William James and Embodied Religious Belief

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 366-386
Tobias Tan

Scholars have recently identified resemblances between pragmatist thought and contemporary trends in cognitive science in the area of ‘embodied cognition’ or ‘4E cognition.’ In this article I explore these resemblances in the account of religious belief provided by the classical pragmatist philosopher William James. Although James’s psychology does not always parallel the commitments of embodied cognition, his insights concerning the role of emotion and socio-cultural context in shaping religious belief, as well as the action-oriented nature of such beliefs, resonate with embodied and embedded accounts of religious belief. James’s insights are readily extended in light of contemporary embodied cognition research to highlight the interdependency between religious belief of individuals and the cognitive scaffolding provided by embodied religious practices.

Synthese ◽  
2020 ◽  
Maurizio Meloni ◽  
Jack Reynolds

AbstractThe role of the body in cognition is acknowledged across a variety of disciplines, even if the precise nature and scope of that contribution remain contentious. As a result, most philosophers working on embodiment—e.g. those in embodied cognition, enactivism, and ‘4e’ cognition—interact with the life sciences as part of their interdisciplinary agenda. Despite this, a detailed engagement with emerging findings in epigenetics and post-genomic biology has been missing from proponents of this embodied turn. Surveying this research provides an opportunity to rethink the relationship between embodiment and genetics, and we argue that the balance of current epigenetic research favours the extension of an enactivist approach to mind and life, rather than the extended functionalist view of embodied cognition associated with Andy Clark and Mike Wheeler, which is more substrate neutral.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 299-327
Konrad Szocik ◽  
Kyle J. Messick

Abstract The scientific study of nonreligion has been described as being ‘under the spell’ of religion because the vast majority of research investigates nonbelief in respect to belief. This has resulted in a number of problematic theories, including the leading cognitive science of religion (CSR) theory that claims that religious belief is innate, and so to be a nonbeliever is to violate cognitive predispositions. This article critically analyzes innateness theories and encourages the development of further theories that incorporate social, adaptive, cultural, evolutionary, and biological factors in addition to cognitive contributors. This article details the roles of adaptive and functional aspects of nonbelief, the influence of credibility enhancing displays (CRED s), and the influence of cultural context on nonbelief as they are not sufficiently explained by CSR theories. It is proposed that future theories study nonreligion in its own right, instead of respective to religion, so that a broader range of unique characteristics can be accounted for without inaccurately and inadequately phrasing theories in terms of naturalness.

2008 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-56 ◽  
Anthony F. Morse ◽  
Tom Ziemke

Although work on computational and robotic modelling of cognition is highly diverse, as an empirical method it can be roughly divided into at least two clearly different, though non-exclusive branches, motivated to evaluate the sufficiency or the necessity of theories when it comes to accounting for data and/or other observations. With the rising profile of theories of situated/embodied cognition, a third non-exclusive avenue for investigation has also gained in popularity, the investigation of agent-environment embedding or more generally, exploration. Still in its infancy, and often confused with sufficiency testing, this relatively new kind of modelling, which is theory- rather than data-driven, investigates the role of the environment in shaping the ontogenetic and/or phylogenetic development of situated agency. Each of these three approaches presents many issues that modellers must be sensitive to, both in the design of experiments, and in the conclusions that can be drawn from them. This paper highlights some of these issues, provides examples, and addresses the contribution of computational/robotic modelling to cognitive science, as well as some of its limitations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-248 ◽  
Nicolás Alessandroni

This article presents an epistemological multilevel analysis of the embodied cognition studies’ programme. It is proposed that within the cognitive-embodied type it is possible to find at least four distinct hypotheses regarding the role of the body in human cognition: (a) body-in-action hypothesis, (b) extended body hypothesis, (c) ecological body hypothesis, and (d) body-as-a-physical-datum hypothesis. The foundations of these hypotheses and some philosophical debates underlying embodiment are discussed in-depth. After briefly addressing the key contributions of social embodied theories, the article presents a hierarchical model that allows for the analysis of the epistemological consequences derived from each embodiment conception. Finally, a prospective epistemological criticism is introduced to provide a comprehensive and contemporary overview of the issue.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-30
Анжеліка Шамне

У статті розглянуто сучасні підходи до інтерпретації категорії розвитку, розкрито теоретичні  та методологічні підходи до вивчення категорії розвитку у сучасній психології, визначено її психологічний  зміст,   моделі,   структуру   та   динаміку.   Категорія   розвитку   розглядається   як   епіцентр   наукової  проблематики у психології та як поняття інтегративного типу. Розвиток проаналізовано як категорію,  явище і проблему психології розвитку в різних аспектах аналізу. Розглянуто місце розвитку в системі  споріднених психологічних понять. У статті також аналізуються психологічні аспекти теоретичних та  методологічних  постнекласичних  тенденцій  вивчення  природи,  характеру  та  визначення  психічного  розвитку. Постнекласична парадигма та плюралістична методологія пізнання визначають розмитість  дисциплінарної мови  та  врахування  ролі  соціокультурного  контексту  при  вивченні  психологічних явищ.  Важливими тенденціями сучасного теоретико-методологічного стану психологічних досліджень розвитку  також є визнання неефективності моністичного підходу до його вивчення, взаємозв'язок теоретичних ідей  та   спроби   створення   метатеоретичних   схем,   постнекласичне   розуміння   розвитку   як   принципово  незавершеного   процесу   саморуху,   актуалізація   антропологічного   діапазону   проблем   та   посилення  спрямованості на роль культурного контексту в дослідженні розвитку людини.  The article deals with the modern approaches to the interpretation of the category of development, reveals  the theoretical and methodological approaches to study of development in modern psychology, its psychological  content, patterns, structure and dynamics. Category of development is viewed as an epicenter of scientific issues in  modern  psychology  and  the  concept  of  the  integrative  type.  Category  of  development  is  considered  as  the  phenomenon  and  the  problem  of  developmental  psychology  in  various  aspects  of  the  analysis.  Analyzed  the  development site in the related psychological concepts. The article analyzes the psychological aspects of theoretical  and methodological postnonclassical contemporary trends in the study of nature, character, and determination of  mental  development.  Postnonclassical  paradigm  and  pluralistic  methodology  of  knowledge  determine  the  disciplinary blurring and increase of the role of the analysis of socio-cultural context in the study of psychological  phenomenon. The important tendencies of modern theoretical and methodological state of psychological researches  of development are facts of inefficiency of the monistic approach to its study, interconnection of theoretical ideas  and   attempts   of  creating   metatheoretical   schemes,   postnonclassical   understanding   of   development   as   a  fundamentally  uncompleted  process  of  self-motion,  actualization  of  anthropological  range  of  problems  and  strengthening of focus on the role of cultural context in research of human development.   

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (4) ◽  
pp. 115-131
Maria M. Kuznetsova

The article examines the philosophy of Henri Bergson and William James as independent doctrines aimed at rational comprehension of spiritual reality. The doctrines imply the paramount importance of consciousness, the need for continuous spiritual development, the expansion of experience and perception. The study highlights the fundamental role of spiritual energy for individual and universal evolution, which likens these doctrines to the ancient Eastern teaching as well as to Platonism in Western philosophy. The term “spiritual energy” is used by Bergson and James all the way through their creative career, and therefore this concept should considered in the examination of their solution to the most important philosophical and scientific issues, such as the relationship of matter and spirit, consciousness and brain, cognition, free will, etc. The “radical empiricism” of William James and the “creative evolution” of Henry Bergson should be viewed as conceptions that based on peacemaking goals, because they are aimed at reconciling faith and facts, science and religion through the organic synthesis of sensory and spiritual levels of experience. Although there is a number of modern scientific discoveries that were foreseen by philosophical ideas of Bergson and James, both philosophers advocate for the artificial limitation of the sphere of experimental methods in science. They call not to limit ourselves to the usual intellectual schemes of reality comprehension, but attempt to touch the “living” reality, which presupposes an increase in the intensity of attention and will, but finally brings us closer to freedom.

2019 ◽  
Vol 62 (5) ◽  
pp. 124-138
Alexandra V. Shiller

The article analyzes the role of theories of embodied cognition for the development of emotion research. The role and position of emotions changed as philosophy developed. In classical and modern European philosophy, the idea of the “primacy of reason” prevailed over emotions and physicality, emotions and affective life were described as low-ranking phenomena regarding cognitive processes or were completely eliminated as an unknown quantity. In postmodern philosophy, attention focuses on physicality and sensuality, which are rated higher than rational principle, mind and intelligence. Within the framework of this approach, there is a recently emerged theory of embodied cognition, which allows to take a fresh look at the place of emotions in the architecture of mental processes – thinking, perception, memory, imagination, speech. The article describes and analyzes a number of empirical studies showing the impossibility of excluding emotional processes and the significance of their research for understanding the architecture of embodied cognition. However, the features of the architecture of embodied cognition remain unclear, and some of the discoveries of recent years (mirror neurons or neurons of simulation) rather raise new questions and require further research. The rigorously described and clear architecture of the embodied cognition can grow the theoretical basis that will allow to advance the studies of learning processes, language understanding, psychotherapy techniques, social attitudes and stereotypes, highlight the riddle of consciousness and create new theories of consciousness or even create an anthropomorphic artificial intelligence that is close to “strong artificial intelligence.”

Bijdragen ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 419-435

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