spiritual reality
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Нина Андреевна Некрасова ◽  
Сергей Иванович Некрасов

Целью статьи является анализ обоснование необходимости пересмотра одностороннего представления о взаимодействии духа и материи, бытия и сознания. Основным методом исследования является диалектический анализ взаимосвязи и неразрывного единства противоположных начал человеческого бытия (материи и духа). Результатом исследования является попытка доказать, что материя и дух образуют живую материально-духовную действительность, единую непротиворечивую субстанцию, которая не нуждается в другом основании как условии своего существования, а выступает своей собственной основой. Заслуга авторов состоит в доказательстве того, что существует единая субстанция, - духоматерия, которая содержит в себе и материальную действительность, и потенциально заложенную в ней духовную деятельность человека как естественно развивающуюся область мироздания, заключающую в себе всё многообразие социально-духовного бытия человека, ибо человек как материальное явление, так и его духовность - это результат развития единой всеобщей космической субстанции мироздания - духоматерии. Теоретическая и практическая значимость статьи содержится в попытке доказать не просто взаимосвязь материального и духовного начал, но определить основы взаимодействия этих начал как двух сторон единой космической субстанции мироздания и их диалектического взаимоперехода на разных этапах конкретных форм существования. Авторам удалось углубить предложенную проблематику, что может быть использовано для дальнейшего теоретического анализа проблемы. The purpose of the article is to analyze the substantiation of the need to revise the onesided idea of the interaction of spirit and matter, being and consciousness. The main research method is the dialectical analysis of the relationship and indissoluble unity of the opposite principles of human existence (matter and spirit). The result of the study is an attempt to prove that matter and spirit form a living material-spiritual reality, a single consistent substance that does not need another basis as a condition for its existence, but acts as its own basis. The merit of this approach consists in proving that there is a single substance - spirit-matter, which contains both material reality and the potential spiritual activity of a person embedded in it as a naturally developing area of the universe, containing all the diversity of social and spiritual life of a person, for a person as a material both the phenomenon and its spirituality are the result of the development of a single universal cosmic substance of the universe - spirit matter. The theoretical and practical significance of the article is presented in an attempt to prove not just the relationship between material and spiritual principles, but to determine the basis of the interaction of these principles as two sides of a single cosmic substance of the universe and their dialectical transition at different stages of specific forms of existence. The outlined conclusions should lead to further theoretical analysis of this problem.

2021 ◽  
Laura Skeaff

<p>This study is based on two premises: the centrality of knowledge to processes of development and the centrality of spirituality and religion to the lives of the majority of the world’s population. It is through the generation and application of knowledge that communities and societies progress, and for many this change involves “a dynamic coherence between the spiritual and the material” (Tyndale, 2003, p. 23). Religion can be regarded as a system of knowledge, based upon the sacred texts that lie at the heart of the world’s major religions, addressing aspects of spiritual reality. Historically, religious knowledge in development has been marginalised or discredited; secularism has been identified as the normative, rational position. This position has increasingly been challenged over the last decade, which has witnessed a ‘global resurgence in religion’ (Berger, 1999). A growing number of voices are calling for serious engagement with religion in development. This research sets out to explore some of the questions raised in an emerging discourse between religion and development by engaging with religion as a system of knowledge that informs development theory and practice. The work focuses on a Bahá’í-inspired organisation in Zambia as a case study. Inshindo Foundation offers an education for development programme, Preparation for Social Action, that emphasizes harmony between the material and spiritual in processes of development. Over a ten-week period in 2010, I used qualitative methods to investigate the conceptions and experiences of PSA students and tutors in relation to their participation in the programme. The findings highlight the potential role of religious knowledge and spiritual values to inform and motivate individual action for change and sustain commitment and effort to achieve collective goals. This makes an important contribution to understandings of how to promote participatory development. At the level of theory, the findings draw attention to a vision of development based on spiritual values and principles that is fundamentally different from mainstream conceptions.</p>

2021 ◽  
Laura Skeaff

<p>This study is based on two premises: the centrality of knowledge to processes of development and the centrality of spirituality and religion to the lives of the majority of the world’s population. It is through the generation and application of knowledge that communities and societies progress, and for many this change involves “a dynamic coherence between the spiritual and the material” (Tyndale, 2003, p. 23). Religion can be regarded as a system of knowledge, based upon the sacred texts that lie at the heart of the world’s major religions, addressing aspects of spiritual reality. Historically, religious knowledge in development has been marginalised or discredited; secularism has been identified as the normative, rational position. This position has increasingly been challenged over the last decade, which has witnessed a ‘global resurgence in religion’ (Berger, 1999). A growing number of voices are calling for serious engagement with religion in development. This research sets out to explore some of the questions raised in an emerging discourse between religion and development by engaging with religion as a system of knowledge that informs development theory and practice. The work focuses on a Bahá’í-inspired organisation in Zambia as a case study. Inshindo Foundation offers an education for development programme, Preparation for Social Action, that emphasizes harmony between the material and spiritual in processes of development. Over a ten-week period in 2010, I used qualitative methods to investigate the conceptions and experiences of PSA students and tutors in relation to their participation in the programme. The findings highlight the potential role of religious knowledge and spiritual values to inform and motivate individual action for change and sustain commitment and effort to achieve collective goals. This makes an important contribution to understandings of how to promote participatory development. At the level of theory, the findings draw attention to a vision of development based on spiritual values and principles that is fundamentally different from mainstream conceptions.</p>

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 31-43
Boris Borisovich Ilin

Fragments of the text that represent the category of space in the Old Russian hagiographies from the Uspensky Collection became the sources for this research. The object this article is the contexts that depict spatial images in dynamics. The subject is the semantics of the analyzed contexts. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by undiminishing interest to the interpretation of the category of space in the Old Russian texts, as by elaboration of the concept of sanctity in studying the hagiographic literature. The goal of this research lies in determination and description of the semantics of spatial transformations in the analyzed hagiographic texts. Research methodology leans on the descriptive method, which includes observation, interpretation and classification; as well as hermeneutical analysis with consideration of anthropological and axiological approaches. The scientific novelty consists in revealing the new aspect of the category of space in the hagiographic texts &ndash; spatial transformations. The author highlights several groups that characterize space transformations in the hagiographies: semantics of construction, semantics of destruction, semantics of expansion, semantics of transfiguration, and semantics of the miraculous. The keynote in the hagiographies is the idea of sanctity, which is important for the interpretation of the transforming space. All changes in the physical world take place under the influence of divine intervention for asserting sanctity of the hero or sanctity of the place. The depicted in the hagiographies spiritual reality impact the state of visible spatial images. In addition to the idea of sanctity, the perception of space transformations is affected by pragmatics of the text &ndash; the edifying focus of the genre. The acquired results can be valuable in studying the corpus of hagiographic texts from perspective of the category of space.

Alexey Viktorovich Suslov ◽  
Dmitrii Alekseevich Gusev ◽  
Vasilii Aleksandrovich Potaturov

The object of this research is a centuries-old worldview polemic between the philosophical representations on the world and human associated with theism, atheism and pantheism. The subject of this research is the theoretical and practical attitudes and conclusions of anthropological nature that result from these intellectual models. The authors dwell on the worldview correlations of materialism and idealism with their worldview companions, such as atheism, evolutionism, scientism, anthropological voluntarism &nbsp;on the one hand, and theism, creationism, antiscientism, providentialism &ndash; on the other. Special attention is given to examination of ideological link of atheism and pantheism with the anthropocentric attitude, as well as the questions of life navigation of a human in the context of confrontation and polemics of anthropological voluntarism &nbsp;and providentialism. The novelty of this research consists in substantiation of authenticity of the philosophical idealism as a model that implies theistic and creationist view of the universe and fundamental incompatibility of the central idealistic thesis on the primacy of spiritual reality with the nature of being from the perspective of pantheism. The novelty also lies in the authors&rsquo; statement on the worldview similarity of atheism and pantheism, each of which is a specific substantiation of anthropological voluntarism &nbsp;that is opposed to theistic providentialism. The conclusion consists in acknowledgment of the fundamental dichotomy of the worldview choice and life orientation of a human between the anthropocentric and providential poles, despite all ideological multifacetedness and diversity of the philosophical and religious representations.

Artnodes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Shuai Xu ◽  
Zhe Wang

Diffusion is an area of research exploring the interactive relationship between human consciousness and computational practice by analyzing human brain data from electroencephalogram (EEG)-based brain-computer interfaces and interactive devices that can generate music and synchronized visual images by biofeedback. Although interactive experience is not a new topic in computational art, it has provoked thought due to the significant influence of technology on human ideology, emotions, morality, ethics, etc. Diffusion is the result of attempts to establish a connection between human physiological information and digital technology. As well as experimental research, it based on the ethical level of artificial intelligence (AI). Diffusion uses music visualization to transform intangible brain activity (thoughts or emotions) into perceivable things (sounds or objects). The research emphasizes human consciousness in AI and points out the blurred boundaries between AI and human creativity. Therefore, the installation evaluates human motivation, which can present as abstract structures—like creativity, emotion, and insight—which enhance the interactive experience of participants and deconstructs the inherent meaning of the material and spiritual, reality and virtual reality or humans and machines. By reviewing and contextualizing EEG and digital music development research, we finally outline a future research area that will involve deep collaboration across interdisciplinary and multiple technologies to realize emotion recognition.

Aliyul Himam

Abstract: This article examines the meaning of the Logic of Nubuwwah by KH. Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim and his dakwah broadcast. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The logic of nubuwwah is a rational and humane way of thinking based on wisdom so that it can glorify oneself in the presence of Allah Swt. As for understanding it can be through an approach based on texts: Al-Qur’an, Hadith and religious books (bayani epistemology), a coherent and reasonable logic, even if it comes from the words of an a'rabi, (burhani epistemology) and direct experience of the spiritual reality of religion (irfani epistemology). 2) KH. Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim uses a pattern a) an explanation based on a typical Islamic boarding school knowledge framework b) the arrangement of material that is discusive with the students and society b) an open dialogical explanation and communicative based on the religious book which contains the Koran, Hadith and the thought of the ulama c) contains a contextual interpretation that can relate to the students and society d) contains cultural values that apply in society such as manners, morals, ethics, local wisdom and so on.Keywords: Logic of Nubuwwah; Dakwah; KH. Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim.Abstrak: Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang makna Logika Nubuwwah dalam dakwah dakwah KH. Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim dan proses penyiaran dakwah KH. Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Logika nubuwwah adalah cara berpikir yang masuk akal dan manusiawi yang serat akan keluhuran dan ketinggian derajat manusia sehingga dapat memuliakan dirinya di hadapan Allah Swt. Adapun dalam memahaminya dapat melalui pendekatan yang didasarkan pada nash: Al-Qur’an, Hadits dan kitab-kitab klasik (epistemologi bayani), logika yang runtut dan masuk akal, sekalipun itu berasal dari omongan seorang a’rabi/awam (epistemologi burhani) dan pengalaman langsung atas realitas spiritual keagamaan, tidak terbatas hanya untuk hal-hal yang melangit saja namun juga termasuk amaliah sehari-hari (epistemologi irfani). 2) Proses penyiaran dakwah KH. Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim menggunakan pola a) penjelasan yang berdasarkan kerangka pengetahuan khas pondok pesantren b) penyusunan materi yang bersifat diskusi dengan para santri b) penjelasan yang dialogis yang bersifat terbuka dan komunikatif berdasarkan kitab kuning yang di dalamnya terkandung Al-Qur’an, Hadits dan pemikiran ulama c) mengandung tafsir dan interpretasi yang kontekstual sehingga bisa relate dengan kehidupan para santri dan masyarakat d) memuat nilai-nilai budaya yang berlaku di masyarakat seperti tata krama, akhlak, etika, moral, adab, sopan santun, susila, kearifan lokal dan lain sebagainya.Kata Kunci: Logika Nubuwwah; Dakwah; KH. Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim.

T. V Danylova

Purpose. The paper aims at examining the phenomenon of the rebirth of the Goddess in the contemporary world. The author has used the hermeneutic approach and cultural-historical method, as well as the anthropological integrative approach. Theoretical basis. The study is based on the ideas of Carol Christ, Margot Adler, Miriam Simos, and Jean Shinoda Bolen. Originality. The rebirth of the Goddess is not a deconstruction of the God. The face of the Goddess is one side of the binary opposition "Goddess – God". Life on the earthly plane presupposes masculine and feminine dualism. However, these polarities are not mutually exclusive and mutually suppressive, but complementary to each other. The return of the Goddess to the throne and a profound appreciation of Femininity is a necessary step forward in establishing true equality and restoring lost harmony. As humanity returns to the Absolute that transcends duality, as divinity is revealed in feminine and masculine forms, and, finally, as humans get in touch with their true self, the two faces, feminine and masculine, will inevitably merge. Conclusions. Identifying herself with the images of the Goddesses, a woman develops self-awareness and self-acceptance that contribute greatly to her reintegration with a wider spiritual reality. The cult of the Goddess finds practical application in women’s lives. These are magical rituals, work with the archetypes, life-changing tours. Recognizing her right to the fullness of being, a woman overcomes rigid gender roles and stereotypes, ceases to be an object of manipulation and becomes the supreme arbiter of her own life.

Ivan Bekh ◽  
Maria Pavelescu ◽  

The important purpose of appealing to the texts of V. Sukhomlynsky is to identify and comprehend the spiritual reality, which is sometimes expressed clearly, but sometimes only implicitly. The issue of spiritual reality of V. Sukhomlynsky has undeniable theoretical and applied interest because it broadens our conceptions of inner life of personality. Relying on the explicative views on the creative achievements of a prominent educator gives reason to speak about a completely different semantic plane for solving essential problems of human spirituality.

Savchyn M.V.

The purpose of the article is a theoretical and practical substantiation of the test questionnaire “Fundamental worldview orientations of an individual” and a description of the stages of its creation. The following methods are used: a theoretical analysis, an empirical research. A variant of the test questionnaire, methods of its application and calculation of the quantitative data are described.Results and conclusions. It is stated that the diagnosing fundamental attitudes of an individual to himself, to other people, to life, the world and the spiritual sphere by a psychologist allows him to more effectively assist a client or a patient in strengthening his mental, psychological, social, moral and spiritual health. The article demonstrates the constructiveness of J. Powell’s idea that the integrity of human life depends on the perception and understanding of one’s own inner world and the world of others, the meaning of life, attitude to the nature and the spiritual reality. It is noted that the questionnaire created by the author for psychotherapeutic purposes cannot be used for diagnostic purposes due to the low reliability of the obtained quantitative results. The point adaptation techniques and the criteria of formulation of the author’s variant of the diagnostic test questionnaire “Fundamental worldview orientations of an individual” are characterized. PhD’s and Masters of psychology and pedagogy expertly tested the formulated scales and their points. The stages of its creation are described (adaptation of statements to the national realities, formation of criteria for selecting formulating statements; initial verification of validity and reliability of the questionnaire, statistical processing of primary data with determining relevant statistical indicators; improving statements and testing the improved version, checking the reliability and the constructive validity of the criteria), methods of checking the validity and reliability of the scales are suggested, relevant statistical indicators are characterized, stimulus material of the questionnaire is demonstrated, which includes the instructions to the subject, a list of five scales (“Views on life”, “Views on God”, “Views on other people”, “Views on nature”, “Views on oneself”), a form to fill in the answers, a list of direct and inverse statements in scales and the codes of translating answers into points. The types of respondents’ views are defined comparing with separate scales (1) positively constructive, harmonious; 2) positively disharmonious; 3) negatively disharmonious; 4) negatively destructive) and similar types of generalized worldviews of a subject. The obtained results can be used as data in counselling, correctional and psychotherapeutic activities of a practical psychologist.Key words: views of individual, validity, reliability, diagnostic scales, statistical indicators, view types. Мета статті – теоретичне і практичне обґрунтування тест-питальника «Фундаментальні світоглядні орієнтації особистості», опис етапів його створення. Методи. Використані такі методи: теоретичний аналіз, емпіричне дослідження. Описано варіант тестового питальника, методика його застосування й обчислення кількісних даних.Результати та висновки. Констатується, що діагностика психологом фундаментальних ставлень особистості до себе, до інших людей, до життя, світу та духовної сфери дозволяє йому ефективніше надавати допомогу тому, хто її потребуючому, клієнту чи пацієнту, у зміцненні його психічного, психологічного, соціального, морального та духовного здоров’я. Вказується на конструктивність ідеї Дж. Пауелла про залежність повноти людського життя від бачення, способів розуміння власного внутрішнього світу, світу інших, смислу життя, ставлення до природи та духовної реальності. Зазначається, що створений автором для психотерапевтичних цілей питальник не можна використати з діагностичною метою у зв’язку з низькою надійністю одержуваних кількісних результатів. Охарактеризовані напрями адаптації пунктів та критерії формулювання нових авторського варіанта діагностичного тест-питальника «Фундаментальні світогляди орієнтації особистості». У ролі експертів сформульованих шкал та їхніх пунктів виступили кандидати психологічних наук і магістри психології та педагогіки. Описано етапи його створення (адаптація тверджень до вітчизняних реалій, формування критеріїв добору тверджень та їх формулювання; первинна перевірка валідності та надійності питальника, статистичне опрацювання одержаних первинних даних із визначенням відповідних статистичних показників; удосконалення тверджень і випробовування вдосконаленого варіанта, перевірка надійності, критеріальної та конструктивної валідності), викладено методи перевірки валідності та надійності шкал, характеризуються відповідні статистичні показники, викладається стимульний матеріал питальника, що включає інструкцію досліджуваному, перелік пунктів п’яти шкал («Уявлення про життя», «Уявлення про Бога», «Уявлення про інших людей», «Уявлення про природу», «Уявлення про себе»), бланк для відповідей, перелік прямих і зворотних тверджень у шкалах, коди їх переведення відповідей у бали. Виділено типи уявлень респондентів за окремими шкалами (1) позитивно-конструктивний, гармонійний; 2) позитивно-дисгармонійний; 3) негативно-дисгармонійний; 4) негативно-деструктивний)), аналогічні типи узагальнених світоглядних уявлень досліджуваного. Зазначається, що отримані дані можуть бути використані в консультативній, корекційній та психотерапевтичній діяльності практичного психолога.Ключові слова: уявлення особистості, валідність, надійність, діагностичні шкали, статистичні показники, типи уявлень.

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