A Current Critical Issue in Secondary Education— Modern Foreign Languages in the Comprehensive Secondary School

Earl J. McGrath
2014 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-33
Paul Janssenswillen ◽  
Wil Meeus

De vernederlandsing van het middelbaar onderwijs in Vlaanderen was een moeizaam proces dat zich over een lange periode uitstrekte. De nu vijftig jaar oude taalwet van 1963 wordt als eindpunt van dit proces beschouwd. Het tempo van de vernederlandsing verschilde van school tot school naargelang van hun ligging en leiding.Het bisschoppelijke Sint-Hubertuscollege in Neerpelt is het eerste Vlaams college. Daar werd in 1910 volledig Nederlandstalig gestart zowel tijdens de klasuren als erbuiten in de ontspanningstijd en het godsdienstig verenigingsleven. Gunstige factoren waren in dit verband de ligging van de school, ver weg van de taalgrens of een verfranste stad, met vrijwel geen Waalse leerlingen én de gebrekkige Franse taalkennis van de leerlingen die zich in 1910 aanboden. Ook de onvolledige humanioracyclus en het ontbreken van een concurrerende rijksschool speelden daarbij mee. Deze gunstige omgevingsfactoren en het feit dat in naburige katholieke colleges zoals die van Peer en Maaseik het vernederlandsingsproces in een stroomversnelling zat, werden door de koppige directeur Jaak Peuskens aangegrepen om het Nederlands in zijn college in te voeren. Het bisdom dat hem hiervoor op de vingers tikte, liet uiteindelijk betijen na een goede uitslag in de jaarlijkse staatsprijskamp.Met de inrichting van een internaat en de volledige humanioracyclus en de faam als eerste Vlaams college vergrootte de school haar rekruteringsgebied. Dat gebeurde onder impuls van de ondernemende directeur Gerard Nulens die contacten onderhield in Vlaamsgezinde milieus van diverse strekking. Neerpelt dat via het spoor gemakkelijk bereikbaar was, werd zo een flamingantisch trefpunt. Onder meer de zonen van Frans Van Cauwelaert, August Borms en Emiel Wildiers zaten er op de schoolbanken. Ook nadat het bisdom onverwacht en zonder duidelijke motivering de hoogste twee klassen van de klassieke humaniora afschafte, bleef het college van Neerpelt aantrekkingskracht uitoefenen op zonen van leidinggevende Vlaamsgezinden.________The Sint-Hubertuscollege (St Hubert’s secondary School) in Neerpelt: the first Flemish secondary school?A micro-investigation of the Dutchification of secondary education.The Dutchification of secondary education in Flanders was a laborious process that took a very long time. The now fifty year old law on the use of language of 1963 is considered as the finishing point of this process. The speed of the Dutchification differed from school to school according to its location and administration.The Episcopal Sint-Hubertuscollege in Neerpelt was the first Flemish secondary school. In 1910 it became an entirely Dutch speaking school, where Dutch was used during classes as well as elsewhere during leisure time and at religious associations. This was favoured by factors such as the location of the school, far away from the language border or a Frenchified city, the fact that there were hardly any Walloon pupils as well as the deficient knowledge of French of the pupils who applied in 1910. In addition, the incomplete cycle of coursework in humanities and the lack of a competing state school played a role. The stubborn director Jaak Peuskens took advantage of these favourable environmental factors and the fact that in neighbouring Catholic secondary schools like the ones in Peer and Maaseik the Dutchification process was rapidly gaining speed in order to introduce Dutch in his secondary school. The diocese that rapped him over the knuckles for this, in the end condoned it after the school obtained a good result in the annual state competition.After the setting up of the boarding school, the introduction of the complete humanities cycle and the resulting fame of being the first Flemish secondary school, the school enlarged its catchment area for recruitment. This happened at the instigation of the enterprising director Gerard Nulens who had contacts in pro-Flemish circles of various tendencies. Thus Neerpelt, which was so easily accessible by rail, became a Pro-Flemish meeting point. Pupils who attended the school included among others the sons of Frans Van Cauwelaert, August Borms and Emiel Wildiers. Even after the diocese unexpectedly and without clear motivation cancelled the two highest classes of the classical humanities cycle, the secondary school of Neerpelt continued to attract the sons of pro-Flemish leaders.

Anna-Maria Stenseth ◽  
Unn-Doris K. Bæck

AbstractThis study explores the influence of geographical location on young pupils’ educational orientations and their transition from lower to upper secondary school; it pays particular attention to the voices of male youths from a rural area. More specifically, it investigates the interplay between gender and geographical contexts and the significance of these factors in understanding the processes associated with educational orientations. Margaret Archer’s framework is used to analyse how pupils’ agency is constrained and/or enabled by objective structures. The data material consists of qualitative interviews with 18 pupils transitioning from lower to upper secondary school in Norway. Each of the pupils was interviewed twice: first when they were in their last year of lower secondary education, and then during their first year of upper secondary education. The findings show that pupils consider geographical locations when making decisions about further education and work. In addition, they believe that education beyond compulsory schooling benefits their life in the rural areas. However, unlike their urban counterparts, pupils from rural areas appear to have a more constraining transition to upper secondary education. Through the analyses in this article, it becomes clear that both geographical location and gender are key factors for understanding processes connected to education.

Sensors ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 153
Daniel Amo ◽  
Paul Fox ◽  
David Fonseca ◽  
César Poyatos

Robotics technology has become increasingly common both for businesses and for private citizens. Primary and secondary schools, as a mirror of societal evolution, have increasingly integrated science, technology, engineering and math concepts into their curricula. Our research questions are: “In teaching robotics to primary and secondary school students, which pedagogical-methodological interventions result in better understanding and knowledge in the use of sensors in educational robotics?”, and “In teaching robotics to primary and secondary school students, which analytical methods related to Learning Analytics processes are proposed to analyze and reflect on students’ behavior in their learning of concepts and skills of sensors in educational robotics?”. To answer these questions, we have carried out a systematic review of the literature in the Web of Science and Scopus databases regarding robotics sensors in primary and secondary education, and Learning Analytics processes. We applied PRISMA methodology and reviewed a total of 24 articles. The results show a consensus about the use of the Learning by Doing and Project-Based Learning methodologies, including their different variations, as the most common methodology for achieving optimal engagement, motivation and performance in students’ learning. Finally, future lines of research are identified from this study.

1976 ◽  
Vol 22 ◽  
pp. 319-333 ◽  

Joseph Proudman was born on 30 December 1888 at Thurston Fold Farm, Unsworth, near Bury in Lancashire. His father was then a farm bailiff; from 1898 to his death in 1943 he was a small tenant farmer at Bold, near Widnes in Lancashire. Joseph Proudman attended primary school at Unsworth from 1894 to 1898, and at Bold from 1898 to 1902. From 1902 to 1907 he was a pupil-teacher at Farnworth primary school between Bold and Widnes. He tells us that in 1902 his salary was £6 10s. Od. per year, and in 1907 it was £24 per year. His secondary education was begun by the headmaster, A. R. Smith, who gave him a lesson each morning from 8 to 8.45 before the school opened at 9. During the winters of 1902-4 he attended evening classes at the Widnes Technical School, studying art, mathematics and physiography. From 1903 to 1907 he only taught for half of each week; the other half he attended classes at the Widnes Secondary School. This was an excellent school, and it was here that the mathematical bent of his life was determined. From that time onwards his chief recreation became reading, especially the reading of history. One result of this interest was the writing of the unusually full autobiographical papers, of which the present writers have made much use.

2006 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-205 ◽  

We know very little about the French vocabulary that is learned in school and this paper reports a study which measures learners' vocabulary size and progress in secondary school. The methodology for estimating vocabulary size in French is comparable with vocabulary size testing in other foreign languages, and this makes comparison with vocabulary learning in French and other languages possible. Results suggest that learners learn about 170 words per year up to GCSE and about 530 words per year in ‘A’ level study and are influenced by word frequency. On average, learners take GCSE with under 1000 words of French vocabulary and ‘A’ level with about 2000 words. These results appear modest compared with historical data and when compared with other language exams pitched at the same CEF levels as GCSE and ‘A’ level. Vocabulary size predicts ‘A’ level grade particularly impressively. There is a worrying period where progress, even of the best learners, appears to halt for several years.

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
pp. 203-212
E. Tolegen ◽  
T. Morozova ◽  

The article is devoted to the problems of false interaction of students in the field of secondary education.The article conducts a scientific analysis of the term «paleointensity».Falseointractions are interactions of a special kind, characterized by the awareness of lies (falsehood, deception) by both Actors and the simultaneous acceptance (or imitation of acceptance) of this lie for the truth.The main purpose of the article is to explain the relationship between truthfulness and falsity of information through falseointeraction among secondary school students and to determine the level of relevance of this problem on the basis of special studies and scientific articles published

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