Johann Heinrich Callenberg’s Arabic Publications of De Veritate to the Conversion of Jews and Moslems

Grotiana ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-118
Christoph Rymatzki

In the missionary activities that Halle theologians developed in the first half of the 18th century Grotius’ De veritate plays an interesting role that deserves exploration. To that purpose, the history and nature of the publication of missionary tracts in Halle will be surveyed, the role therein of Johann Heinrich Callenberg and his Institutum Judaicum at Muhammedicum described and the distribution and reception of the texts among the Muslims and Jews that were the target of the Halle missions all over the world summarized and analysed. It is suggested that Grotius’ De veritate, which was an atypical piece of apology in the Halle pietist setting, stands out among the other literature for its efficacy in the missionary process, due to its non-dogmatic character.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 111-126
Romuald Rydz

1 listopada 1790 r. w Londynie został opublikowany jeden z najważniejszych tek­stów osiemnastowiecznej brytyjskiej myśli politycznej. Autorem dzieła znanego pod skróconym ty­tułem jako Rozważania o rewolucji we Francji był Edmund Burke — jeden z najbardziej znanych wigowskich posłów zasiadających w Izbie Gmin. Choć Burke w Rozważaniach występował przede wszystkim jako obrońca brytyjskiego porządku i zwyczaju politycznego, to zarówno w tym dziele, jak i wielu następnych tekstach można zauważyć, że przedmiotem jego troski była także wspólnota europejska. Wydaje się, że autor Rozważań jako je­den z pierwszych przedstawicieli ówczesnego świata polityki dostrzegł w rewolucyjnej gorączce roz­przestrzeniającej się z Paryża groźbę dla całej Europy. Owo niebezpieczeństwo Burke porównywał, z jednej strony, do fali barbarzyństwa, która zalała Rzym i zniszczyła cywilizację antyczną w okresie wędrówki ludów, z drugiej zaś — przypisywał mu cechy rewolucji religijnej, podobnej do tej, któ-ra podzieliła kontynent w XVI i XVII stuleciu. Było to więc w jego opinii podwójne zagrożenie, które mogło zniszczyć zarówno podstawy materialne Europy, jak i jej kościec kulturowy.A counter-revolutionary idea of Europe. Edmund Burke’s reflections on European identityOn 1st November 1790, one of the most important texts of the 18th century British political thought was published in London. The author of the work, known under the shortened title as Reflections on the Revolution in France, was Edmund Burke, one of the best-known Whigs sitting in the House of Commons. Although in Reflections Burke was above all a defender of the British order and political custom, it can be noticed, both in this work and many subsequent texts, that he was also concerned for Euro­pean community. It seems that the author of Reflections was among the first representatives of the world of politics at that time who viewed the revolutionary fever that was spreading from Paris as a threat to the whole Europe. Burke compared this danger, on the one hand, to the Barbarian wave that had flooded Rome and destroyed the antique civilisation in the Migrations Period, while on the other hand he ascribed it characteristics of a religious revolution, similar to the one that divided the continent in the 16th and 17th centuries. Thus, it was, in his opinion, a double threat. It could destroy both the material foundations of Europe and its cultural core.

Manuela Ribeiro Sanches ◽  

The paper deals with the representation of otherness in 18th Century Germany. Departing from an episode narrated in Georg Forster’s account of James Cook’s second voyage around the world, attention is paid to the way in which an uncanny experience for Europeans - eating dog food - is narrated, and translated according to European discursive premises. The analysis of Forster’s considerations on the relativity of customs, on what is to be attributed to nature or culture, on what is to be considered innate or acquired provide the departing point for the reconstruction (and questioning) of strategies of representing of otherness. In the following parts, diverse ways of representing otherness are briefly analyzed (anatomical studies, collections of bodies and artifacts in natural history cabinets) and emphasis is put on the way in which non-European peoples are always ultimately the object of a process of reification. The scientific implications of Contemporary debates on race are also taken into account, namely the controversy between Georg Forster and Kant. The tension between ethnographie empiricism (Forster) and anthropological rationalism (Kant) is stressed and brought onto relation with the Enlightenment discourse on the “Other”. The conclusion focuses on the limits and utopian possibilities of the Enlightenment discourse, by juxtaposing it to the critique of Western rationalism as proposed by postcolonial studies.

2015 ◽  
pp. 123-127
Lisa Murphy

Time cannot be outwardly intuited. These are the words of Immanuel Kant, an 18th century philosopher renowned for his contemplations of the fundamental concepts underlying the entire human experience. Central to Kant’s reasoning is the concept of subjective time, the idea that time is not only an entity to be quantified in the physical sciences, but a subjective experience which can differ across each person, rooting the individual in his or her own mental reality. We all have unique experiences of time. Two individuals can attend the same event, a concert or a party perhaps, and for one of them, time can move extremely quickly, but for the other it can drag on for what seems like an eternity. Time flies when we are having fun and enjoying ourselves, yet feels endless when we are bored or afraid. It is the lens through which we view and experience the world ...

Rafal B. Reichert

En el presente artículo se muestran los avances de una investigación sobre la política de suministros forestales que desarrolló la Marina Real de España a lo largo del siglo XVIII con el fin de demostrar su importancia ante la rivalidad que existía entre las potencias marítimas europeas por el dominio sobre los mares del mundo. Se propone un análisis del sistema de aprovisionamiento para los departamentos navales, en especial en relación con los proyectos de utilización de maderas novohispanas y bálticas en la construcción naval, y su valoración por los oficiales hispanos. Por otra parte, se presenta la dinámica de otorgamiento de los asientos de madera a los criollos novohispanos y, finalmente, se estudia el movimiento marítimo entre el Báltico sur y España para demostrar la valiosa participación de esta región en el sistema de pertrechos navales. A partir de lo anterior se ofrece una visión general del comercio global de suministros forestales de España, que perseguía la recuperación de su poderío naval.AbstractThe present article shows the progress of the research about the policy of forestry supplies, developed during the 18th century by the Royal Navy of Spain, in order to demonstrate its importance in the rivalry between the European maritime powers by the dominion over the seas of the World. For this reason, it is proposed to analyze different aspects of the provision system for the naval departments, with an approach to the projects of use the New Spain and Baltic wood in shipbuilding, and its recognition by the Hispanic officials. On the other side, it is presented the dynamics of granting to New Spain Creoles with wooden contracts and finally is studied the maritime movement between the southern Baltic and Spain to demonstrate their valuable participation in the naval supplies system. All these aspects demonstrate a general panorama of the globalization of forest supplies with only one purpose: the recovery of Spanish naval power.   

2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-68
Boro Bronza

Arrival of Doctor Gerard van Swieten in Vienna, in 1745, as new personal physician of the Holy Roman Empress Maria Theresa, was starting point of a huge wave of transformation in the scope of Austrian medicine. Scientific and methodological experience which doctor from Leiden brought in Habsburg capital was so overwhelming that whole structure of medical science was shattered and reconstructed in a much more efficient way. Impact of Van Swieten was a splendid example of dominance of scientific method in the Netherlands, where modern European science gained more ground than anywhere else during the classical era of baroque, throughout the 17th and first half of the 18th century. On the other hand, internal reforms and transformation of Austria, from the mid-18th century, helped a lot in the process of successful reception of new structural ideas. Through this kind of merging, inside of only several decades, Vienna managed to grow into one of leading centres of medical science in Europe and the world.

Natalia G. Suraeva

In 1762, Catherine II (1729-1796), Catherine le Grand, as Voltaire called her, an extraordinary woman who was destined to undergo many reforms and establish Russia’s place in the world, ascended to the Russian throne. Her reign coincided with the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799), one of the most enlightened monarchs in Chinese history; during his time, the empire achieved many military victories and brilliant achievements in the arts. By the time of Catherine’s accession to the throne, relations between the two countries were very strained. Meanwhile, the age of Enlightenment, the century of the ardour for the philosophy and art of China, began in Europe. On the one hand, Catherine was influenced by the ideas of the West; on the other hand, she constantly had to regulate conflicts on the Russian-Chinese border, the reason for which was most often the question of extraditing Mongols and Dzungars to the Chinese who were fleeing within Russia. The purpose of this article is to determine what image of China the Russian empress formed and how she spoke about this country in her correspondence with European correspondents since it is known that Catherine II wrote a lot. To do this, first, it is necessary to characterise the personality of the empress, to understand her interests and habits. To understand what issues she had to resolve, one also needs to know the state of Russian-Chinese relations in the second half of the 18th century. Finally, the article gives a general description of Catherine II’s correspondence with various high-ranking persons, among whom Jean d’Alembert, Diderot, Voltaire, Friedrich Melchior Grimm (Franco-German publicist, artist and literary critic), Swiss scientist and philosopher Johann Georg Ritter von Zimmermann, Madame Geoffrin and Madame Bielke can be named. The letters she received very often contained diplomatic news, dynastic problems, court gossip; her answers were, for the most part, semi-official journal notes. It is noteworthy that despite the extensive correspondence conducted by Catherine the Great, she practically did not touch upon the issues of China, except for letters to Voltaire, who, as you know, admired China and tried to learn more about it from the words of the empress.

Anna Magni

The French garden of the 17th and 18th century as the ultimate artistic expression of ideas about the world order and the representation of power and knowledge was not limited to its country of origin – its influence spread and appeared all over Europe. The following text focuses on its reflection in the territory of the Czech Republic and follows the ways the main principles of this form of garden design took. Besides the traditionally dominant artistic influence of Italy, the French art was reflected only gradually, and above all, indirectly. Activities of Le Nôtre’s disciples have been proven, but without any more detailed documentation. Moravia was most influenced by Vienna, where the imperial and other aristocratic gardens adopted more ornate, smaller and flatter concept of French forms, rather approaching Rococo. The paper shows, using specific examples and the comparative method, what forms typical of the French garden appear in the gardens of the Czech lands the most frequently. The characteristic organization of the garden and wider spaces by axes, avenues, radial divisions, water mirrors and canals as well as magnificent water elements with sculptures and also widely applied flat parterres with ornamental flower beds is explored. On the other hand, the complexity of the French prototype, which lies in the spatial monumentality and sophisticated use of optical rules and rules of perspective, is missing.

Inés Lareo Martín ◽  
Ana Montoya Reyes

Science and scientific method have evolved in parallel with changes in philosophical ideas. One aspect of the discipline affected by these changes is the way in which scientists' results should be shown to the world. However, it was not until the second half of the 17th century that the first recommendations or guidelines for reporting scientific discoveries appeared. The Royal Society became the first institution to concern itself with the form this new discourse should take. The aim of this paper is to analyse the linguistic evolution experienced by two pieces of scientific writing and to examine to what extent the two texts follow the recommendations of Robert Boyle and the Royal Society concerning the patterns scientific discourse should observe. Two texts were selected for the task, one published at the beginning of the 18th century, the other at the end of the 20th. For the purposes of comparison, the texts analysed are from the same discipline and both report an experiment on Optics.

David W. Orr

The environmental movement has often been accused of being overly negative--trying to stop "progress." The Nature of Design, on the other hand, is about starting things, specifically an ecological design revolution that changes how we provide food, shelter, energy, materials, and livelihood, and how we deal with waste. Ecological design is an emerging field that aims to recalibrate what humans do in the world according to how the world works as a biophysical system. Design in this sense is a large concept having to do as much with politics and ethics as with buildings and technology. The book begins by describing the scope of design, comparing it to the Enlightenment of the 18th century. Subsequent chapters describe barriers to a design revolution inherent in our misuse of language, the clockspeed of technological society, and shortsighted politics. Orr goes on to describe the critical role educational institutions might play in fostering design intelligence and what he calls "a higher order of heroism." Appropriately, the book ends on themes of charity, wilderness, and the rights of children. Astute yet broadly appealing, The Nature of Design combines theory, practicality, and a call to action.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Dina Amelia

There are two most inevitable issues on national literature, in this case Indonesian literature. First is the translation and the second is the standard of world literature. Can one speak for the other as a representative? Why is this representation matter? Does translation embody the voice of the represented? Without translation Indonesian literature cannot gain its recognition in world literature, yet, translation conveys the voice of other. In the case of production, publication, or distribution of Indonesian Literature to the world, translation works can be very beneficial. The position of Indonesian literature is as a part of world literature. The concept that the Western world should be the one who represent the subaltern can be overcome as long as the subaltern performs as the active speaker. If the subaltern remains silent then it means it allows the “representation” by the Western.

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