The Domestic and the General Function of Anglican Schools in England and Wales

2000 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-121 ◽  
Leslie J. Francis

This paper differentiates between two functions in education of Anglican Schools. The domestic function focuses on the inward looking concern to equip the children of the church to take their place in the Christian community. The general function focuses on the outward looking concern to serve the nation through its children. The paper puts the discussion about these functions against the background of the criticism on Church schools. For the three decades between 1970 and 1998 the Anglican Church emphasized, implicitly and explicitly, the Church's general role in education. A new prominence is suggested for the Church's domestic role in education at the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the new millennium.

2004 ◽  
Vol 7 (34) ◽  
pp. 334-338
Christopher Hill

Mathew's varied ecclesiastical progress presents a fascinating case study of an episcopate detached from a main-stream Christian community and alerts us to the danger of solely considering ‘episcopal lineage‘ as the litmus test for apostolicity. Mathew was born in France in 1852 and baptised a Roman Catholic; due to his mother's scruples he was soon re-baptised in the Anglican Church. He studied for the ministry in the Episcopal Church of Scotland, but sought baptism again in the Church of Rome, into which he was ordained as a priest in Glasgow in 1877. He became a Dominican in 1878, but only persevered a year, moving around a number of Catholic dioceses: Newcastle, Plymouth, Nottingham and Clifton. Here he came across immorality, and became a Unitarian. He next turned to the Church of England and the Diocese of London, but was soon in trouble for officiating without a licence. In 1890 he put forward his claim to Garter King of Arms for the title of 4th Earl of Llandaff of Thomastown, Co. Tipperary. He renounced the Church of England in 1899 because of vice. After founding a zoo in Brighton, which went bankrupt, he appeared in court in connection with a charge of embezzlement. He then became a Roman Catholic again, now as a layman.

2020 ◽  
pp. 71-84
Ярослав Очканов

Статья посвящена исследованию малоизученной стороны деятельности видного русского священнослужителя протоиерея Евгения Попова, бывшего с 1842 по 1875 гг. настоятелем русской посольской церкви в Лондоне. Его служение на Английской земле совпало с углублением диалога между Русской Православной и Англиканской церквами, явившегося следствием религиозных преобразований в Англии в 1830 - 1840-е гг. Отец Евгений в рассматриваемый период фактически стал связующим звеном между русским церковноначалием и англиканами - инициаторами единения двух Церквей. Он проделал огромную работу по популяризации православия в Англии и много сделал для ознакомления русской церковной общественности с вероучением и структурными особенностями англиканства. Материалом для исследования послужили, прежде всего, письма протоиерея Евгения Попова обер-прокурорам Святейшего Синода Н. А. Протасову и А. П. Толстому. Эти документы являются своеобразными отчётами о современном состоянии Англиканской Церкви, о религиозных течениях в ней и усилиях, предпринимаемых определёнными церковными кругами в Англии по сближению с православием. Результаты его деятельности имели важное значение в последующие десятилетия, когда англикано-православный диалог вышел на церковно-государственный уровень. The article is devoted to the insufficiently studied aspects of Russian prominent cleric Archpriest Eugene Popov, rector of Russian Embassy Church in London from 1842 to 1875. His Ministry on the English soil coincided with the deepening of the dialogue between the Russian Orthodox and Anglican Churches, which was the result of religious transformations in England in the 1830s and 1840s. Father Eugene in the period under consideration actually became a connecting link between the Russian Church authorities and the anglicans-initiators of the union of the two Churches. He had done a great job by popularizing Orthodoxy in England and by familiarizing the Russian Church community with the doctrine and structural features of Anglicanism. The study, first of all, is based the letters of Archpriest Yevgeny Popov to the chief prosecutors of the Holy Synod N. A. Protasov and A. P. Tolstoy, which were original reports on the current state of the Anglican Church, it’s religious trends, and the efforts made by certain Church circles in England to get closer to Orthodoxy. The fruits of his activities were important in the following decades, when the Anglican-Orthodox dialogue reached the Church-state level.

Stephen Orchard

Like Presbyterians, Congregationalists drew on a broadly Calvinist heritage, which found expression in both the Westminster Confession and the Savoy Declaration. While Presbyterians emphasized the importance of the Presbytery for governing the church, Congregationalists were independently minded and tended to privilege the community of gathered believers itself. However, in practice Congregationalism was more of an ethos and philosophy than a reflection of how all local congregations operated and the boundaries between different strands of dissent could be porous. Disputes and divisions between Dissenters at a local and national level gradually led to the need for increased denominational infrastructure and organization, although the Congregational Union of England and Wales was not founded until 1831. Associations of local ministers became, following the growth of revivalism, springboards for mission at home and abroad.

2001 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-30
Steve Mullins

Late in 1997 the Anglican Church in Torres Strait, for more than eighty years the bastion of Torres Strait Christianity, split, and in the following year the new Church of Torres Strait came into being, its congregations aligned with the traditional Anglican communion. What follows is an attempt to unravel the complex political, communal and doctrinal issues that caused the split, considering them in the light of an ongoing assertion of indigenous self-determination which can be traced back to the colonial era. The article also briefly traces the emergence since the early 1980s of a potentially liberating syncretic theology in the Torres Strait Anglican tradition which may hold within it the possibility of a reconciliation between bipotaim and pastaim, darkness and light, and tries to assess the implications of the split for this nascent theology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Branckly Egbert Picanussa

Some Christian education experts have expressed their views on how the church should develop a curriculum to educate church members to achieve maturity in the Christian faith. This article purpose to develop a curriculum for Christian education in Church ministry. The method used is a literature study on the opinions of D. CampbellWyckoff and Maria Harris. The characteristics of Wyckoff and Harris's opinions and various responses in "imaginative dialogue", as well as modifications of the Christian education Foundations, Principles andPractices schemes of Robert W. Pazmino became a model to develop a Christian education curriculum in church life. The development of the Christian education curriculum begins with setting the goal of implementing Christian education for a group in the Christian community. Furthermore, curriculum development requires thecontribution of various development foundations, including biblical, theological, philosophical, educational, scientific and technological, historical, socio-cultural, ecclesiological and psychological.

2009 ◽  
Vol 38 (106) ◽  
pp. 349
José Raimundo de Melo

A multiplicidade e variedade dos serviços ministeriais que se fazem presentes na celebração litúrgica do povo de Deus é elemento chave na compreensão da comunidade cristã, pois os ministérios, em definitivo, exprimem e definem a própria realidade da Igreja. A inteira assembléia é ministerial porque a Igreja mesma é toda ministerial. E esta ministerialidade se expressa na liturgia através da diversidade de funções e ofícios que cada um é chamado a desempenhar. Ao contrário do que quase sempre sucede no mundo, porém, a hierarquia de funções na Igreja não denota prestígio e nem pode conduzir à acepção de pessoas. Ancorada na mais pura linha evangélica, deve ela indicar compromisso cristão e serviço fraterno em total doação a Deus e aos irmãos. Para uma reflexão sobre esta importante realidade eclesial, que a partir sobretudo do Concílio Vaticano II a Igreja tem aprofundado e se esforçado em viver, empreenderemos a seguir, ancorados em alguns textos litúrgicos, um estudo a respeito dos ministérios presentes no momento celebrativo da comunidade cristã. Publicamos aqui a primeira parte do artigo.ABSTRACT: The multiplicity and variety of ministerial services which are present in a liturgical celebration of the People of God is a key element in the understanding of the Christian community, since ministries, of themselves, express and define the very reality of the Church. The entire assembly is ministerial because the Church itself is all ministerial. And this ministeriality expresses itself in the liturgy through the diversity of functions and offices which each one is called on to fulfill. Contrary to what almost always happens in the world, however, the hierarchy of functions in the Church does not denote prestige, nor can it lead to the classification of persons. Anchored in the purest evangelical tradition, it should indicate Christian commitment and fraternal service in total self-giving to God and to others. For a reflection on this important ecclesial reality, which, especially from the Second Vatican Council, the Church has struggled to live out, we undertake a study – anchored in some liturgical texts – of the ministries present in the celebrative moment of the Christian community. We publish here the first part of the article. 

2000 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Nicholas H Taylor

AbstractThis study examines such data as are available regarding the impact of the crisis which confronted Jewish communities in many parts of the Roman Empire during the reign ofGaius Caligula (3 7-41 CE). Particular attention is given to Antioch on the Orontes, and to the Christian community which emerged there and was to become a major force both in the spread of Christianity and in the conversion of Gentiles to a hitherto Jewish movement. It is argued that the crisis was a major catalyst in changing the character of the Christian church in Antioch, so that it acquired an identity distinct from that of the Jewish community. The reappraisal of eschatological expectations occasioned by the crisis led to the conviction that Gentiles must be included in the Church before the parousia of Christ.

2013 ◽  
Vol 49 ◽  
pp. 330-364 ◽  
David W. Bebbington

‘From some modern perspectives’, wrote James Belich, a leading historian of New Zealand, in 1996, ‘the evangelicals are hard to like. They dressed like crows; seemed joyless, humourless and sometimes hypocritical; [and] they embalmed the evidence poor historians need to read in tedious preaching’. Similar views have often been expressed in the historiography of Evangelical Protestantism, the subject of this essay. It will cover such disapproving appraisals of the Evangelical past, but because a high proportion of the writing about the movement was by insiders it will have more to say about studies by Evangelicals of their own history. Evangelicals are taken to be those who have placed particular stress on the value of the Bible, the doctrine of the cross, an experience of conversion and a responsibility for activism. They were to be found in the Church of England and its sister provinces of the Anglican communion, forming an Evangelical party that rivalled the high church and broad church tendencies, and also in the denominations that stemmed from Nonconformity in England and Wales, as well as in the Protestant churches of Scotland. Evangelicals were strong, often overwhelmingly so, within Methodism and Congregationalism and among the Baptists and the Presbyterians. Some bodies that arose later on, including the (so-called Plymouth) Brethren, the Churches of Christ and the Pentecostals (the last two primarily American in origin), joined the Evangelical coalition.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-20
Virginia Miller ◽  
Seumas Miller

Abstract This article concerns child sexual abuse in the Anglican Church of Australia and the Church of England and, in particular, an integrity system to combat this problem and the ethical problems it gives rise to. The article relies on the findings of various commissions of inquiry to determine the nature and extent of child sexual abuse in the Anglican Church. The two salient ethical problems identified are: (1) design of safety measures in the light of the statistical preponderance of male on male sexuality; (2) justice issues arising from redress schemes established or proposed to provide redress to victims.

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