness of precision agriculture practices in oil palm industry, allow industry stakeholders taking sustainability into account while making operating investment and management decisions.

Akalpita Tendulkar

The global population is increasing at a tremendous speed; thus, the demand for safe and secure food to meet this population is in demand. Therefore, traditional farming methods are insufficient to meet this demand; thus, the next revolution in agriculture is required, which is Precision Agriculture (PA), the Fourth Agriculture Revolution. PA is a technology where the concept of farm management is based on observation, measuring, and responding to inter- and intra-field variability in crops. The technologies used for performing precision agriculture are mapping, global positioning system (GPS), yield monitoring and mapping, grid soil sampling application, variable-rate fertilizer application, remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), quantifying on farm variability, soil variation, variability of soil water content, time and space scales, robots, drones, satellite imagery, the internet of things, smartphone, and machine learning. Hence, the current chapter will be emphasizing the overview, concepts, history, world interest, benefits, disadvantages, and precision farming needs.

Ovidiu MARIAN ◽  
Ioan DROCAS ◽  
Ovidiu RANTA ◽  
Adrian MOLNAR ◽  
Mircea Mircea

Precision agriculture aims to exercise more control over a production system by recognizing variability and land management areas differently depending on a number of economic and environmental objectives.[1] The main objectives of the Culture Zonal Management system are: optimize production efficiency; optimizing quality of agricultural production; minimizing environmental impact of agriculture; minimize risks. To achieve objectives, precision agriculture uses several monitoring and control systems, of which one can remember: GIS (Geographical Information System) and GPS systems (Global Positioning System)

Vaibhav Bhatnagar ◽  
Ramesh C. Poonia ◽  
Surendra Sunda

Precision Agriculture (PA) is now becoming the base for rapid development of a nation. So many technologies are used in precision agriculture such as Global Positioning System (GPS), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Sensor Network and Geographical Information System (GIS). This manuscript per the authors will review all the factors that influence the precision agriculture. This article describes the major endeavors in the past of precision agriculture. The noble intention behind this literature review and analogy is to figure out the gap between theoretical research and actual needs of farmers. In order to find out the actual requirements manuscripts per the authors have conducted a questionnaire in Rajasthan State of India. This gap analysis would be helpful for researchers to design an effective and efficient decision support system for irrigation and fertilization can be designed for Indian farmers.

2006 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 76
Haeria Haeria

Kusta yang disebabkan oleh infeksi Mycobacterium leprae merupakan penyakit menular dengan masalah yang sangat kompleks. Tiga tahun terakhir, Kabupaten Cirebon yang melaporkan 1.207 penderita kusta (Prevalence 1,69/ 10.000 penduduk), belum mencapai tahap eliminas sehinga penularan masuh berlansung. Tujuan penelitian mengembangan sistem informasi kusta berbasis geografis yang dapat dijadikan solusi percepatan eliminasi kusta di Kabupaten Cirebon. Metoda yang digunakan adalah System Development Life Cycle, yaitu planning, analysis, design, implementation, maintenance dan evaluation system. Hai tersebut dilakukan dengan memadukan konsep Data Base Management System dan data spasial. Hasil analisis sistem dapat mengidentifikasi masalah manajemen penanggulangan kusta serta alternatif solusi pada level input, proses dan output. Data dan informasi dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, dan telaah dokumen. Sistem ini didesain untuk kemudahan input data dan otomasi proses pengolahan menjadi informasi. Interpretasi epidemiologis kusta pada visual peta dapat mengetahui model difusi transmisi kasus dan jangkauan pelayanan kesehatan (Puskesmas) dalam penanggula- ngan kusta.Kata Kunci: Sistem informasi geografis, eliminasi, kustaLeprosy caused by Mycobacterium leprae is a contagious disease that generates complex problems. Over the last three years, the District of Cirebon report- ed 1207 leprosy cases (prevalence rate 1.69/10.000 population) and had not yet reach leprosy elimination situation, thus the disease was keep spreading. The purpose of this system development was to develop an application of Leprosy System Information Program Based on geographical information system for leprosy elimination acceleration program in Cirebon. The method used in this study was System Development Life Cycle method (planning, analysis, design, implementation, maintenance, and evaluation), by combining Data Base Management System concept and spatial data. Data and information needed were collected by interview and document observation. The system was designed for facilitating data input and automation of its process mechanism to produce information. Output were in form of regular report, tabulation, graphic, and area endemic mapping information with urban smallest observation unit. Epidemiologic interpretation on leprosy case from visual map can identify case transmission diffusion model and health service (Puskesmas) range capac- ity in leprosy elimination.Keywords: Geographical information system, elimination, leprosy

ICIT Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-204
Witta Listiya Ningrum

Jakarta merupakan Ibukota Negara Indonesia yang memiliki kekayaan berupa kuliner yang beragam. Tetapi seiring berjalannya waktu, makanan khas Jakarta tergeser oleh makanan luar negeri yang masuk ke kota Jakarta. Hal ini membuat masyarakat kurang minat terhadap makanan khas kota jakarta. Aplikasi Resep Jakarta berisi berbagai resep makanan khas Jakarta yang diharapkan aplikasi ini dapat membantu masyarakat dalam membuat makanan kuliner Indonesia khususnya menu makanan Jakarta. Aplikasi ini dibuat menggunakan Android Studio. Metode penelitian yang penulis gunakan dalam pembuatan resep Jakarta adalah SDLC (System Development Life Cycle). Tahapan pertama dilakukan adalah perencanaan, tahapan perancangan, impelementasi dan uji coba. Aplikasi ini sudah dilakukan pengujian, yaitu pengujian menggunakan metode Black-box. Hasil dari uji coba yaitu semua fungsi berjalan dengan baik sesuai harapan. Kata Kunci : Aplikasi, Jakarta, Android, SDLC, Makanan

Jordan Frankl Pasaribu ◽  
RinRin Meilani Salim ◽  
Zulpa Salsabila

Gonova Beauty Care is a beauty clinic that offers various types of beauty care services, consultations and beauty products, which was established on September 14, 2016. Where all transaction activities at the clinic still use the traditional process where customers must first come to the clinic. To help overcome the problem in Gonova Beauty Care, the author tries to analyze and design a new system using the system development methodology, namely the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method. The proposed new system is based on the website to manage transactions that occur at the clinic and can make it easier for customers to place an order. The website is designed to serve the transaction of sales of beauty products and ordering beauty services. The design of this system uses the Bootstrap application for input and output design.Keywords: Website, Gonova Beauty Care, Order Service, Selling Beauty Products

2020 ◽  
pp. 78-98
T. V. Kotova

Proceedings of the International conference (ИнтерКарто. ИнтерГИС, Russia) devoted to geographical information systems for sustainable development of territories have been published annually since 1994. The articles discuss theoretical and methodological aspects of geoinformation support for environmental, economic and social aspects of sustainable de­velop­ment, issues of geoinformatics, cartography, remote sensing of the Earth, problems of environmental sustainability and environmental impact assessment. Over a quarter of a century, the conference proceedings got more than 125 articles related to the use of geoinformation technologies to the study and mapping of vegetation. The review of proceedings gives the concrete examples how to solve problems of vegetation mapping using GIS, it is focused on publications providing some examples of GIS appli­cation to the vegetation studies. The review is organized into thematic sections according the field of application of Geoinformatics: 1.Vegetation, 2. Dynamics, state and ecological functions of vegetation, 3. Biodiversity and its assessment, 4. Plant resources, 5. Monitoring of vegetation. The Vegetation section contains publications on vegetation studies and mapping performed for some regions of Russia — the North of the Far East, the Republic of Sakha (Yaku­tia), the Tyva Republic, Central Siberia, and others. More than half of the articles are devoted to vegetation dynamics, state and ecological functions of vegetation at different hierarchical levels. Some papers present the results of the studies based on new types of information sources (photographs) and visualization methods (animation). The use of geoinformation technologies to study biological diversity was included in the agenda of five conference sessions and later reflected in more than ten publications. They cover the development and creation of GIS, the use of geoinformation technologies for the analysis, assessment and mapping of biodiversity, for its monitoring and conservation. Quite a large number of articles are devoted to the study of forest resources. GIS technologies were used to solve problems of forest management, cartometric analysis of forested areas, determination of taxation indicators, systematization of forest conditions, etc. Examples of geoinformation versatile research for medicinal plant resources are given to assess their quality, resources and productivity in the region, to identify growing areas, including ones to be protected. Most of the published materials concerning to vegetation monitoring mainly relate to forests and forest management.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Restu Yoga Setia ◽  
Deasy Permatasari ◽  
Wahyuni Yuni

Aplikasi Multimedia pembelajaran sebagai salah satu media yang dapatdigunakan dalam penyampaian materi di sekolah, memberikan dampak positifbagi Guru dan Siswa dalam hal pemanfaatan perangkat digitalisasi danTeknologi Informasi di era Globalisasi saat ini. Hal ini termasuk pula memanfaatkan E-Learning yang pada saat ini merupakan media komunikatif dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar (PBM). Mata pelajaran Pendidikan LingkunganHidup (PLH) di tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), yang salah satunyamempelajari sub bab materi tentang bencana alam. Dalam Proses PBM disekolah khususnya tingkat Menengah Pertama, rata-rata secara umum Gurusebagai penyampai materi masih menggunakan metode pembelajaran danmedia yang bersifat konvensional, yaitu hanya dengan memanfatkan metodeinteraksi langsung dengan siswa dan media buku-buku pelajaran tanpa ataubahkan tidak sama sekali memanfaatkan perangkat Teknologi Informasi (IT).Hal tersebut menyebabkan siswa harus menalar kronologis kejadian bencanaalam yang dirasakan agak menyulitkan baik bagi pihak Guru maupun Siswadalam memahami materi pelajaran karena akan lebih baik apabila terdapatmedia yang dapat memperlihatkan dengan jelas tentang fenomena bencanaalam dengan menggunakan aplikasi multimedia sebagai media yang dapatmembantu secara visualisasi dalam bentuk video animasi, sehingga materiakan lebih mudah dipahami dan ditalar oleh siswa. Metode pengembangansistem yang digunakan adalah model SDLC (System Development Life Cycle)atau Waterfall. Karena model ini bertujuan menghasilkan sistem dengankualitas yang tinggi, memenuhi harapan penggunanya, tepat dalam waktu danbiaya, bekerja dengan efektif dan efisien dalam infrastruktur TeknologiInformasi yang ada atau yang direncanakan, serta murah dalam perawatan danpengembangan lebih lanjut. Berdasarkan permasalahan diatas, maka dibuatlahsebuah “Aplikasi Multimedia Pembelajaran Pendidikan Lingkungan HidupTentang Bencana Alam”. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu siswa dalammempelajari materi Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup tentang bencana alamdengan menonjolkan objek gambar, suara, animasi video, animasi yangmenarik dan interaktif yang diharapkan akan dapat berfungsi dalam membantudalam PBM.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Rani Susanto ◽  
Anna Dara Andriana

System Development Life Cycle atau yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah SDLC adalah metodologi umum yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan sistem informasi. SDLC terdiri dari beberapa fase yang dimulai dari fase perencanaan, analisis, perancangan, implementasi hingga pemeliharaan sistem. Konsep SDLC ini mendasari berbagai jenis model pengembangan perangkat lunak untuk membentuk suatu kerangka kerja untuk perencanaan dan pengendalian pembuatan sistem informasi. Model-model SDLC yang sering digunakan antara lain Waterfall dan Prototyping. Pembahasan mengenai model pengembangan perangkat lunak ini terdapat di salah satu materi di mata kuliah Analisis dan Desain Sistem Informasi yang ada di program studi Teknik Informatika yaitu di Bab 2 Pengembangan Sistem Informasi.Hasil perbandingan dari kedua model tersebut menyatakan bahwa model waterfall lebih cocok untuk sistem atau perangkat lunak yang bersifat generik, artinya sistem dapat diidentifikasi semua kebutuhannya dari awal dengan spesifikasi yang umum. Sesuai dengan karakteristik model ini, contoh topik Tugas Akhir/Skripsi yang cocok jika menggunakan model ini adalah tugas akhir/skripsi yang memiliki tujuan untuk membangun sebuah sistem dari awal yang mengumpulkan kebutuhan sistem yang akan dibangun sesuai dengan topik penelitian yang dipilih sampai dengan produk tersebut diuji. Sedangkan prototyping lebih cocok untuk sistem atau perangkat lunak yang bersifat customize, artinya software yang diciptakan berdasarkan permintaan dan kebutuhan (bahkan situasi atau kondisi) tertentu. Sesuai dengan karakteristik model ini contoh topik Tugas Akhir/Skripsi yang cocok jika menggunakan model ini adalah tugas akhir/skripsi yang memiliki tujuan untuk mengimplementasikan sebuah metode atau algoritma tertentu pada suatu kasus.Keywords : System Development Life Cycle, Waterfall, Prototype

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