V. B. Pyndus

Experimental allergic alveolitis (AA) in conditions of adrenal myocardial damage (AMD) before treatment was accompanied by an increase in blood levels of phagocytic number and phagocytic index. Application of thiotriazoline resulted in a decrease in phagocytic activity of leukocytes in the blood in AA and AMD.

Ch. N. Sambyla ◽  
N. M. Bessonova ◽  
R. B. Chysyma

The Republic of Tyva is a region in the geographical center of Asia, which located at the junction of the Siberian taiga and Central Asian desert-steppe landscapes, in a wide band of mountains and intermountain plains. The mountain-forest area of Tyva has long been considered a natural habitat for antler deer, one of which is the maral (Cervus elaphus sibiricus). In order to restore maral breeding and increase the number of marals in the former limits, marals of the Altai-Sayan breed have been imported to the Republic of Tyva from the Republic of Altai. The preservation of productive traits, reproductive function and the realization of the genetic potential of animals introduced to new climatic conditions largely depends on the ability of these animals to adapt to existing environments. We have assessed in this paper the natural resistance of the marals of Altai-Sayan breed during introduction in the Tyva Republic in comparison with the indicators of the marals have been bred in the Altai Republic. The researches have been carried out in 2019. The research material was blood samples of marals of Altai-Sayan breed imported to the Republic of Tuva (n=27) and marals of the same breed bred in the Republic of Altai (n=17). Studies have shown some deviations in the blood leukogram of imported marals, such as a decrease in the number of eosinophils and rod nuclear neutrophils (P < 0,001), the increase in the number of segmented nuclear neutrophils and lymphocytes (P < 0,05). The number of monocytes have been increased in 18,6 times compared to the Altai marals. The change in the number of monocytes exceeded the physiological norm by 24,7 %. The indicator of adaptation evaluation in imported marals had higher values (6,8), which were in 1,7 times higher than in marals bred in the Altai Republic (4,1), which indicates the intensity of adaptive mechanisms in imported animals during adaptation. Analysis of phagocytic activity and phagocytic index revealed intensive phagocytosis in imported marals: phagocytic activity – by 12,4 % (P < 0,05), phagocytic index – by 5,1 %, and the increase in the content of lysosomal and cationic proteins by 12,8 % (P < 0,05). Analysis of the bactericidal activity of blood serum has shown its lower level in imported animals (45,97±1,36 %), compared with marals of the same breed bred in the Altai Republic (52,19±2,15 at P < 0,05). Thus, according to most indicators of natural resistance marals of Altai-Sayan breed imported to Tyva have a fairly high level of natural protection, which indicates that they can be adapted to the natural climatic and feeding conditions of the Republic of Tyva.

L. Bondarenko

The immune system is central to ensuring the consistency of the body's homeostasis. The state of the body's natural resistance is determined by a set of non-specific protective mechanisms. Lymphocytes and phagocytes are actively involved in maintaining immunity. Lymphocytes recognize the antigens of pathogenic microorganisms, and phagocytes absorb and destroy the pathogens themselves. During the weaning of piglets from sows there is a decrease in the protective forces of their body. During this period, the natural resistance of the piglets is reduced due to the stressful situation caused by changing conditions of confinement, the transition to full feed and lack of sows. The immune system of weaning pigs is relatively weak, so when exposed to environmental and technological stressors, they become susceptible to various diseases. The use of probiotic drugs stimulates the activity of the immune system, prevents stress and immunodeficiency. One of these probiotics is the probiotic of domestic production Protecto-active. It w observed the the influence of the probiotic Protecto-active on the indices of nonspecific resistance of the young pigs organism to the growth. An increase in bactericidal activity of blood serum by 12.10% (P <0.05) and lysozyme activity of blood in the piglets of the experimental group was increased by 3.71% compared to control, which indicates the activation of the body's defenses and the increase in adaptive capacity. An important step in the study of the influence of the probiotic Protekto-active on the state of the immune system is to determine the phagocytic activity of neutrophils, phagocytic index and phagocytic number. In the experimental group of piglets that were fed the probiotic Protecto-active, we found an increase in leukocyte phagocytic activity by 9.0% (P <0.001), a phagocytic index by 51.7% (P<0.001) and a phagocytic number by 24.8% ( P <0.01) compared with the control group. Thus, using a probiotic Protecto-active, all indicators of phagocytosis increase: the number of phagocytes increases, their ability to capture microorganisms and increases their digestive capacity, it increases the bacterial and lysozyme activity of blood serum, which is positively reflected in the immunobiosity. Key words: probiotic, phagocytosis, phagocytic index, phagocytic number, phagocytic activity of leukocytes, cellular immunity, piglets

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 551-557
O. A. Kolenchukova ◽  
N. I. Sarmatova ◽  
A. V. Moshev

Current study performed to estimate the phagocytic activity of blood monocytes of varying phenotypes exposed to MRSA and MSSA strains.  Objects: Blood monocytes were collected from 25 healthy adults (age: 25–45 years). Live suspensions of MRSA/MSSA strains were used at concentration of 106 colony-forming units (CFU)/mL.  Metods. Phagocytic functions were estimated by using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labelled MRSA and MSSA strains followed by running flow cytometry on FC 500 series flow cytometer (Beckman Coulter, USA). Whole peripheral blood cells were directly labelled with immunofluorescently tagged monoclonal CD14-PE/CD45-ECD/HLA-DR-PC5/CD16-PC7 antibodies (Beckman Coulter, USA). Respiratory burst intensity was evaluated in monocytes by measuring activity of lucigeninand luminol-dependent spontaneous and induced chemiluminescence. Monocytes were induced by using live suspension of MRSA/MSSA strains at a concentration of 106 CFU/mL. Results and discussion. While studying luminol-dependent monocyte activities after exposure to MRSA vs. MSSA, it was observed a 3.5-fold decreased curve square, whereas lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence was increased by 6-fold. Compared to MSSA exposure, index of activation (IA) was decreased by 1.1-fold in response to MRSA exposure that was confirmed by lowered release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) from monocytes in response to MRSA exposure. Moreover, IRSS increased by 1.3-fold upon MRSA exposure. Examining monocyte oxygen-independent phagocytosis against MRSA vs. MSSA revealed significantly increased phagocytic number and concomitantly decreased phagocytic index. An evaluation of the activities of various monocyte subsets in response to MRSA vs. MSSA revealed increased phagocytic index by 1.5-fold for CD14lowCD16+ and CD14+CD16+ monocyte subsets as well as 3-fold for CD14+CD16– monocytes. Counts for all phagocytic subsets were decreased (1.4-, 1.5- and 4-fold for CD14lowCD16+, CD14+CD16+ and CD14+CD16– monocytes, respectively). To summarize, intensity of the respiratory burst was lowered upon MRSA exposure and percentage of monocyte subsets. Overall deficiency of superoxide anion production was observed in response to MRSA. In contrast, oxygen-independent event revealed phenotypic changes in frequency of peripheral blood monocytes upon MRSA exposure. We observed that CD14+CD16– classical monocytes were more rapidly activated. Conclusion. Thus, we concluded that CD14+CD16– monocytes became more rapidly activated but exhibited less effective phagocytosis, whereas CD14+CD16+ and CD14lowCD16+ monocytes were more slowly activated and demonstrated stronger phagocytic activity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 71 (3) ◽  
pp. 939-943
D.A.B. Lessa ◽  
N.X. Alencar ◽  
R.A. Torres Filho ◽  
M.F.M. Costa ◽  
W.R. Fernandes ◽  

ABSTRACT Alveolar macrophages (AMs) are an essential part of defense mechanisms within the lungs and their phagocytic activity is important for organ homeostasis. The phagocytic ability of AMs obtained from bronchoalveolar lavage from 17 mature mixed-breed pleasure horses (8 healthy and 9 diagnosed with mild equine asthma) was studied through assays with Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis promastigotes, which enabled the calculation of a phagocytic index (PI) and a survival index (SI). Results indicate that phagocytic activity of AMs in asthma affected horses is similar to healthy horses, while leishmanicidal activity is significantly increased in horses with asthma.

1975 ◽  
Vol 141 (2) ◽  
pp. 306-321 ◽  
D Mouton ◽  
Y Bouthillier ◽  
N Feingold ◽  
J Feingold ◽  
C Decreusefond ◽  

The phagocytic index K, established from the rate of blood clearance of colloidal carbon, measures the phagocytic activity of RE macrophages in contact with the circulating blood. The intravenous injection of glyceryl trioleate (triolein) produces a marked stimulation of the phagocytic activity of RE macrophages. This response is higher in the female than in the male mice. The phenotypic character "responsiveness of macrophage to triolein" presents large individual variants in population of random bred albinos mice. This character is submitted to polygenic regulation. Starting from a foundation population of 25 males and 25 females random bred albinos, mice, two lines were separated by selective breeding for the character "responsiveness to triolein": a "high" responder line, KTH, and a "low" responder line, KTL. After 26 consecutive generations of selective breeding, KTH mice present a very high response to triolein while KTL mice are almost irresponsive. The heritability of this character (h2) calculated from the interline divergence is of 12% plus or minus 1. This value of h2 indicates that the character investigated is determined by the cumulative effect of a group of about 27 independently segregating loci. The distribution of the character in (KTH plus KTL)F1 and their backcrosses with parental lines suggests that low responsiveness is dominant over high responsiveness. The genetic regulation of responsiveness to triolein is independent from the dose administered. These results are discussed in relation to the importance of genetic factors controlling macrophage functions involved in lipid metabolism and in the specific mechanisms of immunity.

1986 ◽  
Vol 64 (7) ◽  
pp. 1006-1010 ◽  
T. M. Allen ◽  
L. Murray

Intalipid® was administered intravenously to mice at a level of 2 g kg−1 day−1 for 23 days. No alterations in phagocytic index, liver or spleen size were observed in the chronically injected mice as compared with control mice that received saline injections. Tissue distribution of 0.45 μm multilamellar liposomes of egg phosphatidylcholine:cholesterol (2:1) was similar in mice that had been chronically injected with Intralipid® to that in control mice. Mice chronically given the same total amount of phospholipid in the form of 0.2 μm liposomes of phosphatidylcholine:cholesterol (2:1) rather than as a lipid-triglyceride emulsion showed altered tissue distribution of entrapped label with decreased liver uptake and increased splenic uptake, which is indicative of reticuloendothelial blockade. Tissue distribution of [14C]dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine Intralipid® was compared with that of [14C]dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine 0.2 μm MLV of phosphatidylcholine:cholesterol (2:1). Intralipid® was taken up 2- to 3-fold less by liver and 5- to 10-fold less by spleen than liposomes. Blood levels of Intralipid® were higher than those of liposomes. [14C]dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine Intralipid® was eliminated from the body at a faster rate than [14C]dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes. The lack of reticuloendothelial blockade caused by Intralipid® as compared with liposomes appears to be related to its diminished uptake into reticuloendothelial tissues. This diminished uptake may be related to differences in apolipoprotein uptake of Intralipid®, which is primarily in the form of a phospholipid monolayer, and liposomes, which have their phospholipid organized into a bilayer.

Triana Hertiani ◽  
Agustinus Yuswanto ◽  
Sylvia Utami Tunjung Pratiwi ◽  
Harlyanti Mashar

Massoia (Massoia aromatica Becc., Lauraceae) bark has been widely used as a component of traditional Indonesian medicine. The indigenous people boil or steam the bark for traditional applications. Our preliminary research revealed the potency of Massoia essential oil and its major compound, C-10 Massoialactone as potential immunomodulator in vitro. However, no scientific evidence regarding its in vivo effects is available. Therefore, this study evaluated the potential immunomodulatory effects of Massoia bark infusion on the nonspecific immune response (phagocytosis) of Wistar rats. The aqueous extract of Massoia bark was obtained by boiling pulverized bark in water, and the C-10 massoialactone content of the extract was determined through Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) densitometry. For the in vitro assay, macrophages were treated with the freeze-dried infusion at the concentrations of 2.5, 5, 10, 20, or 40 &mu;g/mL media. For the in vivo assay, 2-month-old male Wistar rats were divided into 5 groups. The baseline group received distilled water at the dose of 1 mL/100 g BW with the immunostimulant herbal product &ldquo;X&rdquo; administered as the positive control at the dose of 0.54 mL/rat. The treatment groups received the infusion at a dose of 100, 300, or 500 mg/100 g BW. Treatments were given orally every day for 14 days. The ability of macrophage cells to phagocyte latex was determined as phagocytic index (PI) and was observed under microscopy with 300 macrophages. The in vitro study revealed that the phagocytic activity of the infusion-treated macrophages significantly increased in comparison with that of the control macrophages in a concentration-dependent manner. Among all treatment concentrations, the concentration of 40 &mu;g/ml provided the highest activity with a PI value of 70.51% &plusmn; 1.11%. The results of the in vivo assay confirmed those of the in vitro assay. The results of the present study indicate that Massoia bark can increase the phagocytic activity of rat macrophage cells. Its potential as a naturally derived immunomodulatory agent requires further study.

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