Isabelle de Charrière and the universality of the French language: from cosmopolitanism to imperialism

2006 ◽  
pp. 287-298
PMLA ◽  
1935 ◽  
Vol 50 (4) ◽  
pp. 1295-1299
H. Carrington Lancaster

2011 ◽  
K. Takahashi ◽  
N. Maionchi-Pino ◽  
A. Magnan ◽  
R. Kawashima

The first book devoted to a wide-ranging study of developments in global French-language cinema, from Quebec to Mauritania and from Belgium to Cambodia, Cinéma-monde picks up on the lively scholarly debates generated by the related topic of littérature-monde. Extending the scope of this debate to cover the thriving and diverse area of international French-language cinema, this innovative book also considers cinema from France within the context of global production. With contributions from an international range of specialists, and with considerations of works by contemporary directors like Rachid Bouchareb, Abderrahmane Sissako and Rithy Panh, Cinéma-monde explores the porous borders around francophone spaces and the ways in which languages and identities ‘travel’ in contemporary cinema.

Paragraph ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-153
Daisy Sainsbury

Drawing on Deleuze and Guattari's analysis of minor literature, deterritorialization and agrammaticality, this article explores the possibility of a ‘minor poetry’, considering various interpretations of the term, and interrogating the value of the distinction between minor poetry and minor literature. The article considers Bakhtin's work, which offers several parallels to Deleuze and Guattari's in its consideration of the language system and the place of literature within it, but which also addresses questions of genre. It pursues Christian Prigent's hypothesis, in contrast to Bakhtin's account of poetic discourse, that Deleuze and Guattari's notion of deterritorialization might offer a definition of poetic language. Considering the work of two French-language poets, Ghérasim Luca and Olivier Cadiot, the article argues that the term ‘minor poetry’ gains an additional relevance for experimental twentieth-century poetry which grapples with its own generic identity, deterritorializing established conceptions of poetry, and making ‘minor’ the major poetic discourses on which it is contingent.

Richard F. Kuisel

There are over 1,000 McDonald's on French soil. Two Disney theme parks have opened near Paris in the last two decades. And American-inspired vocabulary such as “le weekend” has been absorbed into the French language. But as former French president Jacques Chirac put it: “The U.S. finds France unbearably pretentious. And we find the U.S. unbearably hegemonic.” Are the French fascinated or threatened by America? They Americanize yet are notorious for expressions of anti-Americanism. From McDonald's and Coca-Cola to free markets and foreign policy, this book looks closely at the conflicts and contradictions of France's relationship to American politics and culture. The book shows how the French have used America as both yardstick and foil to measure their own distinct national identity. France has charted its own path: it has welcomed America's products but rejected American policies; assailed Americ's “jungle capitalism” while liberalizing its own economy; attacked “Reaganomics” while defending French social security; and protected French cinema, television, food, and language even while ingesting American pop culture. The book examines France's role as an independent ally of the United States, but he also considers the country's failures in influencing the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton administrations. Whether investigating France's successful information technology sector or its spurning of American expertise during the AIDS epidemic, the book asks if this insistence on a French way represents a growing distance between Europe and the United States or a reaction to American globalization. Exploring cultural trends, values, public opinion, and political reality, this book delves into the complex relationship between two modern nations.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 368
Gilang Januarsyah

ABSTRAKUntuk menghasilkan sebuah karangan berbahasa Perancis yang dapat dipahamioleh khalayak umum, mahasiswa harus menguasai kemampuan berbahasa Perancis ragamtulis yang baik dan benar sesuai dengan kaidah yang berlaku. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk menjelaskan kesalahan sintaksis yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Program StudiSastra Perancis Universitas Padjadjaran. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diambildari sepuluh karangan mahasiwa yang duduk di semester lima dan tujuh dan dianalisisdengan menggunakan metode simak dan metode analisis padan referensial translasionaldengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kesalahantertinggi yang dilakukan mahasiswa adalah kesalahan dalam penggunaan passé composédan imparfait sebesar 50%, kemudian diikuti oleh kesalahan dalam penggunaan pronomrelatif simple et composé ‘pronomina penghubung bebas dan turunan’ sebesar 30%, danterakhir kesalahan dalam penggunaan pronom COD et COI ‘pronomina COD dan COI’ sebesar20%. Faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya kesalahan tersebut adalah faktor linguistikyang disebabkan oleh perbedaan kaidah tatabahasa bahasa Indonesia dan Perancis.Selain itu terdapat pula faktor sosiolinguistik yang disebabkan oleh jarangnya mahasiswamembiasakan diri mereka untuk mengaplikasikan bahasa Perancis di luar kelas.Kata kunci: kesalahan, sintaksis, bahasa Perancis, tulis, pengajaranABST RACTTo produce a French-language essay that can be understood by the general public,the students should master the ability of French language in good and true writing skill inaccordance with the applicable rules. The aim of this research is to explain the syntactic errorsmade by students of French literature’s program at University Padjadjaran. The sources ofdata are taken from the ten student essays who sit in the fifth and seventh semesters, and themethods used in this research are Observation Method ‘Metode Simak’ and the analyticalreference translational analysis method with a qualitative approach. The results of thisresearch indicate that the highest errors that students make are the use of passé composéand imparfait as much as fifty percent, followed by errors in the use of pronom relatifsimple et composé ‘the free and derivative pronouns’ thirty percent, and the last error is inthe use of pronom CO D et CO I ‘‘The COD and COI pronouns’ twenty percent. The factors thatcause those errors are a linguistic caused by the difference rules of Indonesian and Frenchgrammar. In addition there are also sociolinguistic factors caused by the rarity of studentsfamiliarize themselves to apply the French language outside the classroom.Keywords: Error, syntax, French language, writing, teaching

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 354
Ferli Hasanah

ABSTRAKGramatika pada setiap bahasa memiliki kekhasannya masing-masing.Mahasiswa Program Studi Sastra Perancis tahun pertama sebagai pembelajar pemulasering mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami gramatika bahasa. Kesulitan mereka tidakterlepas dari perbedaan-perbedaan mendasar pada struktur bahasa Indonesia sebagaibahasa ibu mereka dan bahasa Perancis yang tengah dipelajari. Penelitian ini dilaksanakandengan tujuan untuk mengetahui hambatan yang dimiliki mahasiswa pembelajar pemuladi Program Studi Sastra Perancis Universitas Padjadjaran dalam memahami gramatikabahasa Perancis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode simak dancatat. Hasil analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan-kesalahan yang umum dilakukanpembelajar pemula ada pada penggunaan accent, konjugasi verba, partikel défini maupunindéfini, accord penanda feminin atau jamak, serta pemilihan preposisi.Kata kunci: gramatika, bahasa Perancis, konjugasiABST RACTThe grammar in every language has its own particularities. French literaturestudents in the first year as a beginner learners often have problem in understandingFrench grammar which is frequently considered difficult. Their struggle is inseparablefrom the fundamental differences between Indonesian structure as their mother tongueand the French language which being studied. This research aims to know the obstaclesof the students of beginner learners in the French Literature of Padjadjaran university inunderstanding the basic French grammar. The method used in this research is referringand taking notes method. The results of the analysis shows that the common mistakes oflearners are in the use of accents, verb conjugations, particles défini or indéfini, markeraccord feminine or plural, and the selection of prepositions.Keywords: grammar, French, conjugation

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