Effect of long-term Intralipid® administration in mice

1986 ◽  
Vol 64 (7) ◽  
pp. 1006-1010 ◽  
T. M. Allen ◽  
L. Murray

Intalipid® was administered intravenously to mice at a level of 2 g kg−1 day−1 for 23 days. No alterations in phagocytic index, liver or spleen size were observed in the chronically injected mice as compared with control mice that received saline injections. Tissue distribution of 0.45 μm multilamellar liposomes of egg phosphatidylcholine:cholesterol (2:1) was similar in mice that had been chronically injected with Intralipid® to that in control mice. Mice chronically given the same total amount of phospholipid in the form of 0.2 μm liposomes of phosphatidylcholine:cholesterol (2:1) rather than as a lipid-triglyceride emulsion showed altered tissue distribution of entrapped label with decreased liver uptake and increased splenic uptake, which is indicative of reticuloendothelial blockade. Tissue distribution of [14C]dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine Intralipid® was compared with that of [14C]dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine 0.2 μm MLV of phosphatidylcholine:cholesterol (2:1). Intralipid® was taken up 2- to 3-fold less by liver and 5- to 10-fold less by spleen than liposomes. Blood levels of Intralipid® were higher than those of liposomes. [14C]dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine Intralipid® was eliminated from the body at a faster rate than [14C]dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes. The lack of reticuloendothelial blockade caused by Intralipid® as compared with liposomes appears to be related to its diminished uptake into reticuloendothelial tissues. This diminished uptake may be related to differences in apolipoprotein uptake of Intralipid®, which is primarily in the form of a phospholipid monolayer, and liposomes, which have their phospholipid organized into a bilayer.

1997 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 293-300 ◽  
Ype H. Poortinga ◽  
Ingrid Lunt

In national codes of ethics the practice of psychology is presented as rooted in scientific knowledge, professional skills, and experience. However, it is not self-evident that the body of scientific knowledge in psychology provides an adequate basis for current professional practice. Professional training and experience are seen as necessary for the application of psychological knowledge, but they appear insufficient to defend the soundness of one's practices when challenged in judicial proceedings of a kind that may be faced by psychologists in the European Union in the not too distant future. In seeking to define the basis for the professional competence of psychologists, this article recommends taking a position of modesty concerning the scope and effectiveness of psychological interventions. In many circumstances, psychologists can only provide partial advice, narrowing down the range of possible courses of action more by eliminating unpromising ones than by pointing out the most correct or most favorable one. By emphasizing rigorous evaluation, the profession should gain in accountability and, in the long term, in respectability.

1960 ◽  
Vol XXXIII (IV) ◽  
pp. 630-636
F.-E. Krusius ◽  
P. Peltola

ABSTRACT The study reported here was performed in order to examine the tap water of Helsinki for its alleged goitrogenous effect. In a short-term, 24-hour experiment with rats, kept on an iodine-poor diet, we noticed no inhibition of the 4-hour 131I uptake, as compared with that of animals receiving physiological saline instead of tap water. Two similar groups of rats receiving 1 and 2 mg of mercazole in redistilled water showed a distinct blockage of the 4-hour uptake, which proved the effect of this substance. In a long-term experiment of 5 weeks' duration there was no detectable difference in the body weight, thyroid weight and the 4-hour 131I uptake when the rats receiving tap water or distilled water to which 0.45 per cent of sodium chloride was added were compared with each other. Replacement of tap water by a 10 mg per cent solution of mercazole in redistilled water enlarged the thyroid to double its normal weight and increased the 131I uptake to approximately five times that of the controls. Thus our experiments failed to demonstrate any goitrogenous effect in the tap water of Helsinki. Changes similar to those produced by a long-term administration of mercazole, i. e. an enlargement of the thyroid and an increased thyroidal iodine uptake, have been shown to be due to milk collected from goitrous areas. The observations here reported confirm the importance of milk in the genesis of the goitre endemia of Helsinki. Attention is further called to the fact that a thyroidal enlargement combined with an increased thyroidal iodine uptake cannot always be taken as a sign of iodine deficiency because similar changes may be produced by the administration of goitrogens.

Mohammed Ibrahim ◽  
Alaa Zaky ◽  
Mohsen Afouna ◽  
Ahmed Samy

Carrier erythrocytes are emerging as one of the most promising biological drug delivery systems investigated in recent decades. Beside its biocompatibility, biodegradability and ability to circulate throughout the body, it has the ability to perform extended release system of the drug for a long period. The ultimate goal of this study is to introduce a new carrier system for Salbutamol, maintaining suitable blood levels for a long time, as atrial to resolve the problems of nocturnal asthma medication Therefore in this work we study the effect of time, temperature as well as concentration on the loading of salbutamol in human erythrocytes to be used as systemic sustained release delivery system for this drug. After the loading process is performed the carrier erythrocytes were physically and cellulary characterized. Also, the in vitro release of salbutamol from carrier erythrocytes was studied over time interval. From the results it was found that, human erythrocytes have been successfully loaded with salbutamol using endocytosis method either at 25 Co or at 37 Co . The highest loaded amount was 3.5 mg/ml and 6.5 mg/ml respectively. Moreover, the percent of cells recovery is 90.7± 1.64%. Hematological parameters and osmotic fragility behavior of salbutamol loaded erythrocytes were similar that of native erythrocytes. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that the salbutamol loaded cells has moderate change in the morphology. Salbutamol releasing from carrier cell was 43% after 36 hours in phosphate buffer saline. The releasing pattern of the drug from loaded erythrocytes showed initial burst release in the first hour followed by a very slow release, obeying zero order kinetics. It concluded that salbutamol is successfully entrapped into erythrocytes with acceptable loading parameters and moderate morphological changes, this suggesting that erythrocytes can be used as prolonged release carrier for salbutamol.

Zakirova J.S. ◽  
Nadirbekova R.A. ◽  
Zholdoshev S.T.

The article analyze the long-term morbidity, spread of typhoid fever in the southern regions of the Kyrgyz republic, and remains a permanent epidemic focus in the Jalal-Abad region, where against the low availability of the population to high-quality drinking water, an additional factor on the body for more than two generations and radiation factor, which we confirmed by the spread among the inhabitants of Mailuu-Suu of nosological forms of the syndrome of immunological deficiency, as a predictor of risk groups for infectious diseases, including typhoid fever.

M. S. Bugaeva ◽  
O. I. Bondarev ◽  
N. N. Mikhailova ◽  
L. G. Gorokhova

Introduction. The impact on the body of such factors of the production environment as coal-rock dust and fluorine compounds leads to certain shift s in strict indicators of homeostasis at the system level. Maintaining the relative constancy of the internal environment of the body is provided by the functional consistency of all organs and systems, the leading of which is the liver. Organ repair plays a crucial role in restoring the structure of genetic material and maintaining normal cell viability. When this mechanism is damaged, the compensatory capabilities of the organ are disrupted, homeostasis is disrupted at the cellular and organizational levels, and the development of the main pathological processes is noted.The aim of the study is to compare the morphological mechanisms of maintaining structural homeostasis of the liver in the dynamics of the impact on the body of coal-rock dust and sodium fluoride.Materials and methods. Experimental studies were conducted on adult white male laboratory rats. Features of morphological mechanisms for maintaining structural homeostasis of the liver in the dynamics of exposure to coal-rock dust and sodium fluoride were studied on experimental models of pneumoconiosis and fluoride intoxication. For histological examination in experimental animals, liver sampling was performed after 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 weeks of the experiment.Results. The specificity of morphological changes in the liver depending on the harmful production factor was revealed. It is shown that chronic exposure to coal-rock dust and sodium fluoride is characterized by the development of similar morphological changes in the liver and its vessels from the predominance of the initial compensatory-adaptive to pronounced violations of the stromal and parenchymal components. Long-term inhalation of coal-rock dust at 1–3 weeks of seeding triggers adaptive mechanisms in the liver in the form of increased functional activity of cells, formation of double-core hepatocytes, activation of immunocompetent cells and endotheliocytes, ensuring the preservation of the parenchyma and the general morphostructure of the organ until the 12th week of the experiment. Exposure to sodium fluoride leads to early disruption of liver compensatory mechanisms and the development of dystrophic changes in the parenchyma with the formation of necrosis foci as early as the 6th week of the experiment.Conclusions. The study of mechanisms for compensating the liver structure in conditions of long-term exposure to coal-rock dust and sodium fluoride, as well as processes that indicate their failure, and the timing of their occurrence, is of theoretical and practical importance for developing recommendations for the timely prevention and correction of pathological conditions developing in employees of the aluminum and coal industry.The authors declare no conflict of interests.

G. S. Agzamova ◽  
M. M. Abdullaeva

The immunological profile of chronic liver lesions depending on the toxic agent was studied. It was revealed that chronic poisoning by industrial toxic substances causes changes in the functional state of the T-system of immunity, long-term contact with industrial chemicals leads to increased sensitization to autoantigens of the body.

Natalya L. Yakimova ◽  
Vladimir A. Pankov ◽  
Aleksandr V. Lizarev ◽  
Viktor S. Rukavishnikov ◽  
Marina V. Kuleshova ◽  

Introduction. Vibration disease continues to occupy one of the leading places in the structure of professional pathology. In workers after the termination of contact with vibration generalization and progression of violations in an organism is noted. The pathogenetic mechanisms of the progredient course of disturbances in the nervous system in the post-contact period of vibration exposure remain insufficiently studied.The aim of the study was to test an experimental model of vibration exposure to assess the neurophysiological and morphological effects of vibration in rats in the dynamics of the post-contact period.Materials and methods. The work was performed on 168 white male outbred rats aged 3 months weighing 180–260 g. The vibration effect was carried out on a 40 Hz vibrating table for 60 days 5 times a week for 4 hours a day. Examination of animals was performed after the end of the physical factor, on the 30th, 60th and 120th day of the post-contact period. To assess the long-term neurophysiological and morphofunctional effects of vibration in rats, we used indicators of behavioral reactions, bioelectric activity of the somatosensory zone of the cerebral cortex, somatosensory and visual evoked potentials, parameters of muscle response, morphological parameters of nervous tissue.Results. In the dynamics of the post-contact period observed the preservation of violations of tentatively research, motor and emotional components of behavior. In the Central nervous system instability of activity of rhythms of an electroencephalogram, decrease in amplitude of visual evoked potentials, lengthening of latency of somatosensory evoked potentials, decrease in total number of normal neurons and astroglia is established. In the peripheral nervous system remained changes in indicators: increasing duration and latency, reducing the amplitude of the neuromuscular response.Conclusions: The experimental model allows us to study the long-term neurophysiological and morphological effects of vibration on the body. The formation and preservation of changes in behavioral activity, neurophysiological and morphological effects of vibration from the 30th to the 120th day of the post-contact period were confirmed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Lisa Guenther

In The Body in Pain, Elaine Scarry analyzes the structure of torture as an unmaking of the world in which the tools that ought to support a person’s embodied capacities are used as weapons to break them down. The Security Housing Unit (SHU) of California’s Pelican Bay State Prison functions as a weaponized architecture of torture in precisely this sense; but in recent years, prisoners in the Pelican Bay Short Corridor have re-purposed this weaponized architecture as a tool for remaking the world through collective resistance. This resistance took the form of a hunger strike in which prisoners exposed themselves to the possibility of biological death in order to contest the social and civil death of solitary confinement. By collectively refusing food, and by articulating the meaning and motivation of this refusal in articles, interviews, artwork, and legal documents, prisoners reclaimed and expanded their perceptual, cognitive, and expressive capacities for world-making, even in a space of systematic torture.

Evi Zohar

Continuing the workshop I've given in the WPC Paris (2017), this article elaborates my discussion of the way I interlace Focusing with Differentiation Based Couples Therapy (Megged, 2017) under the systemic view, in order to facilitate processes of change and healing in working with intimate couples. This article presents the theory and rationale of integrating Differentiation (Bowen, 1978; Schnarch, 2009; Megged, 2017) and Focusing (Gendlin, 1981) approaches, and its therapeutic potential in couple's therapy. It is written from the point of view of a practicing professional in order to illustrate the experiential nature and dynamics of the suggested therapeutic path. Differentiation is a key to mutuality. It offers a solution to the central struggle of any long term intimate relationship: balancing two basic life forces - the drive for individuality and the drive for togetherness (Schnarch, 2009). Focusing is a body-oriented process of self-awareness and emotional healing, in which one learns to pay attention to the body and the ‘Felt Sense’, in order to unfold the implicit, keep it in motion at the precise pace it needs for carrying the next step forward (Gendlin, 1996). Combining Focusing and Differentiation perspectives can cultivate the kind of relationship where a conflict can be constructively and successfully held in the inner world of each partner, while taking into consideration the others' well-being. This creates the possibility for two people to build a mutual emotional field, open to changes, permeable and resilient.

2020 ◽  
Vol 54 (5) ◽  
pp. 23-28
E.V. Fomina ◽  
T.B. Kukoba ◽  

Testing of 25 cosmonauts showed that the amount of resistance training weight loading in long-term space mission influences dynamics of the leg-muscle strength and velocity recovery. On Earth, the loads equal from 70 to 130 % of the body mass is sufficient for keeping up endurance and maximum strength moments of shin and thigh muscles. In the group of cosmonauts who had not used the strength training device or chosen loads less than 30 % of the body mass the leg-muscle maximum strength and thigh endurance were decreased substantially on day 4 of return and all the more by day 15 back on Earth.

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