Social support: Mapping the construct

2009 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-120 ◽  
Irwin G. Sarason ◽  
Barbara R. Sarason

Social support is a construct with multiple dimensions that can be approached at multiple levels. Findings from a variety of disciplines and recognition of its bidirectional nature can help map the construct. Bidirectionality is a process that requires attention to moderators, such as, gender, cultural change, and personal development, together with the relationship between the receiver and the provider of support. Both close personal ties and weaker ones that often are part of community involvement need to be taken into account in order to map the construct comprehensively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Tri Sumarni ◽  
Indri Heri Susanti ◽  
Agung Permana

Perilaku caring dipandang sebagai bagian penting dari keperawatan dan sebagai kompetensi yang diharapkan pada mahasiswa keperawatan. Kelompok teman sebaya sangat berguna dalam menyediakan lingkungan di mana mahasiswa keperawatan dapat belajar caring. Dukungan sosial juga penting untuk pengembangan profesional dan pribadi mahasiswa keperawatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis hubungan peer caring behavior dan dukungan sosial dengan perilaku caring mahasiswa keperawatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa program studi sarjana keperawatan sebanyak 250 mahasiswa yang terdiri dari semester 4, 6 dan 8 teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan perilaku caring diadaptasi dari kuesioner Caring Behavior Inventory (CBI) dan kuesioner Peer Caring Behavior Scale serta Social Support Questionnaire. Hasil: Rata-rata peer caring behaviors 63,1, rata-rata dukungan sosial 16,5, rata-rata  perilaku caring 129,3, ada hubungan peer caring behavior dengan perilaku caring (r=0,269, p=0,015) dan hubungan dukungan sosial dengan perilaku caring (r=0,215, p=0,01). Kesimpulan: terdapat hubungan antara peer caring behavior dan dukungan sosial dengan perilaku caring.  Pendidik harus mendorong pelaksanaan perilaku caring diantara teman sebaya di kalangan mahasiswa sebagai sarana memfasilitasi hubungan mahasiswa dengan pasien dan keluarganya di masa yang akan datang. Pendidik juga mempertimbangkan peran potensial yang berkembang dari teknologi media sosial sebagai sumber dukungan sosial yang dapat diakses dan sebagai media pembelajaran dalam peningkatan perilaku caring. Kata Kunci: peer caring behaviors; dukungan sosial; perilaku caring  mahasiswa keperawatan  PEER CARING BEHAVIORS AND SOCIAL SUPPORT TOWARDS CARING BEHAVIOR OF BACHELOR NURSING STUDENTS AT FACULTY OF HEALTH HARAPAN BANGSA UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT Caring behavior is seen as an important part of nursing and as an expected competency in nursing students. Peer groups are very useful in providing an environment in which nursing students can learn caring. Social support is also important for the professional and personal development of nursing students. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between peer caring behavior and social support towards nursing students' caring behavior. This research was a descriptive correlational study with a cross sectional approach. The sample of this study was 250 undergraduate nursing students consisting of semesters 4, 6 and 8. The sampling technique used total sampling. The research instrument used caring behavior was adapted from the Caring Behavior Inventory (CBI) questionnaire and the Peer Caring Behavior Scale questionnaire and the Social Support Questionnaire. The average of peer caring behavior was 63.1, the average social support was 16.5, the average caring behavior was 129.3, it is stated that there is a relationship between peer caring behavior and caring behavior (r = 0.269, p = 0.015) and the relationship between social support and caring behavior (r = 0.215, p = 0.01). There is a relationship between peer caring behavior and social support with caring behavior. Educators must encourage the implementation of caring behavior among students as a means of facilitating student relations with patients and their families in the future. Educators also consider the developing potential role of social media technology as an accessible source of social support and as a learning medium in enhancing caring behavior. Keywords: peer caring behavior; social support; caring behavior; nursing student’s caring behaviour

2016 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-134 ◽  
Elizabeth B. Lozano ◽  
Mahzad Hojjat ◽  
Judith Sims-Knight

Abstract. The present study examined the relationship between resilience and positive outcomes in friendships of young adults. SEM and bootstrapping analyses were performed to test whether positive emotions mediate the relationship between ego-resilience and enhanced friendship outcomes. Findings revealed indirect effects for friendship closeness, maintenance behaviors, and received social support. Our findings demonstrate the importance of positive emotions and its connection with trait resilience in the realm of friendships.

2016 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-39 ◽  
Nicole L. Hofman ◽  
Austin M. Hahn ◽  
Christine K. Tirabassi ◽  
Raluca M. Gaher

Abstract. Exposure to traumatic events and the associated risk of developing Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms is a significant and overlooked concern in the college population. It is important for current research to identify potential protective factors associated with the development and maintenance of PTSD symptoms unique to this population. Emotional intelligence and perceived social support are two identified protective factors that influence the association between exposure to traumatic events and PTSD symptomology. The current study examined the mediating role of social support in the relationship between emotional intelligence and PTSD symptoms. Participants included 443 trauma-exposed university students who completed online questionnaires. The results of this study indicated that social support mediates the relationship between emotional intelligence and reported PTSD symptoms. Thus, emotional intelligence is significantly associated with PTSD symptoms and social support may play an integral role in the relationship between emotional intelligence and PTSD. The current study is the first to investigate the role of social support in the relationship between emotional intelligence and PTSD symptoms. These findings have important treatment and prevention implications with regard to PTSD.

2014 ◽  
Jennifer Bryan ◽  
Mai-Ly Nguyen ◽  
Michelle Quest ◽  
Chelsie Young ◽  
Dawn Foster ◽  

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